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@matatat said:

Beyond all this people got equally upset when they added random penis size and some got upset because they had a small dick.

Hey, just like real life.

They should add penis pills and enlargement pumps to the game. And make them do nothing, as well.

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I got all the way out of Midgar in Final Fantasy VII without ever trying the Cure materia, because I thought it sounded lame.

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@TechnoSyndrome said:
@bernard_bernoulli said:
@ll_exile_ll said:
@bernard_bernoulli said:

Not to mention what would happen to Zelda if Link were a girl

Nintendo are not going to introduce a male equivalent to Zelda just for this one option, and they sure aren't going to write both a straight and homosexual storyline

(I would be all for any of these things happening, but it's just not. The only option I can see is to use the one female character YOU'VE ALREADY GOT and let the player choose between either Link or Zelda.)

I don't know what Zelda games you've played, but there has almost never been even a slight hint of a romantic relationship between Link and Zelda. Skyward Sword is the only one where Link and Zelda even really had a real relationship, and it stopped way short of being a true romance. They were basically teens who had been childhood friends, in the early stages of feeling stronger about each other with neither really acknowledging it.

And that's as close as they've ever come to doing a Link and Zelda romance. I don't think that should be anywhere in the conversation in terms of whether a female Link would be a good idea or not.

Uh, okay. Several games feature Zelda kissing Link. In most incarnations, they are very clearly supposed to be in a relationship.

Could you please list the several games in which this happens? I'm a huge fan of the series and the only one I can remember it happening in was Zelda II. Also I don't know how they can "very clearly" be in a relationship when aside from Skyward Sword every single game shows the two meeting for the first time.

Yeah, please elaborate. I can't think of a single Zelda game where you couldn't slot in a female Link and have it still play out exactly the same way.

There may not be overt incidences of Zelda and Link being in a romantic relationship (except for as much as Nintendo puts in any of their children's games), especially given the fact that Zelda usually spends the games either captured, asleep, or as a ghost, but I think it's odd for someone to look at the princess/young knight archetype and not think of it in a romantic way. They are referred to as siblings in one or two games, I suppose.

Pedantism aside, I really don't see Nintendo keeping Zelda female if Link were a female. I just don't see why they would do that, or why they would make Zelda a male. Just give Zelda a sword and a adventuring outfit (or a mage's outfit if you prefer), and let her be an option. Or create a new character. Or don't refer to Link's gender at all and play him or her as genderfluid.

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@bernard_bernoulli said:
@ll_exile_ll said:
@bernard_bernoulli said:

Not to mention what would happen to Zelda if Link were a girl

Nintendo are not going to introduce a male equivalent to Zelda just for this one option, and they sure aren't going to write both a straight and homosexual storyline

(I would be all for any of these things happening, but it's just not. The only option I can see is to use the one female character YOU'VE ALREADY GOT and let the player choose between either Link or Zelda.)

I don't know what Zelda games you've played, but there has almost never been even a slight hint of a romantic relationship between Link and Zelda. Skyward Sword is the only one where Link and Zelda even really had a real relationship, and it stopped way short of being a true romance. They were basically teens who had been childhood friends, in the early stages of feeling stronger about each other with neither really acknowledging it.

And that's as close as they've ever come to doing a Link and Zelda romance. I don't think that should be anywhere in the conversation in terms of whether a female Link would be a good idea or not.

Uh, okay. Several games feature Zelda kissing Link. In most incarnations, they are very clearly supposed to be in a relationship.

Could you please list the several games in which this happens? I'm a huge fan of the series and the only one I can remember it happening in was Zelda II. Also I don't know how they can "very clearly" be in a relationship when aside from Skyward Sword every single game shows the two meeting for the first time.

They meet for the first time in Zelda II?

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@bernard_bernoulli said:
@ll_exile_ll said:
@bernard_bernoulli said:

Not to mention what would happen to Zelda if Link were a girl

Nintendo are not going to introduce a male equivalent to Zelda just for this one option, and they sure aren't going to write both a straight and homosexual storyline

(I would be all for any of these things happening, but it's just not. The only option I can see is to use the one female character YOU'VE ALREADY GOT and let the player choose between either Link or Zelda.)

