Avengers Infinity War Discussion/Theories with Spoilers

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#1  Edited By Deathstriker

Considering all the hype I think it did an admirable job of delivering. I was a little surprised at how straightforward it was, since I pretty much pieced together most of it from the trailers. Some of my friends had some pretty crazy theories. I was surprised at Thor showing up in Wakanda and the Thanos/Gamora relationship. Thanos wasn't likable, but very interesting. I would've liked more time and to hear more dialogue from Tony, Cap, and T'Challa. I like Thor, but his side adventure used up a lot of time.

Killing off half the cast will probably help the next Avengers when it comes to sharing screentime. Obviously those people are going to come back since there will be more Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Spiderman movies... plus Rocket is the only GOTG left. I do wonder if the people we saw disappear are maybe in a different/split universe from the ones we saw alive and Avengers 4 will follow both groups. For a second I thought Strange was being overly sentimental by saving Tony, but this must be the one in a million chance that he foresaw. I'm curious what part Captain Marvel will play in the next Avengers, she was teased in the post-credits scene and her solo movie is in March. I'm also curious if this will affect the Netflix shows at all, but I doubt it.

I did get the feeling that the Russo bro didn't really know or cared what Thor 3 setup. Thor quickly and oddly getting an eye was weird. Also the point of Thor 3 was that he didn't need a hammer and the only thing he does in this movie is try to get a new hammer lol. Plus everyone Thor saved when fleeing Asgard is dead. Assuming they don't come back he's one of the last Asgardians and not really a king anymore. I know Thor said Thanks killed half his people, but I don't know how that happened since his ship was blown up.

My only major cons would be it undercut Thor 3 a bit and T'Challa and Cap were very underserved. Gamora, Drax, and Scarlet Witch probably got more screentime and lines than them.

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Review from a non-fan:

The movie had a few funny scenes and I enjoyed the Guardians/Thor bits. I felt like they were trying to make Thanos into a complex bad guy, but it didn't work for me. His reasoning to kill half the living beings in the universe was kinda dumb.

My main problem is that all the dramatic twists and turns don't matter. Everything will be magically fixed because of some macguffin. So I found myself not caring about any of the "deaths" at the end.

The journey to get to that end was just a bunch of exhaustingly long action scenes. Character meeting another character? Buckle up your butts because there's going to be an action sequence. This happened over and over again. Even a simple scene to start a forge had Thor get blasted by a star. The large cast required every hero to have their moment of doing something cool. So I agree with OP that effectively halving the cast for the sequel was a smart move.

3/5 You'll probably love it if you are into the MCU, but I doubt this will convert you if you aren't.

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My friend sort of ruined Thanos...

He wants to kill half the universe because there aren't enough resources.

But if he has infinite power, why doesn't he just make enough resources?

He might just be insane after all.

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I am on mobile so I was going to see if I could start this topic on my phone but here it is regardless! I'll post some more thoughts here in a bit.

This was definitely part 1 of 2 but I'm curious to see how it turns out

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#5  Edited By mrfluke

Thoroughly enjoyed it, probably the first movie if taken standalone and without the fact that there’s a part 2 next year,

that you can look at and be like “shit, this is the first comic book hero movie in a long time where the villain won and the good guys lost”

Now dissecting the shit outta it, the minute they killed black panther I was like “yea none of these deaths are sticking”,

but the infinity gauntlet seems fucked up after that battle so it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be as simple as snapping your fingers with the glove on and fixing reality, so there will be lasting consequences.

but I love that for avengers 4, and what will likely be the sendoff for at least SOME of that old cast, that it’s gonna be basically the original avengers team (and the rabbit) against Thanos.

And ultimately, yea, this is all part of that winning plan Strange saw,

Super smart movie, delivered on the action, closed up some loose ends, while potentially leaving it open for things to go numerous angles for the future

And i just kinda imagine, people that are not in the know of comic books or follow the news about all this stuff, must have lost their minds at the ending

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So uhhh, what was the twist again? I heard through various Tested videos/podcasts how the Russo brothers were apparently tweeting that you needed to get your ass into a theater ASAP, because this was one movie you did not wanna have spoiled for you.

Yeah, I know, "Of course they'd say that." But I dunno, it was talked up like something big was gonna happen other than just a bunch of characters dying. And the deaths weren't even that convincing. I mean, Spider-Man and Black Panther? Really? Yeah, those will definitely stay dead I'm sure.

On the other hand, had it been one of the originals, it would've been too obvious and also disappointing as a result. Perhaps they have something in store for the next movie that will make their potential deaths more meaningful.

Oh yeah, and Red Skull, whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie. It was extremely fun seeing the entire MCU cast (minus Ant-Man and Hawkeye) come together, but that's all it was. An incredibly fun action romp. Maybe next movie they can do something actually crazy and try to bring X-Men/Deadpool into the MCU.

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I imagine that in the next movie, they will find a way to bring back the 50% of the universe Thanos erased, but somehow, something will go wrong when it comes to restoring the heroes that were erased. As a result, they will somehow be able to swap places with each other to have some die and some continue living (e.g. Steve Rogers will choose to be erased so Bucky can come back, Stark will choose to be erased so Parker can come back, etc.). That way, the actors that want out for one reason or another will also have a reason for why their characters would never be expected to show up again.

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I think it makes an interesting set up for the next movie. We know the dust ones will come back but that means whoever is rolling in the next one has a high chance of death. Is there any chance Cap and Stark will come out of A4 alive?

