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GBA Games That I Own

The Game Boy Advance was the first portable console I ever owned, receiving it as a gift on my 6th birthday. Here are the games that haven't been lost over time and still remain in my collection.

List items

  • I remember this game being a very fun 3D overhead platformer, but the overworld was to confusing to dive deep into the game. I loved this game as a kid, but as I got older, it grew worse and worse on me.

  • I don't remember this game enough to give it a proper summary.

  • An excellent 2D platformer. I don't like the password system (I prefer save states), but I can live with it. An example of a good movie based title.

  • An enhanced port of the original SNES game. This game is my favorite 2D platformer of all time. The graphics were stunning for both consoles it was released on. The controls are flawless and the plot is hilarious. One of the greatest games ever made.

  • I saw my cousin playing this when I was 7 or 8. I begged, screamed, and whined for my parents to get me this game, and it payed off. Though lost, this game was the first let's play I ever made. I love every aspect of this game, its very similar to Donkey Kong Country.

  • A port of the original NES game, which is considered by many to be the greatest game of all time. An extremely smooth transition. I would recommend it to any gamer.

  • Not as good as R/S/E, this is a close second in my favorite Pokemon version list. I love everything about this game. It is the definition of nostalgia and a classic turn based RPG. A flawless remake.

  • Excellent 2D platformer, who doesn't love Kirby? This was actually the first Kirby game I ever owned, and it is still my favorite to this day. The ending shocked me, a plot twist in a Kirby game?

  • My favorite turn based RPG ever and one of my favorite games of all time. This is by far my favorite game on the console. This game will stick with me forever. So many good times. Plus, my favorite Pokemon, Gardevoir.

  • A flawless remake of my favorite NES game for a new generation. I actually played it on here before I played it on the NES. This game is a must own for GBA owners. Its fun as hell.

  • Its Zelda, that makes it a flawless masterpiece. Not much more I can say since Zelda is my favorite video game series ever.

  • My friend gave this to me because he got bored of it. Sucks for him, this game is awesome. Its the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG game on the go, what can be bad?