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    NMK Co. Ltd.

    Company »

    NMK stands for Nippon Microcomputer Kaihatsu.

    Short summary describing this company.

    NMK Co. Ltd. last edited by TheKinsie on 06/15/18 11:30PM View full history


    Formed in 1985 and incorporated in 1989 by former Universal head of development Yukio Kotoyori and many of the original staff behind Tehkan's Bomb Jack, NMK was primarily active in the development of Arcade titles for publishers such as Jaleco (for whom they initially functioned as a second-party), SNK and UPL.

    In 1996, as the Arcade market faltered, NMK transitioned from videogames to mechanical prize machines. This wasn't enough to keep them afloat, and they declared bankruptcy on September 16, 1999.

    On June 29 2017, their complete library of games was acquired by HAMSTER Corporation for use in the Arcade Archives franchise.


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