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As I start thinking about it more, the film suffers from a bit too much action scenes. It could've used a bit more development with the characters. While this is a pop corn flick through and through, some scenes dragged on and I find it puzzling that Thanos never checks up on his commanders for the progress of the Infinity Stones. In fact, he gets most of the stones himself, thus making his commanders useless.

The film problem is that it tried to squeeze a lot into a two and a half hour film and it shows. Infinity stones, Thanos daughter relationship, the making of Stormbreaker, additional Marvel characters, the battle at Wankanda, the battle with Thanos, the relationship thing with Vision, and mixing that with the funny jokes that the overall movie series are known for; it is quite a lot to take in at once.

If you enjoy the Marvel films, you will enjoy it. A passerby will definitely have a difficult time relating to the films as it expects the audience to know what characters are what at this point including films like Doctor Strange, GOG, and the new spider man.

My Popcorn Film rating. 4.5/5

My Review Rating: 3/5

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#10  Edited By cerberus3dog

I enjoyed it a lot, but I agree with the other users that I didn't feel anything when Black Panther, Spider-Man, and crew bit the dust. They will come back. However, the theory people above me said about Cap and Iron Man sacrificing themselves "trading their lives" to bring the dead avengers back is a very cool idea that would definitely give the universe some gravity. The "We don't trade lives" bit being set up in this movie will be awesome is that comes true. Swapping out the old guard for the new. RDJ is getting up there but Chris Evans still looks in peak form.

My only real critique is pacing and what it did to the storytelling. It was at 11 the whole way, even the jokes. Everything was paced quickly to fit into the 2.5+ hour runtime, some important situations were given adequate time (vision scenes with scarlet witch) but others needed more time (gamora's relationship with Thanos) I think I would have preferred less jokes and more focus on character motivations and backstory. I realize that it is a tough ask for Marvel movies however.

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Was pretty fantastic. I haven't enjoyed a Marvel movie quite as much as this since Winter Soldier, even though Thor Ragnarok came close.

They totally swindled the audience with trailers and movie announcements I think. For example Spiderman; my theory is that they announced the next Spiderman movie to lull people into a false sense of security before doing what they did. And in fact the next Spiderman movie is going to be with Miles Morales. At least until they resolve the whole WTF ending. I would do it like that anyways.

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#12  Edited By liquiddragon

I've seen most of the movies but don't know anything about comics so I don't have anything in terms of theories but that dust effect sucks...

I haven't enjoyed an Avengers movie (except if ppl count Cap3) but I found myself enjoying Infinity War quite a bit. The villain bar is pretty low so it's not hard to clear it but Thanos was good. They gave him enough moments where he was spewing his bullshit he justified himself. He is an actual character unlike most villains in these movies. The characters I liked got their time but I can see a lot of ppl being disappointed if their favorites mostly took a back seat.

The effects of Drax getting chopped up and Mantis getting deflated or something looked amazing and horrific. So did when Nebula was getting tortured. Omg, it was terrifying and I kinda loved it.

Did I miss something somewhere? Why was Vision so weak and useless. Glad he died.

Gamora's death was pretty weighty.

I wish they did more with Benecio Del Toro...

I wish they actually killed Tony Stark. That would've really been something.

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@liquidprince: The next Spiderman movie comes out after Avengers 4 so Peter should be back by then. Obviously T'Challa, Spidey, Star-Lord, and Strange have to come back for sequels. Some or nearly all the phase 1 heroes might die saving everyone else.

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#14  Edited By Deathstriker

@liquiddragon: Yeah, Vision getting beat up the entire movie was a little weird when he should be the third or fourth most powerful Avenger yet Black Widow was smacking people around.

I've always been very indifferent to Gamora, but her character and death were good in this movie.

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Even beyond the meta-knowledge we all have about what movies are to come, the VFX and sound effect employed when characters turned to dust was oddly unfit for the tone the end of the film was trying to strike. You could probably argue the intended effect was to create a sort of psychological distance between viewer and viewed, as if all these deaths were happening in a bad dream. Some commentary, I suppose, on a dreamer's powerlessness in the context of a sleeping vision. Tony, in the beginning of the film, even refers to the distance between dreamstate and reality to Pepper during their jog.

Mostly, the movie is fine. It makes a couple of films in the build-up feel irrelevant--particularly Thor: Ragnarok, which is a bummer. And its plot isn't entirely airtight. I still don't understand what the Soul Gem does. I still don't buy that Dr. Strange couldn't have used the Time Gem during the fight on Titan to help remove the gauntlet. I can't believe Dr. Strange didn't at least try to sorcerer-magic everyone back to Earth from the spaceship (he can travel through dimensions, but not from one physical space to another across a great distance?).

I wonder how well Infinity War Part 1 will stand up to repeated viewings after we have the second installment. I've seen the movie twice now and both times I've found myself idly wondering if there is an alternate universe where the Gauntlet and the Snap are the opening act of a single, more concise film. In any case, the fact that this movie is coherent at all is a minor miracle. The fact that it is genuinely compelling is kind of an achievement.

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#16  Edited By Simmse

I agree with the last post, the fact that it's coherent at all is a miracle, this could of easily been a jumbled up mess with the all the intertwining characters and plot threads, this alone is impressive in itself.

A couple of people are saying Thanos' reasoning is dumb, i don't think the point is that you're meant to think he's right, just to show how much HE believes that he's right. He kills the only thing he loves because he believes that strongly in what he's doing. He's not mindlessly killing people, he's got an aim hes trying to achieve that he think is right. Despite of how good people may think he is a villain, he's obviously leaps ahead of most of the Marvel villains simply due to how under-developed they were.

