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The Neverending Review Quest

A quest I started 3 years ago thanks to Although it didn't start off with this in mind I ended up spending more time on writing at least a few sentences on each game I finished. These are more like my thoughts on the game instead of a traditional review. Since one paragraph isn't quite enough to sell anyone on a game. I've posted some of these on Giant Bomb as Mini Reviews.

This now has every mini review I posted on dpadd. As you might be able to tell I play a lot of games. Plus I'm willing to play just about anything. I'm still going to keep posting reviews but I've switched over to doing longer reviews which means I will most likely take longer to post them compared to these short ones I've been doing every time I see the credits in a game.

After all this is also a way for me to keep tabs on every game I've beaten. Plus it's great to go back and see what I thought about the game when it is time for Game of the year discussions.

List items

  • This game is only slightly fun if you like the kind of humor they are aiming for. Since it only made me smile a few times I'm not really sure I found it that funny. Since the jokes about the dlc aren't that funny I was kinda hoping the gameplay would be slightly good but it's pretty basic. With no combat other than jumping and using your sword open new areas it was really boring. It feels like he pretty much put all of his bets into trying to make this really funny since otherwise it wouldn't be that great of a game. Still if you think a game called DLC Quest would be funny then it might be worth checking out. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • It's certainly been a while since I've actually rented a game but with so many coming out I decided to rent this one instead of buying it. Since I like Quantic Dream games it's not to surprising that I enjoyed playing through this one. At all the right moments I was either happy or sad when you see what is going on in the story. Which seems like the best kind of praise I could give a game that is trying to be a movie.The random nature of seeing her life at random moments did kind of make me confused at first but the more you play it at least starts to make sense.

    I think the way the gameplay works is fine but I can certainly see why not everyone would like playing a game like this. The illusion of choice also comes up while playing this game and I couldn't really tell if my actions effected anything till the end. In the end I would say if you like Indigo Prophecy then I would think you would like playing this game. The only reason I don't say Heavy Rain is that it is a entirely different story type without all the of the paranormal parts. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game makes me feel like I'm the worst at action platformer games with the amount of times I died getting to the final boss. (96 times) Still that is the entire point and like Dark Souls it's really easy to get into the rhythm of figuring out how to beat each boss. Even if you figure out the trick it's still possible to fail without knowing the correct timing. Plus the mechanic of leveling up your bloodline gives you more than enough reason to keep going since the better you do the better you can level up.

    On of the main cons in this game is that that it really doesn't have that much variety of enemies. It only has about 10-15 different types of enemies with the only variation being that they have bigger types of the same enemy type. Plus it's easy to start noticing the same room showing up again in a different castle. Still it manages to do what they were aiming for and that is to make a fun game that is really easy to keep trying to beat even if every death sends you back to the start. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Finished during my marathon. It still holds up as being one of the few FPS platfomers that actually controls really good. Since Robbit looks down when he jumps it's easy to see where to land. The man con is that it is quite short since I beat it pretty fast. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Marathon finish! Playing one after the other really just shows me how much this one is pretty much just a level pack. The goofy story at least makes it fun to play through another set of these levels again. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Marathon finish! The really easy to figure out arcade like gameplay is super addictive. Out of all the games I played during the marathon this one was the most fun gameplay wise. If I wasn't playing this one near the end of the marathon I would have most likely stopped a lot sooner. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • Marathon finish! The story still held up even after all this time. Plus the gameplay was still good even if it doesn't have a lock on. This was the only other game I finish during my extra life stream. The rest I didn't compete or I had issues with the emulator. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Oh snap how could I forget about Metal Slug X. Pure arcade gameplay that never gets old. Plus I'm pretty good at this one after the amount of times I've played through it. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • During a short extra life bonus stream the other day I played through this. I'm not that great at strider so I died a bunch plus it was on easy. Still it does what a Strider game should do which is let you cut up a bunch of guys and dodge a bunch of attacks. Like most arcade games it's fairly short. Still if you liked the first arcade Strider game then this one is worth checking out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Since it was on psplus for vita I figured it was at least worth checking out. It's been a while since I played a side scrolling shooter and this one is kinda meh. Sure it has all of the trappings of a good game yet it just didn't seem that interesting. Unlike most games like this you actually only have to worry about time. Like if you get hit your timer will go down by 5 seconds and if it hits zero then it's game over. It's also possible to slow down time with the time power you somehow have since it is a Grasshopper Manufacture game after all.

    Even though all of that sounds like it would make it a fun game I didn't really enjoy it at all. The typical flare of a GM game just didn't seem to be in effect even with all the giant bosses and time paradoxes in effect. Since most of the bosses were just hey we put a bunch of guns on this ship which certainly reminds me of older games of this type but that doesn't really make the boss fight fun. Unlike Liberation Maiden I don't really have any interest in challenging myself to the wide array of extra challenge missions. I guess this game isn't worth checking out unless you really like side scrolling shoot em ups. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • A simple RPG that is fun to just play through every now and then. Even though it has combat like Paper Mario 64 the main variety in combat is the consumes. Each one has a unique skill that let's them help in a different way. Although only a few types of sets seem to be more effective which lead me to using the same costumes a lot. The silly humor in game is also a highlight. If you don't like a RPG or the kind of silly story this has I'm not sure if it's worth checking out. Otherwise it might be a good game to just chill out and play a while. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I finished this a while ago but never put my thoughts down about it till now.

    Part 1 Kingdom Hearts: This first game held up a lot better in my eyes than CoM. The story itself really just comes down to beating the darkness in the end but I still found it fun to see again. The combat flows at a nice pace throughout the game with it getting a lot faster near the end. I could see some people might not like how slow it is in the beginning of the game. It was also nice not to have to worry about a zillion side quests like some action RPG's. Although the few it does have would take quite a bit of time to complete other than the secret bosses. I enjoyed playing through this again so I give it a 4 out of 5.

    Part 2 KH: Chain Of Memories: After having fun with the first game I went ahead and started this one only to remember how much I hated the card system. Unlike the first game which was a action rpg this one is similar yet it uses cards as it's combat system. So each card has a number and a skill on it which lets you know what it would do. (fire spell, keyblade attack etc.) If the enemy uses a card higher than what Sora is using then the attack is canceled which leads to quite a few annoying boss battles. By the end of the game I would rather skip over battles than try to beat them for extra xp. The story only retells what the first game told with a few new insights on what happened before KH2. With the main combat system being something I hated this game gets a 2 out of 5.

    Part 3 KH 359/2 Days: This isn't really a game at all since it's just one long movie. At least I'll say it was interesting to see what Roxas was up to before KH2. Even if half the movie was them sitting on the clock tower. Since I didn't really hate it or really enjoy it I'll give it a 3 out of 5.

  • I find it kind of funny that I now have a mini review backlog. H:A is one of the few games that I thought was worth playing again when it hit psplus since I already played through it on pc. Figuring out he different ways to take out a target has always been a highlight in a Hitman game. Even with the levels being more linear than before they still give plenty of options to complete most levels differently. Although the levels that don't have a target mostly just come down to sneaking past or using a disguise.

    This also is the best controlling Hitman game as well since the shooting actually feels okay compared to the rest of the games. The story is most likely the weakest part but they manage to tell it okay even if it is pretty forgettable. If you like the old style Hitman games this one might actually not be for you. They did streamline the game quite a bit so I could see some people not liking that. Otherwise it's worth checking out if your in the mood for a stealth game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I must say they exceeded my expectations on what I would think this game would have turned out to be. CoJ hasn't really been the best series of games up to this point yet I keep checking them out. The story itself is the usual tale of revenge that you see all over the place in westerns yet it's made a bit more interesting by meeting a bunch of notable people that were around at the time. Since most of the game is someone telling a story they get away with making things a bit more over the top than it really should be. The game itself still manages to make the combat fun with it's focus on combos. Trying to get a full combo on certain levels takes quite a bit of skill and is fun to keep trying to get a higher score.

    The man con I noticed was the lack of variety of weapons since you only get about 5 different types. Trying to keep a combo also seems kinda hard since the window for it goes away pretty quickly. That might just be me not being that great at keeping combos though. In the end if a old style fast pace western shooter sounds like a game you might like then check it out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • What could have been a good platformer turns into a bunch of mini games that kinda gets old near the end. Sure they were aiming to make a wacky platformer with guns yet they didn't go all the way. It was fun at first to see all the different crazy mini games and death animations for each of the 100 monsters Ash is hunting down. Once they start repeating it just turns into a bunch of boring QTE with some simple platforming when your not shooting them. Although I know it's not possible but it would have been cool to have 100 different small mini games and it would have at least made it have better variety. It's mostly just a so-so game that doesn't really stand out even with all the insane moments it just feels bland. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Although this is a completely competent platformer that makes LBP work on a vita I didn't enjoy it as much. The game itself does everything you would think a LBP game should do. With a robust creative suite of simple to use tools and a cute storyline it has all the makings of a okay game. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but the story in this one seems a lot shorter than the ps3 games. Creating things seems really easy to do with the touch screen but my interest in taking time to make one isn't very high even if it seems to work just fine. The main thing that'll keep someone coming back to this is once again is the user created levels. From what I saw so far they have quite a variety of different types of levels although they won't all be great. For me this is just a good platofmer that does what you expect but it may not have as much lasting appeal like the first LBP games. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • What better way to bring in next gen than play a 4 year old game. That may be a bit harsh since it is still a nice relaxing experience. Sure the game itself isn't much more than collecting a bunch of flower petals yet I still enjoyed it. The sixaxis in the dualshock 4 seems to be more responsive than the DS3 so I had less problems controlling the flower...uh wave? If you happen to already have flower it is worth checking out again. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • If you own a ps4 and somehow don't enjoy this I would be shocked. Simple but effective arcade gameplay that relies on your skills to obtain victory is still really compelling. The game itself is most similar to Defender at least in the premise of rescuing the last humans while blowing up a bunch of alien ships.

