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#1  Edited By xymox

This was my first Resident Evil game and I think it might've single-handedly gotten me into the series, and maybe even the survival horror genre in general. We'll see.

The jump scares are all really well executed, but unfortunately I didn't find the game very spoopy. Mostly because the monsters are a bit silly looking, but also because I personally think Alien: Isolation did the whole "hunted by scary thing" much, much, much better a few years ago.

All the "video game-y" stuff also kind of took away from the tension and atmosphere, but damn if I didn't find these dumb locked scorpion doors etc. incredibly charming in a way I can't really explain. And, like, finding notes on shadow-activated lock mechanisms and stuff. It's silly in a way I can get behind. A lot of people seem to be pretty down on the later part of that game, but personally I loved the later parts of the game as well.

That said, finishing the game made me buy RE4, and now I'm about 3 chapters in on that... and loving it as well. It took a few minutes to get used to the controls, but they're still serviceable... and playing RE4 is kind of making me look forward to playing RE5... ?

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#2  Edited By xymox

I have to echo some of the thoughts here. Humanizing the Baker family and understanding that they were victims all along was fantastic. I absolutely loved the moment when you see the empty wheelchair and the sudden realization of who the old lady is. I thought the fight against hallucinations in the mansion was cool. Also KAIJU GRANDMA. Best.

The only thing I disliked about that part was the "I'm Redfield" thing at the end. This was my first resident evil game, but I've picked up that name through osmosis over the years, and it just came off as incredibly lame to me, even with zero context.

I have a different perspective on the "good/bad" ending choice. I didn't see it as binary as most people seem to. You literally just stabbed Jack with the other "cure" and it killed the SHIT out of him... So I picked Zoe. I figured both Mia and I were infected and that this "cure" was bullshit. Sure enough, Zoe died from the "cure".

Then the game randomly made me play as Mia, which was odd because she was no-where near us. That said, I enjoyed the entire sequence, but thought the moment with Eveline showing you a video tape of your past (what...?) was really, really bad. I enjoyed the fact that, because of my choice I got another mini boss fight with Mia. I LOVED how he tossed the phone (it reflected exactly what I would have done at that point) at the end and then you heard the buzzing after the credits. It sucks to know the difference was so small between the two choices, however.

Still, I enjoyed everything except for the garbage SAW-part in the middle. Mostly because I'm still salty about Lucas getting away. He's an ass and there was like zero pay off for that entire sequence.

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#4  Edited By xymox
@mmzone said:

Shetland had the right idea, but they inverted the colors. Here's the proper version.

No Caption Provided

But that's just the flag of Eastern Sweden. You forgot the red. Here's the true flag of Shetland (and a really pretty one at that!)

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I've been catching every episode of this and I think they've been killing it, honestly. The discussions have all been very thoughtful and I actually like the shorter format. Makes it feel snappy and to the point. Works really well as a supplementary podcast because of it.

I have to echo the concern that this might alienate listeners though... There's a lot of GB talk, way more than I had expected.

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How is Keijo looking so far?

... I kind of can't wait for the next episode?

Like, third episode in and I still can't believe this thing is real, but... I'm kind of digging it? It just seemed like this gimmicky twist on the sports anime formula at first but it's like they know what they're making and they're having so much fun with it, and that shows.

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It's a console/handheld hybrid with full Nintendo first party support (no split development resources) and it looks like it has some pretty good third party support already. That alone is huge. The size of the future install base might convince even more third party developers to support it, and that's exciting to me.

But I'm trying to not get too hyped about it. I need more information.

It's not going to replace my PC+PS4 setup, but I'm still super interested in using it as a handheld.

I'm a bit worried about the size though. My 3DS fits in my pocket just fine. But this thing looks bigger than a Vita and I'm never able to bring my Vita with me anywhere unless I'm wearing a backpack. I'd need to somehow justify bringing it with me, and if it's only made for games I just can't do that. However, if that's a touch screen and this thing is also a potential tablet replacer? I'm on board day one provided the tech under the hood is decent.

I'm also worried about the battery life. But I'm willing to compromise on a lot of things if that's a 720p screen pushing 60 fps. Heck at that point I'll just use it as an in-house handheld with the charging cable plugged in at all times, and not care about battery life or portability or the tablet aspect.

It would also be nice if it was region free and had sensible online features, but I don't expect it. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the NES, only handhelds, so I'd also be interested in any and all backwards compatibility this thing hopefully has, and how they end up handling the virtual console stuff.

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Hey all, I just stumbled across this forum and it may be just what I'm looking for. I saw a game on Steam the other day, and it looked very interesting. But for the life of me, I cant remember what it was called. It was a turn based RPG, with what looked like D&D style dice rolling moves. The thing I really remember was your character was a static figure with a base on its feet. This sound like anything you all have seen?

Hmm. Kind of sounds like Card Hunter?

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I loved the stuff he did in The Point, so I'm happy to see this thing take off and be as successful as it is. Cool.

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... It's kind of awesome to think that the answer to the question "What is Levelord up to?" has been "making Duke Nukem 3D levels" for the longest time, and we didn't even know.

Looking forward to playing them.