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The Neverending Review Quest

A quest I started 3 years ago thanks to Although it didn't start off with this in mind I ended up spending more time on writing at least a few sentences on each game I finished. These are more like my thoughts on the game instead of a traditional review. Since one paragraph isn't quite enough to sell anyone on a game. I've posted some of these on Giant Bomb as Mini Reviews.

This now has every mini review I posted on dpadd. As you might be able to tell I play a lot of games. Plus I'm willing to play just about anything. I'm still going to keep posting reviews but I've switched over to doing longer reviews which means I will most likely take longer to post them compared to these short ones I've been doing every time I see the credits in a game.

After all this is also a way for me to keep tabs on every game I've beaten. Plus it's great to go back and see what I thought about the game when it is time for Game of the year discussions.

List items

  • Scattered Gaming: Sometimes even I don't know what game I'll pick up next.

    About the only thing I knew about this game before starting it up was that it was a puzzle game. Turns out it was also the reincarnation of Marble Madess as well although you play as a puddle of mercury instead of a marble. Tilting the world around to move the mercury is the main mechanic but they add color in to vary up some of the puzzle mechanics. Along with that trying to ace a level has a fulfilling charm to it if your a perfectionist. Other than trying to beat the level fast it is often pretty hard to get to the exit with the entire puddle intact without losing any.

    Although 120 normal levels may seem like a lot it's pretty easy to beat them all in about 4 hours. None of the levels are that difficult to beat without trying to ace every objective. So unless you like to ace everything this game doesn't have that much content. But it does have a assortment of bonus levels plus a challenge mode if your looking for a bit more challenge than the main discovery mode. Those levels are similar or the exact same ones that are in the main mode though. Still I enjoyed playing this game since it reminded me of Marble Madness but it may not have much staying power after finishing main set of puzzles. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • My expectations when starting this up were low and it somehow managed to exceed those low expectations. It isn't that great of a game yet it requires some skill in order to defeat even the weakest enemy. Other than easy every difficulty requires you to know how to dodge or counter attacks in order to not die really quickly. I was somehow compelled to keep playing this mainly thanks to how it plays more so than the story. Since it is a generic fantasy story with a annoying/silly protagonist that always seems like he/she just hates everyone.

    Coming back to the gameplay it is rather simple mainly requiring hitting one or two buttons to attack enemies with another one used for blocking. The real interesting part is using the rest of the the tools to distract the enemies. I almost always had a reason to use a trap or some magic instead of just relying on using the basic attacks all the time. I feel like this game falls into the same category of compelling fantasy games that Two Worlds and Gothic are also apart of. They may not be the best games ever but each one has a certain charm that make them fun to play. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • In honor of Mortal Kombat X being announced today I'll finally get around to reviewing the Vita version of MK. I've always been a on and off again fighting game player but Mortal Kombat brought everything I enjoyed about a fighting game back again. Simple to do special moves with easy to pull off combos meant I could easily learn move sets for multiple characters. Which is good for me since I tend to play more than one character thus never really being competitive at all. The narrative structure of this game pretty much put every other fighting games story to shame. Being immersed in a multilayered wacky story that gave me a reason to check out more than one character was great.

    The one thing the vita can't do very well is maintain the how good the game looks graphically. Sure everything looks like should but it's a obvious downgrade from the consoles. Yet it still maintains a steady 60fps that is pretty much a requirement for keeping the gameplay smooth. Unlike the many other older Mortal Kombat ports for portables this is the one to get if your interested in a fighter on the go. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Super Mario Kart was a great game when it first came out but it doesn't hold up as well today. The game still looks good thanks to the power of Mode 7. Plus the tracks are balanced well with them getting slightly harder as I advanced through all the cups. Yet the biggest flaw is that I just don't like how the karts handle at all. Trying to drift in this game seems really annoying since I almost always don't want to drift since it usually sends me off of the course. The rest of the game is certainly well made yet the most important part doesn't seem very fun to me anymore. Still this is the first one and they quickly improved on this formula with MK64. Time to see if it holds up any better than SMK. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Turns out Mario Kart 64 is still a great racing game. Unlike SMK I enjoyed the handling of the karts a lot better. Since it is a lot easier to drift around corners and the different Karts feel like they are a lot easier to control using the thumb stick. Graphically it doesn't hold up quite a well with the mix of 2D and fully 3D environments make it look a little out of place these days. Overall it's the most well rounded Mario Kart game with every mode being fun to play. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • The first game really caught my interest randomly since I never knew I wanted to replay NES's games in a rapid fire pace. That raised the bar so much that this game couldn't even live up to it. The main issue now is that they don't remix the different games together enough. The sad thing is that the credit sequence at the end shows a lot of unique looking remixed levels that aren't even in this game. Also I enjoyed playing the games in the first game more than this one too. This selection of games is still solid but Iitjust didn't keep me interested in it. The extra Luigi bros game is unique enough to play once. Plus championship mode is a nice callback to the tournaments Nintendo used to host. In the end they really need to try to vary up the ways they remix games together since I think this type of game works once. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Well they improved the Kart handling for what is pretty much Super Mario Kart 2. Once again the tracks are balanced well with each one getting slightly harder than the last one. Yet the biggest flaw this game had is that mutiplayer was almost impossible. Which is bad since that is where most of the replay value lies other than trying to beat it on hard. In the end they did improve this one in some ways yet the fact that it doesn't have any mutiplayer makes it a so-so Mario Kart. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I've noticed a trend with Mario Kart games that I seem to enjoy the fully 3D environment games more than the 2D based games. This one does everything I would want to MK game to do other than the online now not working anymore. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Time to review the other sniping based game. Which mainly means I'm going to compare the two since they both have similar mechanics. Each one seems to hit a check mark on a list of things a sniper game must have. Unlike the constant slow mo shot every 30 seconds in Sniper Elite V2 they rarely show the slow mo shot in this game so it doesn't get annoying. Even in a first person view point sneaking by enemies was a lot easier to do than I expected as well. Also SE V2 might have the better physics on a bullet but this game gives the player more information to make better shots quickly. In each instance of comparison Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 is slightly better than SN V2.

    Although it's a more well balanced progression through a map the levels felt like I was going down a set path without being able to mix things up by picking a different sniping point. Also I don't think the story even registered in my mind since I've seen it quite a few times already. After all if your playing this game it's only so you can play the class everyone hates in a FPS. In the end I think they did a okay job of making a sniper based campaign that was fun to play. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Mario Kart 8 almost does everything I would want a new MK game to do. Out of all the MK games I've played this one has the best handling. Sliding around corners to gain extra boost has never been more satisfying in a game till now. Unlike most other MK's being first in this game usually means you can keep 1st place if you drive perfectly but the real fun is just mixing it up with everyone if your in the middle of the pack. Visually this game is also nice with each level having a completely different style and track. The online component of this game also works flawlessly so far since I haven't seen any lag yet.

