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This definitely seems like something worth returning to after October (and possibly the new year). In between Mass Alex 1 and 2 maybe. Having not finished Curse of the Moon, I don't know what the surprise will be either. I hope they decide to continue this.

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#2  Edited By poobumbutt

I agree with pretty much everything the previous poster says, with the added, more forceful addendum of "no, really. Play Nier." Automata may be my favorite game, full stop; but I still think there are some story beats and character arcs done better in Nier. It is worth it. But yeah, play on the lowest difficulty and if you can, obtain and upgrade the Phoenix Spear. It is easily the most powerful weapon in the game, and will make the back half of the game much more smooth.

I should mention in fairness though, that this is coming from someone who LOVES Yoko Taro's storytelling. Love enough to complete ALL the side missions - for those aware, yes, even the flower one. So, I guess if you are REEEEEALLY on the fence with this, then take my very insistent recommendation with a grain of salt.

EDIT: Oh, and this is a longshot, but if you're crazy-nutso enough to want to do THAT flower side mission, then get the PS3 version. The mission involves heavy real-world time passage, and only on the PS3 can you game that by changing the system clock.

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@cybexx: Yup. Agree on pretty much all. I remember being so frustrated in AC2 and Brotherhood with some of the "LITERALLY how did he see me!?" moments. Same with all of them to a certain extent; but yeah, it's been broken for a while.

Of course, having stealth broken hasn't reeeeeally mattered since 3... unless you're an idiot and you decide you want to go for 100% story sync (completing all optional objectives, for those who don't know). God, I swear I encountered half of the bugs I did only because I was replaying sequences SO often and with such a low amount of variety in how I played. "Attempt 23: Oh, failed again. Restart. Try exact same tactic but do better this time -- and my target is gone. Just... gone. Through the floor. And now he's dead and I completed the mission... but I still needed to complete the "kill all bodyguards" optional objective. *sigh* Restart. Ad nauseum."

Personally, I have a very low frequency of getting to experience the "fun" bugs in games. I always feel unlucky and seem to get the freeze, data leak or terrible audio-visual corruption bugs. No flying, spinning ships or faceless models for me. Probably some selection bias here, but whatever.

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What are you talking about? You can't die from fall damage. Sounds like a Souls-UN-like to me! Nyuck nyuck nyuck.

Seriously though, I'm not quite sure what you mean. Despite being a Souls veteran, I don't really see too many meaningful similarities. I am hoping it's good though.

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Assassin's Creed 3 was legitimately one of the buggiest games I've ever played. The stuff in AC Odyssey is not only par for AC, but most large-scale open world games; in the latter case, it probably fares a bit better, honestly.

As long as Odyssey doesn't find a way to top the bullshit I experienced with Connor in 3 - a freeze bug which caused an audio loop of whatever the last "background sound effect" was AND jacked the volume up to what felt like maximum; or one where my ship disappeared, but I was still able to perform all relevant actions meanwhile, I just couldn't see it - I'll call that a victory.

Also, yeah. The no-face stuff in Unity.

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#6  Edited By poobumbutt

I recently had the urge to play through RE4 again, so I'm bookmarking this for said purpose.

Also, it blew my mind how obvious the general tactic used here is - yet I likely never would have divined it myself. Thanks, duder.

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@babychoochoo: Same here on the pizza quality opinion.

I can't remember where I first heard the adage "shitty pizza is still pizza, and that means it's still good" but it's the reason I eat Little Caesar's. 'Cause where I am, it's the one that satisfies all the conditions of 1. relatively cheap; 2. relatively close for delivery; 3. relatively edible - which is good enough.

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Oh, cool...? A dude who's writing I can only stand in short bursts - Kodaka, thank God DR is split into chapter segments - and a dude who's writing I love - Uchikoshi.

Hopefully those two minds create something awesome. I don't want to get my hopes up expecting VLR or Ever17 in terms of quality, just... please let it (or them, rather) be better than Despair Girls. Please.

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Jesus Christ, Vince. Oddly, this actually seems perfect for WWE/McMahon.

A fucking Works Cited section in a forum post? Cool!

I really loved this. Filled with info, yet concise and snappy. Great post.

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@teo22: I’m honestly glad someone said what I’ve been thinking.

I get the wider appeal, believe me. But written reviews have been a part of my video game life almost as long as games themselves. I really don’t want them to go away - especially not on my favourite site.

If I have any criticisms of this, it’s that I genuinely believe they’re doing this as a time-saving/site-wide-opinion piece, not because they think GB fans are illiterate or believe reading to be uncool or something equivalent.