    Before actually taking on the aliens you get ot choose between 3 ship types. Each one had it's advantages and disadvantages. Like one might be better at boosting around which lets you escape and take down your enemies at the same time. Really all the skills your ship has will be needed if you want to take on the hardest difficulty since they don't pull any punches unless your on easy. Play this game if you have a ps4 unless you really don't like games like this. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • With plenty of variety and a great art style this platformer is fun till the end. I will say the beginning of the game is a bit slow but once you get the 4 upgrades the gameplay is a lot more fun. The upgrades aren't really anything new to a platformer (shield,bomb,grapling hook, and ground pound) but they make each of the stages have a wide variety of challenges to overcome. Each stage also looks like a totally different area and I liked how every stage had a boss. It was almost as if I was playing a game from the SNES again.

    The way the game looks is certainly one of the best things about it. The theme of the game being a puppet show continue's all the way to the end and I had a smile on my face throughout the whole thing. The main thing I could see some not liking is how much the game likes to talk. They spend quite a while talking before and after each stage which might be annoying if you just want to play the game. Although if you like the story they are telling it's certainly worth watching since the game itself feels like one big spectacle. If your willing to make it past the slow start this game is certainly worth checking out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Time for a few phone games that somehow got on the vita. I noticed this on the psstore a few weeks ago and it was free so I decided to check it out. At first it was fairly addictive with a simple premise of ringing up a bunch of items before they magically turn into coins at the end of the belt. After a while it becomes more complicated by adding in numbers you have to hit to make a item disappear. At this point I figured out I needed to use the in game power ups you can buy with in game currency yet this was the point where the game didn't seem worth playing anymore. Even if they meant for the player to use the power ups it just kind of felt like cheating to me. The free to play hooks are in the game but they aren't obvious other than having to wait a while before trying another stage. If you have a vita this isn't really worth playing. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • I meant to write a small review of this a while ago but never did. As the name implies this is a restroom management sim. Although it just comes down to drawing lines while making sure no one bumps into each other in the restroom. Unlike Crazy Market I kept coming back to this while trying to beat all the challenges which was certainly addictive for a while. The man con that I could say about this is that it is pretty much the same thing over and over. The only wild card is a unique person depending on level that might be slow or make their own line without the player actually making it. If you need a game that would be good to play for a few minutes at a time this one would be a good choice. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Anyway time for something a bit more like what I usually play. After playing the sequel to this plus Guacamelee I had to check out Drinkbox studios first game. The game itself is about a blob that fell from space and must now escape from a mad scientist. To do this the little blob must continue to eat things which lets him grow and jump past a ton of harmful objects. It's not just a standard platformer all the way though since blob gets a few skills as well. Being able to push/pull items that are metal around and being able to suck energy out of items adds quite a few neat puzzles. The one thing they improved on in Mutant Blobs attack was taking out the bosses. They don't really add anything worthwhile to the story plus the last one is kinda annoying. The rest of the game has a enjoyable pace that continues on till the end. If you enjoy a good platformer with a few neat mechanics this one is still worth checking out. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I'm not sure if it's nostalgia for one of the greatest Zelda games of all time or that they managed to make a great game with a ton of nods to Zelda: a link to the past. Even if it does rely on moments from the past they still created a ton of new dungeons to tackle in any order. Being able to buy/rent any item gives Link quite a few choices on which dungeon to take on next. Once he actually gets to a dungeon it still mainly comes down to figuring out how to use one item in a few different ways to compete it. Along with the other new ability of being able to stick to a wall like a painting will lead to quite a few situations that aren't possible without it. That is one of the things I liked best about this game since they almost never repeat a puzzle that you figure out once.

    Other than what I mentioned above the rest of the game is what you would expect from a zelda game. Although the amount of side quests seems to be more than usual since the first time I finished this I didn't even have all of the items. Even with some of the more boring side quests like collecting 100 Maiamai throughout the entire map will let Link upgrade his items. The main flaw in this game is that it might be a bit to easy. Maybe I'm just so used to a Zelda game that I didn't die but I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've beaten one without a game over. Otherwise it was a fun and enjoyable experience that I would recommend to anyone. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • A short and simple platformer puzzle game that doesn't do much other than set up what could be a interesting story that goes nowhere. Other than setting up what could be a interesting sequel the game it self does what it wants to do without any issues. I know most reviewers had issues with glitches but the only small issue I had was getting stuck for a few seconds before dashing. All of the mechanics in the game like being able to jump into shadows work just fine. Other than being confused by a few puzzles they are all fairly simple once you figure out the trick to completing them.

    The setting itself is certainly a highlight since you don't see to many games set in the 1950 plus the mystery of why everyone is a shadow could have been interesting if it actually went somewhere. Seems like the main issue is that they don't really do anything interesting with what could be a great puzzle game. It has a few notable moments but if it wasn't on the ps plus service I don't think it would be worth checking out. That may be a bit harsh but it really is just a okay game. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • he game itself may look awesome but what it contains isn't that good. Starting off with the single player that doesn't seem to really prove a point by the end. It really just felt like everyone was kinda evil and that nothing was really achieved by taking the journey to the conclusion. The game itself plays okay and using the robot drone to attack things or defend was a neat mechanic. But except for that little robot buddy the rest of the game is standard FPS action. Normally that would be enough for me but most of the action seemed fairly bland and it was on a small scale. I will mention that the way the game looks is awesome and they do keep the environments varied.

    Now the mutiplayer is what you should expect from a Killzone game. With it's different objective mode being the highlight since it gives a bit more variety than a team death match. They also add a bit more variety by having different classes which have a few skills like revive or a extra shield. I would say the multiplayer was the best part of the game if your only looking for a team based mutiplayer game this one is okay. As a whole the game itself isn't that great with a lackluster story and a okay online it doesn't really seem like it would be worth picking up. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Another great Zelda game on the go. As the name implies this one is all about the seasons. Using Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter they managed to create quite a few puzzles on the overworld. Like winter will have snow that creates pathways you wouldn't see otherwise. The other kinda unique aspect to this game is Subrosia which is another land underground that can only be found via different portals. Even if it is mandatory it still adds quite a bit of exploration to the game since they always have something new to do every time you find a new portal.

    The rest of the game is what you would expect with 8 dungeons that must be competed using a item that is usually found in or around the dungeon. They also don't forget about a item after you complete the dungeon since later ones will make use of all of them. This is certainly a fully featured Zelda game but I don't like how much they tease a true ending at the end if you pick up Ages after this. Sure they were made to be played one after the other but it just seems kinda exploitative. Otherwise this is a great Zelda title that might be worth playing if your up for playing a GBC game again. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • This first game was a solid foundation but it has quite a few flaws that don't let it hold up as much as FFII. The main positive point about this game is that using the camera to catch ghosts is still quite fun and really creepy at the same time. I would even say that I was unnerved more than the sequel thanks to really good ghost design near the start of the game. Other than that the rest of the game is really unbalanced.

    The games difficulty seemed kind of unbalanced since most of the areas kinda make it impossible to dodge a ghost. Plus some types of ghosts just seem to appear within attack range without much warning which is annoying since it usual only takes 3 hits till a game over. Yet other parts of the game seem super easy and the final boss was a joke compared to the night one boss. Since the entire game is within one house this game also has a issue with backtracking although it doesn't happen to often and they open up new areas each night. Plus the story they tell about what happened in the mansion wasn't really that interesting. I would mainly recommend this game to anyone that likes to play every game in a franchise but otherwise this one is worth skipping since the sequel is a better game overall. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • The ever mysterious story was certainly a highlight yet none of the combat was really interesting. Learning about the city in the sky Columbia was also very intriguing. Along with trying to understand why Elizabeth was trapped in the tower was also a compelling mystery till the very end. Never knowing what might happen next was also a delight although you might not understand what I mean about that unless you play though the game. Although the combat isn't that great they at least give quite a few vigors that can give some variety of the combat.

    Yet like the original Bioshock I found myself using one or two vigors without really switching them out very often. Plus only having two guns at a time kinda limited my options on how to deal with the combat so by the end I was only using the ones I powered up without ever switching them out. The combat itself is what you would expect from a FPS. Even with the extra powers I would say I still just shot everything 80% of the time which is kinda boring when I just want to see what happens next. Still seeing the slights and sounds of Columbia is worth the trip if your willing to sit through combat that might get boring by the end. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Although it may seem like a exact copy if you assume this is like most games with two similar titles in reality both games are totally unique. Like Seasons this Zelda makes good use of every item you get plus the main mechanic of time travel is used well. Since each age has a different environment they get a lot of use out of switching between the two in order to proceed. Each dungeon in this game almost always feels like a maze and sometimes even the Bosses feel like a puzzle you need to figure out. Since this was a linked game it added in a extra boss plus the rest of the storyline. Most of the linked game stuff is mostly pointless but it at least adds some replay value if you like to collect everything.

    Near the beginning of the game most of the puzzles were unique but by the end I started to see quite a few similar puzzles.. The maze like structure of the game also lead to me getting lost somehow a few times since getting back to where I need to go required some trial and error. The pacing of this game compared to Seasons seemed to be a lot slower since I spent more time figuring out puzzles. Overall I didn't enjoy this as much as Seasons even if it was still a well made game. Still it's a solid Zelda title that might be worth checking out.

