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I'm not surprised Nextlander ended up as it is. It makes sense, business-wise. And since they can only interact through their pc's, it's difficult to think what they could do that is besides what Everyone else is doing, really. In fact, NextLander is so much like the last year or so of their involvement with GB because of covid, that it seems more a sense of continuation rather than of anything remarkably different, much less innovation.

But that is okay. I am not expecting early GB, or even middle. I'm not expecting left field. I am satisfied with the personalities (the people, really). I had initial mixed feelings about Alexy-Quest as just being, in spirit, more of the same. But hey, I will mostly watch it. Other times I always can't raise the interest, but I like much of what NextLander does. Probably most.

It's three guys I am familiar with, doing the tried and true with Twitch being both the set, with the constraint of settings. And for a few reasons, because of the times and their age, that is just fine with me.

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I enjoyed my time with Death's Door. It was different from much of what I usually play. Had a nice story, and some humor. Pleasant game with a few dark underpinnings. Graphics were fine in the really truly fine sense. Gameplay was good within constraints of how it was set up.

Prodeus could learn some from Death's Door.

Eh no, Prodeus has stated it has NO intention of learning Anything from Death's Door...

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I took a dip today, and watched the Anacrusis. To be blatant, I really enjoyed this show. One player I took to immediately was the new hire, she seemed to be having a good time to me. And everyone seemed to be pretty much the same way. In fact, I enjoyed the show so much I felt like perhaps I have been missing instead of just not being highly motivated

Jeff G. of course, towards the end had a few critical things to say after a misfire with a game mechanic. I had already seen another site have the very same problem a few days ago with what involved pushing a button in the game that, perhaps, did not present itself clearly. Though it was logical.

I'm more saying what I think to the other posters, because I feel the original thread post was presented so weakly and without supporting statements. But if I were to read GB's life-signs by what I saw today, I'd say GB is holding it's own. Certainly not overly negative. And I feel Jeff G. has his established place in it. Besides it really being the founder.( or sharing that with Ryan.) Jeff G. is always going to analyze and have opinions. Though I do not always agree, I many times get the feeling that I just might learn something. I admit the last may be just personal inclination.

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I really like the grappleshot in Halo Infinite to a ridiculous and excessive degree.

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#5  Edited By bybeach

I must have had a somewhat different experience than some of you. I'm having to remember some years back, but Aloy's interaction with most NPC's was, well, I don't remember them to care.

But there was a couple of hard-core dudes that seemed decently developed, including a mentor of hers who was a thinly concealed psychopath.

The one interaction I thought downright awkward was with the emperor. It just did not seem contrived well enough. The story wanting to convey Aloy as a well knitted female warrior, fine and done. A nature lady also, with the ability to forgo bathing for weeks, and knowledge of what leaves to wipe with (inferred). I was surprised the Emperor was immediately so smitten, and yet so sincere. It just seemed out of place, something that could possibly happen, maybe, after he got to know her.

As @humanity put it, the holograms were a show in their own right.

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I started fooling with pc video games right arounds/just after 3d was happening. So I was backsliding through duke Nukem and Hexen shareware, coming across Quake, Wolfenstein and Doom. I had a terrible beginning computer (I didn't know better). But I consider that the fun times now.

I would say that with that perspective of early 3d games I have not always been enamored of later photo realism. Playing games like Amid evil, Dusk, and other throwbacks has satiated some nostalgia. And as more a post occurrence with me, I also have learned to enjoy 2d games.

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#7  Edited By bybeach

@flameboy84: NextLander is conservative, near to a fault. I do like much of what they do, but it also isn't the inventiveness and daring taking of early GB. Well, maybe once or twice with video game choice. Thats a point of view, I guess.

As for what this thread is going on about, I would have to say people should (perhaps) think twice before they go all Kaufman/ Dan Rickert unchained on the site. People just do not take to the whole thing unless it is flawlessly done, being usually a gag that has to run for awhile. It's just really hard to pull off.

But I myself refuse to criticize, not only because all of what I know of it is limited to this thread, but also because I did not take to Andy Kaufman's humor either after say, Foreign man and such. And although they are not quite the same thing, comedy such as 'I think you should leave now', leaves me scratching the chalkboard with my very own fingernails. I cannot watch it!

But if GB was trying to do something and take a chance, they on my part gets a 'good on them'. They better be fooling around, by the sound of it.

But after a while, even I started laughing with Dan when he was sticking dumb written paste-its to his beard and face for subs.

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#8  Edited By bybeach

Nice read.

America needs it's hardcores for particular (never domestic) situations. There is a role for these various highly trained and specialized soldiers for deployment in this present world. I know nothing about it, but it would seem to me that 'professional' would be the defining term. Not the political masturbation people of a certain ilk get out of it.

Marchinko comes off loose cannon personified. Hopefully his legacy wasn't that scramble for recognition after Bin Laden was taken care of.

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#9  Edited By bybeach

I remember when I first started playing games (mostly pc) I would often play them twice immediately, That is, if I really liked them. Push up the difficulty, find more hidden areas and loot, enjoy the story more, that sort of thing.

But I have fallen off on that. Though a year later or more, I will go back to a few games. I do love my steam library for that really. So in the future, I will replay say, Control. Another is the Dead Space remaster. And there are more I'm sure.

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#10  Edited By bybeach

In line with what someone already said, the 2 ends toasted can be made into a Peanut butter (crunchy) and Jelly sandwich that works really well. As well as for other sandwiches. Also, the ends can be used for dipping into soup or with spaghetti, say probably buttered.