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    Achievements are extra challenges added into video games that sometimes carry a point value or unlock bonus material, and are sometimes solely for bragging rights.

    Most Popular Achievements For 9/4 - 9/11

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    Edited By jeff

    We're not here today. Seriously, we're taking Friday off. That's because we all worked on Monday, which is "Labor Day" in "America." It's a holiday of some sort. But we had a lot of video shot at PAX last weekend that would not lie dormant for another day, so we opted to work Monday and not work Friday.

    Actually, the weird thing about doing the start-up business thing is that you never truly feel like you're not working. At least I don't. In addition to writing this post about achievements, I'll probably also write a review of Section 8 today. And I've got hours of Need for Speed Shift ahead of me, as well. It's kind of the nice thing about this line of work, really. You can get things done even when you're sick, provided you're not totally bedridden. I was sort of bedridden for a day or two this week due to whatever the hell I contracted at the Penny Arcade Expo last week. Nick Chester from Destructoid wrote me before PAX even started and joked about how he hoped he could avoid the "nerd flu." I didn't realize how prescient that man truly was.

    I'm feeling almost completely better today, thanks for not asking. I'm left wondering if all this really was the "swine flu" or not. As you've probably read, there have been a bunch of cases of it coming out of Washington lately, both from PAX, and at a college, where something like 2,500 cases were reported. All of this made me sit down and figure out what, exactly, H1N1 is. Turns out it's pretty much just "the flu." Just like any other season, there's something going around that'll get people sick. I feel like a sucker for buying into all the fear-mongering that's gone on over this whole thing, but I suppose it does have a different impact on children, the elderly, and so on. But for most of us, it's not exactly a life-threatening thing. So maybe you don't need to stockpile food buckets and water purifiers. Maybe the endtimes aren't coming this year. Fingers crossed for next year!!!!!!11

    So let's get down to achievements. First, the top ten list, which is a measured by people visiting the top-level achievements page for a game.

      'Halo will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Halo...We're more popular than Master Chief now.' 
      'Halo will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Halo...We're more popular than Master Chief now.' 

    Top Ten Sets (9/4 - 9/11)

    1. The Beatles: Rock Band
    2. Batman: Arkham Asylum
    3. Halo 3: ODST (blocked)
    4. Madden NFL 10
    5. Champions Online (Steam)
    6. Darkest of Days
    7. Guitar Hero 5
    8. Shadow Complex
    9. Garry's Mod
    10. Wolfenstein

    Yes, The Beatles have taken the top spot. It's a good set of achievements, as far as music games go. Also, the game has a pretty slick achievement browser in place that lets you easily track your progress. I wish more games would do things like that, and things like the little pop-up updates on how close you're getting to an achievement. Also, Halo 3: ODST has appeared, though the full list is currently set to private. Earlier this week, I played through the final, retail version of ODST for review purposes. I earned a bunch of achievements, but they won't properly show up on the site until the list gets unblocked... which I expect will happen right around its release date later this month. As you might have guessed, that's about all I can say about ODST at the moment.

    You know what? I really want to play Champions Online. But I know if I invest in an MMO, it'll eat up all of my time--time that I'll need to play things like Need For Speed Shift, which I'll be reviewing next week. Since that one's not blocked, you can view the full list of Need For Speed Shift achievements right now. It's one of the new sets we've pulled into our freakish hell-machine this week. Here's the full list:
     She's still got secrets to keep.
     She's still got secrets to keep.

    New Sets (9/4 - 9/11)

    Yep, it's still like a month out, but if you want to see Brutal Legend achievements, we've got 'em. That means someone, somewhere is playing a copy of that game on retail Xbox 360 hardware. That someone is not me.

    Speaking of Brutal Legend, you should check out the video we shot at PAX with Double Fine's Tim Schafer. He and I walk and talk our way around the show floor and discuss a bunch of things that aren't really related to his upcoming game. Plus it's always nice to find someone else who appreciates Star Raiders. I wonder how many times EA had Tim walking around the show floor with different camera crews that weekend? I know X-Play did something similar with Morgan Webb. Either way, that's probably one of my favorite videos on the site and one of the better interviews I've done. Interviewing people is probably the hardest thing I do because you never really know if the person you're talking to is going to just give you talking points or be willing to talk about more than the current product they're promoting. It's probably the last work-related thing I do that still makes me a little nervous. Of course, dudes like Tim Schafer make it easy.