    Yet it still has one flaw that causes it to not be a near perfect game and that is the battle mode. Setting the battle in different race tracks just causes everyone to spread out so it's nearly impossible to take everyone out before the 3 minutes are up. Looking for someone just isn't that fun compared to the constant barrage of items a arena match would have. Also the tracks felt like they were a bit to large so I never really had any issues with falling off a track. That certainly sounds like a weird issue so maybe that's just me used to all the pitfalls in the older MK games. Overall this game is a really fun kart racing game that anyone should play if they enjoy kart racers. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is exceedingly weird yet the gameplay isn't that great. It's obvious that the main hook this game has is that everything is slightly crazy. Between fighting a wizard in a wrestling match and a giant pig boss fight you never quite know what might happen next. Mixed in with that is a assortment of well thought out puzzles that were interesting to figure out. But the main gameplay of shooting random monsters was kinda boring after a while since at one point I just gave up on fighting anything unless I had to. Still even if the action isn't that great getting to the next strange thing is certainly worth doing. Plus the music is another highlight since I enjoyed listening to it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • It's worth playing based on what these games brought to the arcades when they first came out. They stood out with the unique look they had since it pretty much looks like a cartoon. Plus they might just be the first games with quick time events. Although that's all they really have gameplay wise. Overall it's mostly about seeing what might happen next since every new scene is fun to watch even if playing it can be kinda annoying. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game heavily relies on how much the player likes gaming related humor. If you don't think you'll enjoy a video game that is making fun of video games then stay away from this one since that's the main attraction. It is pretty much just a visual novel with a few multiple choice questions throughout the story. The idol management part is barely even a factor since it's really easy to get enough shares to beat the game. Which just leaves a bunch of silly events that I enjoyed watching. Other than the basic menu navigation to pick different events for each day it also has a concert mode that mixes things up a little. Although a lot like the simulation part of the game it's really easy to set up a perfect concert without really trying. Moving the camera around a bit while hitting the effects when the crowd chants always gets great results.

    This seems to be another game I want to give 4 stars to yet after I read what I wrote it really doesn't seem like a 4 star game. I do think it's worth playing if you enjoy a humorous story even if the gameplay gets in the way of it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Vague storytelling may not be everyone's cup of tea yet the turn based combat really keeps every encounter interesting. Transistor literally just throws the player into the action without explaining anything other than a simple tutorial. I enjoyed figuring out how all the different skills complimented each other depending on where and when each skill is used in a turn. Each turn plays out like a turn based battle with a assortment of attacks that can be used before having to wait. Figuring out how run or dodge attacks in the down time adds some extra strategy.

    I didn't mind the unknown aspect of the story since it gives enough information that I still enjoyed it. But I can see why some might not like that type of story since if you want to understand the world of Transistor you will not understand it at all by the time the credits roll. The game is also fairly short at only 4 hours but it does have some additional side missions that add a bit of time. Overall I really enjoyed playing through Transistor and it has plenty of great art to go along with the fantastic combat. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Even if the gunplay doesn't hold up the escape a prison story still works. Most of the game is about sneaking around and punching dudes instead of shooting them anyway. Obviously the main story beat is trying to get out of Butcher Bay. Each section of the prison is unique with the first part being about helping out other prisoners so Riddick can escape. The second part is about combating monsters and the final part is about a little bit of revenge while finally escaping. They also managed to have a good mix of the different gameplay types too. So nothing really got old by the time I finished the game.

    As stated before the gunplay doesn't hold up at all. The screen zooming in weirdly when trying to get a better shot at someone just looks bad. This isn't a problem most of the time since this game doesn't have to many gun blazing moments. Overall this game still holds up fairly well. If escaping from a space prison sounds like a fun time to you then check this game out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • his game does everything I would want from a game that is going for a SNES platformer vibe. The addition of the jetpack makes some jumps that could have annoyed me perfectly doable. Plus once I started this game it was really hard to stop playing till I had everything. Although that doesn't take much time at all since it took about 4 hours. It may be short but I just enjoyed the different challenges each map had since it never got super hard. Sure some of the enemy placement seemed annoying at first but I don't think it ever took more than 10 deaths on each of the hard levels. Overall Mutant Mudds is a near perfect platformer that is fun to play if you still enjoy that type of game. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Mighty Switch Force 2 doesn't do much to change up the mechanics from the first game. It doesn't even make more challenging puzzles since it has about the same level of difficulty. The one new thing is that Patty uses a fire hose instead of a gun this time so they added in a few pipe puzzles. The rest of the game is just a new variation of the puzzles from the first game. That isn't a bad thing since they are fun to figure out and the game has a nice cartoonish art style to it too. It's better to think of this as a expansion than a sequel. If you liked the first game then it's worth playing this one. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • A remake that actually improves on what the original game was going for. The original had a lot of different puzzle mechanics but it just wasn't fun to play. This one still has a lot of variation with the different puzzles but it never becomes annoying. Since Blob can turn into a assortment of items like a ladder or even a rocket ship each level always has a new mechanic. The cartoon art style may seem like this could just be full of easy levels but that isn't true. It may start easy yet by the end it will challenge you to figure out a lot of tough puzzles.

    The only flaw I noticed was that it seemed to go on for a bit to long. Maybe I'm just used to this type of game being fairly short but even with the great variation it just seemed like it might have been 7 levels to long. In the end it's a great puzzle game that makes every level feel unique with the different things Blob can turn into. By the way this game also has a hug button which might just be the cutest thing ever. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is a well made Zelda title that has a few flaws like some of the boss designs. Adventuring around the world map unlocking dungeons using the previous items that Link finds is really well done. It never felt like I ever had to reuse a item to much that it began to feel boring. Each dungeon also felt unique with a assortment of different skills put to use. Plus the added ability of shrinking down to a really tiny Link adds some extra variation to the puzzles as well.

    The fact that two of the bosses were just a enemy like a Octorok made them feel a little uninspired. Also this game feels a lot shorter than most Zelda games with only 6 dungeons instead of 8. Still even if it was shorter it might have helped me like the game more since it didn't overuse any one item. Along with Skyward Sword it does everything you would want a Zelda game to do yet it doesn't quite excel in creating a near perfect game. Still a good Zelda game is worth playing if your up for another adventure in the realm of Hyrule. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Xblaze tries to differentiate itself from most other visual novels with the unique take on how the story progresses yet the rest of the game feels really generic. Plus after finishing my first playthrough it's fairly obvious that even though the progression feels different it still follows the same archetype as any other VN. So if you want to get Es's ending just pay attention to what she reads on the IOs instead of telling her what she wants to hear like most games like this. I will say the characters you meet are interesting even though it feels like I never got a chance to learn to much about them.

    Maybe some of the other paths the story can take could be more compelling yet it doesn't seem like it has much variation on what can happen other than the final chapters. Overall it's just a really generic visual novel that doesn't even rely on the fact that this is technically a Blaz Blue prequel. This could have easily just been a brand new IP instead of latching on BB for no real reason. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This does a lot of things I should like even if I didn't enjoy it as much. The obvious highlight is the great soundtrack this game has. It was always a delight to listen to the wide variety of tunes throughout the entire game. The main gameplay mechanic of using the shovel to attack and bounce on enemies also works well. Plus the art style certainly fits with what they were going for when making this game. Even how jumping and bouncing over pits works correctly since everything feels like it should.