@inevpatoria It's implied that Doctor Strange is simply following or helping along the events that will end in eventual victory when he viewed all the possible outcomes. He doesn't stop Quill hitting Thanos, He saves Tony when they specifically had a scene prior where he stated before he viewed the outcomes he wouldn't hesitate to let him die, and he says something along the lines of "It was the only way" as he disappears.

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@simmse: Thanos serving/worshipping death like he does in the comics is better to me. He wasn't bad in the movie at all, but after he snapped his fingers and was transported I thought they were going to show the personification of Death or maybe Hela from Thor 3, it being kid Gamora was a little disappointing. His ideology is flawed, since he could provide enough resources for life with all those stones if he wanted to.

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I’m a casual fan and dug it. I remember Joss Wheadon getting oodles of praise for making The Avengers work, and this was a much tougher job.

Yeah, the whole “too many people, not enough resources thing” is a bit much when you have the God glove, but logic leaps are a part of these movies. I liked Thanos and enjoyed that he wasn’t a generic murderbot AND will be a villain that gets more than one movie to villain it up. Also, I really dug that Red Skull appearance. I know it wasn’t consequential or anything, but I thought they were rid of him far too fast, so it was good to see that he’s still out there.

I loved all the killing off of characters, but dread the (super likely) time travel or alternate universe twist that’s sure to follow, bringing them back. It’d be bold and weighty to leave them dead, but killing Drax, Quill, and Black Panther just seemed like a bridge too far for Disney to commit to.

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I see most people take isssue with the gauntlet like "why not just create more resources". Personally with these type of movies you shouldn't think about them to hard, just like with time travel movies they will all fall apart under enough scrutiny. However, there is a law of conservation of matter, meaning matter cannot be created nor destroyed. So in theory Thanos could not just create new matter he would have to take it from somewhere else in the universe. I think he even says in the movie that the universe has finite resources.

But lets just say it would be possible to do, it's established in the movie that Thanos isnt all knowing and the stones are hard to control thus needing the guantlet. So it could simply be that Thanos wouldn't know how to use the stones to do that idk.

Also Tom Hollands acting at the end was incredible and almost made me cry

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#20  Edited By BladedEdge

*tl/dr + single guess worth debating at bottom of rant

I believe the canon explanation for a lot of the questions posed by people Re:Why didn't someone with unlimited power just do X with it instead of Y" was something along the lines of "Because in the MCU the stones are not explained to have unlimited power".

Power beyond the scope of anything else? Yes, unlimited power? No. Its likely in the MCU the reality gem can reshape and reform matter to the users will, but can not break the fundamental law of entropy. I.e. he can reshape existing energy to his will, but not create more. More over, the powers of most of the other stones are vague and muggifiny (new word!) as heck.

To get geeky for a moment. The comics version of these stones are way, way more powerful then what we get in the MCU. In the comics he takes on ever god-like entity in existence (beings with insane levels of power far beyond anything even Thanos at the end shows us in this film) all at once, and wins, etc etc.

Notice if you go back, didn't the gauntlet he had made show incredible strain and wear/tear after he snapped his fingers? Now why would it do that if the act of killing off half the population in the universe was not close too, if not the limit of what the gauntlet was able to make the stones do? Maybe I saw that wrong, but still.

The movie does a good job of telling us the limit of Thanos's power "snap your fingers, kill half the universe'. That's canon with his actions in the comic. But in the comics, that's just something he does out of hand, its small scale too the stuff the gauntlet ends up letting whoever wields it do. Where as, in the MCU, that's its upper limit (and if my memory is right, requires the gauntlet to be taxed enough that it shows signs of major damage right?)

That then, is my reasoning for 'why doesn't he just double all the reasources in the galaxy, or create a machine that produces infinite energy from nothing or etc. Thanos tells us in the movie 'The resources of the universe are finite, which implies the stones are incapable of breaking the law of entropy. The energy in the universe is finite, the stones can do with it whatever the user wants, but can't make more of it etc.

Otherwise, I enjoyed the movie. It was a fun romp. The cameo at the Star Forge was pretty great, (I had heard a spoiler that someone unexpected/unnecessary ends up cameoing in a great but ultimately 'they did not need to include said person to impart the info they do'. I honestly expected them to run into the Red Skull, which would have been a nice setup for future Cap movies, but a Giant Dwarf Tyrion was pretty good.

Dr. Strange did give away that we find a happy ending. He looked through all those possible time-lines and, while he only found 1, 1 is all he needs. He's proven that he has mastery of the time stone to the point of being able to simply rewind time back over and over until he gets to the exact timeline he needs to be in. It makes logical sense within the MCU's established canon then that what we've seen is the 1 time-line that gets us to a happy ending. Also, if you think about it, the whole "I looked at millions of timelines' bit was a bit of a red-herring. Once he finds a winning solution, he's gonna stop looking. Of course you have a bunch of failures and only 1 solution. Think of this way. You need to find the answer to a question online. You randomly type in internet addresses until you find the solution..then you stop, cause your task is complete. You wind up in the same place "I searched millions of wrong answers..and only found 1 place that had the right one" Well duh, you stopped looking once you found it.

Also, I feel like there is another shoe yet to drop. Some as of yet unexplained power, person or universal law that will be the solution. We are left with some very clear questions. I.e. Thanos knew who Stark was because they both get visions. But then..visions from who/what/why? The soul stone is also this weird nebulous thing. Its suppose to be the most poweriful of the stones, but what exactly does it do in the MCU? Again remember, MCU stones are not the comic stones. We can guess based on what the soulstone can do in the comics..but the MCU has shown its not bound to use a single bit of that lore if it doesn't want too. Which leaves "What the heck is up with the soul stone" the solution to everything I'd bet.

