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Might come alive. Might not have a life.

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  • It's not possible to not love this game.

  • I replayed this game and it was almost as fun as the first time but I believe that KH2 are better, I have to replay KH2 as well.

  • I will never, ever play this again, not without a walkthrough.

  • Fun game with various tasks. Lots of profanity from me while playing it but still I had to keep on playing. It is än amusment game and I recommend it. Good music but the control isn't the best always but it will work in the end with pateint.

  • I really enjoyed this game. I was never tired of it and never felt I should go to the ending. At last my friends did cheer me to finish this lovely game so I can finish other games as well.

    I loved the story and the ending was better then I though it would be. The last boss is now one of my favorites and the final boss music was perfect. I really recommend this game.

  • Intresting story, little scary sometimes and the end wasn't exiting. Not a must to play.