    Everything in this game works like it should but it doesn't quite feel right. Bosses seem really simple with only bottomless pits being the true enemy in some fights. All of the relics seem to make the game really easy as well. Sure you might say I could ignore them but I always use whatever a game gives me to finish it. In the end this is a game worth playing if you even slightly enjoy playing a NES like video game. It may look like a old game but it obviously has a lot of modern concepts that make it a better overall package these days. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Medal of Honor was interesting when it first came out but these days it feels dated. The mix of old war war II footage mixed in to set up a new mission still works even if it feels disjointed. Since they were trying to make a consistent story it doesn't quite fit since it seems like the hero is always in some random new location. The slow pace of the combat is also a negative. Even the sub machine guns don't fire fast enough. The weird thing about this is that they fix it in the expansion packs. Also the ending to this game literately is just the words THE END after running out of a exploding building. I don't need much but I at least expected a monologue over old footage about the allies winning.

    I will say that each mission does have plenty of unique objectives each time. So at one point you might be blowing something up with C4 and then the next one might be sneaking into a base disguised as a nazi soldier. Overall this game really feels dated and not as fun to play these days. It's unfortunate but every game can't stand the test of time. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Spearhead does everything I wanted the base game to do. Combat has a faster pace with some extra variety with the different weapons they added in. Even the narrative has a better flow to it with the extra narration after competing a set of missions. The only flaws this expansion has is that the vehicle levels seem imbalanced along with it being kinda short even though I didn't mind it. I'm not sure how they did it but this expansion is worth playing more than the base game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I tried to get into this when it first came out but it didn't seem that interesting. This time I decided to stick it out and see if it was any good. Turns out it's a solid action RPG that doesn't have much of a story. Sure it has a overarching story but it just feels like they wanted to get as many villains to fight as possible instead of trying to tell a consistent story. But the gameplay is really solid with each character having a assortment of different powers to make them feel unique. Everything also has a really fast pace so you'll always run into a new type of enemy or boss type throughout the entire game. It's also not a very hard game since I never felt like I was challenged till the final boss fight. Overall this game does the one thing it was aiming for (Loot!) really well while the rest of it is kinda boring. If you like Marvel and enjoy action RPG's it's at least worth checking out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Muramasa Rebirth manages to make a awesome action game with only one attack button. The fact that it has a good variety of attacks like a slide dash or a up slash keeps the combat interesting. Each sword in this game also has a special attack that can aid the player a bit in a few situations. The unfortunate thing is that most of the special moves don't seem to be as effective as normal attacks. Most of the time I would rather keep my sword bar near max instead using some energy for a special move since that bar is also used for blocking. I obviously couldn't review a Vaniliaware game without mentioning the great 2D visuals. Between the gorgeous background art and the crazy looking bosses you'll always see something worth looking at. Also the boss design is good with each one requiring the player to know how to dodge/block attacks or face the consequences.

    Bosses may be well done but the normal enemy types are boring to fight after a while. This is only noticeable if you decide to play through both sides of the story since they share normal enemy types. Also this game can be really short if you don't take the time to play both stories since each side takes about 4-5 hours. The story is alright but I can't say it was compelling me to continue the game since playing it was what kept me hooked. In the end this game is a great action game that I never got around to playing till now. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Dead Space 3 starts off as a interesting space action adventure and slowly turns into a boring repetitive mess. It does do a few things right like how most of the action moments like escaping a exploding ship are dramatic. Plus the gunplay feels alright since Issac can make a variety of weapons once you find the parts. The first part of this game also feels a lot like what DS was about mostly thanks to it taking place in a few old space ships.

    Yet once the story heads towards the planet I started to not enjoy playing it anymore. Each new enemy that starts showing up is just another variation of a monster with claws for arms. Even the story starts to seem repetitive with a notable one being a collect 5 things to continue the story mission. Which leads into a very rare complaint of this game feeling like it was going on for far to long. By the time I got to the end I was ready to delete this off my hard drive unfortunately. Overall this game had promise with a fun intro but they didn't manage to keep the pacing varied enough to enjoy the entire game. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game had a great first episode and a solid last episode as well. It's just that getting from the beginning to the end isn't as interesting as it could have been. The foundation of this story was great since seeing the assortment of Fables living their life in New York was certainly neat. Playing as Bigby the big bad wolf in a detective noir like story was enough to get me interested in game after all. It's kinda surprising but the action along with figuring out the mystery was what kept me coming back for more. The action may just come down to being a QTE yet it fits in better than I thought it would

    Yet the great action scenes aren't augmented with interesting characters most of the time. Bigby is always meeting someone new each time which left me with the feeling that none of the characters really get much of a chance to expand on their narrative. It's obliviously not possible to account for every action a player can take but it does seem like the illusion of choice in this game is very noticeable. Even if I wanted to go one way the game would correct my choice by forcing me down the way it wanted to tell the story. Even with those issues this game is worth playing if the premise sounds interesting to you. It is just a faulty detective story that has enough hooks to keep going till the end. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Tomodachi Life has a lot of good things going on with the assortment of silly skits it has yet I started to notice repetition within only 5 hours of game time. The things it does well like making the Mii's talk and the random events that happen are really great the first time you see them. I'm not sure if watching the Mii's sing a song will ever get old especially since it's possible to change the lyrics. Overall this game has quite a bit of customization since almost everything you can interact with can be changed. For example it's possible to change the look of the Mii's apartment and change their clothes as well.

    This game is more about watching or creating humorous situations. Yet that also means the gameplay is rather lacking since most of the time is spent giving out items or playing one of the few mini games. Since it isn't very fun to play after a while it's unfortunate that I started to notice skits repeating. Without some new silly thing to see I didn't have much of a reason to keep picking it up to play for a few minutes like I was doing the first day I got it. It's not a bad game per say since I think it's worth playing for the comedy alone. If it just had more a better variety of content it could have been a 4 stars experience yet since it doesn't it's a merely a ok 3 star game. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game may seem rather simple at first but it has a lot of little additions to the basic action RPG foundation. Like having a number associated with each weapon so if you put them in order they will do additional damage to enemies. Also each weapon has a different type of damage which gives a reason to switch up the order and type of weapon depending on what the enemies are weak too. Since I was always switching around weapons after each level it never quite got boring since requires a bit more thought to beat some of the enemies and bosses. The rather dark storytelling of the story was at least unique. Although it wasn't anything special the tale of the hundred knight and the witch was at least worth seeing.

    The main flaw this game has is that most of the loot doesn't really feel unique other than extra damage. Since most of it doesn't have any visual effect on the hundred knight I didn't have a reason to collect new loot like most action RPG's. Still I think the Witch and the Hundred Knight is a really good action rpg with a unorthodox story that is worth playing if the premise sounds interesting to you. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • MM 64 used to be a great game to play a few rounds of mutiplayer with my best friend yet looking back on it now it seems slightly flawed. The setting is still the biggest highlight since it's fun to race on billiard tables and lab tabletops. Each race has a different car that controls differently so each stage requires the player to learn the race track and how the car maneuvers.

