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That’s a bummer. I generally find idolizing celebrities a worthless venture but he was a cool guy and he helped me find an interest in cooking and eventually led me to discover Steven Rinella which set me down the wild game path.

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@brackstone: whenever they crack down the response is the same.

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#3  Edited By OpusOfTheMagnum

I would caution against the “just upgrade your GPU” suggestions. An i7 is the recommended spec for VR, and it makes a difference. On top of that, especially going forward you will be bottlenecks potentially by your CPU.

If you’re mostly happy with performance but don’t want to upgrade everything at once for money reasons, I would suggest a same gen i7 now, which will still be plenty going forward, and wait for an 11 series nvidia or see what AMD’s next gen stuff is like. If VR takes off, the requirements are not going to go down and in fact may go up. A lot of VR games are compromising on image quality because of just how demanding the workload of stereoscopic rendering is. The CPU requirements shouldn’t change much however and a 7th gen i7 will make sure a higher end 11 series card won’t bottleneck, which is a very real thing. In favor of the CPU upgrade however many new VR features like “3D” audio are at least at the moment CPU dependent, so if more of those kinds of features get refined to the point of being common place, you may see more hit to your CPU.

If you’re less concerned with a long term solution however the 1080 now would be a good way to go for at least 2-3 years before you start hitting up against some minor to moderate performance issues.

Another big point: your CPU is almost certainly the bottleneck in the emulator stuff, until you’re just pushing a shit ton of pixels like 4K. But even then, a CPU upgrade was the difference between 720p BotW and 4k BotW for me. Granted that was early in the emulation for that game when it was still pretty rough and was regularly being optimized to run better and better.

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#4  Edited By OpusOfTheMagnum

As someone who has second hand experiences with various methods of transitioning I just want to say: do your research. I feel the current politicization of the issue from both sides is doing folks a lot of harm. Behavior is one thing but when you start messing with your body, there are real consequences to consider. I know of successful transitions and tragic transitions and a few in between. Don’t look to political stances to make a decision about your body. How you behave and dress and speak and all that is something you can change if your feelings change. Some things you can’t take back, or take a very long time to undo.

This isn’t me saying “hey don’t do that,” or taking a stance on the issue, just suggesting that you take time to consider and research the issue without a personal or social bias pushing you to make or give up on a change in a way you might regret.

Personally, I feel that our issue in society is that both sides are ultimately unwilling to give up on gender conformity. As a result they either vehemently oppose any such behavior or transitions or they blindly encourage and defend it without context.

Unfortunately I don’t think there is a lot of data out there on the matter due to the relative youth of the trans community on a large scale, and what data might be can be inaccurate or misleading.

If nothing else, if you find yourself in a crisis, find your way out of it before making life changing decisions that might impact your life. And don’t look to society for an answer because ultimately it is you who needs to discover the best path forward for you as an individual.

Best of luck!

My personal feelings line up with Izzy grace: If it’s a construct then you can be comfortable with your body as it is while still realizing your personality. If it’s more than that (and it absolutely can be, and the question of how to approach that has more sides than what one might consider the “mainstream” solution is), do a lot of thinking and make a decision.

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4K max settings is kind of a pipe dream until the next jump comes. But you can get close she enough to not care, with a 1080ti. I had one and it ran like a charm.

That said, I sold my PC 6 months ago, titles may be more intensive going forward, but I was very happy with its 4K 60 capabilities and it’s 1440p 144hz capabilities.

I’m not sure why new cards are taking so long, or when they will come from nvidia but it may be worth looking into next gen AMD cards as well.

In favor of the 1080ti I’ll say this: I noticed a very significant difference between my 980ti and my 1080ti especially at 4K. Upgrading from a 970 to a 1080ti would be a SUBSTANTIAL improvement and I doubt the 1180ti would be worth an extended wait for 4K alone.

My vote would be to get the 1080ti and you might have to drop a couple settings to enjoy 4K but you really won’t notice much difference and the 4K upgrade will be worth a lot more than some minor shadow quality downgrades.

However I would guess the wait will be within 6 months, so weigh those two elements and again look at what AMD may have coming up and go from there.

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If it has been going on your entire life, consider talking to a doctor about medication. Sometimes therapy won’t do much, other times it will do quite a bit. I will say that it’s often a slow path so it may be worth sticking with it for at least a year before making a decision.

