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5 Months In: An Adults Tale...

Fuck, I had something to say here. Any such attempt at a sincere train of thought has probably been sabotaged by my inability to stop looking at my older blogs and thinking to myself "I don't remember writing this at all.". Allow me to adopt whatever style comes to mind to digress my thoughts as I've not had a great deal of writing experience for a few months now. 
It's been 5 months since my last blog and the reason is simple: I moved away from home. Leaving the relative comfort of my parents' joint and adopting a certain squalor that comes with moving into a flat/apartment that costs more than it's worth has taken its toll on my bank balance, meaning that I've had to work like a motherfucker and constant work does not leave a great deal of time for blogging. I've also had no internet in this flat which nearly killed me. We should have had it within two weeks but for some reason the provider seemed to decide to not give a flying fuck about what we were paying for. This will[/should] finally change in the next 8 days. I'm not holding my breath. 
Regardless, I beg of you, pity me not too much. I've had my weekly dose of bulk-internet action whenever I stopped by my parents place to download the weekly bombcast. They were genuinely sick of the sight of my during the Game of the Year deliberations as I was naturally stopping by each and every day to get my fix. I'm glad I didn't miss that particular 5 days of aberrant craziness. 
Also, during my blogging absence, I learned to drive (well, passed my test after 2 years of lessons) and turned 20. Although I maintain that I became a real adult in real life for real (like, really) when I moved out, it wasn't until I hit the last day of my teenage years that I finally realised that "Fuck...I can't use the fact that I'm a kid as an excuse anymore...". This still terrifies me. This was made all the more terrifying this morning when I began to understand that I literally cannot sit around watching TV for more than 3 hours on end without falling asleep any more. I'm getting fucking old.
So with all this in mind, what's with the lack of blogging? Well, primarily lack of internet access tends to be a pretty big reason as to why. The time that I spent with the internet over the past 5 months I had better things to be doing (such as the aforementioned Game of the Year downloading) but also, I've had very little to write about in a way. For the first few months, I was focused on the Luchazine and anybody who kept up with that knows just how much of an abysmal failure that turned out to be. From then on, I've been focusing on writing about movies and...well, writing movies. It's been what I've wanted to do for ages and moving out put a few things in perspective. The result has been that the time I've spent playing video games has been much more about enjoying the games and not really giving a shit about the artistic or culturally relevant nature of video-games and so forth, etc.  My time with Tron, Singularity, Dead Space, Deadly Premonition, LittleBigPlanet 2 and so on has been kind of limited, lacking in focus, but so much more enjoyable in its own way. This time 6 months ago, I was considering writing a book about video-games and where they are right now, but I'm thinking about scrapping that idea entirely. My incessant nature to write eventually, though, means there should be more than a few articles about video-games hitting this blog sooner or later, until I find somewhere more productive to hang my hat. 
True to form, or at least the promise at the beginning of this blog, this post lacked any sense of structure. Working on script notes and short stories may have taken its toll on my sense of prose but I'm sure sooner or later I'll re-discover what it is I'm searching for. 
If you managed to keep up with all this, thanks for reading. You did a better job than me =) 