    But that is also a flaw since this game has no map. Especially if I played on a higher turbo speed level it was nearly impossible to take a turn without going outside of the racetrack. Also the single player porton of this game is rather boring. In the end this game is only worth playing if you have someone else around to play with. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Yup I decided to play a few old N64 games this weekend. Unlike MM64 this still holds up better thanks to the stunt mode. Based solely on the fact that they added wings to the car when jumping this is the best Rush game. Making insane jumps while doing a ton of flips never gets old. Plus this even has medals scatted around every track so even when I'm doing crazy stunts I still have a extra objective to do if I want to unlock new areas.

    I can't say I ever actually got good at racing in any of the Rush games but the AI in this game seems to require me to perform a perfect race. I guess I'll forever be in 2nd place. I'm not sure how many unlock able tracks this game has but starting off it only has 5 tracks. Which isn't that many so I can see that this game might have a issue with not having enough content. Either way I still enjoy playing this game and I think it's the Rush game to play if you wanted to check out this series. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I spent some time playing through this cooperatively the last few weeks. Which is the way to play this since it adds more chaos to the mix. Pretty sure I laughed more at blowing up my friend or horrible checkpoint design than the cut scenes between worlds. This game was worth experiencing but it's not something I could see myself going back to after finishing it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • With it's bright and cheery visuals this game may seem to be a fun puzzle game yet it also deals with a lot of heavy stuff. The visuals are what popped out at me the most since I was drawn to it on that alone. Luckily the gameplay also holds up most of the time since it comes down to learning about what the different blocks do when they are matched up. Most of the game is about matching stuff together in order to progress yet different combos will have good and bad effects.

    The biggest issue is that this game seems to have is that its kinda imbalanced. I've gotten rooms packed so full of stuff it seemed nearly impossible to beat without dying. It's obviously not impossible since I managed to beat the game by saving only the minimum around the end of the game. Still thanks to it having a very steep difficulty curve I don't think that this game would appeal to everyone even if the visuals do. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • You know this game was looking like it would be a much improved version of the first thanks to it having some beat em up sections. Yet they lose all that good will with a very annoying boss fight near the end of the game and then proceed to make you fight him again 5 minutes later. Which makes this game just like the first it's good for 30 minutes yet the endgame will just annoy you. Doing the same thing as last time makes this a worse game in my eyes. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Since I'm rating this now instead of when I originally played this it doesn't quite live up to what my original review would be. 5/5 In some ways I kinda enjoy the insane difficulty curve that gives me a reason to level up characters compared to the mostly easy fights these days. Plus who doesn't like rock music while taking down a army solo. Yet it also has a horrible draw distance and the most annoying archers in a game ever. Overall it still has everything I enjoyed about it then now but it just didn't age well. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This is the best traditional Kirby game I've played since Kirby 64. First up it actually has a reasonable difficulty that isn't super easy like most Kirby games. Next up the fact that every power up in this game actually has a full move set is a nice touch. Since every power up has a different move depending on how you want Kirby to attack it gives the player plenty of options when dealing with enemies. Finally even the new supernova power is always amusing whenever it's used since it makes Kirby the most powerful pink puffball ever.

    About the only issue I could come up with was that they really didn't need to spell out what the villain's master plan was at the end of the game. Since no one ever really talks to often in these games it was kinda odd to see a subtitled cg cut scene during the final boss fight. Overall I just plain enjoyed playing this every day for about 20-30 minutes while I was on the road. Playing a level or two each day seems like the perfect way to play this game. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Everything in this game seems like it would automatically make it a bad game yet it's so cheesy that it transforms into a awesome mess. The premise is simple you are Storm-1 the most bad ass EDF solder on the planet and you must take down hundreds of bugs/robots/giant monsters/UFO's in order to save the world. Shooting a ton of bullets/rockets into wave after wave of enemies never gets old and the over the top VO during it just makes it better. A large set of weapons to choose from is also a nice way to add some variety to how you blow up everything. The game itself doesn't look that great but the reason you should play this has nothing to do with how it looks. Overall this game is fun to play and the portable nature of it makes it easy to play a mission while on the way to something. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Ken's Rage 2 doesn't quite live up to the first game at all. Sure it does add quite a bit like new characters and it tells the entire story arc of the Manga yet it just feels cheap. First up the realistic render everyone has doesn't fit in with the manga style cut scenes so it can look really weird sometimes. To counter act that a little bit the gameplay is still solid since it is still fun to punch a ton of enemies although some characters are better at that than others.

    This is also a game that takes a while to get going so at first it'll feel like it takes forever to take out just a few enemies yet once you get powered up it's a bloodbath. The Dream mode also got a downgrade since the first game did it better. A what if storyline is more interesting to me than retelling everyone's back-story again which is what they do in this game. In the end they did add a ton of new content yet the fact that they don't give me enough reason to actually check out dream mode cuts the game in half. Although the story mode is certainly still worth seeing since it was a fun ride to the end. I give this game a ATATAT out of ATATATATAT!