    Our interview with Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins--the men behind Penny Arcade--was also very easy. We just sort of sat down and started talking, even though the cameras weren't on yet. That probably made it weird for Vinny to edit, since there wasn't ever really an "intro" to the video. They also had a camera crew on-hand, which probably led to some great "camera filming camera" moments. Their cameras captured the stuff that our cameras didn't, so maybe "part 1" of that session will get out there someday.

    OK, individual achievements. These are measured by traffic directed to a specific achievement page, whether people click through from a game's main list or end up here because they're using a search engine to find info on a specific achievement. Looks like Batman's holding up pretty well here, but NHL 10 is #1 because I linked to it on Twitter a couple of days ago. The icon for that one is just a fat Honda logo. It's certainly not the first sponsored achievement out there, but usually they try to tie it in somehow. This one? Just a logo. Weird.
    Hockey: Still way more exciting than soccer. 
    Hockey: Still way more exciting than soccer. 

    Top Ten Individual (9/4 - 9/11)

    1. NHL 10 - Gold Team
    2. Batman: Arkham Asylum - World's Greatest Detective
    3. Garry's Mod - Secret Phrase
    4. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Freeflow Perfection
    5. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Perfect Knight
    6. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Party Pooper
    7. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Mano-A-Mano
    8. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Freeflow Combo 40
    9. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Crack The E-Nigma
    10. Shadow Complex - Minimalist 
    Yeah, people really dig that Batman game, huh? On the personal milestone front, I'm getting ready to crack 88,000 achievement points. My total currently stands at 87,909. I should note that this puts me ahead of Capcom's Kraig Kujawa for the first time in a very long time. I was starting to think that I'd never catch him.
    OK, that's all I have to say for this week. But let's do this again next week, cool?
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    #1  Edited By jeff

    We're not here today. Seriously, we're taking Friday off. That's because we all worked on Monday, which is "Labor Day" in "America." It's a holiday of some sort. But we had a lot of video shot at PAX last weekend that would not lie dormant for another day, so we opted to work Monday and not work Friday.

    Actually, the weird thing about doing the start-up business thing is that you never truly feel like you're not working. At least I don't. In addition to writing this post about achievements, I'll probably also write a review of Section 8 today. And I've got hours of Need for Speed Shift ahead of me, as well. It's kind of the nice thing about this line of work, really. You can get things done even when you're sick, provided you're not totally bedridden. I was sort of bedridden for a day or two this week due to whatever the hell I contracted at the Penny Arcade Expo last week. Nick Chester from Destructoid wrote me before PAX even started and joked about how he hoped he could avoid the "nerd flu." I didn't realize how prescient that man truly was.

    I'm feeling almost completely better today, thanks for not asking. I'm left wondering if all this really was the "swine flu" or not. As you've probably read, there have been a bunch of cases of it coming out of Washington lately, both from PAX, and at a college, where something like 2,500 cases were reported. All of this made me sit down and figure out what, exactly, H1N1 is. Turns out it's pretty much just "the flu." Just like any other season, there's something going around that'll get people sick. I feel like a sucker for buying into all the fear-mongering that's gone on over this whole thing, but I suppose it does have a different impact on children, the elderly, and so on. But for most of us, it's not exactly a life-threatening thing. So maybe you don't need to stockpile food buckets and water purifiers. Maybe the endtimes aren't coming this year. Fingers crossed for next year!!!!!!11

    So let's get down to achievements. First, the top ten list, which is a measured by people visiting the top-level achievements page for a game.

      'Halo will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Halo...We're more popular than Master Chief now.' 
      'Halo will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Halo...We're more popular than Master Chief now.' 

    Top Ten Sets (9/4 - 9/11)

    1. The Beatles: Rock Band
    2. Batman: Arkham Asylum
    3. Halo 3: ODST (blocked)
    4. Madden NFL 10
    5. Champions Online (Steam)
    6. Darkest of Days
    7. Guitar Hero 5
    8. Shadow Complex
    9. Garry's Mod
    10. Wolfenstein

    Yes, The Beatles have taken the top spot. It's a good set of achievements, as far as music games go. Also, the game has a pretty slick achievement browser in place that lets you easily track your progress. I wish more games would do things like that, and things like the little pop-up updates on how close you're getting to an achievement. Also, Halo 3: ODST has appeared, though the full list is currently set to private. Earlier this week, I played through the final, retail version of ODST for review purposes. I earned a bunch of achievements, but they won't properly show up on the site until the list gets unblocked... which I expect will happen right around its release date later this month. As you might have guessed, that's about all I can say about ODST at the moment.

