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Deflect sword is probably the most useful, as well as the grenade that I got only for the very last dungeon because I didn't realize how powerful it is and that it seemingly self-recharges. Chain dash is great obviously and you want it for the eastern dungeon. Also I got a lot of mileage out of the heavy swing in the western area.

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Honestly this game sounds more and more like an epic too difficult to pull off, especially considering the kind of expectations coming from the game's namesake alone.

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@mrklondikeguy: Pretty sure it wasn't stamina, it happened way too frequently.

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@l1ghtn1n said:

Sure I'm in, I never played Ascension so the last one I played was 6 years ago at this point and those games are still real good.

Curious if it's still the same Kratos with all his memories and whatnot or if it's actually technically a different character just with the same look? Think I'm good either way, new character would let them do stuff but the idea of Kratos being so mad he wants to kill some more gods ain't bad either.

Yeah same here, it's definitely been a while so whatevs. I just disliked 2 and 3 much more than 1 just because 1 felt like it had at least some restraints when it came to pacing the constant spectacle with less bossfights and such. 2 and 3 might as well have been a mythical being murder simulator.

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Since I don't consider DaS3 to be a JRPG, definitely Persona 5. Is that still supposed to come out as a PS3 version too? The longer no one even knows the release date the more unlikely that whole idea seems to me.

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I liked it quite a bit, but I still think the price is a bit too steep. Finished the final boss in 9 hours and up until that point I really liked the simplistic combat system because most moves had a purpose and were nicely balanced. As I started mastering the combat mechanics though I also would have wished for some harder fights towards the end or at least a bit more hitpoints for the last bossfights.

I still have absolutely no wish to continue playing and 100%ing it though because as it seems all you do is check more walls and lodges for hidden ways and all you're getting for it is some capes and nothing else. No other final final boss, no different ending cutscene. All in all not worth it for me considering that the hidden rooms and invisible platforms are pretty terrible game design, only acceptable because I didn't HAVE to seek them out for the normal game. I mean I was happy when I found one but skimming the entire game for them with no reward? Eh.

Also was it me or did the game have slowdowns at times that totally ate my dash inputs?

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