  • Story and content wise Destiny may not be very adequate yet it makes up for it by being really fun to play. This is the perfect game to play with a few friends for a little while each day. I would say this was a okay first attempt but it mainly makes me hope this is a Assassin's Creed one situation of the first part being kinda bland while the 2nd game turns out to be really awesome. This game most likely doesn't deserve 4 stars yet I just can't stop playing it. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is a pretty neat little bonus for picking up Azure Striker Gunvolt. The main flaw of this bonus is that it is kinda simple. I can see why they bundled it in since it isn't really a full fledged game. But it is still pretty fun to play through one time even if that will only take about 30 minutes. If you get this with it bundled it's worth playing but once it goes on sale I suggest not picking it up unless the price is low. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I finished playing through the story mode in preparation of starting P4Ultimax right after. Still a good fighting game but now that I've been playing the sequel this game is merely ok vs the sequel. It just doesn't have enough single player modes for someone that mainly focuses on those modes. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This sequel improves on what the first game started in every way. First up the story is much better than the everyone is the hero scenario from the first game which never really made much sense. Next up Golden Area mode has quite a few challenges that are fun to learn how to beat and it adds quite a bit of replay ability to the game for someone that likes to play a fighting game solo most of the time. Finally the game seems to be balanced pretty well with no overpowered characters although I'm certainly no expert on a game like this so that could be completely wrong. If you like Persona this game is worth getting even if you don't play fighting games very often. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • I will go ahead and say that this game is really creepy with a small assortment of bizarre enemies and odd environments. Although I think it relies on the same environment to much although it might have just been the path I went down but I only saw 2 different areas with slight variation between the two. Plus it kinda relies on making the player watch something horrible happen a bit to much so it wears off after a while. The game is also short at about 2 hours for one full play through. Still if walking around while trying to escape a neverending nightmare sounds fun then I still think this game is worth getting. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Still fun to play to this day even if it is easier than I remembered. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • The final level of this game is slightly to long for a arcade game. It's like they put level 5 and 6 together to make a super crazy level. It's certainly a wild ride but thanks to that I don't think it's on par with MS2. It's still a awesome game though. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Okage is a standard JRPG with a lot of heart and humor. Thanks to all of the silly antics the party gets into this game never gets boring except when the random battles get kinda annoying after a while. Although I could say that about any RPG. Other than that this little gem has a ton of silly moments that are always a delight to see. You never quite know what might happen next in the odd universe of Okage: Shadow King. Plus it's fairly short for a RPG at around 20 hours which is a good thing in my book these days. If your up for a quirky JRPG then it's worth checking this game out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • After playing the pre sequel I wanted to go back and see the orginal game. In some ways I think some of the systems in the first game work better than in the later ones. I kinda like how it has a weapon affinity system instead of the roulette wheel version in the later games. Using a gun and then getting upgrades for that type does work well. In other ways it does seem like the first version of a product. Not being able to sell my weapons all at once at a store or the fact that I have to pick up every single money stack is kinda annoying. Still the satisfying mix of FPS with RPG is still really fun to play. Still worth picking up if you don't mind some of the flaws that they fixed in the later games. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • On paper GTA: VCS has so many things that should make me like it yet the mission design isn't fun at all. Other than a few good ones most of them just made me annoyed that I would have to try them again. The fact that most misisons are escort missions is also a negative in my opinion. At least the cast of characters you meet are mostly like able since my main motivation to complete this was just to see what happened next in the story. It's better to stick with the mainline games since neither of these PSP games are worth playing. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • The award for the most obvious title that explains everything about the game goes to M:SS. It might as well be called Yo your a ghost cop. The game itself is a well produced adventure game that has a ton of collectibles. The main gameplay mechanic is looking for clues in a crime scene and then putting them together to figure out what happened. Along the way it also has minor stealth scenes but that never gets in the way of trying to solve the mystery. Overall it's a okay game that doesn't do much to stand out. If you like mystery's and adventure games it's worth checking out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is more Borderlands and none of the new mechanics really add much to change it. Sure the new slam move is fun to use although the oxygen meter seems kinda pointless since I never really ran out. Other than that the rest feels like it should although I will say the focus on making each character more unique via lines of dialogue adds a lot to making them interesting. In the end it comes down to if your still interested in playing another Borderlands game. Turns out I'm still up for it since I had a fun time playing through it in coop. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is a obvious homage to Space Invaders. On that point the early levels feel like I've went back in time although the main variation is that you can level up your ship. By the end (Which won't take you very long since I think it only took me a hour to finish all 100 levels.) you will have a rocket/laser death machine that makes the game a bit to easy. I suggest anyone playing this should play it in small chunks instead of all at once since it doesn't have any replay valve thanks to the fact the leader boards are full of max scores. Overall it's a okay game that has a lack of content and a reason to replay it again. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I've meant to update this more often the past few weeks since I resubscribed to gamefly for a month to play a assortment mostly B to C tier games. It may be no suprise to anyone but I grew up on Pokemon and Digimon so I was interested to see what they would do with a Digmon game in 2014.

    Turns out they made a PS1 game. My bar was pretty low yet they didn't even hit that. First up the combat isn't fun at all. It's just to slow paced since every combo gives the enemy 5 seconds of invincibility which just slows the fighting down to a crawl. The story mode is really basic with a static screen shot intro and a bunch of really easy battles that barely give the player much of a challenge. In the end this game is not even worth playing unless you really have a ton nostalgia for the rumble series of games or Digimon in general. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game isn't a good game but compared to what I was expecting it was actually alright. Sure it's a super linear semi stealth game but it does that type of action fairly well. Even when you get caught the basic attack can take down most zombies without any issues.

    The main issue this game has is when they force you to take on a hoard of zombies without any stealth at all. Which is most notable at the very end of the game when they have a arena based boss fight. As you might expect it becomes super annoying since they don't really give the player enough power to take on a fight like that without a bunch of retries. Also the story they tell is just a forgettable mess of random things happening to the hero that makes you think he is going crazy. Overall this is a adequate stealth game that doesn't really do anything worthwhile but it is also a sub par action game that doesn't give the player the right tools to fight all of the enemies. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This remake of Shadow Warrior manages to recapture the spirit of older FPS. The breakneck speed of the combat keeps it interesting. Gameplay is what keeps this game fun since everything else is sub par. The humor this game goes for does not seem that funny to me and the story might as well not even be in this game. Overall this game is okay thanks to the fact that I enjoyed shooting everything but just don't expect it to do anything else worthwhile. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Even though I didn't actually plan it this way playing this after SW seems like a perfect fit. Especially since this one manages to tell a interesting story along with great gun play. Sure some of the plot points are kinda wacky but it all seems to fit into the world of Wolfenstein. Plus I really like shooting everything in this game but even better than that they managed to make FPS stealth actually work. Having a dedicated lean button that I actually use is also worth noting since it let me see the patterns of the guards while trying to be sneaky and it is a good way to not get hit in a gunfight.

    Although the crazy nature of this universe fits in with Wolfenstein it is kinda jarring how they go from a super serious cut scene right into something like a giant mech. Also I thought this game had a lack of variety of guns since it seems like I mainly used the assault rifle for 90% of this game. Overall this game has more positives than negatives so if you enjoy FPS this one is definitely worth picking up. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This is the last game I got around to playing during the Gamefly saga. So out of all the games I've played this month this was the only one I mainlined without really doing any of the side content. The one thing this game doesn't have is a lack of content since it has a ton of stuff to do if your interested in collecting a bunch of stuff to power up. Also if you are interested in revisiting a bunch of areas from the anime this game has that in spades since the antagonist in this recreates moments and villains from different arcs in the anime.

    It may have a ton of fan service but that doesn't mean it's that fun to play. In some ways this feels even slower paced and basic than a Dynasty Warriors game. I can see that they are going for a defensive style of combat in this game yet it just makes it kinda boring. Plus it feels like the boss fights just go on for far to long. They never have that much variation in what they do so after 1 or two volleys I always know what to expect from them. Overall I feel like if your more interested in a One Piece game that has Monster Hunter like elements then this is the game for you otherwise this will just seem like a bad action game. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • I didn't actually play this back when it was first out but it still looked interesting so I picked it up. This plays a lot like the GI Joe arcade game although it has more mechanics than you would expect. Which includes a dodge roll that seems like it was really ahead of its time. The game itself is just about shooting a bunch of evil robot cowboys and giant mech bosses. It may be basic but it is still fun especially if you have someone around to play this in 2 player mode.

    The man flaw is that this game is really short. You can easily beat it in a few hours although the final level might give you some trouble. Still it's a neat action game that is worth checking out if you like these types of games. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Game & Wario may not have a insane amount of microgames to play like the original games but it still has a assortment of mini games that are fun to play. Not all of them are great like the Design mini game which is just about drawing a perfect line. This is countered by mini games like Patchwork which had me solving a assortment of puzzles. Going into this game I wasn't expecting much but this game is also a great game to play with friends. In the end this is a solid collection of games that hare just enough variation that you are guaranteed to like enough of them to make the purchase worth it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Smash Bros continues to be a awesome game to play with your friends whether they are near you or not. Not much can trump being on top of a chaotic 4 player smash battle. Whenever I'm not playing mutiplayer this game also has a ton of challenges which give me goals to aim for although I'm pretty sure I'll never finish them all. It also has a array of game modes to keep that kept me busy like Event mode which has a bunch of mini battles set up with some favor text and a variety of objectives.