    You know what? I really want to play Champions Online. But I know if I invest in an MMO, it'll eat up all of my time--time that I'll need to play things like Need For Speed Shift, which I'll be reviewing next week. Since that one's not blocked, you can view the full list of Need For Speed Shift achievements right now. It's one of the new sets we've pulled into our freakish hell-machine this week. Here's the full list:
     She's still got secrets to keep.
     She's still got secrets to keep.

    New Sets (9/4 - 9/11)

    Yep, it's still like a month out, but if you want to see Brutal Legend achievements, we've got 'em. That means someone, somewhere is playing a copy of that game on retail Xbox 360 hardware. That someone is not me.

    Speaking of Brutal Legend, you should check out the video we shot at PAX with Double Fine's Tim Schafer. He and I walk and talk our way around the show floor and discuss a bunch of things that aren't really related to his upcoming game. Plus it's always nice to find someone else who appreciates Star Raiders. I wonder how many times EA had Tim walking around the show floor with different camera crews that weekend? I know X-Play did something similar with Morgan Webb. Either way, that's probably one of my favorite videos on the site and one of the better interviews I've done. Interviewing people is probably the hardest thing I do because you never really know if the person you're talking to is going to just give you talking points or be willing to talk about more than the current product they're promoting. It's probably the last work-related thing I do that still makes me a little nervous. Of course, dudes like Tim Schafer make it easy.

    Our interview with Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins--the men behind Penny Arcade--was also very easy. We just sort of sat down and started talking, even though the cameras weren't on yet. That probably made it weird for Vinny to edit, since there wasn't ever really an "intro" to the video. They also had a camera crew on-hand, which probably led to some great "camera filming camera" moments. Their cameras captured the stuff that our cameras didn't, so maybe "part 1" of that session will get out there someday.

    OK, individual achievements. These are measured by traffic directed to a specific achievement page, whether people click through from a game's main list or end up here because they're using a search engine to find info on a specific achievement. Looks like Batman's holding up pretty well here, but NHL 10 is #1 because I linked to it on Twitter a couple of days ago. The icon for that one is just a fat Honda logo. It's certainly not the first sponsored achievement out there, but usually they try to tie it in somehow. This one? Just a logo. Weird.
    Hockey: Still way more exciting than soccer. 
    Hockey: Still way more exciting than soccer. 

    Top Ten Individual (9/4 - 9/11)

    1. NHL 10 - Gold Team
    2. Batman: Arkham Asylum - World's Greatest Detective
    3. Garry's Mod - Secret Phrase
    4. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Freeflow Perfection
    5. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Perfect Knight
    6. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Party Pooper
    7. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Mano-A-Mano
    8. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Freeflow Combo 40
    9. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Crack The E-Nigma
    10. Shadow Complex - Minimalist 
    Yeah, people really dig that Batman game, huh? On the personal milestone front, I'm getting ready to crack 88,000 achievement points. My total currently stands at 87,909. I should note that this puts me ahead of Capcom's Kraig Kujawa for the first time in a very long time. I was starting to think that I'd never catch him.
    OK, that's all I have to say for this week. But let's do this again next week, cool?
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    #2  Edited By roborobb

    Hockey more exciting than Soccer???? THAT sir is a lie!
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    #3  Edited By nukesniper

     @RoboRobb:  Most of america would still agree with that though

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    #4  Edited By MattyFTM  Moderator
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    #5  Edited By CarpetRemnant

    Glad to see you don't still think the aporkalypse is on it's way. (ahahaha)

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    #6  Edited By CoinMatze

    A gamerscore of 88,000?! I hope I can make it to 10,000 this year. But all those great games still coming out will make it easy
    @Leakster: Completely unrelated but I really had to thank you for reminding me that Pinkerton is an effin great album. 

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    #7  Edited By Oncomouse

    Way more people die every year from the regular flu than have been killed from H1N1.  The regular flu just isn't a sexy news story.  Swine Flu is the new black.

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    #8  Edited By count_zero

    Oh, by the way, apparently with PSN Firmware update 3.0 came an update to PSN's Gamercard thing so, in theory, you can view people's trophies now. I don't know if it's in some form that's compatible with the Whiskey Powered API thingie, but I thought I'd pass that along.

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    #9  Edited By ShaneDev

    Excellant twist on the John Lennon quote 

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    #10  Edited By CarpetRemnant
    @CoinMatze: One of the best albums ever recorded, their new one is out in October :D
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    #11  Edited By Jimbo

    "Actually, the weird thing about doing the start-up business thing is that you never truly feel like you're not working. At least I don't."
    The trick seems to be not to take work home with you, which I imagine given the hobby/job crossover is almost impossible to achieve.  The upside is that its infinitely easier to motivate yourself to work the extra hours for yourself than for somebody else, right?
    Champions Online is worth a look, especially to play with the character creator.  I've built and played a couple characters for a few hours each and I feel like this is probably the best thing it has to offer - it seems to rapidly be heading toward 'run of the mill MMO' territory.  I think it's unlikely you'll find yourself hooked to this if you haven't become hooked to anything else since WoW first came out.

