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2015 Completed Games Checklist

I did one of these last year, and I'm doing one this year! I'm also going to take a page from @slag's book and aim to complete over 100 games this year. Will I reach my lofty goal? Who knows! We'll find out together.

Just a little note; I'll also include games that I've finished before only if I've finished them more than once, on a harder difficulty and/or if I've 100% cleared them. This'll also include episodic stuff like Broken Age or The Fall if additional episodes get released this year.

EDIT: Slowly going back and adding times but due to this being a last minute effort (and most games not keeping a good record of how long you played them) it's going to be a rough estimate.

Steam usually keeps track of how long you've played (thankfully!) but in the instances where I am just making a blind guess I will let you know! I will also put any in-game times I find for

I'll be measuring the totals in 3 different ways; the Low Estimate (the sum of all the lowest times available), the High Estimate (the sum of all the highest times available) and the Grand Total (sum of the total time played for each game, in instances where I kept playing after I completed it or completed a game multiple times).

Time totals:

January - Low Estimate: 39 hours. High Estimate: 41 hours.

February - Low Estimate / High Estimate: 20 hours.

March - Low Estimate: 20 hours. High Estimate: 22 hours.

April - Low Estimate: 63 hours. High Estimate: 85 hours.

May - Low Estimate / High Estimate: 46 hours.

June - Low Estimate: 105 hours. High Estimate: 110 hours.

July - Low Estimate: 54 hours. High Estimate: 57 hours.

August - Low Estimate: 154 hours. High Estimate: 159 hours.

September - Low Estimate / High Estimate: 98 hours.

October - Low Estimate: 123 hours. High Estimate: 125 hours.

November - Low Estimate: 86 hours. High Estimate: 97 hours.

December - Low Estimate: 129 hours. High Estimate: 142 hours.

And with a little bit of addition we can see that I spent somewhere between 937 and 1,002 hours finishing all of these games at least once. The grand total of time I spent playing all of the games on this list adds up to 1,236 hours (provided I added everything up correctly).

That's an obscene amount of hours.

List items

  • Date completed: Jan. 2nd

    I finished this game last year but I just finished it for the 5th (?!) time. A hardcore mode was also recently added that I plan on going through at some point.

    Time Notes: Beaten multiple times over the course of the year. An average run takes me about 4 hours.

    LE/HE: 4h

    GT: 36h

  • Date Completed: Jan. 3rd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Date completed: Jan. 4th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Endgame save file displays a time of 5:01:23. Currently playing the Plague Knight campaign.

    LE/HE: 5h

    GT: 8h

  • Date Completed: Jan. 4th

    I have only completed two legs of the 4 in Fotonica but I plan to go back and finish them all, I'll remove it from this list if I don't. EDIT 1/5: I've completed every level on every difficulty that sounds like "complete" to me! Every element just gels together so nicely in this game, I feel like everybody's slept on it. Undeservedly so, this game rules.

    Time Notes: Completed every level. Played pretty infrequently after I finished it, so I'm taking some guesses on this one.

    LE: 3h

    HE: 5h

    GT: 7h

  • Date completed: Jan. 5th

    I've been playing Ultra (STFU) and finished the regular mode, can't say if I'll ever go back and finish Ultra mode or the Hella Deck. This is game is totally rad though!

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: Jan. 14th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 10h

  • Completed: Jan. 23rd

    Man, this game is wild! It's brutal as hell but so much fun to play, I'm seriously wondering why I haven't played it until now...

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 4h

  • Completed: Jan. 24th

    I'd say that I enjoyed this game despite it's technical shortcomings. A lot of the steam reviews (that I haven't read) are mostly negative but I think they're probably being too harsh. This game is weird as hell but it's not exactly the kind of weird that appeals to most people.

    Time notes: Speedrun multiple times. An average run takes a little under 2 minutes.

    LE/HE: 2m

    GT: 4h

  • Completed: Feb. 15th

    This was my first Metal Gear game! Not very surprising since I didn't grow up with my own PSX/PS2 but I'm not really complaining. It played well (like most Platinum games) and the story was pure nonsense, like I have been conditioned to expect from a Metal Gear game.

    Time Notes: Completed twice. Each run lasted about 7.5 hours.

    LE/HE: 7h

    GT: 15h

  • Completed: Feb. 18th

    This one's... alright? I liked it! For some reason I expected a bit more from it. Despite my disillusions though, Strider is a pretty sweet game.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: Feb. 21st

    I like this game. It's not great but it is weird as hell. The guns make the game a bit too easy, but when you are forced to punch stuff it sure is fun!

