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#1  Edited By lifejuice

I’m not a huge fan of the movement, but it’s gotten more bearable. The shooting is ripped straight out of GTAV. It feels less like shooting and more like I’m just waiting for the auto lock to kick in. It’s servicable, but not that fun.

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#2  Edited By lifejuice

I've played through a bit and it has a lot of amazing things about it, but it's also kinda slow. Like people talk slow, you move slow, the story seems slow, animations are slow. I still like it, but I can see this being a knock against it and a reason Jeff might not like it.

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#3  Edited By lifejuice

I just finished GTA V after playing about 60% of it and dropping it many years ago (I didn't care for the story and other more interesting games came out). I loaded up my old save and went straight through to the end. I played it completely in first person and had a blast. Still didn't care about the story, but the gameplay/world hooked me.

I'm currently thinking about doing the same thing with Divinity: Original Sin. I got really far in that game and then just dropped it for similar reasons to GTA.

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#4  Edited By lifejuice

Dunkirk - 3/5

Beautifully shot and scored, but terribly boring with a pointless timeline gimmick tossed in. The Gravity of war films.

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Review from a non-fan:

The movie had a few funny scenes and I enjoyed the Guardians/Thor bits. I felt like they were trying to make Thanos into a complex bad guy, but it didn't work for me. His reasoning to kill half the living beings in the universe was kinda dumb.

My main problem is that all the dramatic twists and turns don't matter. Everything will be magically fixed because of some macguffin. So I found myself not caring about any of the "deaths" at the end.

The journey to get to that end was just a bunch of exhaustingly long action scenes. Character meeting another character? Buckle up your butts because there's going to be an action sequence. This happened over and over again. Even a simple scene to start a forge had Thor get blasted by a star. The large cast required every hero to have their moment of doing something cool. So I agree with OP that effectively halving the cast for the sequel was a smart move.

3/5 You'll probably love it if you are into the MCU, but I doubt this will convert you if you aren't.

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#6  Edited By lifejuice

The emphasize on the marketplace might be a deal breaker for me. They said some commons could be as cheap as pennies, but I'm more curious about how much the meta cards will be. Decks are 40 cards minimum so the cost for a competitive deck could mount quickly. I also wonder how balancing will work with all their talk about cards retaining value. It would be a bummer if I invested in a deck that later gets nerfed. Would I just have to deal with my deck losing its value?

I kinda just want to play a card game. I don't want to have to "bargain hunt" in the market place, sell off cards or trade with others. The only card game I've been really into is Gwent. CDPR has made some questionable decisions, but one of the things they got right was the F2P aspect of it.

As far as gameplay, it looks interesting. I'll definitely try it out.

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Definitive List

Good Tier:

The Empire Strikes Back

A New Hope

Return of the Jedi

Okay Tier:

Rogue One

The Last Jedi

Bad Tier:

The Force Awakens

Revenge of the Sith

The Phantom Menace

Attack of the Clones

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Bioshock Infinite

I played it for the first time. I didn't really know much about it outside the setting. I remember hearing a lot of good things and then later a lot of bad things. I really liked it. Great story and characters. I thought the combat was a lot of fun. I was constantly switching vigors and there was a surprising amount of weapon variety. The skyrail and tear systems were fantastic. Also, they nailed the ending. The first Bioshock had the big reveal, but then kept going and had a mediocre ending with a bad boss fight. But in Infinite it was just big reveal and bam ending. The story didn't get bogged down by a bad after-reveal boss fight or long final combat sequence that I think too many games go for.

I also played through both Burial at Sea episodes. The first was good, but man was the second great. Playing as Elizabeth was a completely different experience and I was surprised by how well it worked. The story was also very good.

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#9  Edited By lifejuice

I thought it was okay. Definitely better than TFA, but that's not a high bar. I liked the Snoke dying twist, Benicio Del Toro's character and the scenes with Luke. I really didn't like that Leah in space scene and the how they decided to keep their actual escape plan from the pilot mutineer guy. Was there a reason for that? It was like those bad romcoms where a big plot point could be solved with a short conversation. Also, the humor was terrible. That first joke early in the film really felt like something that would be in a cell phone commercial.

Also, the end was so silly. Not the Luke part, I liked that. But the whole big siege weapon they dragged down there. They made such a big deal about it that I thought it was going to blast through the entire base, but instead it just made a hole through the door. And then like the remaining 12 rebels follow random crystal foxes to the Falcon.

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#10  Edited By lifejuice

I thought this game was fantastic. It nailed the aesthetic. I have never seen better dream sequences in a game. The environmental story telling was great. I really loved the world and wanted to explore every piece of that tenant building. It is definitely not for everybody.

The bad:

The game is also borderline unplayable at some parts on xbox one because of the frame rate. Also, ran into three bugs that made me reload.

The ending sequence went on too long.

4/5 really want Alex and Vinny to do a QL

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