And now I've written two pages of stuff on this movie, which was fun. but lets..

tl;dr Good stuff, worth seeing if you've been following the MCU since Iron man, clear pay-off coming next year, with an easy out to shuffle characters and stars around as contracts expire and etc.

Side guess for how it all wraps up.-The guy who played Hiemdal wanted a bigger role in the MCU, and they make a point of saying Thor's new axe can access the bi-frost. Which hopefully means that actor gets to come back in a more prominent role in the future, but likely means Hiemdal the character is gonna stay dead, even if no one else does.

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@bladededge: Apparently Idris Elba wanted out awhile ago. He was miserable filming Thor: The Dark World but he was contractually obligated. So he's done I'd bet. Also, Kevin Feig said anyone killed in IW will not be resurrected. I don't think this includes the ones at the end of course.

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#22  Edited By microshock

@inevpatoria said:

Even beyond the meta-knowledge we all have about what movies are to come, the VFX and sound effect employed when characters turned to dust was oddly unfit for the tone the end of the film was trying to strike. You could probably argue the intended effect was to create a sort of psychological distance between viewer and viewed, as if all these deaths were happening in a bad dream. Some commentary, I suppose, on a dreamer's powerlessness in the context of a sleeping vision. Tony, in the beginning of the film, even refers to the distance between dreamstate and reality to Pepper during their jog.

Mostly, the movie is fine. It makes a couple of films in the build-up feel irrelevant--particularly Thor: Ragnarok, which is a bummer. And its plot isn't entirely airtight. I still don't understand what the Soul Gem does. I still don't buy that Dr. Strange couldn't have used the Time Gem during the fight on Titan to help remove the gauntlet. I can't believe Dr. Strange didn't at least try to sorcerer-magic everyone back to Earth from the spaceship (he can travel through dimensions, but not from one physical space to another across a great distance?).

I wonder how well Infinity War Part 1 will stand up to repeated viewings after we have the second installment. I've seen the movie twice now and both times I've found myself idly wondering if there is an alternate universe where the Gauntlet and the Snap are the opening act of a single, more concise film. In any case, the fact that this movie is coherent at all is a minor miracle. The fact that it is genuinely compelling is kind of an achievement.

Soul stone probably is the thing he needs to be able to make half of all life in the universe disappear, in conjunction with the other stones. Dr Strange didn't do any of that because he hints multiple times about how there was only one possible timeline in them winning. He even tells Tony, "There was no other way". Meaning not stopping Quill from hitting Thanos was part of that one possible win.

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#23  Edited By BladedEdge

@barrock: At a guess I would say Gamora at least is likely to come back. A result where the actions Thanos takes become undone when he ends up returning her to life (cause her soul is in the stone or something weird like that, he did somehow have a conversation with young her at the end after all) and that means he has to give up the soul stone which sets off a chain-reaction..or whatever.

It would, to me, seem very weird to kill off your main female character for an extremely popular team leaving just Wasp (assuming everyone who turned into dust comes back as we all do I expect). I mean, maybe Nebula takes her place but, I'd pet some small petty-cash on Gamora coming back to life, at least, of those who died pre-finger snap.

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If they wanted it to have real impact, they should have killed off characters where it was conceivable they fulfilled their arc and they *might* actually have died. But Black Panther and Spider-Man are the two hottest characters. No way did Marvel go to the trouble of wresting control of Spider-Man from Sony only to feature him in one movie. So you know there's going to be some shitty gimmick like going back in time or to an ethereal plain to bring them back. And that's too bad because it takes an otherwise good movie and rendered the ending kind of impotent.

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@deathstriker: Yeah Death would of been cool, you can kinda understand why they were hesitant to just drop her into the MCU though, seems like it would be abit much for general moviegoers.

@bladededge That's some good points about the gauntlet, i feel like alot of people are overlooking the fact the snap caused it to be almost destroyed, seems like a good visual cue. They maybe could of pointed out what the difference in having all the stones makes abit more. I feel like they kind of implied there was no limits when he had them all, made it kind of hazy, hence people questioning why Thanos couldn't just do other things.

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#26  Edited By corporalgregg

I just keep coming back to how fucked up it would be if I was 8 or 9 and saw Spider-man crying and pleading not to die before turning to ash in Iron Man's arms. That's some scarring shit. As mentioned above, there's some pretty dark imagery in the movie for what is essentially a kids film. Nebula's torture was pretty gnarly. I like that they kept all the original Avengers alive to give them one last hurrah in the next movie before moving on to the next cycle. You just know Ant-Man and that quantum realm stuff will come into play. Obviously they're going to undo the ending of this film, but it was still refreshing to see the bad guy win and I'm excited to see exactly how they undo it.

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My only issue with Infinity War is that its use of the Black Order (known as the Children of Thanos in the film) was only OK.

  • Ebony Maw was good, despite changing his powers.
  • The artist formerly known as Black Dwarf, renamed to Cull Obsidian for Infinity War is a standard Hulk type character in the comics and was indeed a standard Hulk type in Infinity War

My main problem was how they handled the husband and wife duo (was that even mentioned in Infinity War?), Corvus Glaive & Proxima Midnight. They were very generic and very powered-down compared to their comic-book counterparts. Proxima's look wasn't particularly good either.

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#28  Edited By Deathstriker

@corporalgregg: I saw The Lion King as a kid and that was way more sad than Spiderman's death or any death in here, so I doubt kids will be scarred. There's also Bambi, Old Yella, etc. If kids today can't handle this movie they're too soft. I wouldn't call this nor the MCU a kids film, the cartoons, video games, and toys are more for the kids.

