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@dan_citi: as someone who sunk about 8 hours into it today mostly just getting collectables n i think i'm half done with the story i would say it would probably be a great palette cleanser , specially with it being so short ( someone in the overblood group said its 2-3 hours mainline)

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ppl seem to not know about or forget that video dan did of making a pizza roll omelet ( arguably good) or that horrible sounding jelly belly popcorn and that makes me a bit sad ...still we Have those cooking with dan on his youtube.

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i used to love that sort of game so i think its a shame we don't get more of them anymore. i think sadly its just a byproduct of devs/pubs chasing treads in the market, when those games were abundent it was cause that was the 'big new thing' thanks to gta 3 and tech of the time , but every time that happens theres always something sorta left behind when new trends pop up. i didn't play all of them but even ones that were on the more mehh side i found to be alot of fun , that scarface game was oddly enjoyable tho i never beat it , the godfather the game ( og xbox version) was pretty fun with the extortion stuff at the time. early SR games were great , sadly this newest entry was too buggy to really enjoy. and for me sleeping dogs might have been my goty the year it released, it was a game that just did it for me between my love of brawlers , asian action movies , and frankly the cars controlled so well imo that it made me disappointed in how gta5 controlled when it released afterwards. its also one of the rare cases of me double dipping on a game and actually playing it again vs just having it, its a damn shame we'll probably never get another one , tho who knows since they want to make a movie out of it with donnie yen but i can't see that being as good.

but yeah i think its a shame we don't get more of these and that gta doesn't really have any competition , then again by the time gta6 rolls out who knows maybe i'll enjoy it more cause of that , but idk its been 10 years since 5 and i don't have the itch to go back to it at all even if i fond it OK at release, the characters don't really do it for me in that

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talk about a solid list .. honestly its pretty nice to see pentiment and citizen sleeper so high up on it ^^

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Edited By styx971

@simkas said:
@styx971 said:

the raid is Fine , its action is great but the story is so barebones its hardly existant , i haven't seen john wick but i seen a good chunk of the 2nd and i'll take that over the raid any day

The action in The Raid is so far and beyond the action in John Wick though. And The Raid 2 has plenty of story and I would argue it's better than the John Wick sequels because it doesn't go so far up its own ass with its worldbuilding and is instead just a good, fairly straightforward crime story with pretty much the best action scenes ever put to film.

like i said action was great but i need more than action , not seen the sequel cause the first was so barebones so i'll take your word for it having more ... that said i don't mind me some world building so i can imagine not feeling the same either way ... this isn't me saying 1 is better than the other tho cause like i'd said i only seen a chunk of that 2nd john wick n none of the rest of them. i will say tho that i usually lean towards kung fu movies for my action stuff so the raid already had points in its favor before the lack of story in 1 lost me a bit ... still the action is great but if it was up to me i'd pick fong sai-yuk ( 1 or 2) to rewatch over either of those

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ya know ... i never thought about that at all when playing forbidden west , but when you put in on 'paper' like this ....yeah i can definately see it ... that said as much as i loved the first horizon game i'll say this entry was just flat out not as good mechanically as that fiirst and the padding is just way too much ....while mass effect 2 was just different and better in other aspects but weaker in others ......... all that said i'm interested in how horizon 3 is gonna end up after that ending.

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Edited By styx971

i had that tiny toons game growing up ... never beat it but damn if buster's hidden treasure didn't have some sweet music in it ... i'm particularly thinking of that volcano/cave stage music tho more sweet in contaxt of course

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the raid is Fine , its action is great but the story is so barebones its hardly existant , i haven't seen john wick but i seen a good chunk of the 2nd and i'll take that over the raid any day

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@c_toc said:

Is this "2 members of GB and 2 friends of the site" model sustainable?

i would say if ppl keep listening anyway yes , but also its gotten rather old ,. it was old before jason and jess got laid off and its frankly kinda ridiculous now. no offense ment to the guests at all its just i don't come to this podcast for their opinions i come for the gb staff , granted its dwindeling now .. still jan n grubb are great , but where the hell is dan on these n bakalar even i always thought they rotated cause there were more ppl but now that doesn't seem right. it also gives off a bad impression dan is 'saving it' for fire escape.

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@janman noticed this episode didn't show up on the frontpage. Also this part and part 5 are not in the episodes list

it also isn't in the latest videos at all , i only knew it was even on the site n not still a twitch archive cause i seen a forums post.