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The Neverending Review Quest

A quest I started 3 years ago thanks to Although it didn't start off with this in mind I ended up spending more time on writing at least a few sentences on each game I finished. These are more like my thoughts on the game instead of a traditional review. Since one paragraph isn't quite enough to sell anyone on a game. I've posted some of these on Giant Bomb as Mini Reviews.

This now has every mini review I posted on dpadd. As you might be able to tell I play a lot of games. Plus I'm willing to play just about anything. I'm still going to keep posting reviews but I've switched over to doing longer reviews which means I will most likely take longer to post them compared to these short ones I've been doing every time I see the credits in a game.

After all this is also a way for me to keep tabs on every game I've beaten. Plus it's great to go back and see what I thought about the game when it is time for Game of the year discussions.

List items

  • Right off the bat the most impressive thing this game does is that this is 100% a console Killzone game on a portable device. Also the fact that it also has a reasonable amount of replay value vs every other FPS is a nice bonus. Each of the 9 story missions have 3 alternate objective mission types that give you different ways to play the mission. (Accuracy,Stealth,Explosions) Which gives me a much better reason to replay a story mode other than just putting it on hard. Even the story has more of a impact than I expected since the main character is a mercenary you get to see both sides of the war. Overall this game is a solid FPS with plenty of action moments and reasons to keep coming back for more. Easily worth checking out if your interested in playing a good FPS on the go. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • The best thing about this game is the mini documentary you get by playing through the game. In general everything surrounding the part you have to play like the story is interesting it's just the gameplay that is just boring. Playing this game cooperatively might actually make it more fun to play since the AI partner isn't reliable. Sure the game has plenty of checkpoints but it's never fun when something out of your control causes you to lose progress. It is also a short experience clocking in around 2-3 hours with no replay value at all. Overall this game has a lot of interesting stuff surrounding a sub par video game. If you curious about Alaskan culture this game might be worth the look but if your looking for a fun game to play this one does not deliver on that front. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Both of the portable game consoles I own seem to be getting a assortment of FTP games lately so I decided to check out the games since they are "free."

    Run SackBoy! Run! is a competent endless runner staring Sackboy from Little Big Planet. You control him using the touch screen to jump and dash past a assortment of deadly objects that will end your run. Each of the 3 environments and the art style feel like someone could have made this game in LBP. Unfortunately the amount of time needed to unlock all of the different costumes and upgrades without buying anything is kinda crazy. I average about 500-1000 bubbles per run and the highest buy able item is 100k. Also the fact this game is on vita but doesn't let me use traditional controls is crazy. Still if you need a time waster game on the go this one isn't to bad. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Nintendo's first attempt at a FTP game turned out to be pretty good. The approach of this game being more about setting up big combos in advance instead of worrying about a timer speaks to me more than every other match 3 game. Along with the fact that catching a Pokemon as a side objective gives me a reason to replaying a stage more than most games like this one. Plus catching new Pokemon is vital to take down tougher opponents since certain types are strong against other types. The 5 heart system may block your progress a bit if you like to play for a while but it was never a issue for me. If your in the mood to relax for a bit and want to play a match game this one is worth your time. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is a great Metroidvania with a good set of alternate tools that let you subvert what your expectations might be when going into this. Along with a variety of weapons that are all useful in different situations you have plenty of things to make you change up how to deal with enemies. Although I did end up using the all purpose green lighting shotgun for most of the game since it was just to useful. Up to the point each boss relies on you being able to dodge shoots which is really satisfying once you figure out how to deal with them. The only issue is that the final few end up relying on doing more damage to the boss before he kills you. It's possible I missed something but it just wasn't that fun to take down a boss like that. Even with the flaws Axiom Verge is a awesome game that anyone should check out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This one has a solid foundation but the design of most of the levels is more annoying than fun. At some point I just didn't enjoy the challenge since the platformer part of this game isn't perfect like it should be. The art style is nice and the story is simple but effective. Overall even if you have the patience to make it through this short game it just isn't worth it. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Unlike Pokmon Shuffle this match 3 game feels like they just made another generic game. It plays like every other match 3 game I've ever played on mobile. Try to get stars on every level by fulfilling a few objectives. It also has Puzzle Quest like rpg mechanics although each gem type will cause one of your troops to attack or heal depending on which one you match. You keep attacking using gems till every enemy is defeated and continue on to the next level. It doesn't seem like much will change other than leveling up your troops to take down tougher levels. I didn't get to far in since it didn't keep my interest long. This game isn't worth your time. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is a super simple beat em up with very little variation other than one extra special move. The greatest asset this game has is that you can collect every single Pokemon ever if your willing to put in the time.To get to that point it is going to take a sizable about of diamonds which is the free to play currency they use for microtransations. They do give you plenty of ways to earn diamonds like the story missions or getting a few via spot pass every day. As I stated earlier the only thing you do is run around and hit the attack button to hurt nearby enemies. You don't even have a dodge move unless one of the extra moves you might get turns out to be something like that. I'm sure it'll get harder but so far every boss has been really obvious when they are going to attack so if I was paying attention I have zero reason to lose a battle. Each stage is also super short which makes it good for on the go but that also means you don't have much of a chance to catch every Pokemon in each area. Overall this game is just to simple to keep most people interested in coming back for more. With no real challenge the only reason to come back is if you really want to collect them all. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • I loved playing this arcade game at my local pizza hut when I was a kid so it was fun to play it again when I want down to check out the Galloping Ghost Arcade. So many arcade games (450+) with so little time to play them. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • The Witcher has plenty of flaws but it still manages to set the foundations for a interesting series overall. The strongest part of this game is the story which tells a tale of how Geralt must forge a new identity while making his way through the land around Vizima. Over time the narrative just keeps getting better with the realization that everything just isn't going to go the right way no matter what he tries to do. The gameplay part of this equation is certainly unique with the combat requiring timing based clicks on the mouse to keep the combo going. Since that alone would make it a beat em up you also have to deal with different stances which would be more effective on certain opponents. Like the fast style would be great against a rogue and the strong style would be effective on a large opponent. Adding even more onto that Geralt has two different swords at all times that need to be switched around when either fighting monsters or humans. So even though it is rater simple at first they add in plenty of variation that you have to keep track of if you want to be successful during combat.