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Having read the original Infinity Gauntlet comic, I was prepared for the ending. Honestly, other than having the "wrong" name (Infinity War is the follow up the the original Infinity Gauntlet series,) it was the most like the comic it was based one. Sure, Civil War did have hero vs hero, but Age of Ultron had zero to do with the comic that bore it's name.

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Dr. Strange did give away that we find a happy ending. He looked through all those possible time-lines and, while he only found 1, 1 is all he needs. He's proven that he has mastery of the time stone to the point of being able to simply rewind time back over and over until he gets to the exact timeline he needs to be in. It makes logical sense within the MCU's established canon then that what we've seen is the 1 time-line that gets us to a happy ending. Also, if you think about it, the whole "I looked at millions of timelines' bit was a bit of a red-herring. Once he finds a winning solution, he's gonna stop looking. Of course you have a bunch of failures and only 1 solution. Think of this way. You need to find the answer to a question online. You randomly type in internet addresses until you find the solution..then you stop, cause your task is complete. You wind up in the same place "I searched millions of wrong answers..and only found 1 place that had the right one" Well duh, you stopped looking once you found it.

I disagree that he would have stopped looking, especially since the price they had to pay for that particular solution was so high.

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#31  Edited By Silver-Streak

Anyone killed by the snap will come back.

I'm not so sure about anyone killed pre-snap. So Loki, Heimdall, and Gamorra are gone for good. Although GOTG3 might be focused on bringing Gamorra back.

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@bladededge said:

Dr. Strange did give away that we find a happy ending. He looked through all those possible time-lines and, while he only found 1, 1 is all he needs. He's proven that he has mastery of the time stone to the point of being able to simply rewind time back over and over until he gets to the exact timeline he needs to be in. It makes logical sense within the MCU's established canon then that what we've seen is the 1 time-line that gets us to a happy ending. Also, if you think about it, the whole "I looked at millions of timelines' bit was a bit of a red-herring. Once he finds a winning solution, he's gonna stop looking. Of course you have a bunch of failures and only 1 solution. Think of this way. You need to find the answer to a question online. You randomly type in internet addresses until you find the solution..then you stop, cause your task is complete. You wind up in the same place "I searched millions of wrong answers..and only found 1 place that had the right one" Well duh, you stopped looking once you found it.

I disagree that he would have stopped looking, especially since the price they had to pay for that particular solution was so high.

Word, especially since "winning solution" is such a fluid and ambiguous idea in this case. If winning means stopping/undoing Thanos' plan, there is a *wide* range of possible collateral damage in getting to that point and they would be better served by having less painful routes to take if they existed.

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#33  Edited By Deathstriker
@bushpusherr said:
@liquidsaiyan3 said:
@bladededge said:

Dr. Strange did give away that we find a happy ending. He looked through all those possible time-lines and, while he only found 1, 1 is all he needs. He's proven that he has mastery of the time stone to the point of being able to simply rewind time back over and over until he gets to the exact timeline he needs to be in. It makes logical sense within the MCU's established canon then that what we've seen is the 1 time-line that gets us to a happy ending. Also, if you think about it, the whole "I looked at millions of timelines' bit was a bit of a red-herring. Once he finds a winning solution, he's gonna stop looking. Of course you have a bunch of failures and only 1 solution. Think of this way. You need to find the answer to a question online. You randomly type in internet addresses until you find the solution..then you stop, cause your task is complete. You wind up in the same place "I searched millions of wrong answers..and only found 1 place that had the right one" Well duh, you stopped looking once you found it.

I disagree that he would have stopped looking, especially since the price they had to pay for that particular solution was so high.

Word, especially since "winning solution" is such a fluid and ambiguous idea in this case. If winning means stopping/undoing Thanos' plan, there is a *wide* range of possible collateral damage in getting to that point and they would be better served by having less painful routes to take if they existed.

Yeah, I'd definitely keep looking at different scenarios if I was Dr. Strange, since you'd want a plan b, c, d, etc for backup and assuming they undo the snap deaths, people killed due to the snap (like the helicopter crashing in the post credit scene) could stay dead. Also, they could undo the snap at the beginning or middle of Avengers 4 then people Cap, Drax, or whoever die in the battle to kill Thanos and that be permanent.

On Youtube and other places it seems like a lot of people assume time travel or alternate universes will be used to fix the problem, but they could have the dwarf make a new gantlet and the movie is about stealing the stones from Thanos and killing him. Assuming Ant-Man doesn't disappear, he could be very useful when it comes theft/heists.

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@bushpusherr: @deathstriker: @liquidsaiyan3: Ok, here is my reply to the whole thing.

First, you all assuming that the solution Dr. Strange found has any sort of bad outcomes is wrong. The movie has a follow-up. We are, at this time, completely unaware of how things play out. Where as the Dr. would have been able to look past the point where this movie ends. Your putting a lot of words in his mouth and meaning behind his actions that we just don't have.

What we do have however, is the common sense idea that 'you always find your keys in the last place you look...because you stop looking idiom.

Assume everything you all say is right, and that Dr. rejected or kept looking until he found the -perfect- solution, one where no one we care about dies, Thanos is stopped and at the end of the day everyone comes away with a happy ending. Once found, he would stop, and any other possible solutions he would discard.

He would stop because he found the perfect solution and thus had no need to find variations on it. Any partial solutions are failures/loses when he is aware of a solution that is a complete victory.

