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#1  Edited By ALavaPenguin

Eh it doesn't really matter the GotY discussions to me were always just an excuse to hear them talk about some specific games more than actually mattering who got what number.

What is more useful is their personal top ten list combined with knowing their personalities and video game interests. Because actually game of the year final list often ends up just being some weird overly compromised mess with a few games few played but one person was "passionate" about so it must be on there [talking about Invisible Inc here.. it had some serious problems not brought up in their game of the year stream that year, not even mentioned...and I only bought it to try after hearing the passion towards it and it getting on the list... total regret purchase on that one, and I like the genre too!]

Plus then you get into games that are there more for social or political reasons that go way up on the list through this arbitration [as someone else previously talked about in this thread]. While on the flip side with the personal lists you can generally tell who is going to have those games up there by their general personality and vocalness on the site [for purely the social and political reasons] and can ignore those lists due to tastes... or focus on them if that is what truly matters to you in a game, and sift through which person speaks to you best for the lists.

Plus at some point if you are going down the line of pure votes, the issue of not everyone playing every game does become a more important question.

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If it is someone else's property than yes, you are damaging the property of others.

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#3  Edited By ALavaPenguin

I actuallydon't support it as well.

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Thanks all!! Yeah what brought up this line of questioning is I just wasn't sure if it was very Wii-U like where they put the map on the thing and all that [but can you even see the screen when docked]? Sounds great to me cause I just want to be able to hold it and play :)

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#5  Edited By ALavaPenguin

Yeah I mean it would mostly just be next to a power outlet anyway where I would be using it.

Someone said they use their computer monitor for their PS4, could I do that with the Switch? My monitor is a touch old but has an hdmi in.

The point I guess of this whole thing is, I am thinking about getting a switch but I don't want to buy a TV lol. My only TV is too big for where I am going to be at for the next few months and I don't want to waste the money on some tiny little tv [when I could instead buy games :)]

Thanks everyone!

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Thanks guys! Yeah just wasn't sure if they were ever doing some second screen Wii U thing on them, but if it is docked you can't really see the screen anyway right, so it isn't really like a Wii U? Cool with me :P

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#7  Edited By ALavaPenguin

I am considering buying a switch down the line, but I will be in a situation with limited actual TV access. Could I basically play these games fully on the screen in my hands, or are there a lot of exceptions like games that you kinda have to play on the TV? Any examples of which games if so? I am mostly interested in these games [but prob more if I find them]:

Odyssey, Zelda, Splatoon 2, That mario xcom game, maybe that xenoblade game not sure.

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#8  Edited By ALavaPenguin

Yeah I understand that some people may be more susceptible, but to be able to pick this person out with a basic doctor's appointment as a kid seems a bit unrealistic to me? At least so many years ago it does? And then saying it basically is guaranteed that this is the case with this person?

I don't think there is a family history as they are LDS[Mormon] and so pretty much no alcohol ever in that family but could be the case.

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#9  Edited By ALavaPenguin

Hello. I am going to try and keep this anonymous about this friend of mine. This friend once told me that when they were young [maybe 10 years ago] a doctor told them that they had some special gene that if they ever drank alcohol they would get stupid levels of addictive without fail.

Now I am not trying to get this friend to drink alcohol at all or even encouraging it [even with them being of legal age] as I don't really drink but once or twice a year myself. However, this sounded unrealistic to me, at least as of 10 or so years ago.

Is there any reasonable chance this could be true [not that they have an addictive gene, but a doctor knowing about this and telling them], or is this just BS they said to keep this person from drinking alcohol [probably influenced by the parent telling the doctor to say this? Or the parent saying the doctor said this?]

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" I've seen communities hate on others like fighting game players and their less than stellar views on women, the level of hatred thrown at new players in league of legends, and the general level of discourse on Xbox live are among the worst humanity has to offer"

I mean this with respect but I must play it straight here... if you think that is the worst humanity has to offer, then I really think you need to expand your knowledge on world history... and even what is out there currently all over the world. You really need to get some better perspective on that through some study. This may sound rude through the ambiguity of text but I mean it with all kindness and just trying to be helpful.