    On the other side this game still has a assortment of things that make it less than perfect. Headlining this was the fact that the game crashed at least 5 times before I finished it. Every time I wasn't expecting it so I usually lost some progress which was lessened by the fact that it auto saves every now and then. I know it's hard to create a unique character model for each new person Geralt meets but I noticed a lot of reused models for different characters he meets along the way. The game itself also goes at a really slow pace so if it doesn't grab your interest in a few hours in I could see most new players getting bored fairly quickly. In the end if your thinking about going back to this first game it is worth your time if you have enough patience to play through it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • (Android Version) I've been rather busy with work so I haven't had any time to play through any games to review them. I did spend a sizable about of time playing MKX on android though.

    Like the rest of the Netherealm fighting game ports to mobile this one is more of a beat em up than a fighting game. You tap on the screen to attack and hold two fingers on the screen to block. Along with the special attack that is different depending on who your playing as is all you really do in this game. It is rather simple but for what it is I enjoyed it. The story is also nonexistent other than a really nice intro cinematic. The main mode just has you fighting tougher and tougher opponents till you finally get to the end. Along the way you'll be leveling up your characters and worrying about a energy system if you want to play for more than a few minutes. But the true way to play this game is just as a time waster and it does that fairly well. If you like the Mortal Kombat universe and want to have something to play on the go this game is worth your time.3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Guacamelee!:STCE just builds onto what was a awesome game and somehow made it ever better. You might not even know what is new unless you've played the original. They added two new zones, a boss, new enemies, costumes and a set of challenge rooms. Compared to the original release it adds about 2 hours onto it. It even adds a bit more back story to the game too. The combo system hasn't really changed any but it really does get some variety with the power ups you get throughout the game. Plus when isn't it fun to suplex a bunch of skeletons? The metroidvania aspect is rather simple since it shows you what moves you need to get to most of the secret areas. Luckily some of the secrets are a bit tougher to complete than you would expect. The colorful art style and Mexican music adds a lot to game since you don't see many games like it. If you played the original release it is worth playing this updated version and if you've never played then you should check it out. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • I can see what they are going for and the overall story is super interesting in this game. It's unfortunate that it has so many bugs. After the patch I could finish it but it skipped me over one zone. So I ended up near the end of the game even though I shouldn't have been there. The puzzles do seem like they would be interesting if your looking for some obscure puzzles that take a bit of thought to compete. Yet the thought that I could run into more issues before I competed all the puzzles turned me off of the game. I just can't recommend anyone play this game unless they really like the story and the puzzles. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Freedom Wars has a unique premise of being set in a post apocalyptic prison where you have to work off your sentence by fighting giant machines called abductors. Along with a well told story that has a interesting mystery that gave me a reason to keep playing this game till the end. The addition of a third person shooter mechanic also gave this game a good mix of melee combat and shooting. In general the combat feels really good since the monsters take part damage so you can cut off their gatling guns/missile launchers to weaken them. If your not much of a team player this game can be played through without playing online since ai companions can be used instead of players.

    Yet like Soul Sarifice the very end of the game is super annoying. The final boss is just not fun at all depending on how you deal with him. Also the end game missions just aren't very fun thanks to the fact that fighting 3 abductors at once is annoying since they can attack from off screen. So you would have no chance of dodging the attack. Overall everything leading up to the end is worth seeing but the post game content doesn't seem to be very good. If your interested in playing a Monster Hunter like game I recommend checking this one out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game sets up a interesting tale of betrayal and murder in the seedy underbelly of Japan. Along with a simple but effective beat em up combat it kept my interest in it till the conclusion. It also doesn't waste any time with setting up a compelling mystery and a unique cast of characters as well. Unfortunately the main thing most people will notice is the voice acting is really over the top. (AKA bad) Along with not having a good way to switch targets during a fight makes this game less than perfect. If you can overlook the flaws Yakuza is still worth checking out for the narrative and fun combat. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I now see why everyone considers this one to be the best Mario & Luigi game. Having Bowser as a party member added a ton of moments you wouldn't see otherwise which gave this game a unique take on the M&L series. The best thing this game does compared to the other ones is that is has so much variety in how each fight plays out. The timing based attacks like Paper Mario are mixed in with the fact you battle enemies both in and out of Bowser gives each battle a unique spin. Along with the fact that a set of mini games that are played between dungeon runs keep the game fresh throughout the 20 hour adventure. The humor is also kept intact from the other games with plenty of funny moments throughout the adventure. (Why must you be picked on so much Luigi?) This game also uses every feature the DS has between blowing on the mic to shoot out fire or the many mini games that use the touch screen.