    3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Well I'm not sure what I could really say about this game other than explain it a little bit. It's a assortment of 10-15ish NES games that are played like a Warioware game since most levels are about 10-20 seconds. Most of the challeges are fairly simple like jump over so many barrels in Donkey Kong or using a fire flower to defeat King Koopa in Super Mario Bros. Sure it may not sound like much but I had a lot of fun trying to improve on the time I got in order to get 3 stars on each challenge. Plus seeing a miiverse post about each level after beating it was neat and sometimes even helped me figure out how to get a better time.

    About the only thing this game is missing is a better variety of games. Also it doesn't really have any leader boards which could have added some more replay value if you like to compete. This game mostly appeals to anyone that had a NES but I think even if you didn't it might still be worth checking out since this almost feels like a better way to play some of these NES games. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • The gameplay in this game may seem repetitive but the silly/interesting characters you meet along the way make up for that flaw. The entire game is spent trying to understand humanity by visiting different planets and solving any issues they have using QT3's magical powers that let him conjure up almost anything. Each planet has a different little story to learn about that is sometimes funny or even sad. The best part of the game turned out to be a bunch of weird random personality quizzes that were actually more accurate that I thought they would be.

    The biggest flaw the game has is that each planet is pretty much solved the same way. Run around looking for hidden gifts that give QT3 more things to conjure up and then use the ones you find to solve everyone's issues. Also the game has no real challenge since every person that has a issue tells QT3 what they want so I never had to think about what I needed to pick. I find this game hard to recommend to anyone since it kinda goes into the is this even a game category. Still I guess if you like lighthearted stories and like taking weird quiz's it might be worth it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Tearaway has a great art style that also raises the bar for the type of game that can only be made on the vita. (use of the touch pad plus the camera) The way the game looks is certainly the biggest highlight since it really does look like everything is paper. All of the environments are also varied and fun to look at throughout the entire game. The use of all the Vita's features was also neat since it never really gets repetitive since they don't overuse it. It may just be something simple like taking a picture but they always use it in a way that makes it more interesting than you might expect.

    Collecting everything in the game was fun as well even if it doesn't really have a reward other than being able to print out a bunch of paper craft. The game itself doesn't really have much of a challenge other than a few stages near the end. (Even then it's only a challenge if you try to beat it without dying.) Also the story isn't that interesting although it has a few good moments like the ending. Still it was a fun game to play if you like how it looks and don't mind using the different features of the vita. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • It may be a short game but it has good set of interesting levels. Quite a bit of thought was put into each level since a new trick of some kind is usually needed to complete the stage. A lot like Mark of the Ninja this game also does stealth really well in a 2d environment since it gives the player everything they need to know to avoid enemies. Plus jumping around everywhere in a fall proof suit was fun. Even the story had a few good moments. (Conway's super secret blog Don't go to that link unless you finished Gunpoint already)

    The game itself may be good but it is really short at only 2 hours. I don't mind short games but it seems like i should at least point that out. Overall it's a fun puzzle game that is worth checking out if you like that type of game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • A great pirate game yet still a so-so Assassin's Creed game. The best parts of the game are when your sailing on the ship listening to some sea shanties or raiding some random ship. The ship vs ship combat may be rather simple overall but it's still satisfying to blow a ship up with a broad-shot. Boarding a ship is also fun to do even if it kinda gets old after a while since it is pretty much the same thing over and over. Exploring the world itself was also additive since they did a good job of making each area look great. Some of the story was interesting when you meet some of the more infamous pirates and they even did a pretty good job in the modern setting.

    I will say they don't have as many failure states in this game but every time a tail/eavesdrop mission came up it was just annoying more than fun. Plus the rest of the story missions are similar to what you would expect from a AC game other than the few ship missions. Combat wise on foot it just seems like they haven't really upgraded it since they added a gun in ac2. Still I had a ton of fun just exploring the world more than seeing the story although like I said it had a few good moments. If raiding ships and plundering forts sound fun to you this might be a worthy purchase. Just remember it is still a AC game that plays really similar to the rest of the series so if your burnt out on it then don't pick this up. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Late night Dreamcast game session go! Giga Wing is a standard top down shooter with a few mechanics that make it kinda unique. The main one is the giant shield that can be activated for a few seconds that will bounce any bullet back to a enemy. Which is a good thing since they like to throw a ton of bullets at the ship. The other main difference is that the ship has two little ships on the side that can shoot different projectiles like missiles or mines. They even have some kind of story even if it's just here is a few lines of text about my tragic past.

    For a game that was made around 1999 it really doesn't look that great for a 2d shooter. Most of the visuals just seem blurry and I know it's not my tv since I'm still playing this on a tube tv. Even though it at least has some kind of story most of it is pretty stupid. Overall it seems like a standard bullet hell shooter that has a few neat mechanics but it doesn't really do anything interesting that would keep someone interested in it. Might be worth picking up if you like the genre. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • I always kinda wished I picked up the maraca controller with this but it still works okay with just the standard dreamcast controller. Hitting the buttons while a assortment of latin music plays is still fun to this day. The off the wall visuals just add to the charm this game has.

    The main issue I could see is if you don't like this kind of music then it's not worth picking up. It's also fairly short as well. Otherwise it's a fun little music game that is still fun to play. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • A kinda unique game that has a mix of stealth and puzzle elements. The different ammo types that the Stranger uses seems to lean toward figuring out how to micromanage each encounter. Like being able to lure a enemy or effecting everyone with a aoe stun depending on the type of ammo. Since taking a enemy alive gave me more money to spend on upgrades it gave me a reason to plan out each battle in a way to take most of the enemies alive. The game itself can also be played like any other FPS around but it seemed more fun to me to try to play this like it was a puzzle. The story and setting itself feels like a western although they end the story on a cliffhanger that'll never be expanded on.

    The biggest issue I had with the game is the last half of the game pretty much throws out any reason to take anyone alive. Since they throw out the bounty mechanic and replace it with ammo regen. I never really had issues with running out of ammo so it didn't seem like a worthy trade. Some of the bosses also felt cheap since they were able to kill me fairly quick or a almost infinite stun lock during a fight near the end of the game. It's kind weird but the first half of the game was more fun than the ending which is usually the other way around. Still if your looking for a game with a different way to play a FPS this one is certainly worth checking out. (I say it's a FPS but it's a mix of third and first but all of the shooting is done in FP.) 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • A good game that doesn't hold up as well without some of the mechanics the later games have. It still has quite a bit of variety of platforming and different little minigames that keep it interesting to play through. The half serious story is also good yet the humor doesn't always work.

    Most of the weapons work okay but not having a tps camera can make some of them hard to use like the blaster. They also don't give a very good reason to keep replaying this game unlike the later ones. Still it's a solid game that is still worth playing even if it has a few flaws. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • The one thing this game does well is that it feels a lot like a lost episode of the anime yet the game itself isn't that great. It's also a plus that they got the same vo's from the show to do the voices even if I'm sure some would have just wanted the Japanese vo track. Anyway the game itself is mostly a steath game that turns into a shooter near the end. Sneaking by someone takes a long time and is super pointless since the disguise mechanic is superior in every way. While in disguise the only thing I needed to do was hit R1 every now and then. Without the pointless stealth areas the rest of the game is mostly figuring out key combos for locks that stop you from progressing. Some of the puzzles were interesting but they are usually fairly obvious.

    The last half of the game is spent shooting things which doesn't feel that great either. After a while I figured out that shooting in first person let me fire forever which is really useful since in third person it takes forever to take a enemy out. Most of the boss battles just come down to standing in one place firing while healing the damage since running around just makes it take longer. Overall this game was not that fun to play yet seeing the story was enough to get me through to the end. It's not a game worth picking up unless you really really like the anime this is based on and don't mind playing a bad game. 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • It's to bad I never got around to picking this up when it came out since it's a great arcade racer. This is pretty much like the original Outrun in every way since the main goal is still to get to the end of the track before the time limit runs out. They also added in a few extra modes and reverse courses to mix up the tracks a bit. The way the cars handle also feels nearly perfect for the kind of racer I like to play. Don't think I've ever gotten this good at drifting in a racer before since it's fairly easy to figure out how to drift around corners perfectly. The extra modes are mainly racing other cars down different tracks or a set of mini games dodging a random meteor shower.

    Since it is a arcade game with a few extra modes it can be fairly short but it makes up for it by being really fun to play. If you haven't played this before and still have a ps2 sitting around it's worth picking up. ( I recently got a slim ps2 since my old fat model has been broken a while. Which would explain why I've been playing these games lately.) 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Oni starts out strong with a fairly obvious story yet by the end it feels rushed. Even if I could pretty much predict what was going to happen next in the story it at least had a few good moments. The combat was also fun most of the time when the game didn't feel like sending out overwhelming odds. They also put quite a few different combos although by the end it seemed like using the standard 3 hit combo was the best option.

    The main issue I had with the storyline is that they put in a this seems like it would change the ending choice near the end yet it only makes the final fight harder with no alternate ending afterward. Also some of the levels seemed imbalanced since almost any 3 way fight is almost impossible. In the end it's mainly just a middling action game that has hints of greatness. If you like the style they are going for and like melee combat it's worth checking out. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • I'm fairly surprised they even released this game in a state like this. I see no reason why a 2d game would hard lock a ps3 every hour or so. I still managed to finish the game after about 8 or so hard locks to the system yet even the game isn't that great. Most of it is spent fighting enemies in a dungeon similar to Gauntlet. The gameplay is just a standard beat em up with a few special attacks. Plus it has a slow pace that just gets boring after a while since it's just the same type of 5 enemies over and over again for 100 levels.