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: Feb. 25th

    THIS GAME IS RAD. THE ACTION STAGES ARE ANYWAY... The bosses, while sometimes fun, are the lowest points of the game. I honestly couldn't tell you if the "combat" is bad or I just don't get it. Regardless, THIS GAME IS STILL RAD. I JUST GOTTA FINISH IT WITH THE TWO OTHER CHARACTERS NOW...

    Time Notes: Completed once with one of the 3 characters (Lilac).

    LE/HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: March 12th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Played a few times after completions so I'm not quite sure how long it took me to actually finish the game. Making a guess on this one.

    LE: 6h

    HE: 8h

    GT: 10h

  • Completed: March 15th

    Not as hard as I thought it would be! Although I might have had some extra help from the knowledge I retained from the Breaking Brad (which I haven't seen since it first went up). Still, a pretty good game!

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: March 28th

    Never actually finished any of the DOOM-era FPSes and perhaps unsurprisingly, they still hold up. Well, Duke3D sure does anyway. The Megaton Edition that's on Steam adds some conveniences to make it a bit more modern (controller support and vertical look among other things). It actually leaves a pretty good impression on me, a human with absolutely no nostalgia for this era of FPS. It's pretty easy to see why these sorts of games were so popular.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: April 7th

    Gonna need to play this one a few more times before I write anything...

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 1h 20m

  • Completed: April 7th

    I believe this is perhaps the worst game on Steam according to the review system but let me be the first to tell you that it's far from being "the worst game ever made".

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 1h 15m

  • Completed: April 10th

    I played through this again on hard mode for GBCER5! This game is still as good as it was when I first played it! Meaning: It's still pretty good.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: April 11th

    Completed during GBCER5! The gameplay isn't out of this world even though the story is, like literally, but I feel like I've played enough Suda 51 games to know that already. I did kind of rush through it but I might go through and finish up some of the extra stuff. I had a good time playing it, and an even better time trying to figure out what was going on during the cutscenes.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: April 12th

    I played live on stream this for the first time for GBCER5! I had never played a Metal Gear Solid game before this one. As it turns out, they're pretty good! This one is anyway. I'm definitely going to check out The Phantom Pain because of playing this. Who knows, I might even go back and play the other 4 MGS games I own now!

    Time Notes: Completed the main mission twice. It took me about 2 hours on the first clear and about 35 minutes the second time. I also completed the Deja-Vu and Jamias-Vu missions.

    LE/HE: 2h

    GT: 5h

  • Completed: April 17th

    I "looped" (beat the end boss and started back from 1_1) for the first time so I guess that counts as beating the game? It only took me 16 hours to do it!

    Time Notes: As mentioned above, it took me 16 hours before I was able to "loop" in the early access version of the game. An ending was added during EA but I didn't play the game during that time. It took me about 2 hours to get to the ending post-launch which will be used as the Low Estimate. The 16 hour figure will be used as the High Estimate.

    LE: 2h

    HE: 16h

    GT: 79h

  • Completed: April 19th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game save file displays a time 08:15:54

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: April 26th

    Borderlands 2 was one of the many games I started, got a bit into and then stopped playing for whatever reason. On the creation of my third character I decided to stick with it to the very end. I enjoyed the game, the story is what it is (not very good) but I sure do like shooting things! I'll eventually get around to doing all the DLC campaigns.

    Time Notes: Completed the main quest line and the Tiny Tina DLC. Save file currently displays a time of 01:18:21:40. I didn't make note of when I finished the main story so I'm making a guess for the Low Estimate.

    LE: 32h

    HE: 42h

    GT: 66h

  • Completed: April 28th

    Yo it's Peggle.

    Time Notes: Completed every level.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: May 2nd

    I'll be honest, I wasn't really feeling this one at first but the time I finished it I definitely warmed up to it. I think it might have been the look of The Kid compared to all the good-looking 2D art that soured me but hey, you get used to it after a while!

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: May 4th

    Well... this game's pretty amazing on all fronts. I couldn't think of a single negative thing to say about this game. I'd play through this again right now if I didn't already have 70+ games to finish this year.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 7h

  • Completed: May 16th

    Yo this game is amazing! Game of the year contender for sure. Same with Transistor, I'd totally play through this again right now if I din't have so many more games to finish. Rest assured though, this is one I plan to 100% completely.