    It does feel like this game is missing some kind of silly story mode like the one in Brawl. After all having all these charters together you might as well do something crazy like that every time. Still it's a fun game overall so if you like this type of game it's definitely worth picking up. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game builds on the first two games and manages to pick out the best parts. The previous flaws like it being to short or the level design being bad were corrected in this one. Plus the whimsical story is always a delight. Since this game is more level based it has plenty of unique environments for Shantae to hair whip her way through. Even though it is level based each stage has a unique puzzle to figure out in order to continue the story and it also has the usual set of metroidvania collectibles that Shantae can find using the assortment of pirate items in each dungeon. Each item gives her power ups like a triple jump or a dash attack that let her find certain hidden items.

    The only real flaw I noticed was that this game is really easy unless I put a limit on how many healing items I could use. Still that wasn't enough to make me not think that this was the best Shantae game so far. If your looking for a comical action game then you might want to check this one out. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Shadow of Mordor relies entirely on how fun the combat is to play and the nemesis system. Fortunity the Batman like combat works perfectly and it's always fun to get a crazy combo going while fighting 50 orcs. But it's the nemesis system that augments the gameplay in a way that lets me change up how I plan on going into each combat scenario. It's unfortunate that it doesn't get displayed in full till the later half of the game since controlling orcs can give the player quite a few options on how to compete each mission. Like one orc might be weak to fire so it's usually worth setting up a ambush instead of just running in swinging. The gameplay might be great but Talion's tale of revenge is kinda forgettable. Overall this game is worth picking up if your looking for a fun open world game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • For a mobile game this one is actually alright. Sure it still has a energy system but it makes up for that by having a interesting mix of RPG/Tower defense. It also has a solid story line with each party member getting their own side story mission. It's worth checking out if your looking for a game to play for a few minutes each day. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I'm a few years late but I wasn't going to let this little indie gem fly by without me playing it. Sure it's just a puzzle game about using 4 clones to solve a assortment of puzzles but it does that really well. The fact that the game actually puts obstacles in the way that make you think of different ways to use the swapper device is pretty awesome. Plus the look of the game is really unique and that also gives it a eerie atmosphere that fits in with the style of the game. The main issue I noticed was that the game is kinda short although I could see the puzzles getting a bit repetitive if they made this game longer. If your looking for a puzzle game with a excellent mystery that'll keep you interested in playing through all the puzzles to see what happens in the end then you should pick this one up. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This first episode doesn't do anything really interesting other than it was fun to play through once. Actually I was expecting this game to be horrible so it went beyond my expectation. Which means it's a okay Sonic game. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • The addition of Tails adds quite a few new moves that are needed to complete the game. Compared to the first game it gives each level a bit more variety since the new coop moves are needed to compete most levels. I actually played through most of the game in local coop which causes the game to be easier yet harder in other areas. Like we weren't able to complete the final boss till I tried to do it alone. But other than what Tails adds to each level this game feels about the same as the first one. It just annoyed me more since coop causes certain bosses to be really hard. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • De Blob 2 is a simple game about a blob that wants to recolor a world that has no color at all. Which is what the player will be focusing on for the entire game with some platforming mixed in and a awesome jazz soundtrack playing in the background. The game itself was aimed at kids so it doesn't have much of a challenge but it can be enjoyed by anyone since it has such a pleasing aesthetic. If your looking for a game that you can just sit back and enjoy the ride then this is the game for you. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • It may only be half the size of a regular R&C game but it is still a good one. This game pretty much has anything you would want from a game in this series. A wacky assortment of weapons and a lighthearted adventure story too. The length of the game is the only issue since it made me want to play one of the older games instead of doing a 2nd play through of this one. Still if your looking for a short charming action adventure game then check this one out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I must have really liked Defender since both Resogun and this game take quite a bit of inspiration from it. The goal of this game is to defend a bunch of cats that are trying to mine milk from the sea floor. To do this the player is equipped with a submarine that can be buffed with limited power ups to defeat a assortment of metal fish enemies. The game itself is fun to play in short bursts. Although I don't think this will have as much replay value since it doesn't have any extra challenges to go after. It does have a endless mode that lets the player take on a ever increasing amount of enemies but at some point it just seems so hard that I didn't feel like trying to make it to another wave. Overall if you liked Resogun (or Defender) and wanted more of that in a slightly different way then this game is worth checking out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I've always considered this game to be the weakest one in the Shantae trilogy. Sure the overall presentation and difficulty were improved over the Game boy color game. But the comical story isn't as effective plus it really feels like small interlude tale that doesn't move the story along at all. A lot like R&C: Into the Nexus it feels like a half of a full game. Still it is a good game worth playing if you like 2d action platformers. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Turns out that mixing a little horror into a turn based RPG makes it a really unique game. The fact that it also requires the player to dodge attacks between choosing what to do keeps every battle interesting. The slow reveal of why Aya isn't effected by the mitochondria and why Eve turns into a monster gives the player a reason to reach the end of the story. As long as you don't mind the fact that this game doesn't have voice over it still holds up and is still worth playing even today. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • I really wanted to like this game since it was inspired by Earthbound but it doesn't have the same charm. Plus the references just make me want to play EB instead. Also the fact that this game has way to many semi random battles really tested my patience. The worse part is that the developers let the player speed up the battles yet the citizen you need to do that is near the end of the game.

    Even the story feels like it is barely connected together and the jokes are only semi effective.

    The 40 citizens that are recruitable are at least unique and they all have different attack powers depending on who you use. That also runs into a slight snag since most of the time I wanted to keep my most leveled units since going in with a under powered unit never ends well. In the end if your looking for a well paced wacky story RPG then look elsewhere since this isn't the game for you. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • So the fact that they went from a perfectly from fun to play combat to tank controls makes this game a chore to play. I'm fine with those kind of controls when they fit but this game is all about being able to dodge attacks. Along with the fact that this story is pretty bland with no real plot other than trying to stop someone from infecting the world with neo-mitochondria. It's also missing the mystery that kept me interested in the first game too. I suggest skipping this part of the series unless you want to play all of the games like I'm doing right now. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • If you finished Second Son and were left with a need to play more then this is the game for you. This side story follows one of the other conduits in the original game Fetch. The game itself is split between arena fights with holograms and going back two years to see how she got captured by the D.U.P. I actually liked the arena fights since it's fun to use neon powers to take out the enemies and zoom around the arena. The story is worth seeing if you liked Fetch in I:SS but if you didn't like her then I doubt it'll be worth playing this prequel. In the end it comes down to if you wanted a bit more play time out of Infamous since this is a great supplemental game to tide you till the inevitable sequel happens. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • So with this final game in the series they kinda went off the deep end. Aya now has the ability to go back in time and take over solders that were close by when the Twisted first appeared. I kinda wish they kept a plausible outbreak scenario but it is at least pretty crazy. The way the game plays has also changed since it is now a lock on third person shooter with very light RPG elements. Which means it works fairly well with no real issues with the combat since Aya can dodge attacks a lot easier than what she could do previously. Overall it's a unique take on this series that at least improves on the combat. So if your looking for a third person shooter that has a story line about a amnesiac that fights time traveling monsters then this is the game for you. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Well the first thing anyone will notice about this game is that it has a really unique art style since it looks like Greek pottery art. Along with that it also has a neat combat system. It's kinda hard to describe since it lets players attack in every direction with a variety of tools. I would think it would work perfectly with PC controls but a controller works fine too. Every weapon also degrades over time so it's fairly vital to keep finding new weapons along the way. This gives the player a reason to keep changing up what they do like using a bow instead of a sword since he has more arrows. Even the levels give them a reason to change up how they play the game. Like at one point the game turns into a platformer for a bit while running around the underworld or even sailing a boat around to take on Poseidon. Every stage has a little something new so you always have a reason to keep playing this story till the end.