    I will say the bosses are at least unique since most of them require more than just hitting them a bunch. They also captured the style/silliness of the show as well. But that doesn't make a broken game good so even if you like the show this game isn't worth playing at all. Even if it wasn't broken the game isn't that interesting to play and the Adventure Time craziness is pretty sparse. (It's a good thing I just rented this. I heard it was bad but I wasn't expecting this) 1.0/5.0 Stars

  • After not playing this when it first came out I finally got around to it once it was given away on ps plus this week. The game itself is about two brothers that must find some medicine to save their Dad. It is also told without being able to understand anyone so most of the story is told just by how they emote. Which is a very simple way to tell a story with quite a few fantastical moments along the way. Those moments are what make this game worth experiencing yet I don't really want to talk about them since the game is fairly short since it only takes a few hours to see the end of the game.

    The other thing worth mentioning is that for all of the game you'll be controlling both brothers at the same time using one stick on the gamepad per brother. So the left stick will control the big brother plus L2 will let him do actions only he can do while the other side is for the little brother. It might take a bit to get used to but after a while I got used to controlling both at the same time. They weren't really aiming for it to be challenging but the game isn't that difficult plus the puzzles are pretty simple. But if your looking for a game with quite a few setpiece moments that were interesting to experience then this game is for you. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • It seems like I'm having a hard time figuring out what I would want to say about this game. So I'll just type out what I thought was important. They did a good job expanding the bizarre world of Zeno Clash by going in a direction I certainly wasn't expecting. Combat wise everything seems to work without any issues. Any flaws that a first person view brawler might have were accounted for like being able to counter any back attack. The way the game looks is also fairly unique although it's certainly not as shocking if you've played the first game.

    Unlike Zeno Clash this one seems to keep going for a while longer than needed. Near the end most of the fights felt about the same other than the boss fights which were usually just a endurance test. Also this might just be a ps3 issue but the online coop seemed pretty broken since whoever is playing as 2p wasn't able to lock on after a while. In conclusion Zeno Clash II is a okay game that might rely on it's bizarre world a bit to much but if this game sounds interesting it's at least worth checking it out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • A almost perfect blend of humor and off the wall courtroom antics the Ace Attorney series continues to deliver what I enjoyed about it since the beginning. The game itself would most likely resemble a adventure game since most of it is spent in a court room trying to find errors in a testimony. The best way to do that is to present evidence that proves that they are lying which usually takes a bit of thought to figure out. Really the entire game is about talking to people while trying to piece together what the real truth is within all the lies. It may not sound that interesting but the cast of characters you meet are never the usual suspects. Plus winning the case is never as easy as just proving a few lies since coming back from near defeat is kinda the theme of the entire series.

    This was also the first game that is in fully 3D instead of 2D and it's done really well. Also the main mechanic added in this one was the mood matrix which lets you see what the witness feeling in their testimony. It really is just pointing out errors like the rest of the game. Plus that's the only flaw that the game has. Doing the same kind of action over and over again yet I never really mind since the story line is what kept me interested for the 20 hours I put into it. If you like a good mystery or a on the seat of your pants battle of wits in a courtroom this game is certainly worth checking out. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • My first impression seemed to be right since this really is just a solid action RPG. Although the rest of the game is rather forgettable. The combat comes down to the standard motif of a light and heavy attack plus a few special skills. The special attacks are mainly just stronger attacks or one that hits over a area. They do mix it up by being able to use a bow to attack from long range as well. Even though the combat isn't anything new it was at least satisfying to go all out on a all of the enemies. Since it is a RPG it is still fun to find a better gear that improves stats.

    I'm no expert on the Lord Of The Rings but it seems like they didn't really make good use of the IP. Since it is a side story most of the characters you know aren't even around that much. Sure that was what they were going for but the rest of the game felt like a generic fantasy land. Most of the story didn't really leave much of a impact either. Still the game itself was still fun to play so if you are looking for a okay action RPG it's at least worth checking out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Japanese Import Review: PS1

    I can say this can be played without knowing any Japanese since it's just a beat em up. As the title might imply you play as a hero that must battle his way to hell by gathering up 4 rings. This is pretty much a classic style beat em up like Streets of Rage but in a fantasy land. Seems like they spent most of their time on trying to make the game look pretty nice for a ps1 game.

    The camera angle can be pretty bad sometimes since enemies can attack from off screen. It's not that often but near the end the game it expects precision platforming and that isn't really possible which can lead to quite a few deaths. Even compared to most beat em ups this game is rather short with only 5 levels. It does seem like the game could have some replay value since the game taunts the player to beat the game again for some kind of reward I assume. Overall it's a rather bland beat em up that doesn't really hold up. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • I now declare that the next few weeks shall be my unofficial Japanese import gaming time. Since I forgot my near launch JPN psn account name I made another one to play Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost online sometime next week. Since it's possible to get a free trial for psplus I went ahead and got it so now I have access to quite a few ps1/ps3/TG16/NeoGeo games.

    First up I played through the PC engine (turbografx 16) version of Cho Aniki. The premise of the game seems to be about a god that powers up two buff dudes to fight some kind of evil emperor. Game play wise it is a side scrolling shooter with quite a few unique looking enemies and reasonably fair boss fights. Other than the unique look, the game has a really awesome soundtrack that fits in with the bizarre nature of most of the levels. The only issue I had was that some fights were unfair until I knew what was coming. With a cool soundtrack and solid visuals with a pinch of weirdness you only get from Japan this game is still worth playing. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Next up I played through the top down shooter arcade game Shock Troopers. As a squad of commandos the goal of the game seems to be to rescue the daughter of a scientist that was forced to make something for a terrorist group. The top down shooting mechanics seem to work just fine and the added dodge roll button helps a lot with getting out of the way of enemy fire. Other than that it's also possible to play 8 different characters that have different bomb attacks plus HP values. Also it has some replay value compared to most arcade games since it has 3 different routes to get to the final level.

    The main issue I noticed was that they like to repeat bosses with slighter harder to dodge patterns. Now that I think about it I really only saw 3 different giant bosses with repeats of the first two in the 4-5 stages. Overall it's a good game that is still fun to play through. If you don't mind the fact that it is a short game it's still worth playing. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Super Hang-On comes down to being able to go fast while being able to dodge all of the other racers. It may only have 4 songs but they are certainly awesome songs to listen to while focusing on the race. Nothing can beat actually playing this in a arcade though since the controls added quite a bit of value to it. Still a fun game to play if you like precision racing games. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • What could be considered the original game that doesn't really fit into the mode of a standard game like Proteus. The entire game is spent just walking around seeing what weird/scary/funny thing pops up next in the dream world of LSD Dream Simulator. Each dream in this game can be super short like a line of text or it could last about 20 minutes before you just wake up automatically if nothing bad happens. Seeing strange things is certainly kinda fun for a little while but the game repeats area's more than it should. After I seen about the 10ish different areas the game just throws a new layer of kanji letters over everything but it's still the same areas that just look slightly different.

    What they were going for in this game is certainly unique but I just didn't find it that fun for very long. If you want to see what the developers of this game thought dreams were like it's certainly worth playing on the premise alone but otherwise it's not worth checking out. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • A fairly solid set of Konami MSX games. Magical Tree is a pretty much about climbing a tree to get to a castle that is apparently on top of it. It was pretty fun to keep trying to get higher and higher in the tree. Athletic Land feels like pitfall but you play a little kid instead of a adventurer. Konami Golf and Billards are indeed what they claim to be. Gradius 2 isn't actually a port of the arcade game but it's still really hard. Knightmare is a okay top down shooter with a fantasy theme.

    Hyper Sports 3 is a alright set of Olympic games that expect perfection on the first go or it's game over. Yir ae kung fu II is horrible and isn't fun at all unlike the first game. Twinbee is a slightly recognizable as the arcade game but most of the enemies seem to be different. Super Cobra is okay semi sequel to Scramble. Overall most of these games were still fun to play a few times if your interested in checking out some of Konami's older games. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Not to surprising but the Giant Bomb wiki is missing a few Japan only games. I'll just need to take some time to add them myself if I can find a good translation of the name.

    Anyway this game is another side scrolling arcade shoot em up. With this being the fifth game in the series it really shows with some nice effects when the boss blows up like it falling apart piece by piece. It also has a fairly unique take on the special attack since it's more like a overdrive attack that makes all of the different weapons more effective. Another great highlight that I wish more games like this had is being able to shoot backwards.

    Most of the soundtrack was rather forgettable although it had a few cool moments during dramatic moments. Like most shooters like this it will take some time to figure out the different patterns which can lead to some kinda unfair deaths with some bosses with really fast attacks. It's a solid shoot em up that was fun to play through if you like this type of game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • A arena based mutiplayer game similar to Bomberman although the way the game plays is different. Instead of blowing everyone up the goal is to collect eggs and then hatch them. Once they are hatched bring them back to the home nest in order to gain points. Since it is mainly focused on 4 player mutiplayer it's also possible to dash attack into players which will make them drop whatever they might be carrying. A assortment of power ups can be picked up that do different things depending on which one is picked up but it is about what you would expect like a invincible power up.