You would discard all of the partial solutions because, at the time he finds them out he has the time stone, which we have seen him have complete mastery over, or at least enough mastery to be able too essentially 're-do' things until he gets to the perfect solutions. We have seem him willing to spend eternity turning back the clock until he gets the solution he wants (Re:the end of the Dr. Strange movie). Dr. Strange, with the time stone, simply needs too use it in this manner until he knows he is in the exact time-line that matches the 'we win perfectly' ending.

And thus, 1 success state/timeline vs any number of failure state/timelines is all you need.

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#35  Edited By MezZa

I'm thinking that Stark is going to be critical in stopping Thanos (which is also kind of obvious given that he started the MCU). My guess is that Strange spent a lot of time checking solutions where he sticks to his original belief of letting Stark die before he gives up the stone. He probably found that Thanos gets the stone anyway and without Stark being alive they can never undo the snap and beat Thanos. So the only way to win was to trade Tony's life for the stone in order to allow Tony to be alive for the rematch. In Strange's mind, the whole fight on Titan was to buy the fighters on earth time. If Thanos got the stone immediately and rolled to earth while the rest of his army was there everyone would have died fighting and not just those who got dusted. Which would leave no avengers aside from Tony for the rematch. So by delaying Thanos long enough on Titan and ensuring that Tony lives, he guaranteed that the original crew of Avengers is alive to beat Thanos in what he called the end game. Given the rest of the buildup of the Avengers movies has been about Tony and his willingness to lay down on a wire for his allies and his need to do whatever it takes to win, I think he is going to be the final key to beating Thanos. And the avengers needed to be alive to give him the opportunity to do so.

It's also funny that Thanos taunts Strange for never using his strongest weapon. When in reality he had already used it to set them on the path of success.

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#36  Edited By BabyChooChoo

I wouldn't call it dark, but I love how...serious it was. After Civil War and godawful Age of Ultron, I was terrified this was gonna largely be standard jokey-jokey Marvel, but aside from a few jokes that thank god never really felt out of place, I feel like it had a consistent tone. Mofos are terrified of Thanos throughout the whole thing and he proves why in each and every scene. I think one of the smartest things they did to establish just what everyone was going to have to deal with was have him body Hulk in the first 5 minutes of the movie. It just kinda makes you go "Oh...okay...they're getting that out the way now? Yup, shit is about to go down for the next two hours.." And then it does.

As for theories, I was wrong about them dying this movie lol so I could just as well be wrong for the next one, but now I definitely think - and prepare for this super original, hot take - all the OG Avengers are now potentially up on the chopping block for realzies. How and why? Fuck if I know, but I'd be shocked if all of them made it out the other side. I can see Captain Marvel stealing the show not only because we finally get a super-powered woman (no offense, Valkyrie...), but she'll probably be the one person able to go blow for blow with Thanos...aside from the Hulk who can only get stronger and I fully expect this to be a great last hurrah as he gets his revenge and also whoops some purple ass. Hawkeye has to come back too, right? Surely you don't just name drop one of the OGs and write him off with "yo dawg, family" when the universe it at stake. Same with Ant Man and Wasp too, though I think they're all but confirmed for Avengers 4? I may be wrong, but I feel like some photos leaked of at least Ant Man being on set. Meh, whatever.

I will say, I will fucking bet anything we finally get to hear Cap say "Avengers Assemble!" in the climax of the next movie. That, more than anything else, is the one thing I'm 9001% positive about.

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I liked the movie a lot, but a second big battle in Wakanda less than 3 months later was kind of a bummer. This was the first MCU movie in ages that I thought would've been better with an over-the-top final battle, not just a skirmish in an empty field.

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Well, that was fucking awesome. Bravo.

A bajillion times more grounded than the comics, which of course it needed to be. Practically fully it's own thing, and what a thing it is. I think bringing back Red Skull in the way that they did was fan-fucking-tastic, as I always never let it alone that he'd just die when a portal clearly sucked him in to somewhere. Kinda hearkened to the Mephistopheles role in the comics, which was a nice touch. It's a minor role, but again, as someone who always wondered about it and doubted they'd just off Red Skull like that, it was a pleasure.

The complete removal of the Death aspect is... good. It makes Thanos less intriguing, no doubt. He's still crazy, but a far more understandable kind of crazy. What it does do though is make the prospects for the sequel more interesting, considering that he's got all the gems but is now enjoying retirement. Presumably everyone else is gonna take it to him to undue what he's done, but fighting a villain who's got no interest in fighting, that should be a neat little spin on things.

Good to see Maria as well, as I was wondering if we'd get a check-in going into the film. Really hyping up that Captain Marvel in that scene though. Hope it delivers! What's next? Ant-Man, Captain Marvel, then Infinity War 2? Wonder if Ant-Man'll take place before all this or just exist in a world where half the population's dissolved.

Yup. Lotta great moments in this thing. Not really keen to go over em all, but yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

@simmse said:

@inevpatoria It's implied that Doctor Strange is simply following or helping along the events that will end in eventual victory when he viewed all the possible outcomes. He doesn't stop Quill hitting Thanos, He saves Tony when they specifically had a scene prior where he stated before he viewed the outcomes he wouldn't hesitate to let him die, and he says something along the lines of "It was the only way" as he disappears.

Yeah, that's the only thing that makes Strange's decision make any sense whatsoever.

@bushpusherr: @deathstriker: @liquidsaiyan3: Ok, here is my reply to the whole thing.

First, you all assuming that the solution Dr. Strange found has any sort of bad outcomes is wrong. The movie has a follow-up. We are, at this time, completely unaware of how things play out. Where as the Dr. would have been able to look past the point where this movie ends. Your putting a lot of words in his mouth and meaning behind his actions that we just don't have.