    The biggest flaw is that this game will give you a tutorial on everything. Which will go on for the first hour but on the plus side you can skip most of the dialogue explaining each move. Also the boss battle with the train was kinda annoying since it seemed like it required perfection to compete it. Otherwise it was a fun game that is worth seeing if you even slightly like RPG's like this one. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Witcher 2 improves on the foundation of the first game although I didn't enjoy the story as much even if it had a few good moments. They went in the completely opposite direction in this one with more focus on Geralt learning about what happened in the past. Plus the overarching story of trying to catch a Witcher that killed a king is kinda bland till the very end of the game. The combat is where they put a lot of their focus to make it more of a action game. Being able to dodge around a enemy while counter attacking can be fun if you handle it the right way. Especially early on since this game can be pretty tough without all of the tools needed to make each fight beatable. Unless you play on easy the Witcher 2 is all about preparing for the fight before hand. Using different potion to gain a edge on your enemies is absolutely required.

    Unfortunately they didn't get the combat quite right yet since locking on to a enemy doesn't center the camera to focus on the enemy which can lead to a few off screen attacks. Some of the mini games they use to break up going out in the field the kill monsters are a nice diversion. I spent more time playing dice poker than I thought I would although turning fist fighting matches into a set a QTE's was a bit of a bummer. Overall this sequel to the Witcher managed to improve on the tech front and the combat front it's just to bad they didn't manage to tie it all together with a compelling narrative. Still worth checking out if your interested in catching up on what happened before Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game manages to take the simple concept of painting the environment and turns it into a fun multiplayer shooter. The story mode isn't half bad either with it getting really interesting near the end of the game. Most of the levels of the single player game are a bit easy so don't expect it to challenge you till near the end. The multiplayer was the true focus with a large assortment of costume pieces that will customize your inkling. Each piece of gear will give you different perks that'll let you gain a slight advantage depending on the perk. Like ninja squid which lets you hide in ink without giving your position away or something simple like damage up. Along with that this game also has a lot of different styles of game play depending on the type of weapon you take to the paint fight. Using the paint rollers/brush it's all about covering the map as much as possible compared to the charged weapons which is more about taking out opponents from long range.

    Now this game does have downsides too like the lack of maps it had at launch. They've been slowing adding new ones which is nice to see each week. Single player wise after finishing the story it doesn't have much replay value at all unless you want to collect the diary pages which doesn't take very long. Still it manages to make up for that with the fact that the turf war mode is a fun time compared to the ranked mode. It's kinda silly but I don't like that I get super serious when playing ranked so turf war works better in my opinion. If your looking for a unique take on multiplexer and have a Wii U then pick up this game now. Stay Fresh! 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • The Witcher 3 manages to mix the best things about the first two games into a open world environment. First up the story is more compelling since it is about Geralt trying to find and help his daughter Ciri. Along the way he meets a cast of interesting characters like the often mentioned Bloody Baron. Which gives the player a reason to keep heading down the main story path more so than most open world games. Along with that the gameplay finally feels like a action game that lets me dodge and counter attack enemies without it feeling stiff. Figuring out enemies weakness by using the bestiary gives the player a way to come out on top. Even the side content is more interesting than the past few games like the collectible card game Gwent. Plus the side quests in thie game might end up being a drawn out affair that go in a completely different direction so it is worth seeking out every ? mark on the map if you have the time to check it out.

    With every high point in the story it also has a few low points that drag out the story out for a bit to long. Like the first time he ventures to the Skellige isles which feels more like a side act where he doesn't learn anything new. Maybe because I've been playing through all the Witcher games I didn't notice it but I should at least bring up that Geralt's movement might feel weird compared to other games. In the end the possessives outweigh any negatives that I have about this game. If your looking for a open world adventure with a lot of great content then check out this game. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • This review is of the Master Chief collection version of Halo. The foundations are here with great combat that requires some thought like it is half puzzle all action. Along with a few nice set piece moments that remind you how much fun it is to drive a warthog or the explosive dramatic intro level that lets you know what you've gotten yourself into. The overall story line is a little lacking but it also has its moments. It is also to bad that all the interesting story bits are hidden in terminals that weren't in the original release. The remastered graphics manage to give a old game a nice new look that let it hold up better against recent releases.