    Unfortunately the story is the weakest link in this game. To start off it is about a man taking on the Gods that destroyed his town but at some point I felt like I lost this thread since by the end I was kinda confused. Overall it's still a fun game to play and it doesn't get old fast so it has a reasonable amount of replay value. If your looking for a unique looking action game then this game is worth checking out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is easily the first game in a while that has made me super tense for almost all of the game. The only time I wasn't worried about something trying to attack was when the game gives you a minute or two to calm down before presenting a new objective. Being able to use the different tools/weapons the game gives you to distract enemies is vital since sneaking by normally isn't always the best choice. The gameplay in this game may just come down to sneaking through a area while dodging the alien in order to get to the objective but it never got boring to me. Seeing all the cool set piece moments and all of the callbacks to Alien easily made the experience worth it.

    The story in this game fits in with the universe of Alien but it falters at the very last moment. I don't want to spoil anything but after everything Amanda goes through in this game it's just to vague. Overall like a good stealth game this one gives you everything you need to make your way through the dingy halls of a old space station. All the while your always worried about what might jump out at you behind the next doorway. If you like the Alien franchise and horror games then this is the game for you. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • No matter what era you play this game in it is still fun to overcome what seems like a impossible challenge. Figuring out how to counter attack each boxer keeps the game from getting old. This is also a double edged sword since this game is really hard unless you know how to deal with each fight. If your looking for a challenge then it is still worth checking this game out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Donkey Kong is a certified classic arcade game. Sure it's really simple and only has 4 screens yet the replay value is through the roof. Of course this game has a special place in my heart as well since it is one of the first video games I ever played. Without playing this game I wouldn't be writing this after all. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • So I actually played the sequel before coming back to this one. Since it is on playstation plus at this moment. It's been on list of steam games I got for cheap but never played. In some ways I actually like this one better than 2 since it is a simpler game. It's all about grinding on rails while pulling off awesome tricks to get a high score at the end of the level. The real issue is that both of these games failed to keep me interested in getting better at them. Which isn't good when the entire game is about trying the level over and over again till it is perfected. Which tells me this game just isn't for me but I can tell that it is a good game that is worth playing if you have enough patience to get better at it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • If you really liked the first game then this one expands on it in all the right areas. With the addition of Manuals and Reverts it's possible to combo the entire level. Whenever I pull that off it is super satisfying. However once I realized I needed to pull of a crazy amount of tough to do tricks while keeping the combo it was just a bit to much. The later levels get pretty tough so it's hard to focus on tricks while trying to not die from the many hazard objects in the way. Like the first one if I felt like getting good at this game I could see the stars aligning eventually to let me pull off crazy million point combo but that is unlikely since I won't put enough time into this game. Still it is a satisfying game that will make you feel awesome once you pull off a great combo so if that sounds fun then check this game out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • The Professor Layton games rely on the fact that they have a cast of interesting characters and that you really like puzzles. Of course just a bunch of crazy characters and puzzles will not be enough which is why these games also have a big mystery. Along with the fact that they don't just use the same type of puzzle more than a few times gives it plenty of variety. Looking at it a different way I kinda felt like they had to many puzzles. By the time I got to the end I really just wanted it to be over. Luckily the mystery of the Last Specter did compel me to continue onward till the end. If over a hundred puzzles and a compelling narrative sounds fun to you then check this game out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • CounterSpy is a simple but effective stealth game that is about stopping two rival nations that have started a arms race to nuke the moon which will have the bad side effect of the moon falling onto the planet. As a agent of C.O.U.N.T.E.R. it is your job to stealth your way through a assortment of hidden bases to find the plans in order to stop Armageddon. Most of the time this game is played in a 2D perspective although it kicks into 3D when hiding behind cover. Using the short amount of time to take down a room full of guards without anyone seeing is really satisfying. Although later on something like that is nearly impossible since they put way to many guards in one room near the end of the game. The third person shooter transition works well with very few issues although I noticed that the guards were kinda iffy on whether they could see me or not.

    Also each base is randomly generated so it's never the same layout. In some ways this gives the game some variety yet it is just the same type of rooms over and over again just in different configurations. Other than the nice pitch I gave during the intro to this review this game doesn't have any kind of story at all. But it's not really trying to make that part interesting since the unique art style and the cold war theme is what makes this game stand apart. If sneaking into a nuclear silo while a jazzy spy theme plays sounds fun to you then check this game out. Just know it has a few flaws that make it less than perfect. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Valiant Hearts is a good puzzle game that manages to respect the setting it is portraying. Sure the cartoon art style may clash a bit with the horrors it is showing but it manages to still be effective at telling a compelling story with only a narrator. Some of the puzzles do slow down the pacing of the game every now and then yet it is always a unique puzzle that requires the player to do something new to solve it. The best thing this game does is that it makes you care about the cast of characters that have been thrown into the first great war. By the end you will be hoping that they all make it to the end of the story. Even the collectibles are worth picking up since learning about the facts of each object was interesting. After playing this I went directly into learning more about WW1 since I don't know to much about it. Check this game out if you enjoy a puzzle game with some good narrative to go along with it. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I wasn't expecting much from this game based on the 2nd Vampire Hunter D movie but it was actually alright. First up this is a action game with tank controls that somehow makes them effective thanks to the fact that D can lock on and sidestep around the enemy. D has extra attack items and his trusty sword to deal with whatever might be in his way too. The combat isn't fancy since it's just 3 swings with a sword or a magic spell/thrown weapon. Even though it is simple I still had fun dodging and counterattacking different enemies.

    On the other side the enemies don't really have much variety at all. I would say you will only see about 8 different types of foes that must be defeated other than bosses. Plus none of them are are very hard which leads this game to be pretty easy. The overarching storyline is about D hunting down a vampire that has gone into Camilla's old castle. It is nothing special but it works. Overall if you happen to be a fan of the Vampire Hunter D series you should check this out. Unless you really don't like a game that has tank controls in it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This semi-sequel to Dragon Spirit does the same thing Castlevania Symphony of the Night does. The first level is the final level of the previous game which is still a unique and good way to start a adventure. This game is a top down shooter with a reasonable difficulty level compared to most NES games in this era. It also has a simple but more than you would expect story line about a new evil that much be vanquished by the new blue dragon. I also like how if you die in the first level it makes the game easier plus the story is now comical compared to the normal one. If your interested in a top down shooter for the NES then you should definitely check this game out. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • I decided to catalog my fairly large collection of games. So I've been pulling out some NES games that I felt like replaying.