    I expect this game would shine if you could get 4 players together to play it. Without the crazy local mutiplayer this game doesn't have that much to offer other than a unfair story mode. Or at least maybe I missed something I should have been doing since even when I beat the AI point wise they still managed to edge out a victory during the results screen after 3 matches. I still had fun even if I lost more rounds than won by playing through the story mode. Although this game is only really worth playing if you have some friends around to play some local matches otherwise it's not really worth checking out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is at it's best when they throw just about everything in your way yet they only manage it a few times throughout the 35 mission campaign. The mech combat in this game overall feels really tight and easy to control. Most of the combat is just facing nameless tanks or small mechs but it is satisfying to blow them up even if it might get repetitive after a while. A lot like the last game I wrote a mini review about this game seems like it would be more fun if you play most of the missions coop style since the AI teammates are stupid. One other thing they do well is making a branching story path after finishing it the first time. Most of the best missions are near the end on what I assume is the true ending path.

    The biggest flaw this game has is that most of the levels are just boring to play since most missions are just a big square. If more of the levels were designed better it would have been more fun to play through it. Plus the way enemies spawn after you beat a few is kinda annoying since they just pop into existence once you look away for a second. The boss design was kinda simple too since it seems like most of them aren't much of a challenge until they throw in two during a mission. Overall a rather boring mech combat game to play through with a few good moments that don't really make it worth checking out. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Another side scrolling shooter for the Sega Saturn based on a anime that shares the title of the game. Overall a very easy game to beat on the normal difficulty although a few bosses took some trial and error to figure out what to do. Although a very short version of the events of the show it does a good job of getting most of the important battles through out 12 stages and the animated scenes between stages look nice compared to most games from this era. Other than the obvious mechanic of shooting everything in front of the Gundam they also add in the ability to fire into the fore and background. It adds quite a bit of cinematic flair to some of the bigger battles they showcase. Also before each battle it is possible to set up support for different parts of the stage like a special refill or a support attack from a Guntank.

    Like I mentioned above it is really easy to complete so if you would rather have a challenging game then it's not worth playing this one. Ground based battles work most of the time until facing a fast moving boss like Char which then becomes harder to dodge since the Gundam doesn't really move that fast on the ground. If your a fan of the show I would recommend playing this game since it is well made. Even without any knowledge about the anime this game is still worth looking at if your like this type of game. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I'm nearing the end of my week and a half look at a assortment of Japanese PS1/vita games. Plenty of good and bad games that were only released in Japan during the PS1 era so my little look into them didn't even scratch the surface. My focus was mainly on action games since I couldn't really understand all the text in a visual novel or RPG.

    Anyway this game is the sequel to the SNES game Firemen. With it's fairly unique premise of the enemy being fire it does a good job of having a variety of types of fire since they don't all act the same. Like some are fast moving tornadoes while others are slow but create small fires on the ground. Since the main character is a firefighter the only weapon is a hose with a straight shot of water and sprinkler mode attack. The viewpoint is top down so it gives plenty of room to dodge most attacks. The entire game is also on a timer which might change the ending since I got the bad one at the end of the game.

    Issues with the sequel only arise if you compare it with the first game since from my play through it seems like a few things are missing. The game is more linear which might be why they don't give a map anymore but it's a odd thing to take out since it would be easier to tell when all the fires are out if you had a map. The way the game looks doesn't really improve much over the SNES game either although it is slightly better detailed if you compared the two side by side. Even with it not being the best sequel ever it's still a solid action game with a unique premise. Worth playing if the premise sounds interesting since it is a good action game. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Full Boost is rather lacking single player wise yet it makes up for it if you like playing online matches. Having only 50 unique missions that wasn't in the arcade mode doesn't really equal that much extra content. They make up for not having that much single player content with a large cast of Gundams that all have unique abilities and play differently while attacking although the main goal is learning when to dodge most attacks. Playing online would be the main reason to play this since it is a fighting game after all. I guess this might have not been the best choice for me to import since I play fighting games offline most of the time. Oh well it is still fun to play in short bursts. If you like Gundam and playing online a bunch it's worth the import. Otherwise it doesn't have as much value if you focus mainly on the offline modes.

    (This was slightly longer before but I backed out of the webpage by accident. I really should start writing these in Word instead of typing this up on this page.) 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Even with coop I now remember why I didn't enjoy this as much as the first game since the case design is flawed. The basic premise of the game still works since killing a ton of zombies with a random assortment of items is still fun. The design of the mall is also well thought out with plenty of short cuts to get around faster. Some of the combo weapons were fun to use although I never really went out of my way to make any since every maintenance area had one or two combos in it. I will also note that the new final boss of the normal ending was more interesting than any other psycho in the game.

    I feel like the case design felt like it was extending the time spent in the mall by making the player do really pointless things which is highlighted the most by the 1 million dollar mission. Looking around the mall for money really isn't fun and the alternative of a pointless poker mini game wasn't that great either. Also adding in super zombies at one point in the story just made getting around really annoying since they can stun lock the player for a few seconds. It makes sense to make them more dangerous but it mostly made me run past them more. I really wanted to like this game yet it really isn't that great of a what if story. If you've already played DR2 before it's not worth checking out Off The Record. Even if you haven't played a DR game before I'm not sure if this would be the best place to start. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • I don't think I ever beat this in the arcades and the SNES version doesn't really shine the best light on it. It is still fun to play for a short amount of time which seems like what they were originally going for. Plus the idea of two giant monsters fighting each other sounds pretty good to me. After actually playing it though it's pretty much like most other wrestling games of this era just with giant monsters. It also felt like my button presses during a grapple didn't really matter 50% of the time. Repeating the same 4 fights again with more health in the 2nd part of the game was also annoying. Still a fun game to play for a little while or with a friend. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • With good gameplay and a deep background story for all of the characters this game turned out be really fun to play through. Unlike my first impression the story doesn't actually come down to being a simple good vs evil storyline. It focuses more on giving all of the characters a unique back story that usually ties into the main story. Playing the game itself still only comes down to judging when to dodge or knock the enemy into the sky for a juggle combo. When playing some of the later stages it's really vital to know if the enemies are at least stunned since it is fairly easy to get beat up pretty quick. Also it has plenty of value too time wise as long as you like beat em up style gameplay since the game lets you play as both the Hanzo and the Hebijo. Since each character has a different moveset it makes them play differently than the rest of the cast.

    The game is also just a beat em up at it's core which can get repetitive really quickly even with a few different types of missions. After a while the pointless fan service shots that break up the action whenever one of the characters armor gets low gets kinda annoying. (Luckily it is skippable at least.) Overall the game itself is also rather easy to beat. It at least gives more of a challenge with no armor mode or A ranking every mission. The characters themselves fall into quite a few anime cliches which I didn't mind but that seems like a valid issue to bring up. With simple gameplay and a better than I expected story this game is certainly worth downloading. Not liking the style of the game or how the game plays seems like a valid reason to not play it though. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Payday 2 continues the trend of having a great idea for a video game yet not really making a fun game to play. I get the point that they wanted to emphasize stealth yet it's nearly impossible without a good team. After one mistake the level just turns into a wave based survival map which isn't that interesting when that happens 90% of the time. Even without that most of the objectives just turn into waiting for a door to open to get to the objective and the rest of them are kinda annoying puzzles. The missions in this game were made to be played over and over again yet they don't have that many variants. Seeing the exact same mission again didn't seem like it was worth playing.

    I will say when everything does go right in the mission it feels like we managed to do something awesome. The gun play also feels pretty good with a variety of different types of guns to use. Plus the leveling system works okay with a variety of useful abilities that can be unlocked using the money from different heists. Turns out this just isn't the type of game I like to play. This game seems like it would appeal more to someone that has 4 friends that were all interested in competing missions perfectly. Otherwise it's not that fun with just 2 players and stupid ai bots. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • The Ys series once again reminds me that I seem to enjoy action RPG's these days more than turn based RPG's. Yet the story is what you would expect from this kind of game since Adol once again loses his memory. Even if it is a rather obvious story line it's still told well. Once again the gameplay is where this game shines the most with a variety of special skills that can be mixed in with standard attacks. Learning how a enemy attacks and when to counter/dodge is still vital if you want to complete this game. Most of the bosses in this game really feel like a good challenge that won't be beaten without knowing what attacks they might use. Some of the enemies in this game also have a weak point to certain attacks which gives me a reason to switch between the different characters I can control in order to do more damage. Everyone has a different attack speed and special attacks that make them feel different than Adol.

    Most of the side activities seem kinda pointless most of the time since the reward is just money. Which never really seems like a resource that I needed most of the time on normal. Like I mentioned at the start the story is most likely the weakest point in the game. Still the game was fun to play and the simple motivation of exploring a unknown area was enough to keep me going to the end of the game. Unless you really don't like forgettable storylines this game is worth playing at some point if you have a vita. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • A slight improvement over the first game makes this more fun to play through. Not having a annoying final boss also helped since it didn't have a instant kill like in Ys1. The combat was also better in a don't stop for nothing kinda way since I didn't need to dodge that many attacks. Which was also a issue since none of the normal enemies ever felt like they were much of a challenge with the real fights being the boss encounters. In the end this game holds up better than the first one. If your used to more modern games it might be better to start with one of the later Ys games and then come back to this one if your are curious about how this series started. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • The first Metal Slug game is actually really fair with it's difficulty compared to the later ones. Being able to beat a arcade game with only 4 credits is certainly not the norm for the later games where my average is about 15. The run and gun style of this game is still fun to play through. Overall a solid foundation for a series of games that only gets even crazier as they go along. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Strider does a good job of making a interesting exploration action game yet it doesn't have much variety in the gameplay. The remixed music seems to go well with the game they decided to make. For most of the game the artstyle also works okay other than when they decide to add VO before a boss fight. I don't know why but I just can't think of that many good things to say about Strider other than it is a well put together game overall.