    Along with the good comes the bad which has to be headlined with a the set of horrible levels called Library. Going around in circles for 4 times in a row just gets boring since your just fighting the same types of enemies the entire time. Halo also has a lot of backtracking through environments again. Sure new sets of enemies might be around but seeing the same level in reverse is kind ehhh. If your looking to replay Halo again this seems like the best way to do it. Even coming in fresh it's still worth checking this out just to see how this series started. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Traditional games using a gamepad are nice but when a game comes along that uses all the features of a device it gives it a unique feel compared to everything else. Using both the back/front touch screen and the gyros along with traditional controls at one point you'll always be given something new that must be used to figure out the next puzzle. This gives the simple premise of dragging a lost girl named Baby along while she tries to find her mother plenty of unique moments. With the obviously absurd art style being another highlight. Not knowing what bizarre thing will pop up next gives you a reason to keep going down the rabbit hole or in this games case a never ending set of doors. Nothing ever overstays it's welcome since this game is fairly short unless you get stuck on a puzzle which is unlikely. That is also the main flaw the puzzles may be unique but the solutions are always really simple. If you looking for a challenge you won't find one here. What you will find is a bizarre looking fun game that has a surprisingly sweet ending if your willing to play through it. Definitely worth your time if you have a Vita. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • (This is a review of the Master Chief Collection version.) Originally Halo 2 left a bad impression on me for the fact that I had to wait till the next game to see what happened next. It also felt like a short game yet revisiting it now I realize that I was wrong. Bungie keeps the story interesting with two opposing viewpoints that eventually merge together. Along with the nice looking CG cut scenes that kept me wanting to keep playing just to see the next one. The gameplay has also been augmented with the ability to dual wield two guns. Which allows the player to take down enemies faster. They also took away the health bar while keeping the regenerative shield which gives the game a better difficulty curve than Halo Combat Evolved.

    On the negative side I still think the cliff hanger ending was a horrible idea even if it isn't a issue anymore. The few boss fights this game has are annoying since they can take a while. Especially the final boss which isn't hard at all he just takes so many hits you eventually make a mistake. Overall Halo 2 greatly improves on what they started doing in the first game. With this version being even better since it seems time heals all wounds. Definitely worth playing if you like Halo. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I just can't seem to stop myself from playing Assassins Creed games. I just have to see all the highs and lows of this series. What I found after seeing the credits in Unity was a game that was trying to recapture the high of AC2 and they failed to do that completely. First up the combat feels off with the addition of the perfect counter mechanic the free flowing combat now feels slow and stilted. Which gave me a reason to use smoke bombs instead of actually trying to fight normally. The stealth aspects was one of the few places that this game had a improvement over the old ones. Now having the ability to duck and use cover allows for more ways to sneak through a guarded area. The story of Arno had a few good moments but none of the characters he meets are very interesting. I won't go into any details but at one point in the storyline something dramatic happens yet I couldn't care about it at all.

    Next up another nice point towards this game is that it looks great and it isn't a giant broken mess like it used to be. They even managed a fun side objective in the helix rifts that are about collecting data clusters to get a high score before time runs out. Yet that is countered by every other side mission. Most of them are just go here kill/steal/defend something with very little context. Plus this game has so many collectibles I just can't see a reason why anyone would get them all. Overall this game is just boring with very few reasons for anyone to play through it. The issue with this game is that it doesn't do anything to diversify the well worn AC blueprint. It is a mirror from the past with characters you most likely won't care about and a modern viewpoint that is just there so they have a reason to head to another time in history. This game just isn't worth your time but maybe next year will be different? 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • Ah yes the 90's when someone thought putting shades on a 7up logo made it look cool. That might not hold up but the game itself is a serviceable platformer. The plot of this game is simple you are the Cool Spot and must rescue his radical friends. (AKA more Cool Spots.) To do this you will need to shoot soda like a projectile and platform your way through each level collecting 7up logos to unlock the cage at the end of each level. For the most part the gameplay feels good with the platforming being spot on. If you miss a jump it's your fault and not the game most of the time.

    But for about 20% of the game you'll run into blind jumps that might lead to you losing lives thanks to not being able to see where you need to land. This is highlighted the most during the train level where if you drop off you have to play through the entire level again. Also Cool Spot takes forever to speed up to running speed so you'll most likely jump everywhere instead of using his slow walk. Overall for a game licensed out to sell a soda it managed to make a okay game. This game is worth checking out if your curious to see how they turned a 7up logo into a game just don't expect it to blow your mind. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is split into two parts. First up the top down view plays like Xevious although instead of having two different buttons to attack air and land targets it does them both with one. After finishing the first level it switches over to a side view like Gradius and it also has a similar power up system although you can switch between power ups at any time. On paper this seems like a great way to add plenty of variety to this game but that isn't the case this time.

    Every level in the top down view plays out the same way. Sure the environment changes but the player always fights the same types of enemies with no variation at all. The side view does a better job in that department since it has a boss at the end of each level. Yet some of the levels seem to be designed to annoy whoever is playing this game. This is especially highlighted by a set of closing doors that expect the player to be on the right side of the screen to avoid them. In the end this game has to many noticeable flaws to be worth checking out. It turns out mixing two gameplay styles just lead them to make two mediocre shooters instead of one good game. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This is a fun fighting game that I completely ignored till now. I'm no expert on fighting games which is why the extensive tutorial this game has will teach you the basics needed to secure a victory. Giving the player information about each fighter lets you understand them a lot more than staring at a move list and trying out each move. Along with a story mode that had a bit more nuance than I expected that left me interesting in learning more about the crazy world of Skullgirls.

