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Average score of 29 user reviews

A Very Memorable Experience 0

LA Noire is a genre breaking game. Yes it has an open world and 3rd person shooter mechanics but unlike many of Rockstar's other games this is nothing like Grand Theft Auto.The game surrounds you in a fully fleshed out version of 1940's LA populated by civilians, trams, cars and stylish scenery. You take on the role of Detective Cole Phelps a war veteran who has firmly entrenched himself into the LAPD. Throughout the game you will progress through the police force earning promotions to different...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Death from Above 0

I have always been interested in the Assassin's Creed franchise but wasn't sold at all till the second instalment. When I found out the next game in the series would be set in the same location as the second I wasn't entirely happy but what comes from this choice is a refinement on everything that made Assassin's Creed 2 great.  Surprisingly Brotherhood has a fully fledged single player that picks up straight after the ending of Assassin's Creed 2. You start as Desmond Miles in the back of a tru...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Bungie Loves You 0

Halo is by far one of my favourite franchises around however; I wouldn’t consider myself a fanboy. ODST disappointed and in my eyes Halo CE is still by far the best in the series. The big question that lingered in my head is would the last true Halo game leave my feeling good about the series. Halo Reach takes place before any of the original games on the outlying fortress planet of Reach. You take the place of new recruit NOBLE Six who despite what I thought is not quite a silent protagonist bu...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I will wait 12 years for another 0

Since a young age I have always been a fan of the RTS genre although, in recent years it seems to have been going through a bit of an identity crisis. I never thought that after all these years what a modern RTS needed to change was essentially very little.  Starcraft 2 has been in development for a long time and it seems as if all that time has really paid off. The gameplay is exactly what you expect from and RTS game with you building bases to produce and upgrade your units before engaging in ...

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The Thriller Continues 0

I absolutely loved playing through Alan Wake and while it had is issues I was excited to continue the story. The Signal picks up where Alan Wake left off and has Alan trapped in the dark place fighting the echoes of his mind.  The first thing to state is that if you bought Alan Wake new this first DLC is free and for free anything is pretty good. The gameplay is pretty much the same as the main game although a few new twists keep it feeling fresh and it had a better sense of urgency than before....

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The game we all wanted 0

Assassin's Creed 2 despite being a nightmare to spell did not really spark my interest at first. The main reason for this is that I was so excited to play the first one and when I did I was hugely disappointed, the main campaign was a drag and those few good moments were not worth the grind. The thing was the game quickly picked up some buzz and after expecting a half arsed cash cow, I was pleasantly surprised.   The game starts you off exactly where you left off staring at the wall of your room...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Insane. Ridiculous. Awesome. 0

Modern Warfare 2 is perhaps the biggest gaming launch in history. With people still playing its predecessor religiously 2 years after launch . The question for most people is the multiplayer but as a fan of the single player from COD4 will the sequel deliver in all aspects.  Modern Warfare 2 has yet another short campaign as it took me about 5-6 hours to complete but I think if it continued any longer I would have been exhausted. The campaign picks up about 5 years after the events of the first ...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hey its Halo without any Halo 0

I have long been a big Halo fan and ODST had interested me from its announcement. The thought of changing the formula of Halo excited me as it has started to get a bit too familiar. Although Halo 3:ODST does not quite do this as much as I was expecting it is still another great Halo experience.  The first thing I want to get out of the way is the games length. Dispite a lot of controversy ODST has a campaign length of about 8 hours which although shorter than past Halo games in no way feels shor...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Exilerating and Excellent 0

Forza Motorsport 2 was an impulse buy for me I bought it for about £10 but I always ended up coming back to it. The thing that made this game so addictive for me was a mixture of accessability, challenging gameplay and a great online community. Forza Motorsport 3 had a lot to live up to after this brilliant predecessor and I am pleased to say it builds upon FM2 and improves in every way.  Forza 3 throws you in to the game in a now common first race in an Audi R8. Instantly the visuals strike you...

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Nuts! 0

Banjo Kazooie has long been a charming platformer living under the shadow of Mario. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts has come along to change all that. This is done in many ways with the major one being a change in gameplay.  Nuts and Bolts picks up with Banjo and Kazooie sat around eating pizza. Yes its deffinately an interesting start. Both of them have put on a lot of weight due to the fact they no longer have to foil Gruntilda's evil plots. This quickly changes when the Lord of Games (LOG) show...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Bad Ass 0

The Battlefield series has always been highly renound for its multiplayer component so how does the series fair when there is a bigger concentration on single player. Battlefield : Bad Company is the game that has taken this leap so does it sink or swim.  Bad Company puts you in the shoes of a new recruit in B-Company a group of misfits and trouble makers who are used as cannon fodder when other troups are too pricey to use. Your squad is made up of a hard nose sargent, a mad explosives expert a...