    The big thing that doesn't work is that most of the power ups aren't that vital to moving around environment. Most of the fights are rather one note as well since once I knew what to do I could pretty much never die. Other than when a boss decided to be completely random I never really had much of a challenge even on hard. Still I liked what I played of it even if it took me longer to complete since it didn't really keep me interested in playing it for long periods of time. If you like this style of game it's worth checking this out although it might be better to wait till it goes on sale. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game holds up fairly well in most areas although some of the boss encounters are poorly designed. The version I played was on the ps2 which added a few things like horrible looking CG and a extra trial area. The story is fairly straightforward with Adol once again washing ashore on a island and then proceeding to figure out all the mysteries on the island by doing a assortment of dungeons. Unlike Ys 1 or 2 this one actually plays more like Zelda since it requires a button press for attacks rather than just running into enemies at a angle. Although it doesn't have a dodge roll which isn't to much of a issue since they rely on Adol being able to jump over attacks more than running away from them. The graphical style of the game holds up fairly well with it's semi anime style.

    Most of the bosses are fun to fight yet two of them didn't seem like they planned them as well. With one of them being a gimmick fight that requires precise timing which isn't really possible and the other one just has way to much stuff on the screen all the time. As I've mentioned a few times the CG work is horrible and I don't think it looked good back when this came out. (Luckily with a cheat code it's possible to go back to the animated cut scenes.) Overall it's a solid action RPG like the rest of the Ys series although it's a little rough in some areas. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Although it seemed alright at first by the time I made it to the end I didn't really enjoy it as much. Sure I will say the combat in the Wanzers was pretty fun for a while until they started mixing in on foot sections that felt like they were from a ps2 game. Most of the on foot parts seemed kinda pointless too since they don't really pose a challenge and mainly seem to be put in the game to move the story along. Still the Wanzer combat parts of the game are pretty fun since it requires some skill to dodge shots and take down the enemy at the same time. Being able to damage the enemies aim by almost blowing off their arm is a nice tactical option although to be honest I just aimed for the cockpit 95% of the time since if they blow up it doesn't really matter if they shoot at me a few times.

    Usually I don't mind if a story is bland but this one is so predicable and somehow so vague sometimes I don't even know why some of the enemies are fighting the protagonist. I guess it just comes down to them being evil because the want to since most of the major villains don't get much time to explain much other than a line or two. Also the special mode that the hero's Wanzer can pull off is called Edge (Slow mode bullet time) and it is turned off for at least 40% of the game. That was near the beginning of the game too so by the time I got it back I never used it that often when it could have helped during some fights. Well this game certainly didn't exceed my exception of it being a so-so game. It certainly has more bad than good points but if your interested in some mech combat it's fairly good at setting up a few fun fights. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • After seeing that horrible FTP game I thought I would at least see what the game it was based it was about since it's also free atm on psplus. Seems to be a dating sim with a assortment of mini games mixed in between multiple choice questions. Unsurprisingly it's impossible to understand anything without some knowledge of Japanese. I still managed to get the bad ending though heh. I give it 3 stars on the fact that it at least has some gameplay systems.

  • A horror game that didn't make me afraid of spooky things in the dark seems like a bad game yet it manages to have a few surprising moments that kept me interested in playing through the game. After thinking about it a while I decided to not take off a extra star because it didn't scare me very often. They may use the old loud noise trick while a monster jumps out towards the player a bit to much but I will say it at least got me hyped up to run at any moment. Learning where all the hiding spots are and where not to run to was fairly vital since it only takes about 2 hits before it's game over. The game itself looks really good for a indie game and the environment is really creepy.

    Most of the game at least keeps trying to scare the player yet in the final 30 minutes they pretty much give up entirely. Everything in the game was building up to this final moment yet the final reveal is unsatisfying. It's only disappointing since they did such a good job of setting up a interesting mystery. The one other section that didn't really fit with the rest of the game was the Saw like section that seems out of place since they only do it once. At least for me this game was still fun to play in a adrenaline pumping action game kinda way. I still think this could be a scary game for some. It may have not worked for me but they certainly tried to make a scary game that I still think is worth playing. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • A neat little real time strategy game that focuses on using time wisely to build a fortress out of Tetris pieces. Although it may seem rather simple it takes some good planning to have enough resources to withstand some of the later waves. Like my first play through ended poorly since I spread out my defense rooms to far apart so eventually my troops were overwhelmed. Figuring out the best way to research the different monoliths on the map while still managing a good base structure seems like it would give most players quite a bit of replay value if you like to keep tempting to make a perfect base. The game itself can be rather repetitive since it only has one map although it at least has a few challenges to counteract that. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Infamous 2 improves on what they started with the first game although it still has a few flaws like the side quests. The best improvement over the first game is that they give Cole a easier way to get around the world about 20% into the game. They also have electric poles that make it easier to get to the top of a building fast since climbing up a building a normal way is still really slow. Gameplay is also still a notable point as well since the different powers are fun to use. Either by using a giant ion tornado or frying them with a lightning bolt it never gets old. The storyline was another highlight since it expanded on what they started in the first game.

    The main flaw this game has is the side quest design since it really only has 4-5 different types of missions. Sure they made sure all the main quests were interesting but that just made the side missions seem even more bland compared to that. The way the karma system works may seem to simple to some people as well. No grey area in this game either Cole is a hero or a villain which might be disappointing to some although it certainly fits in the context of a superhero game. This game is a fun open world super hero game that is worth playing if that sounds fun to you. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • After catching up on the SW: the clone wars I decided to replay a old Star Wars game. When episode III came out I picked this up and it's surprisingly good for a game based on a movie. It still only comes down to being a brawler with force powers. The fact that this game is really short isn't a good thing yet it at least keeps it from getting old. It also has almost no replay value at all since I never had that much interest is collecting all the power ups after beating it. Also it at least has a few extra what if scenarios that adds some extra value. In the end this game comes down to be a fun little brawler that is fun to play if you enjoy Star Wars. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • SMT 4 may keep the strategic combat of figuring out the perfect team of demons to take on a boss yet it doesn't deliver on a interesting story. Learning the different weaknesses of the enemy and what they might send back at the player is really vital to be able to complete this game. Going all in without a plan usually equals death fairly quickly yet they make up for that by letting me save at any point. The only other good note I could say is that I enjoyed fusing a large assortment of demons since they usually came with a new move that would be useful during battle.

    The biggest flaw this game has is the characters just aren't very interesting at all. All of them are one note without any variation to their character. Which gave me very little reason to care about them since I didn't ever feel like I understood any of their motivations. The other problem is that the over arcing story seemed like it gave me quite a few choices yet most are only a illusion. It was also hard to care about the overall story when everyone seemed like a jerk to me as well. In the end I really wanted to like this game yet it just didn't have a interesting story to keep me excited to see what came next. Anyone already interested in the SMT series should still check this out but otherwise this isn't the best game to start off with if you've never played one before. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Infamous Second Son improves on some of the concepts from the previous games yet it still feels like it's missing a few things that would make it a really good game. One of the best things this game has is great pacing overall since nothing ever sticks around till it gets old and they make sure that they give the player enough different options to keep them occupied enough til the next story mission. While I'm on the story it's a good origin story that sets up Delsin as a noble hero or a nefarious villain. It may not raise the stakes super high but it still manages to hit quite a few interesting plot points. The gameplay also feels really good with a assortment of powers to take on the D.U.P. They mostly have similar powers yet they make each one different enough it's fun to switch between all of them during a play-through.

    Although I didn't mind it I noticed that the enemies don't really have much variety power wise since they all use concrete. It seems like it would have been interesting to see a assortment of conduits sent to take out Delsin other than the same enemies over and over again. The micro side quests have the same issue of being the same types as well. It's possible to complete them quickly so I never really got tired of doing them like most side quests in games. Overall this is a fun super hero game that was fun to play the entire time. I do not tend to play through a game twice but this was one of the few I actually wanted to play through again right after finishing it. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Infamous Second Son improves on some of the concepts from the previous games yet it still feels like it's missing a few things that would make it a really good game. One of the best things this game has is great pacing overall since nothing ever sticks around till it gets old and they make sure that they give the player enough different options to keep them occupied enough til the next story mission. While I'm on the story it's a good origin story that sets up Delsin as a noble hero or a nefarious villain. It may not raise the stakes super high but it still manages to hit quite a few interesting plot points. The gameplay also feels really good with a assortment of powers to take on the D.U.P. They mostly have similar powers yet they make each one different enough it's fun to switch between all of them during a play-through.

    Although I didn't mind it I noticed that the enemies don't really have much variety power wise since they all use concrete. It seems like it would have been interesting to see a assortment of conduits sent to take out Delsin other than the same enemies over and over again. The micro side quests have the same issue of being the same types as well. It's possible to complete them quickly so I never really got tired of doing them like most side quests in games. Overall this is a fun super hero game that was fun to play the entire time. I do not tend to play through a game twice but this was one of the few I actually wanted to play through again right after finishing it. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is certainly not the best ever FTP game ever yet it has a certain charm that has kept me interested in it all week. This game comes down to having a good set of spirits that can exploit the weakness different types of enemies. It requires some strategy for some of the bigger bosses since without a solid set of special attacks or having the right type it's really easy to get the entire party wiped. Plenty of FTP exploiting by letting the player heal the party for some orbs or summon up stronger spirit. Still the game can be played without relying on buying more orbs if your willing to wait a while. I've enjoyed what I've played of it so far so I think it's worth a look if you need a game that could be played for a little while each day. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Other than buying the first pack when this first came out I never bought any other pack so when they put this out on ps4 I debated with myself if I should buy it till I finally picked it up. Pinball was never the reason I went to the local arcade but it certainly was fun to play even if I wasn't that good at it compared to most of the arcade games. It certainly takes skill to play a pinball table although I still rely on random luck to complete a table. Sure it might take quite a few playthroughs but I've managed to finish a few tables without learning the correct way to shoot a pinball. The simulation of the tables certainly seems to be spot on with my memories compared to Zen Pinball. The way the game looks hasn't really been improved much over the older version but the way it is lit looks better.