    But of the course the main attraction is the fighting which feels good with no real issues with dropping inputs. Sure none of the special moves this game has really push the limits of fighting games since most of them are just quarter circle forward or back. I may not pull them off often but the crazy combos possible in this game are great to see since it usually ends with your enemies loosing 1/3 of their life bar. It is also nice that each character has a different style of combat so you won't see any clones here. (Well Fukua is technically a clone but she plays nothing like Fillia.) If your looking for a over the top fighting game then check this one out it is worth your time. With it's extensive tutorial it isn't a bad first stop for someone new to fighting games as well. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • My curiosity got the better of me and I had to see how this game compared to Tony Hawk 1. Turns out this one fails at having a smooth transition between tricks. Which makes pulling off a crazy combo almost impossible.In general none of the tricks feel like they are coming out at the speed the player is hitting buttons. This in turn gives the game a very slow pace that only gets slower if you crash. The one thing this game does do well is the graphics. Each level looks nice for a PS1 game although they feel kinda empty. Overall Thrasher isn't worth playing at all even for the 1$ I spent it on it. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • Killer Instinct manages to make a complicated looking combo system into something anyone can pull off. Which makes each fight look really hectic and exciting to watch even if your the one getting wreaked. This doesn't mean you can fight back with a combo breaker if you figure out the type of attack they are using. Like I mentioned in the Skull Girls review each character in this game also feels unique. Going from one to another requires learning the different specials to figure out how to string together combos. The game itself also looks nice with a ton of particle effects going on whenever you do something crazy. Also like SG the tutorial in this game is really good and it can even teach you how to play fighting games in general.

    My expectations for a story mode in a fighting game have been raised thanks to multiple paths in Guilty Gear or the very well done story in Mortal Kombat. Thus the tacked on story of Season 1 characters feels like a waste of time. Having some text with a still image just doesn't cut it anymore. They do a better job with S2 characters since they have a bit more text between each match. Also after a while each combo feels like I'm just doing the same thing over and over again. But that doesn't mean KI isn't still fun to play and if you enjoy fighting games in general it is worth playing. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Ori manages to mix difficult platforming with a some metroidvania aspects to make a unique looking game. First up this game does look gorgeous with a nicely animated hand drawn style. The story to go along with the art style is rather simple but it at least tells a interesting tale. Unlike the cute exterior might imply the platforming challenges in this game will get pretty rough. Like all good platformers it feels great to control and it'll never feel like the game wasn't keeping up with your button presses. On the other side fighting using the lock on lasers Ori has is rather simple and is more about dodging attacks. Along the way Ori will also get new abilities and skills like a double jump.

    Yet the collect a bunch of things aspect doesn't seem like it was planed the correct way. Once the player leaves certain areas it is not possible to go back to collect hidden items. This seems to go against having collectibles like that if they didn't want anyone to get them all without a guide. Also not having a ability to go from one side of the world to the other quickly will lead to some backtracking as well. Overall the vibrant art style and the spot on platforming make this game you should check out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Super Mario Galaxy refined the SM64 formula to make a great game. Thus the sequel can't quite live up to that but it is still a worthy follow up. I'm not sure if I even need to mention the story but Browser once again captures the princess and Mario must hop onto a borrowed space ship to rescue her. The most obvious addition to this game is Yoshi in his most deadly form yet. Being able to aim his tongue with the wiimote makes any dangerous situation a walk in the park. Along with Yoshi it is possible to switch to Luigi at any time if you like how high he can jump compared to Mario. The stages in this game are a lot smaller compared to levels in the first game. But that is countered by the fact that SMG2 has a ton of levels.

    The main negative is that not every level is created equal. You will not always enjoy the next level if it is something boring like fight a bunch of enemies or using the wiimote of fly around a course. Still in the end this game is a good game with plenty of levels that'll keep you coming back till Browser is defeated. Definitely worth playing if you like any of the 3D Mario games. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • The stages and the characters in this game make it look better than it really is. The cast is really diverse with a monkey named Mr Dweeb being a notable highlight. This game is a fighting game but the focus is on picking up weapons to take out your opponent instead of fighting in the traditional way. Which also makes the game feel really slow since each shot from a gun gives the opponent a few seconds of invincibility. But on the plus side each level in this game is unique with it's own set of environmental challenges depending on the stage. Like the skyscraper level that slowly blows up or even fighting on a boat that is constantly moving.

    Playing this in a arcade made me question why they put plastic guns on the side. Because it is truly a pointless gimmick that lets you fire the guns in the game instead of using standard buttons.Even when using the normal controls the game feels slow with very little variation on how the player deals with each fight. It just comes down to how well the player uses the rocket launcher most of the time. Even with the nice graphics and the great premise it just couldn't follow through with a fun to play game. I won't say this isn't at least worth checking out just don't expect it to hold your interest for very long. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Going back to a non Nintendo platformer for the N64 seems like a bad idea until I realized that this game held up surprising well. The game is about Rocket who must platform/puzzle his way through a theme park collecting tickets along the way to unlock new stages. Each new stage has new challenges other than just being good at platforming. Using vehicles or a assortment of puzzles depending on the level gives this game plenty of variety. Every level also has a unique theme like a Aztec environment or even flying through the skies on a magic carpet. Most of all I was surprised that this game still looks good today with very few pixelated textures for a N64 game.

    Pretty much all of the levels in this game are pretty small and linear. Sure some of them are open but the way you need to get through them is still linear. Which isn't a big negative but I wanted to mention it. Also the story is barely even there with it mainly being a excuse to have a varied set of levels. In the end this game is a fun 3D platformer and if you are interested in playing a game like that again it is worth going back to play this one. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • As my title implies this game just feels like I'm playing the same game as the last one with almost no improvements. Like making Luigi grow to a humongous size or using the same specials moves over again. They do add a few new mechanics like the dream world but it just feels like I'm playing the inside Browser parts from the previous game. Starting off everything feels like it is going at a good pace but as the game goes along it keeps extending the time spent in one area which starts to be annoying after a while. This is also augmented by the humor not hitting the same high note so I was ready for the game to be over by the end.