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    #12  Edited By Zabant

       'Halo will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Halo...We're more popular than Master Chief now.'

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    HOLY SHIT 87,909

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    #14  Edited By JoeOE18

    Hockey and "soccer" are both more exciting that just about any other sport.

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    #15  Edited By Damian

    Ryan's interview with Chet went pretty good considering all the talking points Valve has to get through these days on just about every single interview. Their PR department must have nooses everywhere. But Ryan did a good job of not steering the interview too heavily in any particular direction, and loosening him up.
     Jeff, Brad, Ryan and Geoff (GT) are the best at keeping it real in interviews. They ask what we think and talk about. 
    Know who sucks at interviews? Area 5. I like their thoughts and discussion on gaming, but when it comes to approaching interviewees they seem to get all star-struck and nervous, then just pander like a mother to them.

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    #16  Edited By AgentJ

    Achievement unlocked: Mourned 9/11

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    #17  Edited By MrKlorox

    And I'm finally going to crack 7000. Hooray for being broke!

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    #18  Edited By NickNorman

    Damn you, Jeff! I'm holding strong at 86,880. Maybe TB:RB will put me over the edge.
    I loved the interviews (discussions?) from last week. They felt really natural, and seemed like you actually were fans of the people you were talking to and actually wanted to have an intelligent discussion.

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    #19  Edited By Garfield360UK

    Yeah, the achievment tracking in Beatles Rock Band and Gears of War 2 amongst others were very good. Its not a major thing for myself but it would be nice if developers started to incoporate this across all games across the different platforms (such as trophies, steam achievments, xbox live achivements and any other future ones).

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    #20  Edited By CoinMatze
    @Leakster: Already? I feel like it hasn't even been a year since the red one.
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    #21  Edited By CarpetRemnant
    @CoinMatze: You're right, it hasn't been a year yet. But the lead single is pretty good and very different from anything off the red album and it has an awesome name (Raditude) so......could be good. There was a small gap between the green album and maladroit as well.
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    #22  Edited By jakob187

    NFS Shift's achievements look like they'll be a bit of a breeze for the most part.  I'm curious about the Epic Badges.  Otherwise, this was a great achievements update.

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    #23  Edited By babz

    get well soon! see i asked. and yea do this again next week.
    seen your interview with tim! iv got to say um..... a..... it was good, just kinda bugged me that sometime he would just go off and not pay attention to you. seemed like you were chasing him half the time!! but luckily your style held it together. got good at the end though, see the gertsman fans! sweeeeeet.

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    #24  Edited By nail1080

    I'm offended by the title of this post, no need to mention 9/11, thanks for the painful memories Jeff

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    #25  Edited By tgammet

    Sony opened up Trophy support. GET IT ON THE SITE ALREADY!
    Please? :(

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    #26  Edited By RHCPfan24

    I am not surprised Beatles: Rock Band is at the top. it is a great game even if the achievements are sort of annoying. And I am glad you are feeling better Jeff (I still care!!) and the swine flu is really no different than the regular one. I have realized that since the beginning and the paranoia is unnecessary. 

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    #27  Edited By chewii101

    Has NHL 10 already come out in some countries? 

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    I blame the media.

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    #29  Edited By Metamorphic

    American says Soccer (Football) is boring.

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    #30  Edited By DRE7777

    Almost no one cares about ps3 trophies thats why they dont put it up, im thinking its not really a priority.
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    #31  Edited By LordAndrew
    @DRE7777 said:
    " @tgammet: Almost no one cares about ps3 trophies thats why they dont put it up, im thinking its not really a priority. "
    People care. The staff certainly care, but it's not considered a high priority for the site developers right now. None of the achievement-related stuff should be high-priority, really.
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    #32  Edited By Media_Master

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    #33  Edited By Zalasta

     You know what? I really want to play Champions Online. But I know if I invest in an MMO, it'll eat up all of my time--time that I'll need to play things like Need For Speed Shift... 

    Honestly Jeff, if you have an hour or two every other day to spend on Champions, that's plenty enough.  The game is super accessible, even more so than WoW in my opinion.  $10 cheaper than a regularly priced console title, and you get the first 30 days for free.  I think you really owe it to yourself to check it out =D

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