    The UI is actually the worse part since it still looks like a cheap iphone game menu when getting to the different tables. Also the leaderboards really should be updated while you play a table and not after like it does now. When I do play Zen Pinball the fact that I can see that I'm about to beat someone during a run gives me another reason to get better at a table. Still if you liked to play pinball in a arcade it's worth picking up this game up. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Ah it's been a few months since I've just enjoyed a game with a interesting cast of characters and a compelling story to go along with it. What gameplay this game has is minimal with the man focus being on figuring what piece of evidence is required to prove someone is lying. This is presented a few different ways throughout the game. The main one is to use a "truth bullet" to break a highlighted statement during a nonstop debate. It won't always be a piece of evidence that proves the statement wrong either since sometimes it's vital to copy someone else's statement in order to prove something. I just wanted to note that since it shows that the game requires a bit of thought while trying to figure out whodunit during most of the class trials. A few other minigames are spread out during the game as well like what is pretty much hangman and a rhythm game when confronting someone.

    The story itself is really well done with quite a few twists and turns that'll keep you wanting to see more till the very end. It takes a little while to get started but once it starts the game never stops a breakneck pace till the end. The characters themselves all may seem rather stereotypical at first but once you learn more about them they turn out to be more than meets the eye. The overall mystery is also told well since I never quite figured out what was really going on till near the end of the game. Overall this game is worth playing if you love a good mystery or if you like a rather dark story since this game has a ton of that. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • I kinda forgot how annoying it is to fall off one of the bosses but each one certainly required a different tactic to beat it. Every fight in this game is just a puzzle that needs to be solved in order to win. Figuring out each one was fun but the 2nd part of the fight that requires hanging on to the boss without falling off can be annoying sometimes. Since falling off usually means I have to repeat the puzzle part again which isn't that interesting at that point since it's just a time waster. But that's certainly the correct punishment for failing something although the way some of the bosses shake to knock off the player make it really annoying to actually wound them. Not having a obvious time to attack a boss was the most annoying part since it seemed like it had a really small window.

    It seems like I just didn't enjoy this as much the 2nd time around. Even though I've not played this since it first came out I still remembered most of the boss patterns which seems to annoy me more when I failed. That certainly doesn't mean the game is bad but it just has more flaws than I remember. (Including a really bad camera angle during fights sometimes.) In the end it's a game worth playing for the unique gameplay and the story it tells with very few words. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • PC engine version: A 2D sidescrolling action game with animated/voiced cutscenes between bosses or levels. Although the animation is rather crude compared to what they can do now it's fairly well done and the VO work seems alright. The gameplay mainly comes down to swinging a sword around that can be powered up with a variety of power ups. Most of the power ups are what you would expect like a large wave attack or a homing shot. Most of the game is rather fair once you figure out the pattern all of the enemies/bosses have since they are easily exploitable. A few areas of the game were kinda unfair with surprise attacks from enemies that aren't dodge able unless you expect them. Overall it's a okay 2D action game that was interesting enough to complete. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Would have been a solid addition to the metal gear series if the game ended the first time it rolled the credits. The game up to that point had a good rotation going of side missions mixed in with interesting story beats told via a interactive comic book. It also plays fairly well too since it has the standard controls you would expect of a TPS. Plus the stealth action part is still really fun when I managed to pull it off.

    Yet in the final chapter of the game this all goes away and is replaced with boring story missions that don't add anything to the overarching storyline till the last one and a bunch of boss re-fights. Plus other than the final one they are all in areas that I've already figured out so they don't contain any new challenges most of the time. The end of this game just feels like a really long filler episode that I didn't need to play at all. I could easily recommend anyone try this game out up to first ending but since I'm judging this game by all of the content I am not sure it's worth playing. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • A good attempt at making a modern Rampage clone but it has a few flaws. Controlling this game is the one thing that takes a while to get used to since it uses most of the buttons to do different attacks. After mastering the controls most of the game comes down to destroying a city block within a time limit. They also vary the mission design up with a few different types like races and escort missions.

    The game itself is fairly short but if it wasn't I'm pretty sure it would get old quick. The later missions also get annoying quick since most enemies tend to kill the monster pretty quick at that point. Overall it's a fun little game that is fun to play if using a monster to destroy a city sounds fun to you. (The areas in this game are really small though. Would be nice to see a giant monster game with a huge environment to explore one day.) 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • The rate at which I beat some games almost feels like a speed run sometimes. Like I mentioned before this game relies on sniping physics which seem to work. Also sneaking around is apart of most missions although beating a mission without being seen is nearly impossible. Plus X ray shots which are only slightly interesting near the beginning of the game. So only 1 out of the 3 was a interesting mechanic for me at least.

    The story in this game is only an excuse to give the player a assortment of sniping targets and is rather forgettable. I will say they did a good job of making each stage unique most of the time. So it turns out this didn't change my mind any at all. At least I can see the appeal of this type of game for a certain type of person. Kinda how I love Dynasty Warriors when quite a lot of people think it's a horrible series of games. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • This seems like a great mutiplayer vs game that only has CPU opponents. That isn't totally true but at this point I'm pretty sure I'm not going to find anyone that has a GBA and a link cable. The game itself is a bunch of dodge ball matches with a few different special attacks in order to confuse your opponent. Learning when to dodge a attack and catch the ball is fairly key to winning all the matches. I feel like one of the other versions of this game would be a better buy than this. Being able to play vs on a console seems like it would lead to more fun overall. Still it's a solid game that is worth playing in whatever form you can get your hands on. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This is one of the few games that defies my first impression of a game. It just seemed like a bad game at first yet that impression changed to the point where I really liked this game. The rather annoying quick re-spawns of enemies turned into learning how to deal with them without getting hit most of the time. The weak guns at first were painful yet that is just to show you how great a powered up cannon will be by the end of the game. Even the assortment of bosses were enjoyable since it may seem hard at first but like most classic games it's all about learning a pattern.

    The collect things to make better weapons/armor may seem like a reason to grind out levels but I never had to search out certain items since I always had the right items to make new weapons. Even with my revised thoughts about the game it still has flaws like reusing levels. Out of the 100+ missions in this game you will only see 10-15 different level designs. The difficulty level also seemed to go up and down randomly. In the end if your willing to get past the rough start this is a fun game that is worth playing if you still classic games. Mercenary Kings kinda feels like what a NES game would be if it were made today. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • A classic case of a game going on for far to long. If this was a shorter game I believe it would have left a better impact on me. Since the story hit quite a few interesting story arcs in the Batman universe. Plus it's still fun to beat up a ton of dudes with counter attacks and a variety of gadgets too. Even the movement still feels good since it's easy to get around the world.

    Almost all of the side quest missions felt really pointless. Especially collecting all the Enigma data packs just like in Arkham City which was also a ton of pointless collectibles. The boss design also feels really boring since it comes down to doing the same thing for 4-5 times till the boss's life bar goes down to zero. Having a few different patterns to the fight would have at least mixed it up some. Overall it's not a bad game and it has plenty of content if your up for another Arkham game. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Sometimes I wonder if it would be possible to somehow predict what game I'll post about next since it feels so random sometimes. Old or new sometimes I don't even plan on what game I'll play next hehe.

    Anyway turns out Red Faction is just a bland FPS that may have destructible environments but they never really gave me a reason to use that to my advantage. Blowing up a wall to surprise the enemy or just taking down what they are standing on would have been cool but they almost never do anything like that. Plus the guns don't even feel that interesting to use since the best ones are just assault rifles and using any of the other ones like a rocket launcher never felt very effective. Even the difficulty felt imbalanced since for most of the game it seems okay but the final part went off the deep end which required me to save every minute. Worrying about getting killed in one shot isn't the best way to structure the final part of this game.

    I will say they did a good job of mixing up standard FPS combat with a few different mechanics. It didn't always hit the right mark like with the stealth levels which is as annoying as it may sound. But the vehicle levels did add a few empowering moments in a game where you feel really weak sometimes. My final thoughts about this game is that they mainly relied on the gimmick of being able to blow up parts of the environment without actually making a good FPS. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • Although Ground Zeroes may be fairly short they do give the player more reasons to replay levels if completing challenges and finding collectibles sounds fun to you. This doesn't always effect me but it turns out the stealth gameplay in this game was just right for me to spend some time to complete most of the challenges. Having awareness of the surroundings is fairly key to being able to sneak into a base and they give plenty of tools to be able to clear a mission without being seen like spotting enemies. Unlike most MGS games this doesn't have that much story although it sets up whatever they decide to do in Phantom Pain. Being able to finish a level a few different ways depending on what I decided to tackle first was also neat mechanic.