    It isn't all bad the combat is still good since it still requires the player to time their attacks. Plus the game doesn't keep the timing for counterattacks simple so by the end you will need to be on point or you will be seeing the game over screen a lot. The crisp looking 2D sprites still look great too. But that doesn't make it a good game. To many boring moments and battles make this a M&L you should skip unless you really want to play through all these games. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • MouseCraft just doesn't do anything to make it stand out from other puzzle games. The main goal of this game is to guide 3 mice to the goal while collecting crystals along the way. To do this you must use Tetris pieces to open up new paths to the goal. Along the way the game adds new obstacles like enemies or acid pits that can only be blocked off with metal blocks. Figuring out the puzzles is fun but once you finish the short 80 levels this game has zero replay value. The story is also nonexistent other than a short cut scene at the beginning and end. Overall this isn't a bad puzzle game since it has a good set of semi challenging levels. Thus it is worth playing if your in the mood for a simple puzzle game. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Retro City Rampage lets you know up front that this game is all about revisiting games/cartoons/movies from the 80's. The fact that it plays the first Grand Theft Auto is really only half true since the game is constantly changing up the gameplay style to better fit the game it is referencing. Whether it is playing a Paperboy like stage or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles water levels you will always be seeing a slight variation on what could have just been a generic GTA clone. The over the top narrative gives you a reason to keep playing just to see the next crazy level.

    Going into this game without knowing about the period of time it is pulling from doesn't seem like a good idea. Also the side challenges are really boring since they are all just kill so many things within a time limit missions. Which then comes down to the fact that the standard gameplay in this game is kinda boring. But like I mentioned before half the time the game is mixing it up enough to keep it interesting. Overall this game does a great job of poking fun at and referencing the era the developer grew up in. If that sounds like a good time to you then check this game out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • For a game that was made in 1983 it still managed to hold up fairly well. The main gameplay loop of blasting aliens while collecting fuel is fun. Along with the enemies not being super aggressive gives you plenty of chances to get better at this game before it gets harder. Yet the lack of music really shows the age of this game. Sure it may just be a bunch of bloops but a little tune can add a lot to a game. Also the lack of variation of the play area is also noticeable. It is the same exact level every single time even if you loop around to the beginning of the game again. Overall this was a good game and it is worth checking out if you pick up Rare Replay. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Rocket League takes the one kind of sport that I haven't enjoyed playing since Mega Man Soccer and makes it into a fun time again. Sure on the surface this game is rather basic since it still just comes down to hitting a ball into a goal. Yet it manages to teach players how to play basic Soccer better than the most complicated tutorial. With the main focus of this game being 3 vs 3 you should quickly learn that playing defensively is vital to winning as much as being on all out offence. Up to this point in most sports games my focus was all about being aggressive with how I dealt with most situations so it is a nice change of pace to have a game that gives me a reason to switch up my tactics. Plus when you pull off a crazy shot on the goal it always feels awesome. The only real flaw this game has is that I wish it had more stuff in it. Maybe some variation in the arena or some more modes. In the end if you have ever played a arcade sports game before like Blitz or NBA Jam then this is the game for you. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Namco managed to create a Tales of game with a bunch of cookie cutter characters that I just couldn't care about. Half of the reason why I've enjoyed this series is that it was fun/interesting to see all the skits with the different characters between plot points. Along with the fact that the main story is once again about taking down a great evil left me with nothing to keep me going. They do sprinkle in a few good moments but the characters are always so obvious that it is possible to predict what they will do next.

    The combat is still solid with the addition of the perfect counter mechanic that makes the player focus on the battle if they want to avoid damage. In some ways it's unfair to the CPU since if you are good enough it is possible do a infinite combo on any enemy or boss. In general most fights in this game seem rather easy compared to other Tales games on normal. Graphic wise everything looks okay for a vita game. Overall the fact that I couldn't get into the storyline or the characters made this game into boring slog that I quickly played through just to see the credits roll. Tales Of hearts R is a game that is worth skipping unless you really like this series of games. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • A small adventure game that feels like it is the first chapter of a much bigger story. It sets up the setting well but once it starts getting interesting it is over. The gameplay mixes up a standard formula of a adventure game and makes you figure out puzzles without using items. A early example of this is getting a dog to tie his leach around a pole. I won't go into any details since it was enjoyable to figure out the puzzles like that one. Talking to people in this game is also a bit more complicated since each topic they tell Rosa about goes into a notebook. Which then can be combined to figure out a lie or reveal more details about a clue.This is all held together with a interesting story that looks like it could go places but it doesn't quite do much in this game. Overall this is a short adventure game that has enough twists in it to make it worth checking out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • The great thing about Galak Z is that it relies on the player to get better rather than just letting them upgrade their ship till it is unstoppable. Different aspects of the game give you plenty of options to deal with the three opposing factions in game. Using the space ship form gives a lot of maneuverability and a lot of missiles to bombard any enemy. The robot form is all about close combat while using the grab function to disable most enemies. Plus even the quiet approach is the best option when you know you aren't good at fighting certain foes. Along with the 80's inspired anime look and music takes me back to when I watched Mobile Suit Gundam. They didn't quite get the look totally right since the characters look more like a modern flash animation.