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game stats screen displays a time of 14:01:35. It also shows total map completion at 96% and items collected at 82%.

    LE/HE/GT: 14h

  • Completed: May 17

    I forgot when I finished this but I did it finish the quest mode sometime this month.

    Time Notes: Completed every level in the Quest mode.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: May 23rd

    This game's alright! Dual joy-stick shooter where you shoot giant bugs, aliens and lizardmen. I finished the quest mode on normal.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 9h

  • Completed: May 30th

    This game's... ok. It could have been a lot better, but it isn't.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: June 1st

    After seeing this on UPF I enTRENCHED myself into this game and finished over the following weekend. This game is real good and is perhaps, without a doubt, Double Fine's finest game on all fronts. It's even a ton of fun to play by yourself even though it's a lot better in co-op!

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: June 4th

    This game's alright, maybe even better than one might think. There are a few moments that stick out as real hard negatives but there's plenty of stuff about this game that make it worth playing.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 15h

  • Completed: June 6th

    Man, this game's pretty swell. It's a quirky little romp through hell and it's always on from the moment you start the game.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 9h

  • Completed: June 6th

    It may come as a surprise to absolutely no one, but Doom is still a good game. Only after you turn off vertical mouse movement though.

    Time Notes: Completed all episodes once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: June 9th

    Time Notes: Completed all songs. Hard to put a time on this one since I didn't actively keep track of how long I spent playing this. It also appears that there's no stats screen in the game and if there is then I simply missed it. Making a guess for this one.

    LE: 4h

    HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: June 17th (Season One)

    Time Notes: Completed more than once (probably twice). I didn't make a note of when I completed it the first time so I'm making a guess.

    LE: 4h

    HE: 7h

    GT: 11h

  • Completed: June 19th

    A tough but fair platformer. Sometimes though, it's really unfair in the sense that you have to pretty much execute things perfectly or you die. There are a couple of levels that move like clockwork but allow you to sort of screw with the workings of it in ways that feel pretty frustrating. It's a really cool game despite all that. It's got a lot of extra stuff including; 2 multiplayer modes/campaigns, 2 extra campaigns and whole bunch of cameo characters. The music is really, really good too.

    Time Notes: Completed all the main levels.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: June 24th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 11h

  • Completed: June 27th

    I played this remake back when it came out on DS but I remember enjoying it but never actually finishing it. So I decided to remedy that with the PC version, which is a port of the DS remake. It's... my favorite Final Fantasy game for sure, with the original coming up close in second. They're both very similar (I & III) but the Job system, which is the main gameplay hook of this game, is what makes this one so much better.

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game save file displays a time of 26:17:32

    LE/HE: 26h

    GT: 32h

  • Completed: June 29th

    I think this game is amazing! I do regret using a guide but eventually I did end up getting stumped. I did manage to unlock 18 of the 22 endings on my own though, and I had a great time doing so.

    Time Notes: Completed multiple times. Unlocked every ending.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: June 29th

    Man, this game is a delight. I'm still not too sure if I love or have the movement but pretty much everything else about this game is super solid.

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: June 30th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 12h

  • Completed: July 6th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game save file displays a time of 016:09

    LE/HE/GT: 16h

  • Completed: July 9th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 13h

  • Completed: July 12th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 20h

  • Completed: July 31st

    This game does have a story mode and I finished it! It's pretty light compared to past entries but the game's free (and pretty much on par with the other games) so it's alright in my books.

    Time Notes: Completed the campaign once. Played a little bit of the game afterwards so I'm making a guess for the times on this one.

    LE: 5h

    HE: 8h

    GT: 17h

  • Completed: August 3rd

    Time Notes: Completed once. I thought I had a save file that was immediately post-game but I saved over it! So unfortunately, I'll just have to make a guess.

    LE: 58h

    HE: 63h

    GT: 82h

  • Completed: August 9th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game save file displays a time of 10:22:06

    LE/HE/GT: 10h

  • Completed: August 14th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game save file displays a time 17:07:05

    LE/HE/GT: 17h

  • Completed: August 15th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: August 27th

    Time Notes: Completed once. My time played was at about 58 hours once I finished the main game. Played just little bit of the Old Iron King DLC.

    LE/HE: 58h

    GT: 69h

  • There's multiple games in this package so I'm going to list the one's I've finished here. Also, I'm unsure if I should count all of the games as part of the 100 or the package as one single game.

