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Might come alive. Might not have a life.

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Theme Hospital and Goat Simulator

Today I tried out both Theme Hospital and Goat Simulator. I used to play Theme Park as a child so the concept was very much alike with Theme Hospital. It's free on Origin right now.

Goat simulator is just weird and of course very fun! I'm proud to study in the same school as the developer did.

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Elf Defense Part 2

Yay! My wiki got approved! I wrote some info but couldn't remove one so it will look like two developers. Well well. At least you now can see I play Elf Defense. See you later because now I will play some levels. Ta ta!

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Elf Defense Part 1

I finally created a wiki for the mobil game Elf Defense. At least submitted and have to wait for the site to get looked at and approved. I really enjoy this game and it feels wrong to not have this game in my list since I play this every day. Crowe your thumbs it will come up at the wiki here.

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Ittle Dew Part 1

Today I tried out Ittle Dew. I haven't tried Zelda but I guess they are much alike.

Anyway. The game contains a lots of riddles and a bit fighting. The riddles so far is open different doors in different ways. The story has some humor and I love the Swedish part of the game (do not worry, it is only a small joke but as a swede it was unexpected).

So far I want to play more Ittle Dew, this girl with her companion Tippsie on the adventurous island.

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