    The way it sets up each chapter of the story can be seen as repetitive. Especially since mission types and level design have very few variations. This is countered by the fact that this is is rogue lite game so dying equals going back to the beginning of the of the 5 mission arc. Each time you start you don't quite know what kind of setup you'll get so eventually it just comes down to getting better with the fundamentals instead of relying on the upgrades. Pulling off a battle with a tough enemy and coming out on top is really satisfying. Although knowing when to run away is just a vital since being aggressive isn't always the best option. Overall this game does what it is aiming for so if that sounds interesting to you then check it out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I can't believe I'm saying this about such a old game but the new mechanics they added to this one made it a worse game. Sure at first it seems fine with the addition of a lunar rover that must be moved around to position it close to a alien missile base. To do this Jetman must repair the holes in the moons surface so the rover can get to the alien base before time runs out. Once time runs out it launches a missile that must be intercepted or the game will be over. Which is when the game becomes really random. Sometimes the missile is so close that the only way to continue is to sacrifice Jetman. The enemies in this game are also really random and if the game decides to speed up to 2x the normal speed then good luck being able to dodge that. Limited fuel was added to keep the player close to the rover but it starts becoming annoying if you need to scout ahead since it runs out really fast. Overall everything that was added made a simple fun game into a boring complicated one. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Atic Atac manages to do a lot of things that kinda make this game fit in to the rogue lite category of games. The first fact that points in that direction is that the items placed in the castle are always randomized While searching through the castle the player must fend off enemies using a Ax/Dagger/Magic Missile depending on which class is picked at the beginning of the game. Other than the weapon looking differently they all act the same way. But the class also lets the player use different shortcuts in the castle to get around a bit faster. Using these tools along with figuring out the different weaknesses of boss monsters is key to surviving to escape. Out of the ZX Spectum games I've played so far this one held up better than I expected. . Desperately searching through a dark castle while battling a horde of monsters still holds up in my eyes. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I really liked Danganronpa Triger Happy Havoc and this sequel is more of the same thing. Everything that was great about the first game has been improved yet the same thing can be said about the negatives. The cast is just as eccentric as before with a new set of ultimate talents. Along with the overall mystery of why Monokuma is back to his old ways again will keep you hooked till the end of the game.Putting together what you thought happened and figuring out the murderer is still exciting as well. Even using the clues you find to poke holes or agree with someone's agument during a class trial is still a good mechanic.

    Yet every other mini game during the trial has gotten worse. Hangman's gambit is now more annoying thanks to the fact that letters can collide and damage the life bar. Logic dive is a simple mini game where you control a snowboarding character along a digital course that is laid with traps and questions that must be answered by picking the right path. Even the panic talk action music game doesn't seem to work correctly since hitting the button on the beat doesn't always work. But thanks to the compelling story and interesting characters it is possible to look past the flaws and see a likable murderous fun time. If your interested in a game with a great story then check this one out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is really just one big maze you have to traverse. Most of the enemies play fair with no unfair situations most of the time. Except in certain situations a enemy might be blocking a path that can only be bypassed by using a flower power up. The fact that Saberman can't attack downward is also a notable flaw. Overall if traversing a maze like pac man still sounds fun this game is at least worth a look. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Unfortunately the sequel to Sabre Wulf is a horrible mess of a game. What was a top down maze game is now a side scrolling platformer with a ton of annoying enemies. This is highlighted by the fact that enemies spawn every second you even idle on a screen. Luckily they don't kill Saber Man by touching him instead falling from more than 1 screen equals death. Which will happen a lot thanks to how often he has to deal with them. The fact that this is still a maze just complicates it even more since having to backtrack after finding a dead end can happen a lot. Escaping from this underworld would take a lot of time just to learn how to jump as well. The jump is always the same with no control from the player after hitting the button. So you better learn how to judge jumps from one screen to another or instant death awaits. Overall nothing about this game is even remotely fun in a modern context so it is best to stay away. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • Balancing the difficulty of a video game has always been a hard thing to do. NES games from this era have always been tough but this is a game that expects perfection. Every vehicle section requires the player to learn every move they need to do and apply it without any mistakes. Keeping up with what they expect me to do isn't something that seems fun to me. The sidescrolling beat em up parts are a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of it. Other than the rat race level none of them are overly difficult. Fighting enemies is simple but fun with a few nice boss combos that feel awesome when you pull them off. Plus when I actually beat one of the driving levels it felt great thanks to how much time it requires to figure them out. But that doesn't redeem it at all since getting to that point was just pure frustration. This game is not worth playing unless you have a ton of patience. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This entire game is just a set of challenges you must overcome to compete it. Before I go into that I want to explain how combat works. Pushing the right stick on the game pad causes a 3 hit combo on a enemy if you don't have a weapon. Different objects in the environment can be used as a weapon like a pool cue or a giant cake. Also power ups are scattered around the area to make the room harder or easier depending on which one you pick up. Like I first mentioned each room is just a set of challenge rooms and the fact that each room randomizes the players heath points in that direction. Along with a set of things you mustn't do like don't kill a certain enemy or beat everyone before time runs out. It is almost like each room is a new puzzle you must figure out to continue.

