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Average score of 14 user reviews

Nyctophobia 0

Welcome to Bright Falls.Cue a sleepy logging town. Darkness and fog settle amongst the lush forests and the only light available comes from the stars which pierce the void, only barely. A middle aged man comes thrashing through the woods armed with a flashlight and a pistol. The danger literally surrounds him.  The setting for Alan Wake is the aforementioned town, Bright Falls and playing this action based psychological thriller will see you doing plenty of running and stumbling. As with most g...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Wish I could get back to the light. 0

Dark Void has one of those great concepts that makes you wonder why nobody has thought of it before: A cocky pilot crashes  This man nearly tore the earth in two. Respect him. his plane in the Bermuda Triangle and finds himself in another dimension in which Nikola Tesla wages a war against a species of interdimensional alien-esque beings. Tesla (being the mad scientist we all know and love) builds a jetpack for our pilot hero and...well, you can pick it up yourself from there. It's no sur...

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Curiously lacking in rifles 0

Between Dante's Inferno and God of War this year, it would seem that all the good religions for stylish third-person action games had been taken up. The Greeks have Polytheism and Judaism is basically Christianity at a core level, so unless you want to try and tackle the politically incorrect nightmare that an Islamic videogame would be, then Abrahamic belief is out. Trust me, we don't want to go into the connotations of an Islamic videogame... So really you're left with 2 options: Buddhism or P...

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Say "Hello" to the real Wolverine. 0

  Yeah, that's gotta hurt... As developers continuously work on ways to advance games and the different ways to play them, the Beat-em-up genre is one that is surely dieing out. Western Beat-em-ups are practically unheard of nowadays with only a few frenzied Japanese style based Beat-em-ups surviving the genre, along the lines of Devil May Cry and the upcoming Bayonetta but one of the great things about this medium of entertainment is that it's never too late for a ressurection. It's also ne...

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Batman Beyond our expectations 0

This is just so manly. Srsly. We've all told stories, joked about and generally shunned the genre of video-games that is 'licensed material' at some point or another, so it would be difficult to blame you for having some doubts about Batman: Arkham Asylum. As well as that when Lego Batman is the best Batman game in approximately 18 years, well, let's face it, you might start getting a little worried about your franchise. However Arkham Asylum does stand on it's own merits. It has a lengthy enou...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Episode Two vs. Episode 1.5 0

They wish they hadn't signed that four-game contract...Penny Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode TwoAs far as sequels go in video games, it has become commonplace to label them unworthy of the publicity they arouse based on the lack of advancement. Put simply, if a game is too similar to it's predecessor, many will cite how they feel an 'upgrade' of the first game would have been more suitable. Some deluxe edition made to iron out kinks or simply generate a higher income for...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

This is why I'm a wimp... 0

I'm a coward. Seriously. I am such a coward. And games like these probably don't help. The weird thing is, I was a coward before I played scary games and the more I delved into it, I realised that the thing about them that scared me most was that they simulated dreams that have been freaking me out for a solid decade. Either these developers are probing my brain each night, or I'm an undiscovered prophet.I'm still not sure which.Condemned is quite frankly, messed up. I'm sorry that I'm not breac...

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Jumping the realm of fantasy... 0

Condemned 2: BloodshotXbox 360It takes a messed up mind to compare a game such as Condemned 2 to the classic feel good TV show Happy Days, but I think we'll get there. Happy Days was famous for being great, but infamous for an utterly ridiculous scene towards the end of it's run in which the figure of awesomeness personified as The Fonz jumped over a shark whilst water ski-ing. Not that I mean to demean a power as great as The Fonz, but not even I can overlook such blatant silliness. Ever since,...

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Bioshock or How I Overcame My Cynicism and Faced My Fears 0

Throughout my experiences of gaming, I've often wondered if our relatively new medium of (dare I say it incase of slander:) art could be getting too immersive. Half of the thrill of video games is of course immersing yourself within the world of some alternate persona and in the case of games such as Bioshock in which the player assumes the role of a silent protgonist, it just becomes more inherent. Sure it makes the entire affair feel a little less realistic, with no verbiage coming from this v...

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A niché extravaganza by no minimal means. 0

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode OneThere comes a time in every reviewers life where they must consider what difference their own taste makes. You could have the greatest skill in history when it comes to writing, and you could present opportunities for discussion for years to come with your quirky insights and notice of in-game oddities that nobody else realised but all that makes little difference if your taste differs too vastly fom your target audience...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One Man Army? 0

Playing Geometry Wars 2 made me wonder about the state of video games at the moment. All in all, it's fair to say that the seventh generation of video games has come out as one of the best yet, with retro titles flashing back and forth as if they're suddenly in fashion, as well as they more modern-artique sort of games for anybody who finds themselves lifting their jaws from the floor at the sight of the lusciously erotic new graphics for whatever the hells in fashion this week (Batman: Arkham A...

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What would you call non-nostalgic nostalgia? 0

I'm having difficulty summing up the main theme present within myself as I play Metal Gear Solid 3. With MGS, I'd call it an experience of pure stealth action. MGS2 reflects itself as an awakening of unrealistic reality. And although a big part of me wants to call Snake Eater an event of ultimate modern day nostalgia, somehow, that doesn't sit well with me. At first I assumed it was due to the contradiction of such a phrase that included 'modern day nostalgia' but then how is that any different ...

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A triumphant return for Solid Snake. Or is it...? 0

When Metal Gear Solid was released in 1998, critics and consumers lapped it up. They dug the new means of storytelling and grasped the intense new ways in which a story could be told. Characters were no longer two dimensional and there was a vast moral dilemma aspect introduced which made gaming feel more...real. So for Hideo Kojima to dive back into the world of Metal Gear Solid, many people came to a logical conclusion:Konami were going to have to pull a chicken out of their ass to somehow mak...

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Metal Gear Solid. A triumph as strong as the name suggests. 0

Almost ten years since Metal Gear Solid was released on Playstation and I finally finished it. What the hell took me so long?When FOXHOUND forms as a terrorist organisation, led by Liquid Snake, Solid Snake is sent into Shadow Moses to uncover the truth behind their taking over the secret Alaskan base. It's a premise fit for a movie starring Sly Stallone or Bruce Willis. But this game, and essentially it's plot, becomes so much more than Rambo IV (or Rambo V, now, I guess...)Firstly, that's beca...

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