    Paperboy is another classic game that I like playing even if I've never made it to the end of the week. This game is worth your time if you enjoy short but replayable games. Also it's amusing to see how hard the people on the paper route really don't want the paperboy to deliver any mail. Plus the obstacle course is a nice bonus at the end of each day too. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • 25 years later I finally figured out the tricks I needed to beat this game. But it still has a few flaws that make it more annoying than it should be. First up Minnie being the 2nd character is unique but it leads to the super annoying rescue room if you lose her to the owl of doom. Going back to the secret room over and over again till you find her just isn't fun. I also want to note that the hidden doors in the woods were the reason I never beat this game as a kid. Gameplay wise it is alright since when you do die it is your fault even if Minnie can lead to a few annoying fall deaths. Out of the assortment of Disney Capcom games this one is worth skipping. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • It's a NES zapper game and the name tells you all you need to know. Yep you shoot a bunch of targets in 3 different zones with different enemy types in each area. Between a shootout in a western desert and shooting up a bunch of aliens it does have some variety. But once you've seen everything after about 10 minutes you don't really have much of a reason to keep playing. After all playing a zapper game can get tiring quick unless you have a lot of stamina in your arm. I can't say I didn't enjoy playing this again. It's worth checking out if your looking to pick up some zapper games. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Do you hate the duck hunt dog for laughing at you whenever you failed at shooting the ducks in Duck Hunt? Then this is the game for you since you can get your revenge. Other than shooting the Duck Hunt dog in the balloon mini game a few times this also is just a collection of shooting mini games. It at least rewards the player to risk making trickier shots for more points. It also has a bit more charm with its sideshow like atmosphere too. If your interested in picking up a assortment of zapper games this one is worth getting. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • I don't know if my zapper skills were diminishing or the targets for the space ships in game were to small since they were hard to hit. I did not enjoy playing this game at all. Like the rest it is a shooting gallery but this time your in a space ship and must shoot other space ships. Everything in this game at least looks nice for a NES game. Doesn't really matter if i just keep getting blown away in the first level though. This one isn't worth picking up at all. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • The first thing anyone who first starts up this game notices is that the soundtrack feels like it is way beyond anything the NES chip could do. Those beats will keep you going till you finally give up at some point. Like most games from this era this isn't going to be a walk in the park to finish. Fortunately it is fair difficultly wise once you manage to adapt to the new enemies in each level. This holds true most of the time till the final level where it expects you to jump on a bunch of randomly dropping objects which can lead to many deaths. Overall it's a solid game with a expertly crafted soundtrack that should be played by anyone that still likes NES games. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Pac-Man is also one of those all time classic arcade games. The NES port easily manages to recreate the fun of the arcade experience in every way. Other than actually being in one. I've always found it kinda funny that my copy of Pac-Man is unlicensed so no Nintendo seal of approval for me. No matter where you play this game it'll always be a fun game to play. (I'm sure someone made a bad port of Pac-Man at some point but I haven't seen one yet.) 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Pac Man World 2 is a better than average 3D platformer but when it tries to do something else it falls flat. The main mechanics of jumping around butt bouncing off enemies feels great. Along with the perfect air control that Pac Man has it never feels like you will ever overshoot a ledge unless you mistime your jump. The game also has a steady difficulty curve that keeps getting harder after each zone. But the one thing they could not make fun at all is the set of water levels in the 5th world. Up to that point this game had like 1 or two unique playing levels like ice skating down a mountain which felt fine since they don't throw 4 in a row. But that is what they did with the 5 world which mostly made me feel annoyed at the game since they are also auto scrolling levels as well. Still it is a solid game that is worth playing if your interested in playing a 3D platformer. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Xenoverse may not be a fighting game but it is a really fun RPG. The story is actually one of the best parts since you will be playing a time cop and must fix the distorted DBZ timeline. Sure fighting through the timeline isn't new but the new twists they put into the story keep it interesting. Plus the fact that it's possible to customize your unique character with just about any move you can name from the show gives you plenty of options to create something unique. Unfortunately getting said unique skills can be a bit of a grind. To acquire most skills requires the player to replay one of the repeatable quests till it drops. Which can take forever or you get it on the first try. In the end if your looking for a Dragon Ball Z RPG this is one of the best so far. Just don't go in thinking it will be a fun fighting game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This collection may not have every single good game on the Genesis but it does have a assortment of 50 different games that show you why Sega does what Nintendon't. Between Sonic, Phantasy Star, Streets of Rage, Dynamite Headdy, and many others this collection is easily worth checking out even if you didn't own a Sega Genesis. Although the emulation isn't perfect so you would notice some dips in quality that weren't in the original release. This is mostly notable in the extra arcade games you can unlock. Either way if you still love retro games or just want to check out what came before this generation then check this collection out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Metal Gear is the foundation that sets up world and gameplay style of the later games. Along with the fact that this came out when stealth games were not the norm is a notable point. Plus it actually has a storyline with a twist which is a lot more than most games from this era. It has a ton of rough edges like the fact that the guards are really dumb sometimes. Also in a few parts of the game it expects you to find hidden arenas without any hints. (Unless I missed a POW that would have told me.) Using different keycards on doors is also annoying since by the end you'll have 8 of them. If your a Metal Gear Solid fan playing this game is worth it just to see how this series started. It's hard to recommend this game to anyone that isn't a fan since has so many flaws. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This is another Kirby game that works best if you don't try to play through it in just a few sessions. Since the gameplay can get a bit tedious without breaks. It never really switches up the gameplay style other than slight variations during vehicle levels. Even if the gameplay is a bit dull after a while the vibrant art style and upbeat music will keep you interested in coming back for more till the end. This game also makes great use of collectibles thanks to the fact that the statues and music are really worth going out of the way to get. It's very rare to get me to listen to music after unlocking the extra tracks but it just reminded me how good the music was in every Kirby game. If you don't mind the fact that you have to play this on a gamepad I think this game is worth playing even with the flaws it has. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • In this case both the old and the new are about on par with each other. Canvas Curse uses the touch screen a lot better than the sequel. Being able to touch enemies to stun them instead of relying on Kirby's dash attack all the time works a lot better and he can also absorb powers from enemies. Along with the fact that the top screen has a map which gives you details about the level that might not be obvious at first. Unfortunately this game runs into the same issue as the sequel with the 3 bosses having repeat battles. On the plus side each of these battles have unique mechanics like pinball or a race on mine carts instead of a standard Kirby boss battle. The unlockibles in this game aren't very interesting since I don't feel like they give the player enough reason to keep replaying the game. Time wise unless you think otherwise about collecting all the medals it takes about 3-4 hours for one playthrough. Overall this game is okay with it feeling a lot better to play vs the very stylish looking sequel. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • The first thing I noticed is that the art style is going for something better than the 16bit generation. Although the boss design is a bit more of a throwback since it is all about learning attack patterns. They even put a lot of work into a lot of voiced dialogue cut scenes but if you not interested in that you can skip them all. Overall this feels like a brand new action platformer game made in the modern era. If that sounds right up your alley then check this game out. 3.0/5.0 Stars