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Edited By styx971

@jeffgrubb i'm a couple weeks off but in the future i recomend fish mox . if you get the right one its litterally the same amoxicillin humans get. ( you can look up the pill code to be sure)as someone with no insurance i've found it useful knowledge and its cheaper than going to the doctor,. good to have on hand if you reallly need it.

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@thestig said:

It seems improper to continue this series without Jess. Dan, Jess, and Grubb playing through Sonic was one the the best featurettes last year; and this evolved into a thing where they’d each have to play a bad game—amazing and clever. But when you remove one of the key people (and the only one who can do impressions) it’s just not right. I continue to support GB, but c’mon. You can’t replace an employee with a not-employee and pretend like nothing changed.

i get what your saying but considering the now limited amount of staff i feel like at least this is Something , sides its not like we never had a series with a non-gb staff in it before , remember burgel my bananas and mike mahardy being in it .

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Edited By styx971

at this point theres just no more words that can be said about how bad this is , jason has been great staple in my life for the last 12? years since he was originally hired at GI then came here with dan , its horrible that a corporation would do something like this to him because numbers, its even worse knowing how his health has been in recent times, i hope he lands on his feet as quickly as possible.

Jess i feel like even tho i'd never really seen her stuff before Hot takeouts came to GB i recognized her name from my time as a screwattack fan and it having been mentioned somewhere on there, she seems like the type who will bounce back from this and do ok but i hate this for her since it was a dream job for her , also as the only actual core staff female this is kinda shitty in a diversitiy aspect.(sorry lucy is great but we rarely see her and she seems gs foremost)

As for the rest of those effected our sweet art boy who did amazing work aside i was not fromilar with them but its just horrible all around , i hope they too land on their feeet swiftly. as rough as this place has been the last few years the remaining staff are great , and its wrong they have to try to pick up the pieces with this one we all know how hard that is going to be for a video site with 1 production guys , poor jan i can only imagine how he must be feeling , grubb who just left something i assume was stable to come here , dan who came back , and even bakalar who you know being a management guy for both these sites has to have his handful right now too n then some. its just wrong

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never ggot into one piece cause the character designs , always heard good things tho. this looks fine for what it is , i'm not gonna lie tho i knew about that other open world game and i never even realized it came out, i expected that when i clicked on this , guess i'm 2-3 years late lol

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i did not expec a list full of switch games when i clicked on a list ..but .. thats ok cause theres some pretty solid games on here. i really need to get to xenoblade , i love that first game but fell off 22 after a small chunk of time and never jumped back around n i wanna beat it first. arceus i loved it was my #6 , i hadn't had so much fun with a pokemon game since i first booted up gold in my GBC , i too hope they handle the next entries better

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nice list ^^ . i need to hurry up n beat 2 ,its the reason why i didn't touch 3 . i love big RPGs but i have that hard time motivation-wise to pour such a large chunk of time into them knowing how long they take.. thats my gaming resolution this yr tho is to actually beat some.

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great list , alot of your thoughts with certain things echo my own. i too felt it was a pretty weak yr big releasew-se , horizon i found personally to be not as good as the first , it wasn't bad persay and i'm there for whatever that 3rd game is , but it just felt way too bloated in not only the markers on the map type of way but the tech tree too . still it didn't deserve how they treated it during the goty stuff i'd agree.

oddly enough jeff G was why i too decided to dive into dragon's dogma this summer , it was my 3rd? try getting into it and actually it finally clicked this time , maybe it was a mood thing since i too have had those gaming slumps in the last couple years , but something about how it was still open world design but not checkmarks on a map really did it for me.

cyberpunk i also finally beat ... fully agree it wasn't great n my exact feeling on the world , after cdprojekt red did so great imo with witcher 1-3 world-wise its rather disappointing on top of that the gunplay just didn't feel too good either. ...all this said its what made me want to build a new pc around when those 40 cards were announced, while my previous pc was fine n it could run it ok ( i realize its a problem child of a game under the hood) something just made me need new hardware... new pc is great , i have a spare 3080ti i used in it for 6 weeks before scratching my head n ordering a 4080 just cause the stock was there surprisingly ... i shouldn't have cause now idk what to do with ... if anyone is interested its a evga and i paid a bit under1k for it ..... i like my pc but i have regrets, my fiancee is a green-eyed monster n now he needed one too , he tried to 1up me a tiny bit components wise n now we'rd having issues getting his running past the drivers, its a mess and after this week i refuse to look inside the guts of a rig for another yr weather this other cpu we ordered ends up working or not -_-

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i really should play those Ys games i own . i started origins 10 years ago now 3 different PCs ago ( said pc fried after a storm ) and i just never got around to going back to it ... planning on getting through more RPGs myself this yr tho with my backlog what it is tho so we'll see, either way nice list ^^

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didn't try golf story when it came out myself cause i'm usually not good with golf mini-games in things so i just ignored it despite all the good talk... if thats the same mini-game in this i can se the appeal i Guess? ,... that said this looks rough , a shame given the previous game got such paise.

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definitely a solid list , as a fan of 'jason games' i might have to check out a couple of these i hadn't tried.