I don't know what Zelda games you've played, but there has almost never been even a slight hint of a romantic relationship between Link and Zelda. Skyward Sword is the only one where Link and Zelda even really had a real relationship, and it stopped way short of being a true romance. They were basically teens who had been childhood friends, in the early stages of feeling stronger about each other with neither really acknowledging it.

And that's as close as they've ever come to doing a Link and Zelda romance. I don't think that should be anywhere in the conversation in terms of whether a female Link would be a good idea or not.

Uh, okay. Several games feature Zelda kissing Link. In most incarnations, they are very clearly supposed to be in a relationship.

In any game you could be talking about, the entirety of the romance boils down to slight implications at the very end of the game, right before the credits. It's not like they've written a romance, we're talking one cheek kiss or blushing animation as the game ends. This potential romance would only be disrupted by a change in Link's gender if there was a lot of writing and dialogue associated with it. In pretty much every Zelda game, there's either no implied romance or vague implications relayed through character animation at the end of game. As I said before, the only game where Link and Zelda have a substantial relationship with a good chunk of associated writing and dialogue is Skyward Sword, and that could easily be interpreted as a close friendship.

In almost every Zelda game, the relationship between Link and Zelda wouldn't need to be changed at all if Link's gender were changed. It's not as though we're talking about the same degree of change needed for the Triss/Geralt/Yen relationship in The Witcher 3 if Geralt were made a woman.

Half of your post agrees with the point I was making and the other half doesn't. Do you expect NES or even SNES games to feature anything more than just a kiss before the credits? Zelda 2 is not even remotely comparable to the Witcher 3

Anyway, like I said, it'd make more sense to just let the player choose between Link or Zelda. And tell a story for each one

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@bernard_bernoulli said:

Not to mention what would happen to Zelda if Link were a girl

Nintendo are not going to introduce a male equivalent to Zelda just for this one option, and they sure aren't going to write both a straight and homosexual storyline

(I would be all for any of these things happening, but it's just not. The only option I can see is to use the one female character YOU'VE ALREADY GOT and let the player choose between either Link or Zelda.)

I don't know what Zelda games you've played, but there has almost never been even a slight hint of a romantic relationship between Link and Zelda. Skyward Sword is the only one where Link and Zelda even really had a real relationship, and it stopped way short of being a true romance. They were basically teens who had been childhood friends, in the early stages of feeling stronger about each other with neither really acknowledging it.

And that's as close as they've ever come to doing a Link and Zelda romance. I don't think that should be anywhere in the conversation in terms of whether a female Link would be a good idea or not.

Uh, okay. Several games feature Zelda kissing Link. In most incarnations, they are very clearly supposed to be in a relationship.

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Not to mention what would happen to Zelda if Link were a girl

Nintendo are not going to introduce a male equivalent to Zelda just for this one option, and they sure aren't going to write both a straight and homosexual storyline

(I would be all for any of these things happening, but it's just not. The only option I can see is to use the one female character YOU'VE ALREADY GOT and let the player choose between either Link or Zelda.)

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#8  Edited By Bernard_Bernoulli

Seems more like these rumors are from this one source (Who is some sort of blogger?), not "around Twitter."

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#9  Edited By Bernard_Bernoulli

@ravey: Again, you could say that about any game. We're talking about genres.

This conversation is like saying any song that has soul in it belongs in the Soul genre. It just doesn't.

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Those are very loose definitions of a puzzle that could be applied to literally any game. We call them puzzle games because other people have been doing it for so long, even though it's not a very good label. Do you consider a text adventure game a puzzle game? Heavy Rain? These are interactive stories, not Professor Layton or a hidden object game (which mostly contains puzzles). I mean, if you want to redefine all games as puzzle games, go for it, but we're talking about genres.