    Thanks to the fact that this game is cel shaded it holds up a lot better than other games in the visual department. The gameplay department is a bit lacking though since other than the sections with overpowered weapons the combat becomes boring after a while. Since it is just doing the same thing over and over again. The story is also nonresistant other than to give a reason the heroes are locked in a spooky mansion and must figure out how to escape. Luckily the game doesn't overstay it's welcome since it is pretty short at around 5 hours. In the end this game is a reasonable set of challenge rooms that might be fun to play through depending on if that sounds fun to you. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This is a review of the PSP version of The Force Unleashed. In some ways I don't need to point that out since one of the most impressive things about this game is that it isn't a downgraded port. Obviously the graphics aren't on par but everything else in this game is exactly the same as the console version. It even has a set of extra levels that pad out the game a little bit. The story may not be relevant anymore but it does a good job of setting up Dark Vader's hidden apprentice along with the rebel alliance. Combat is similar to God Of War but it is augmented with a set of over the top force powers. Picking up and throwing enemies off a ledge is never not fun. I'm sure if you compare the two this one will most likely have less enemies to deal with and I'm guessing the levels are a bit smaller compared to the console version. But that isn't a reason to not check out this version if playing a action game like this on the go sounds like fun then check this one out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Xenodrifter tries a lot of different things yet it feels so light on content that it doesn't deliver on any of them. The main thing this game is aiming for is that is is a Metroidvania-lite. It succeeds on the fact that you need to beat bosses to get new abilities in order to explore other areas. Some of the abilities are from this developers previous work Mutant Mudds. For example one power up lets you go into the background to find new areas to explore. Another system in the game is being able to power up the gun in different ways using a different pickup. Unfortunately both of these aspects of this game aren't fully explored and are really straightforward in their approach.

    Every map you explore is almost totally linear other than having one point in the map where it splits off in one direction for a few moments. Making the gun fire faster and hit harder is the obvious choice when the rest of the power ups seem useless like having a 3 shot burst that fires 1 shot in each direction instead of firing them all at once. Along with the fact that you will fight the same exact boss in every boss room for the entire game is slightly repetitive. But they do give the boss new moves each time that mix it up a little bit. In the end this game has a lot of good ideas but they aren't interesting enough to make me like this game. Still it is so short that you might want to check it out yourself to see if you like it more than me. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • MGSV keeps the unique charm of the previous games while also turning it into the best playing Metal Gear so far. First up the gameplay has been carried over from Ground Zeroes. Which fits in perfectly with the open world shenanigans you can get up to while playing through this game. Even though this is a stealth game the moments where I got caught were still fun thanks to the amount of tools they give you to deal with enemies. Blasting my way through a base with a grenade launcher is just as fun as sneaking through it fultoning everyone. New companions like D-Dog who can scout out enemies or Quiet who can distract them while you sneak by give you new ways to deal with enemies. The story in this game is still what you want from a Meta Gear game. It is just spaced out a bit more thanks the open world nature. All of the moments add up to something pretty awesome that is worth seeing.

    Even with all these good things this game still has a few flaws. I can see the fact that this game is overly long could be a negative. Especially since in some sections of the game it takes a while before another important plot point comes up. Which makes it feel like your just doing busywork till the next important mission. The open world also feels a little empty since other than sneaking into bases it doesn't give you much to do outside of those locations other than capturing animals or a occasional side mission objective. Even with those flaws the fact that I keep wanting to play this game after seeing the ending tells me how much fun the general gameplay loop is. It doesn't hurt that I'm also listening to a bunch of Metal Gear/80's music on my iDroid while blowing up helicopters and fultoning a bunch of tanks to my base. If any of this even slightly makes you interested then you need to check this game out now. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Grow Home does what many games with collectible don't do and it manages to do that by making the effort of collecting items actually fun. In this game you play as B.U.D. a little robot that has to climb/jet-pack/glide his way through a environment. Along the way he must grow a giant star plant by extending the roots of the plant to rich nutrients. To do this you will need to explore and collect a bunch of crystals along the way to upgrade him with new abilities. The fact that climbing is so satisfying keeps you interested in checking out the next sky island. Even after you get to the top it extends itself a little bit to give you a reason to search for something new. Plus this game doesn't overstay it's welcome since it is fairly short even if you do everything possible. This also means that it does not have very much replay value unless you like dropping B.U.D. into the ground a lot. Overall this is a unique and fun little game that should be experienced at least once. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game feels like they wanted to make a game with a bunch of arenas and enemies without any thought into making it challenging..At least in Dynasty Warriors it gives you different level designs and requires you to do different objectives to complete each level. While in this game every single level just comes down to killing a bunch of monsters quickly or the rare quest that actually has you collecting a item by... killing enemies. Combat comes down to a bunch of basic combos using the square or triangle button along with a small selection of special attacks. Transforming into CPU form just lets you overpower every enemy even more than before. Fortunately this is countered a bit by the nonsensical comical storyline that keeps me coming back for more even though the game isn't that good. Neptunia and her pals have a lot of good dialogue with good VO to go along with it. But that doesn't make up for the fact that this game is just one big grind fest that isn't work slogging through to see the silly story. Worth skipping unless you have some unconscious need to play all the side Neptunia games like me. 2.0/5.0 Stars