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#1  Edited By GundamGuru

I have both and a 4k TV, and I can comfortably say, nah, not really. So few games come with Pro/One X patches, and even those that do aren't a guaranteed 1080p60 or 4k30. If your at all cost sensitive, don't bother.

On the other hand, if your not as budget conscious it's a no-brainer, as there's pretty much no drawbacks compared to the base consoles other than the price difference, which unlike high end PC parts isn't huge.

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...As was mentioned on the Aftershow this week the prices in the digital stores are outrageous for old games. Of course you can get used physical copies for almost nothing...

Sometimes they're outrageous, sometimes they're not. It really depends on how small the physical print run for a game was. For example, the copy of Persona 4 Golden I bought last week was $19.99 on PSN, but my local Gamestop was charging $35 for their only used copy (and that was after all my loyalty discounts).

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#3  Edited By GundamGuru
@cursethesemetalhands said:

Sony doesn't really support them anymore - which makes trying to find a suitable Dualshock 3 replacement infuriating, let me tell you

Tangential to the topic, I know, but it if you have any good sources for new-in-box official Dualshock 3's besides the nightmare that is eBay, I'd love to know about them.

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#4  Edited By GundamGuru

@bisonhero: I don't think it's a particularly close resemblance. Mechwarrior and Battletech have a long history of that sort of robot design going back to the 80s. That's honestly probably what Kojima was drawing from, or at the very least, the same kind of 80s-esque military tech.

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#5  Edited By GundamGuru

@captain_insano: Generally speaking, for me, man losing a save is the most sure-fire way to get me to put a game down. If not permanently, at least for a long while. Just how long depends on how much progress I lost.

I raged last night at losing three floors of progress in Rise's dungeon in Persona 4 to a stray Mudo (instant KO) spell. That was just a couple hours, though, and I was in the zone, so I took a bathroom break and dived back in. I've lost entire files before to drive and memory card failures. It's sometimes years or never before I go back to those games, even if I was enjoying them. I never finished Final Fantasy IX for this very reason; physically lost the entire memory card with my save at the point-of-no-return.

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I remember really connecting with Celes as a result of the plot. Terra and Locke never felt quite as relatable. I also feel like I missed out with how everybody loves Shadow, Sabin, and suplexing trains. I never used them back in the day. I mained Locke, Terra, Edgar, and Celes for most of the game, from what I recall.

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#7  Edited By GundamGuru

I always cock my head at the constant comparison of every tactics game to chess. I get that it's the only common grid-board game where the pieces move under different rules, but it's not really a very helpful or accurate comparison. It'd be like telling someone Gwent or Hearthstone are card games like poker.

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@gundamguru: so last week of March 2019? Also when was Anthem delayed? It barely got announced 6 months ago.

Shortly after Andromeda came out, they announced they'd have to delay Anthem out of March 2018. Rumor is the roasting Andromeda got for its state at launch gave Edmonton the ammunition they needed to get more time. What that does mean is they've already delayed it out of the fiscal year ending in this March, so there's no way they miss next March. They're going to have to post those revenues on their filings, and sooner rather than later, or the stock will suffer because the numbers look bad.

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@qrowdyy said:

Anthem: I'd say the odds on this getting delayed to 2019 are 50-50. On the list of 2017 games that GB produced video content around, Destiny 2 comes in at #2. Considering how much people like Destiny despite its flaws, this could be the game that makes the mmo shooter a thing, like Wow did for mmorpgs.. That's if EA doesn't riddle the game with microtransactions or fuck up the release in some equally idiotic way(a no brainer if we're talking about literally any other company).

I have serious doubts EA will let Anthem slip out of this fiscal year. With the recent kerfuffle over Star Wars BF II, EA really doesn't want any more excuses to upset their investors. Anthem has already been delayed several times. It'll be out, hell or high water. Mass Effect Andromeda style. After all, they can always just patch it. It's win-win for them, the revenues go on the right tax quarter, and the devs will be doing patches regardless.