What we do have however, is the common sense idea that 'you always find your keys in the last place you look...because you stop looking idiom.

Assume everything you all say is right, and that Dr. rejected or kept looking until he found the -perfect- solution, one where no one we care about dies, Thanos is stopped and at the end of the day everyone comes away with a happy ending. Once found, he would stop, and any other possible solutions he would discard.

He would stop because he found the perfect solution and thus had no need to find variations on it. Any partial solutions are failures/loses when he is aware of a solution that is a complete victory.

You would discard all of the partial solutions because, at the time he finds them out he has the time stone, which we have seen him have complete mastery over, or at least enough mastery to be able too essentially 're-do' things until he gets to the perfect solutions. We have seem him willing to spend eternity turning back the clock until he gets the solution he wants (Re:the end of the Dr. Strange movie). Dr. Strange, with the time stone, simply needs too use it in this manner until he knows he is in the exact time-line that matches the 'we win perfectly' ending.

And thus, 1 success state/timeline vs any number of failure state/timelines is all you need.

Yeah, he didn't just stop looking for solutions. He saw all possible outcomes, and there was only one where they won. Like you said, Strange is operating on an understanding that extends beyond what we saw. We saw Thanos win, but granting that Strange isn't wrong (the opposite of which would make zero sense from a storytelling perspective), we're technically on track for an ultimate victory (because spoilers (not really): the good guys are gonna win eventually).

@csl316 said:

I liked the movie a lot, but a second big battle in Wakanda less than 3 months later was kind of a bummer. This was the first MCU movie in ages that I thought would've been better with an over-the-top final battle, not just a skirmish in an empty field.

It did feel a bit like "oh another Wakandan field where people gonna fight." Eh, it was fine. The more interesting stuff during that part of the movie was seeing Stark's crew take on Thanos.

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@bushpusherr: @deathstriker: @liquidsaiyan3: Ok, here is my reply to the whole thing.

First, you all assuming that the solution Dr. Strange found has any sort of bad outcomes is wrong. The movie has a follow-up. We are, at this time, completely unaware of how things play out. Where as the Dr. would have been able to look past the point where this movie ends. Your putting a lot of words in his mouth and meaning behind his actions that we just don't have.

What we do have however, is the common sense idea that 'you always find your keys in the last place you look...because you stop looking idiom.

Assume everything you all say is right, and that Dr. rejected or kept looking until he found the -perfect- solution, one where no one we care about dies, Thanos is stopped and at the end of the day everyone comes away with a happy ending. Once found, he would stop, and any other possible solutions he would discard.

He would stop because he found the perfect solution and thus had no need to find variations on it. Any partial solutions are failures/loses when he is aware of a solution that is a complete victory.

You would discard all of the partial solutions because, at the time he finds them out he has the time stone, which we have seen him have complete mastery over, or at least enough mastery to be able too essentially 're-do' things until he gets to the perfect solutions. We have seem him willing to spend eternity turning back the clock until he gets the solution he wants (Re:the end of the Dr. Strange movie). Dr. Strange, with the time stone, simply needs too use it in this manner until he knows he is in the exact time-line that matches the 'we win perfectly' ending.

And thus, 1 success state/timeline vs any number of failure state/timelines is all you need.

We're all speculating, so I don't think anyone here can be "wrong". Also, anyone thinking that there is a "perfect solution" seems pretty odd to me. Strange said he only found one scenario where they win (probably meaning half the universe doesn't die) - in that scene and when he's disappearing while saying "this was the only way", he doesn't seem happy or pleased about the solution. Maybe he knows the snap will be undone, but a lot of the original Avengers who didn't disappear are going to die.

From a real world point of view, obviously the people who turned to ash are going to come back and it's safe to say some heroes will die in Avengers 4 since it'd be anticlimactic and corny if everything swung in the heroes favor with no sacrifices in Avengers 4. Heimdall, Loki, and maybe Gamora/Vision being the only permanent deaths would be pretty tame, since people were worried about big names like Tony, Cap, and Thor going into this.

I would guess Cap is a goner, since the actor seems tired of the role and I'm not sure if he'd be needed with Captain Marvel coming. They both seem like the military and paragon types, so what's the point in them both being there. If Tony dies too or instead of Cap, Strange has a somewhat similar personality to him. I would also guess that the survivors all being from phase 1 (besides Rocket and Nebula) is to give them a last hooray before a lot of them die, get hurt, or retire.

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Really liked the movie, although the pacing at the start is a little rough. They did an unexpectedly good job with Thanos. Wish they kept Star-Lord around though, given what happened with Gamora.
My only nitpicky thing is I'm not feeling the nano-suits. I preferred the old "low-tech" Black Panther, Iron Man and Spider-Man suits. Also give Cap his proper shield back.

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As for theories, I was wrong about them dying this movie lol so I could just as well be wrong for the next one, but now I definitely think - and prepare for this super original, hot take - all the OG Avengers are now potentially up on the chopping block for realzies. How and why? Fuck if I know, but I'd be shocked if all of them made it out the other side. I can see Captain Marvel stealing the show not only because we finally get a super-powered woman (no offense, Valkyrie...), but she'll probably be the one person able to go blow for blow with Thanos...aside from the Hulk who can only get stronger and I fully expect this to be a great last hurrah as he gets his revenge and also whoops some purple ass. Hawkeye has to come back too, right? Surely you don't just name drop one of the OGs and write him off with "yo dawg, family" when the universe it at stake. Same with Ant Man and Wasp too, though I think they're all but confirmed for Avengers 4? I may be wrong, but I feel like some photos leaked of at least Ant Man being on set. Meh, whatever.