    Still this game can be really short if you don't care about replaying levels since all of the missions can be completed in less than 4 hours instead of my 10 hours to complete most of the challenges. The fact that it all takes place in one military base can be repetitive too. Overall I enjoyed playing playing MGS:GZ and depending on how you tend to play a game it could be worth picking up. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I first started Fez back when it was only on 360 but it just didn't interest me enough to finish it. I decided to correct that mistake since it seems like a game I should finish at least once. Although it may seem like Fez is mostly about platforming while being able to change the viewpoint at first but it's mainly about figuring out puzzles. Some of them require quite a bit of time to figure out without just looking them up on a wiki. Which I did on some of the harder puzzles since I didn't feel like piecing together a language with hints they give in game. Even if I spoiled some of the ah ha moments I might have had while trying to figure out how to solve a few puzzles I still enjoyed the rest of the game too. Sure they may not get very hard but the platforming feels good and being able to switch viewpoints is a neat way to add some variety to the exploration. Overall it's a good game that is worth playing if you really like puzzles that require a bit of thought to figure out. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • This game is still the best Tony Hawk game ever. With the addition of the revert that lets skilled players make nearly endless combos it becomes near perfection gameplay wise. Although they may not be impressive anymore but the graphics hold up fairly well too. Most of the levels in this game may be pretty compact but they managed to make quite a few interesting levels with varied objectives to complete. Not much else to say other than it's still worth playing THPS3 if you enjoy crazy combos and silly objectives to complete. 5.0/5.0 Stars

  • A game that tells a compelling narrative yet it is lacking in the interesting gameplay department. The main reason I kept playing this game is that it tells a unique story about memories and what might happen if we could control them somehow. Being able to remix someones memory is used to great effect later on with a obvious yet still effective twist. They don't overuse the mechanic either although it was always the most interesting part whenever I got to one compared to the simple fighting system. The main gameplay is hitting a predetermined button combo with a amazing total of 4 combos. They try to make up for a very limited system by giving the player the ability to add certain effects to combos like extra damage or healing.

    Yet only having 4 combos meant I pretty much just had the same type of effects without ever having to switch them around. Special moves are also thrown into the mix yet other than boss encounters which just required me to do the same move over and over I never really used them much. I will say that they do mix up the combat with some platforming and a few puzzles. Most of the time they were used with good effect yet I will say that the airship platforming part was mostly just annoying. If you can look beyond the mediocre combat system this game is worth checking out thanks to the story arc. But if rather middling combat for most of the game sounds bad then this is most likely not worth picking up. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • It may not be a traditional Kirby game yet it makes really good use of the touch screen just like Canvas Curse. The main portion of this game is spent controlling 1-10 Kirby's by taping the screen to move them. To attack you either fling them into the enemy or charge them if they are on the ground. Depending on how many Kirby's you have it'll take longer to defeat a enemy. To keep things interesting they add in coins scattered throughout the levels to give you something else to do. Also a variety of mini bosses and zone bosses give some variety to the combat.

    Plus the coins unlock some neat mini games but that doesn't last all the way till the end since at one point it just started unlocking what to do in the challenge list. The challenge list itself seems like it could add some replay value yet I don't really see much reason to actually complete all the challenges. Still at least they give players something else to do if you enjoy the gameplay enough to keep playing more after finishing it. In the end this game is the perfect game to play for short amount of time each day since it can get kinda boring if you binge play it. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Since the new Godzilla film is coming out I thought I would at least play through the one Godzilla game I own. This game had so much potential if they only refined the combat a bit better it could have been a great Godzilla game. The first type of gameplay you start with is stomping around different cities in japan in a overhead tactical view. The main goal is to get through the city and collect items so you will be better prepared to face the boss at the end. Plenty of obstacles get in the way like tanks and even UFOs. Once you start fighting the boss the game turns into a kinda active time battle scenario of punching the enemy monster then backing up to pick a attack. Once the attack has been confirmed then a small cut scene plays of whatever attack it might be like atomic breath.

    The main issue with combat is that it requires contently moving toward the enemy monster and backing up to charge up a energy bar. Yet all progress will be lost if the enemy gets the attack off first. Which can lead to some super annoying moments where they will get the bar full first since the CPU doesn't need to move back and forth. Without having to punch the monster first to start up a attack could have made this a kinda interesting turn based battle. Yet even with the horrible combat I still somehow managed to beat this game on one credit with some good use of items during battle. Plus knowing when to run away is key since the enemy can't regen health. I really enjoy this game but I can see that it isn't perfect and giving it 4 stars would be to generous. Still if you enjoy the different Godzilla movies this game is worth playing. 3.0/5.0 Stars

  • Velocity Ultra: I wasn't really expecting much from this when I downloaded it via psplus on my vita yet it turned out to be a great top down shooter. This game comes down to learning how to speed run the different levels while collecting everything. Each level isn't to long so I spent quite a bit of time replaying levels to perfect them. They also have quite a few different mechanics to mix things up a bit. Like being able to scroll up the screen in order to finish a level faster or being able to warp to another point in the level. Finding the different secrets in each stage add some replay value with some unlockable challenges. Those challenges can be just a speed run stage or even a Snake clone. Overall it's a really good top down shooter that should keep you interested in playing through it till the end. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • It certainly has a spooky atmosphere but it's actually mainly just a great FPS. The main story arc in this game is learning about the misfortunes of Jeremiah's family. This is told via good voice over work and random books scattered around the environment. The game itself is also really varied with the different environments that Patrick Galloway has to shoot his way through. Between a mansion, alternate dimension and even a aztec ruins this game has a ton of variety. Even the enemy's change per area to give the player a different challenge. Also unlike most FPS it seemed like I had a reason to switch between guns/scythe since they were all useful in different situations.

    One of the more unique mechanics in this game is that it has a magic system. So along with shooting the enemy you can fling a skull at them or speed up Patrick's movement to dodge a attack. Unlike with the weapons I didn't seem to switch between magic skills very often and by the end I was mainly using speed to cut everything in half. The game itself is also really dark like it was hard to see doors sometimes without using a magic flashlight. That magic flashlight is also annoying since I had to keep casting it since it only lasts about 20 seconds. Other than that this FPS was a fun ride all the way till the end since even the boss encounters require a bit more thought into beating them since they don't always require just shooting them a bunch. If you are in the mood to play a FPS with a creepy aesthetic then it's worth checking out this game. Just don't expect it to frighten you since I really don't think that was what they were trying to make. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • Need For Speed Rivals tries to do a few different things yet none of it makes the game any fun to play after a while. They certainly tried since going around the online world with a assortment of players certainly sounds interesting at first yet the limit of 6 really kills any chance of encountering anyone very often. Not being able to find someone online or being able get everyone together really killed any reason for me to care about online. The game itself is a okay racing game that lets players either be the hot shot street racer or the cop that has to catch them. I found that playing as the cop was more interesting since I enjoyed wrecking other racers more than trying to finish a assortment of races. Especially early on since I never felt like I could take much punishment which lead me to stop playing this game till this week.

    The lack of objectives also made me loose interest fairly quickly. Since it only had 5 different types of races split between time trial, race, and pursuit so I never felt like it had enough variety to keep it interesting. The "story" they try to tell is kinda amusing in how dumb it is but other than that it's rather forgettable. Seems like I was hoping this would be a good follow up to NFS Most Wanted yet it just feels like they forgot most of the fun parts of NFS Most Wanted. Overall it's a alight racer that has a lackluster online and I don't think it's worth picking up. 2.0/5.0 Stars

  • While this game is a good adventure game it relies a bit to much on bringing back all of the old notable characters instead of spending time creating new ones. Although like most Ace Attorney games this one does do a good job of mixing humor with a serious tone. A cast of likable characters also keeps things interesting till the end of the game. The mix of putting clues together logically and presenting evidence to find the truth is always kept interesting by the many twists in a case. Finding a certain piece of evidence while presenting it to counter a argument may not seem that fun at first yet how it plays out is always worth seeing.

    The biggest flaw is that they rely a bit to much on bringing back old characters so the new ones don't get that much time to develop. They also rely a bit to much on bringing back well worn out tropes like getting that decisive piece of evidence at the last possible moment. Still I really enjoyed playing through this game and it's certainly worth checking out if you've ever played a Ace Attorney game before. If you've never played one before then you shouldn't start here since it is a spin off after all. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • I may not get a chance to play very many local games very often but this one is a pretty good vs game. The fact that it's easy to pick up and play is vital to keeping it fun to play over a lot of matches. Plus the somewhat random nature of firing arrows around the arena can lead to quite a few comical victories. The only flaw is that the single player quest is pretty basic. It at least offers a pretty good challenge if you are interested in beating quest mode on hardcore difficulty. Overall this is a great game to play with friends locally along with a ok single player. 4.0/5.0 Stars

  • A charming adventure game that doesn't really require much thought to finish but the cast of silly characters make up for it not being very challenging. The visual style of this game also stands out from others since everything looks like it's made out of paper. This also fits in with the main gameplay mechanic of pulling off stickers with a giant hand that is growing out of Ray's head. These stickers can then be used somewhere else which will then continue the narrative. None of this is even slightly challenging since everyone just tells you what you need by reading their mind.

    They also make good use of the ps4 speaker in the controller since whenever Ray reads someone mind it comes out of the speaker instead of the tv set. Plus this has the added effect of letting me make everyone sound like a chipmunk which is more funny than it should be. Anyway the man thing that really sets this game apart is the wide cast of silly characters that keep things interesting till the end of the game. The humor in this game doesn't always work but it at least made me smile a lot. In the end it was a enjoyable adventure game that was fun to experience. 4.0/5.0 Stars