    Wub-Wub Wescue - Completed: August 28th

    Super! Clew Land Complete - Completed: August 28th

    Shūten - Completed: August 28th

    Paradox Lost - Completed: August 29th

    End of Line - Completed: August 29th

    Time Notes: I have no idea how long I spent playing each of the individual games in this so I'm just going to use my total time played on Steam for the times listed.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: September 1st

    Time Notes: Completed once. Didn't play any of the DLC afterwards.

    LE/HE/GT: 20h

  • Completed: September 2nd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: September 7th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 7h

  • Completed: September 9th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 7h

  • Completed: September 10th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Got the "obedient ending".

    LE/HE/GT: 16h

  • Completed: September 11th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: September 13th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: September 15th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 15h

  • Completed: September 17th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: September 22nd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: September 24th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 4h

  • Completed: September 25th

    Time Notes: Completed all of the main levels. Haven't played any of the bonus levels.

    LE/HE: 1h 30

    GT: 3h

  • *Substitute entry for Mighty Switch Force! Hose It Down!*

    Completed: September 25th

    Time Notes: As with MSF, I finished all the main levels and didn't touch the bonus levels.

    LE/HE/GT: 1h

  • Completed: September 30th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 4h

  • Completed: October 1st

    Time Notes: Completed every level.

    LE/HE: 8h

    GT: 13h

  • Completed: October 2nd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: October 8th

    Time Notes: Finished one of the 6(?) routes.

    LE/HE/GT: 23h

  • Completed: October 9th

    Time Notes: Completed once. I got the bad ending and did not see the upside down castle. The last save file I made (prior to the final boss) displays a time of 2:44:52

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: October 17th

    Time Notes: Completed once. Post-game save file displays a time of 13:48.

    LE/HE/GT: 13h

  • Completed: October 18th

    Time Notes: Completed the main game and the DLC.

    LE/HE/GT: 19h

  • Completed: October 19th

    Time Notes: Completed once with all 3 characters.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: October 20th

    Time Notes: I have only completed the game once on normal mode. I have only played on hard mode since and have yet to finish it again. The time used as the LE/HE is how long it took me to clear it once.

    LE/HE: 3h

    GT: 22h

  • Completed: October 21st

    Time Notes: Completed all episodes.

    LE/HE/GT: 15h

  • Completed: October 24th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 15h

  • Completed: October 25th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 4h

  • Completed: October 26th

    Time Notes: 100%'d the game.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: October 28th

    Time Notes: Completed every level. Didn't keep track of time while playing and there isn't any stats screen in the game so I'm guessing for this one.

    LE: 3h

    HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: November 2nd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 8h

  • Completed: November 4th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: November 5th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: November 5th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: November 7th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: November 12th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: November 12th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: November 15th

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: November 17th

    Time Notes: Completed all the single player content.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: November 18th

    Time Notes: Completed the campaign.

    LE/HE/GT: 4h

  • Completed: November 19th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: November 19th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 3h

  • Completed: November 19th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: November 22nd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: November 23rd

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 1h

  • Completed: November 23rd

    Time Notes: Completed multiple times to see ever ending. LE is time until first clear.

    LE: 2h

    HE/GT: 4h

  • Completed: November 24th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 6h

  • Completed: November 26th

    Time Notes: Completed all routes. LE is time until first clear.

    LE: 2h

    HE/GT: 5h

  • Completed: November 26th

    Time Notes: There's no actual ending (and if there is I certainly didn't see it) but after you date all 13 of the ladies you are given an option to play a hardcore mode which is when I stopped playing.

    LE/HE/GT: 13h

  • Completed: November 26th

    Time Notes: Completed once.

    LE/HE/GT: 2h

  • Completed: November 27th

    Time Notes: Completed 2 of the 5 routes and seen 6 of the 20+ endings. LE is time until first clear.

    LE: 4h

    HE/GT: 10h


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Incredible accomplishment @blzzzrrttt !

You've got some serious classics on there! How on earth did you find time to finish 2 Final Fantasy games along with teh rest? Those are pretty meaty games.

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@slag: Not sure why I didn't get a notification for this when you left it or how I didn't see it until just now.

Regardless, I just knocked up that number to 3(!), I'd say spacing them pretty far apart from each other goes a long way!

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Edited By extintor

duder - this is a serious list... nice work