I will say, I will fucking bet anything we finally get to hear Cap say "Avengers Assemble!" in the climax of the next movie. That, more than anything else, is the one thing I'm 9001% positive about.

I'm not that much into comics, but I'm pretty sure Thor and Hulk are more powerful than Captain Marvel, so I don't know about her going one on one with Thanos. At the moment, Thor is probably the only one who can do that. Hulk should be able to if he comes out and his anger level keeps rising to increase his strength. It felt like they gave nearly 1/3 of this move to Thor getting a new weapon, so he better be the one who beats up Thanos or helps get a killing blow.

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Just because you know the post-snap characters are coming back, doesn't reduce the impact for me like it did for some. It will affect the current characters and potentially lead them to their death, probably Cap and Iron Man. It's a huge driving force for them now, Tony will stop at nothing to avenge Peter Parker. Same thing for Cap with Bucky.

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@deathstriker: According to Feige Captain Marvel will be the most powerful hero introduced to the MCU. We'll have to see how that plays out in her movie.

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What are the odds we see Hulk wield the Infinity Gauntlet?

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#45  Edited By BabyChooChoo

@deathstriker: If this was right after Ragnarok, I'd be right there with you, but I feel like they might have accidentally nerfed him a tad. The whole ending of Ragnarok was about him not needing a weapon because he's the goddamn god of thunder, but yet he spends most of his screen time trying to make a weapon in this move so he can put up a fight. And even after he gets said weapon, he still can't finish the job.

Now, don't get me wrong, I recognize Thor is still insanely powerful. Even in that short fight at the end, he comes very close to winning. Maybe me saying Cap Marvel would be the only one able to go blow for blow with Thanos was a mistake. It's just that, in my mind, it seems like it would be wack to tease her like they did only for her to immediately get overshadowed by Thor and Hulk. Those two are obviously going to be key in defeating Thanos to the point where I don't think Thor will just help get the killing blow, I'll bet anything he'll flatout be the one to do it. I just - it's a weird leap in logic, I know lol - the way they teased her is the way you tease your trump card and I'll bet anything she's going steal every scene she's in because she's gonna fuck Thanos' shit up so bad.

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Just because you know the post-snap characters are coming back, doesn't reduce the impact for me like it did for some. It will affect the current characters and potentially lead them to their death, probably Cap and Iron Man. It's a huge driving force for them now, Tony will stop at nothing to avenge Peter Parker. Same thing for Cap with Bucky.


It really hits you when you realize it's the ones who DIDN'T get snapped that will make the ultimate sacrifice for the future of the Avengers. Or at least a few of them.

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You spend a bunch of time trying to create these high stakes but at no point does any of it seem important or meaningful. Thanos is an attempt at an interesting bad guy that fails when Killmonger and Vulture were right before him.

It had some fun stuff in there though and they did a good job mixing the different casts styles. I don’t think it was a bad movie, just not in any way interesting or memorable. I went in expecting it to be bad because it feels impossible to find a climax after 10 years of build up that satisfies everybody and, hey, it’s better than bad.

Oh and yeah, the YOU HAVE TO HURRY AND WATCH IT BEFORE IT GETS SPOILED was some dumb marketing horseshit.

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My favourite part of these Marvel movies, especially in Age of Ultron, is when the heroes are just hanging out. And this movie did not have time for any of that, and it bums me out.

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Oh and how fucking great was it to actually see the Iron Spider suit in action, good god damn that got a "YESS!!" out of me.

@deathstriker: If this was right after Ragnarok, I'd be right there with you, but I feel like they might have accidentally nerfed him a tad. The whole ending of Ragnarok was about him not needing a weapon because he's the goddamn god of thunder, but yet he spends most of his screen time trying to make a weapon in this move so he can put up a fight. And even after he gets said weapon, he still can't finish the job.

Now, don't get me wrong, I recognize Thor is still insanely powerful. Even in that short fight at the end, he comes very close to winning. Maybe me saying Cap Marvel would be the only one able to go blow for blow with Thanos was a mistake. It's just that, in my mind, it seems like it would be wack to tease her like they did only for her to immediately get overshadowed by Thor and Hulk. Those two are obviously going to be key in defeating Thanos to the point where I don't think Thor will just help get the killing blow, I'll bet anything he'll flatout be the one to do it. I just - it's a weird leap in logic, I know lol - the way they teased her is the way you tease your trump card and I'll bet anything she's going steal every scene she's in because she's gonna fuck Thanos' shit up so bad.

I could see Marvel being the figurehead for the new guard. Maybe she doesn't immediately make obsolete everyone else ala Superman in Justice League, but I could see her holding her own alongside them. Then once the OG Avengers kinda "retire" after the whole Infinity conflict is over, it's Captain Marvel taking the mantle of bigwig of the MCU, with others like Strange rounding out the new normal.

As for who does Thanos in, I think they'll keep an element from the book and have...

Nebula get her hands on the gauntlet. Her still being around gave me hope we'll get to see her turn things around on everyone like in the book.

Would be an interesting flip-up during your big confrontation. One that reminds you that "oh, right, the actual gauntlet and gems and all the power they bestow is kind of a huge problem in and of itself, not just Thanos."

As for how they deal with that particular aspect, I've no idea. The character that's supposed to handle it is still technically being... grown in the MCU.

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#50  Edited By ATastySlurpee

I loved it. Its my favorite MCU movie.

Side note: Why would anyone that hasn't watched all the previous movies go and watch this? That seems really dumb