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Are you a native English speaker? Sorry that it might come off as rude, but you use "`" instead of ', which I've noticed is common among non-native speakers.

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From the update notes:

  • Headdress has been removed: We learned that headdresses are mostly worn for ceremonial events vs battles or combat
  • Hair: Thunder now has a traditional warrior style pompadour hairstyle, based off historical photos
  • Added arm braces and a belt with traditional Nez Perce beadwork in the common color palette of pink & green with geometric pattern
  • Buckskin pants with the same traditional Nez Perce beadwork in pink & green with geometric pattern
  • Traditional moccasins: Worn for more agile combat and handcrafted from raw materials
  • Traditional metal-work axes

I think this is an awesome update, and a great gesture from Microsoft and Iron Galaxy. The new optional skin looks badass, and the pompadour is beyond cool. As expected, some people are losing their minds over the fact that Iron Galaxy took the time to make a "fictional" character a bit more accurate, but eh. I hope more developers try to delve into the sources of their characters more in the future as well - it leads to more unique and interesting characters, in my opinion! I had no idea that the popadour was a traditional warrior hair style for the Nez Perce.

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Here's the relevant passage from Brad's Review that Hugo Martin liked:

Improbably, the one way this game both breaks from and elevates its predecessors is through its storytelling. If you'd told me prior to release that a new Doom game would have a plot at all, let alone one I'd become weirdly invested in, I'd have laughed in your face. After I'd played Doom, I was laughing for different reasons. This game hilariously, wordlessly sets itself up as a direct sequel to Doom II when, in the very first scene, your marine wakes up on an inscribed stone slab and finds his vaunted green armor enshrined in glyphs and candles. Yes, this game takes the original irrelevant video game protagonist, a nameless nobody so generic he's only ever been referred to as "Doomguy," and reimagines him as nothing less than a divine avenger so unstoppable that over the course of two games he left a Biblical mythology in his wake. It's so deliciously absurd I can't believe someone thought it up, let alone had the guts to make it the through line of a big-budget shooter from a major publisher.

And yet things just get crazier from there. The whole thing is set on a Mars that's become a galactic power plant by way of siphoning "Argent plasma" through a portal to the demon realm. Yes, mankind solved its ongoing energy problems by... fracking Hell. The game doesn't dwell on this point, but rather takes it in stride as it cynically explores the office politics of harnessing the devil for shareholder gain. I encourage you to check out every data log you can get your hands on, so you can read the employee handbook's guide to a level 3 demon contamination event ("Simply close your eyes, kneel down, and wait. Remember you can be as useful in death as you are in life.") or ludicrous corporate memoranda about the "project to weaponize the demons." An ever-present company hologram man hangs around to provide some great rah-rah corporate cheerleading. ("The road to Hell is paved with... Argent energy!") There's a lot of darkly comedic stuff in here, and it's all somehow gloriously stupid and extremely smart at the same time. Whoever wrote this game deserves a medal.

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It is an interesting angle, but it doesn't really account for Kojima's recent projects. If he really felt strongly about Japanese being usurped by English, he's doing a bad job of showing it as of late: Death Stranding is primarily being developed in English, and stars a number of actors that don't speak Japanese. I felt the themes of MGSV were in line with his interest in memetics, which has been one of the continual threads of the Metal Gear series.

Personally, I don't fully understand why people would be "butt-hurt" by English-language signs; perhaps it's because I come from a South Asian country that was colonized by the British and has English as one of the official languages. Here in America, English is slowly losing its spot as the primary language, with Spanish becoming more and more common. I also live in NYC, where Spanish speakers are pretty common, but now you'll see shows on major TV networks (like Jane the Virgin) where actors just speak Spanish and they subtitle it, which was considered crazy only a few years ago. Who knows if things will continue to change!

I have to imagine the one thing that might stop Chinese from becoming the lingua franca of the future is the number of dialects - many of which are really hard to understand. From the various tones and initials, it's hard to even say what "Chinese" is. It's rather funny, on the topic of Western influence, that one of the most celebrated Chinese writers domestically, Lu Xun, was dead-set on reforming Chinese characters and was one of the first people to translate Western literature in mainland China.

But blogs like these are why I still browse the GB forums! Very interesting and insightful.

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Is it on Vita, cause that's kind of amazing in every single way possible. I knew watching this dumb thing was a good idea.

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I just realized that the Game Awards was a thing again maybe 30 seconds ago. I would love chat being up for some hot Geoff Keighley action. I have no idea how it went under the radar for me this year...

Funny to think that No Man's Sky debuted on the Game Awards all those years ago and was one of the influential reasons why people talked about it...

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#8  Edited By billymaysrip

I wrote this blog post two years ago: "CS GO is the next big esport, and you better believe it."

The reason you don't see it on this site is the same reason why you don't see League of Legends on this site. Even the Dota scene is rarely discussed on this site, despite the rather large Dota community that Brad has fostered. Giant Bomb doesn't cater to people who are "one game only" types. As Jeff has mentioned before, how can a general video games website match with specific video game coverage provided by niche sites? If I want CS news, I go to, not GB. If I want general video game coverage, I'll go to Giant Bomb.

Personally, I've put over 2000 hours into CS:GO, and I continue to watch and play the game on a daily basis. But GB is about games in general, so I don't really try to bring it up on the site.

Dan has mentioned CS before, and how people were yelling at him and being "super serious" about it. People play games for different reasons, and GB has never been about competitive games really. Dan doesn't actually like competition anyway - he just likes shitting on people and laughing about it, which is totally ok.

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Don't ask why, but I was watching the 2013 Extra Life stream and Vinny played Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon and the intro song to each day features some GREAT saxophone:

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The fact that you can basically telefrag someone is fucking neat as hell. Who would think that we'd have Doom and telefragging back in 2016.