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interesting and great work as always on these

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There's only so many times that we can get that impressed before we just look back at what we loved and say i still liked that better even if it is worst.

this is what it comes down to for me i think when i make a list . i don't base it on what i thought was a better game in X or Y way just strictly from enjoyment at the moment of beating it , sure i might rejigg the order a bit when going back n thinking about it but i think enjoyment in that sorta way is just a better metric or sorts .. heck how else am i going to have backpack hero over TotK in a year like this .. .. then again there were 8 things higher than zelda so ..ehh this years assassin's creed wasn't memorable in the slightest but ya know what.. i sure as hell enjoyed it enough to 100% and thats saying something i guess

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mine is simple as last years in that i want to keep finishing what i start , i did a good job last year mostly and i'd like to keep it up, sure in 2023 i beat 20 or so less games than in 2022 but theres were alot of longer titles and some replayes of older ones so thats ok.

on top of that i've been telling myself i want to chip away at alot of these larger rpgs that have been sitting on my backlog for ages . i started on a role last yr till the layoffs here put my mood in a funk partway into playing ryza 2 ... i should go back to that but its hard to pick rpgs up after putting them down .. we'll see

as for spending i think the past yr i did good on limiting impluse purchases but i'd still like to keep that up , its not fair to my backlog to keep adding to them or my fancee who has been supporting my ass for the last 3 years ... i need to loose more weight so i can go back to work, i had lost 10-15lbs down from about 300 since mid-summer so another 20 or so i might be able to fit into my pants .. till then i'm housebound with the winter here n only having shorts but hey thats fine it gives me time for yakuza 8 at the end of the month.

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@bigsocrates: i really like the idea of the gamepass club thing , my issue is that if i'm knee deep in something already i'm just less likely to bounce off of it to play one of those games if i wasn't already planning to . alot of my backlog issues stem from me bouncing off something in favor of starting something else, which is something i tried to minimize this past year along with spending less .. both of which were mixed successes i'd say for me since with the exception of the past month or so and last jan i didn't pick up many things and not finish them unintentionally , tho i did flat out drop a good handful of games too.

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Idk I think it depends on length? Like its a creators job to make something compelling enough to want to see through for x amount of time . Personally I find it ok to an extent if things start off a bit bland but for how long shold a person have to see it through for something to get good?I think the person interacting with something should give something a fair shake but that doesn't mean they have to keep engaging with something they aren't enjoying.

Personally for me if its anime or a show I'll give it 2-6 eps cause of world building reasons depending on length , games it really depends on the type, alot of rpgs take some time to get good so I tend to give them a bit longer than say a action game. I don't drop things often but when I do its cause I'm bored more often than not , starfield I was ready to drop after 12 early but I gave it another 2 cause ppl claimed it got better .. But imo it was dull and soulless and thats on the dev . Lords and villeins I dropped cause it was flat out boring to me as well even tho I'd put in 5+hours into it. But that said I'm just 1 person other ppl like those games.

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#6  Edited By styx971

i really like mike ,but he seems generally happy about his contract status? idk seems like he has his cake n eats it too? personally either way tho i'd rather they hire another video person if only to lighten poor jan's load a bit , i know they borrow GS ppl for help but a full time addition would be better as it stands as much as i like lucy and tam they don't feel like actually part of the site due to the double duty ( by comparison) , hell mike feels like more of it as a contractor .. weird times

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can't speak to diablo 4 tho most ppl i know are sorta down on it . FF16 is my runner up goty so far this year , it has some great moments , that said tho it just isn't a rpg game honestly with combat like a character action game instead , that said it feels fluid as all fuck imo and the characters are good with a decent story so i definately recommend it .

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looking foward to seeing your thoughts in the future. i myself went a bit through a similar spat of time a few many years ago , i'd gotten a new job , a active social life and then a man who is now my fiancee about 8 years back , for the longest time things were a stuggle to manage , i always gamed but everything else i enjoyed started to fall off and the gaming definately slowed. i feel its all a matter of time management , there is never enough time but its important to be able to feel like yourself and do thing you enjoy with part f your time too without the focus of All of your time needing to be in work or a partner. either way tho i hope this idea helps you push through , persoinally when i fall into a game can't hook me rutt i usually end up watching things but everyone is different , that said i might recomend choosing the shorter games in your backlog ? in my experiance its been easier to tackle shorter games when i've been in a rutt, not only do you generally beat them faster due to the length but i find it easier to fall off a game if its a longer one in general cause too many big ones can turn into a slog .

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#9  Edited By styx971

i don't think i agree . if anything i think the issue is just 2 fold. 1 games are getting longer and with it take more time . and 2 adults who used to love these games as kids ( myself included) have limited time vs when they were younger. now obviously thats not to say younger ppl or those with more freetime don't play this style of game of course they exist , but i think the major issue is just simply games are too long/big and with how many come out in a given span ( hell look at this yr its been packed) alot of ppl will either dump it in favor of something new , or get warn down by its length. ... That said i wouldn't say thats strictly a JRPG issue but its an issue regaurdless. i think if your the type to play that style of game chnaces are thats your main issue, idk the genre has its tropes so i think the falling off probably isn't Usually due to those if your going into a game well versed in them.

i will add that that is a major factor into why i don't play the trails series. my fiancee owns all the cold steel series and i've had sky 1 in my steam account for Years , but knowing what a timesink that series is is just too daunting for me to even want to start it knowing how interconnected they are even in its standalone sub series that i'd just rather play them all in order.

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i think it Can be a neat tool but Will overall hurt ppl instead of help due to greedy corps that only care about profit.