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i really think it depends on the game and how the opening is formated. generally if there is a tutorial segment in a game seperate from actual story stuff that you might care about for lore/chracter reasons then i'd say yes a skip should be avalible specially on a subsequent playthrough. thats actually one of the reasons that i booted up paper mario 1 on me wii played 5-10 mins and turned it right off when it first came to VC all those years ago. i'd loved the 64 version growing up but the intro was such a slog like frankly a ton of nintendo games and it was enough to make me just go nope idk why i bothered. most of the time i think games are better these days about blending the tutorials into the world/story of a game to where they're not much of a bother , at least of the types i play , but yeah if i was plauying say a kart racer or something i'd want the option to skip i guess

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They seemed cool on the couch , welcome to GB nikki

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i like/dislike things based on themselves not what how many other ppl think of it

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idk , maybe but i honestly lean no? i think there is plenty of room for devs to still wow ppl , but yeah i do however think its getting harder to do .

i played zelda , i thought it was good , i didn't love it and i liked it less than botw , it felt like more of the same in alot of ways and while i think it did cool things with its building i wasn't wowed by it so much as amused , but there are plenty of ppl on the flipside of that , i think Most of the wow factor for alot of ppl is the fact that nintendo got that much out of their system thats long in the tooth hardware wise at this point but that doesn't surprise me cause thats just what nintendo does and its frankly Why they make their own system still at this point i think. i think totk is a solid 7/10 it does nothing amazing imo but its a good game ...

that said i just beat ff16 2 days ago and while it didn't do anything amazing either i still things it had those highs that you'd expect to feel from a game of that caliber . that is the music and world and everything just really clicked together in a great way and it wasn't long in the tooth , i did mostly everything in that game outside of some trials that i didn't care about . part of me thinks that it could have used more to do and the other part of me feels like i'm glad it didn't have more to do. its not an rpg and i don't think it needed to be. if they tried to go more that way i think the pacing would have suffered. i didn't love aspects or the systems in terms of gear but i found it just good enough for the angle they were going for and while nothing about the gameplay wowed me or anything those moments in it really hit in ways that i didn't expect after nearly 20 years of FF entries just not doing what 10 did for me when i was a kid. my gut when i poped it on my how long to beat was its a 9.5 but honestly its probably just a 9 and i was high from the ending .

ideally games would give you all the things to deserve a 10 i think , it would have the moments/story /characters , the gameplay , and also just look great in whatever art style the designers choose. sure its probably harder than it used to be but i don't think its impossible or anything.

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as a person who hasn't loved the more recent mainline ff games and as a person who wasn't sold on the idea of it being an action game instead of some type of turnbased thing i have to say ...that demo felt fluid as fuck and really sold me on the game. i was gonna wait on a price drop cause i really am against having a 70usd price point, but i don't want to wait and target had a you get a $10 giftcard after purchase if you preorder so ...i'm justifying it to go towards what will eventually help pay less for something else ..... needless so say i'm really looking forward to it now ... also i'm not gonna lie ben starr on the gb couch last week really helped get me hyped about it too better than any of the actual pr of the game did. ... heres to the dualsense causing semi crippling hand pain ( tho Somehow it didn't when i played ishin earlier this yr? so fingers crossed i'm ok now??) i woul still rather play this on my pc onestly but at least it gives my launch ps5 a rare purpose.

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i don't disagree with any of this except for the controller bit. like exile above said its not like they have buttons any different than the other systems out there so i'm just willing to say its just on them for having a clunkey control scheme... i also wish there was a option to swap confirm and cancel in the settings! all this said as a switch owner , a ps4/5 and gaming pc owner i can flat out say i just don't want to touch my switch anymore. i can play games in ryujinx at or not far after launch with better fps and minimal bugs and if i wait longer those bugs are usually sorted out too so why would i want to play on proper hardware and have a worse experience. nintendo has a track record now of underpowered hardware while adding selling gimicks to their stuff so idk what else they can tempt ppl in at this point , either way heres to seeing what they do by end of 2024 early 2025 at the latest ,.. i can't imagine them not announcing something by this time next year if not late around holidays

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#7  Edited By styx971

i'm in about 17 of them , i only pay attention to a few here n there and only really talk in one or 2 sporadically . i don't really care for the chat room nature of it . its fine for what it is but unless i'm jumping in for a reason i feel generally out of place.

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as someone who has had glasses since just after highschool and i'll be 33 in aug i gotta say ... that focus issue , while it could be you i definately feel it being a screen size/distance thing too. i'm near sighted and glasses are fine on my 55 inch in front of the bed it is very much less good on the couch with the same size tv playing the same game . i have that same focus issue in the living room as you mentioned , and it part of why i don't go out there to game when my fiancee is sleeping. i'm willing to bet he has the same issues as you , hes 56 and refuses to wear his glasses and i Know he has a hard time seeing just based on how he plays n what doesn't notice at times. i got him to put his glasses on once and he did much better ...

for me its more my aches and pains that are an issue , my hand just doesn't love being on a mouse for hours at a time to play certain pc games and when i do i really feel it where i never used to when i was younger . ..... getting older sucks

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i think it really depends on the game. as someone who prefers a game with a good story and characters i don't need it to make me feel something but when done right it can definately make a good game great. that said plenty of games i also go to just for the mechanics and i would prefer they didn't make me feel anything cause chances are those games if i feel something i'm probably just getting frustrated or upset cause i died or something.

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didn't know they were doing the 'e3' couch since i'm about 3 months behind on stuff around here , but listening to some waypoint/remap stuff i heard patrick was gonna be on the couch the last night of it so i guess its time i coaught up n tuned in , but yeah its weird to think of the night show without jeff G , still i'm sure it'll be good in a different way