Or do what I do: spend more time in the wilderness. Sounds cheesy but dear God is it helpful to just release and be out in true nature with nothing to think about, just engaging my body and disengaging my mind is therapeutic in ways nothing else can ever be, for me anyway. I think in part because a lot of my frustrations or blue periods come from just being incompatible with the modern world lol. Therapy may help you get to the root of your struggles and discover a way to cope with and treat your issues. L

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I agree that we need more options out there, that aren’t just publishers looking to maximize their margins (nothing wrong with that as long as it provides a good experience, more power to the EAs of the world if they can get more money from their product). However, I never really got the issue with Steam being the way it is. People say it’s them not being able to avercome the challenges, but I think it is very clear that Valve has never been big on the idea of controlling and curating their marketplace. There is immense value in a truly free market. I don’t mind relying on word of mouth, outlets like Giant Bomb, and even just dredging through the Steam catalogue with DLC hidden in order to see what’s coming out.

I would much rather see them go in this direction than start veering the other direction and going the route of YouTube and suppressing what people want to put on their platform.

I would be happy to see someone like GoG to focus on a quality marketplace that doesn’t just let whatever out there, but I value Steam’s place in the market.

This is a really refreshing direction for them to go, in my opinion. I’ve never had a hard time discovering games on Steam, when I did rely on it directly to find something new and interesting.

We used to see beauty in the freedom of moves like this. It was what made the internet so special: free trade of information.

What I’d really like to know is why people feel this is a move that should be opposed on moral grounds. I can see feeling that this will make the practical issues on Steam (which I think are valid even if they aren’t problematic for me).

I’ve seen a few comments to the effect of “I don’t want to support these policies so I will stop or reduce my usage of Steam going forward.” Why is this an issue in that way for folks? Freedom of speech is embraced generally by folks but for some reason similar openness on a marketplace is not only not celebrated but actively opposed.

They really blundered the handling of stuff like this recently and stepping back to not make these moral decisions for developers, publishers, and consumers seems like a good thing. I don’t want to buy from a marketplace who tells me that I can’t see vaginas in a game or something, even if that something isn’t an interest of mine.

Trying to create some universal standard for what is okay and what is not okay impossible beyond bare bones stuff like “don’t break the law.”

There used to be a time when a lot of good things were widely considered inappropriate. Having freedom to create what you want protects people who want to make things. Censoring games, preventing them from existing on your platform hurts creators. A horror game should be able to be horrific in whatever way best serve’s the game. A porn game should be able to be porny in whatever way best serve’s the game. Although we live in an age where a lot of demographics that were previously hit unfairly by such judgement calls have a lot more support and acceptance but in my opinion that doesn’t mean we no longer need the freedom to create whatever we want to create and express whatever we want to express. These freedoms should not be restricted by a single entity’s idea about those topics.

The problem with Steam is bad games, not the types of content that the games on Steam contain, in my opinion.

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Oh yeah. Name tag shenanigans, hand sanitizer on beverage containers, etc. Only ever messed with folks I was on good terms with.

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Most leaks are no approved by higher ups, it’s really easy to leak and not get caught. My buddy worked at Nintendo of America and I got the scoop on things as the Switch came about. I never shared them but could easily have without it not being traced back to me or him.

And Nintendo is very strict with their stuff. They don’t allow phones to accompany some contractors/employees in most areas of the building, seem to compartmentalize many of the lower level/contract employees, etc.

A lot of leaks also just come from retail and ratings partners, which has nothing to do with the folks making or publishing the games.

It’s more likely that people leak because they are either negligent with data security or because they are looking to hurt a company, or just because they are impatient to tell people about a project they are stoked for. That’s just my opinion.

As for good vs bad I usually enjoy them because you get some info while still having some mystery in there and I don’t see a “bad side” to it other than mucking with marketing but that’s a part of the business and a lot of marketing teams seem to handle it pretty well these days, understanding it’s a real possibility.

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Considering the op only really referenced physical traits it seems clear what they are talking about. Makes you wonder if people came in to respond to the “headline” without reading much further.

If OP is asking about physical strength why are we arguing with them about what strong means?

There were some burly lady folk in Gears but I don’t think any were as bulky as what OP is referencing.

I assume the Lady of Tarth was in the telltale GoT games, she’s pretty dang strong. I don’t think she’s as ripped and shredded however.