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Who said budget holidays arnt fun? 0

Wii Sports has always been the best game on the Wii for me sure if I were to review all the games Mario Galaxy and others may come on top but overall it had to be the best. As soon as anyone wanted to play on the Wii you put it in because thats what people wanted a simple game that made you feel like your swinging a tennis racket or throwing a ball. After a while though people start to notice this isn't really doing what I am hence the biggest apology in history the WiiMotionPlus with Wii Sports...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A new level of terror 0

Silent Protagonist IsaacDead Space was put out at the forefront of EA's attempts to bring  some new IPs out and while at first it seemed like a standard survival horror game it quickly picked up steam. It is now known as a very critically aclaimed game and so caught my interest until recently I finally got to play this game. Dead Space is the story of a mining engineer name Isaac who is sent with a small crew to investigate the USG Ishimura a huge planet cracker which has had a communications b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Paradise Found 0

I have never been much of a racing game fan I usually find them repetative and quickly get bored. I therefore thought that Forza would do me for this generation but so much positive talk of Burnout Paradise pursuaded me to pick it up.When you first put in Burnout Paradise you see all of its bad points and I mean every one. Your put in the middle of a big world with very little explained to you. DJ Automica the over the top radio host will explain everything to you but only after you have discove...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Great Experience 0

Resident Evil 4 changed the way 3rd person shooters are played and was one of my favourite games of the last generation. The idea of Resident Evil 5 instantly excited me I was looking forward to see more inovations and new changes to the gameplay.  When the first detail leaked out I was instantly disappointed and it put me off buying the game at launch. Its now a few months later and I have finally played through the game and my opinion has changed completely.Resident Evil 5 puts you in the shoe...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Sleeping with the Splicers 0

Rapture, a vast underwater metropolis created by the 'genius' Andrew Ryan and the setting for Bioshock. After your plane crashes into the see you shortly find yourself in this amazing place and it is instantly noticeable that all is not going quite as smoothly as Mr. Ryan had planned. This is shortly explained by a friendly voice on a radio courtesy of Atlas your friend and teacher. Rapture is a city founded on science and plasmids, which are genetic enhancements made to make everyday life easie...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Fight is Finished Spectacularly 0

I owned a gamecube during the initial Halo buzz and was constantly jealous of the love my friends had for the franchise. As soon as I got my 360 I bought the first 2 games and was instantly hooked. After much anticipation Halo 3 has arrived with the tagline finish the fight which it does and with brilliant results.Halo 3 picks up straight after Halo 2's dissappointing ending with MasterChief face down in the ground of a lush jungle. After a brief intro movie your thrown into the action along sid...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

tnaillirb 0

Braid is a platforming game with a difference. It resembles super mario brothers very much with a very arty twist and has you jumping on things heads to kill them and other familiar things. The thing that makes braid stand out from the crowd is its use of an old favourite of mine time travel. Along with your normal buttons the x button rewinds time and there is no limit to how far you can go so you can rewind right back to the beginning of the level if you wish.This all takes a bit of getting us...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fight! 0

Street Fighter 4 has been a highly anticipated game for many of the reviewers i listen to. However, as someone at an ages that just missed out on the fighting generation and so I followed its progression with fresh eyes and was enticed by the level of details veterans found in the game. Anyway by launch I was excited and quickly picked up a copy with results as follows.The first thing to strike me about street fighter is the games style. Graphics are clean a quite litterally brilliant its unique...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

An Epic Adventure 0

The lead up to Fallout 3 was an exciting one for me. I had always fancied playing Oblivion but I have never been a huge fan of the whole swords and goblins genre, I am more of a gun guy. Then I heard Fallout 3 is just oblivion with guns, I was sold.Fallout 3 is essentially an RPG set in a post apocolyptic Washington DC. You start of as a young child in Vault 101 a place designed to keep good citizens of the 50's safe from radiation. One day your father decides to wander of out of the vault with ...

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Dead Good 0

I have always been a fan of the good old zombie movies. Nothing beats a bunch of survivers fighting for survival against the inevitable zombie apocolypse and as the Bombcast stated this game isnt a game its training.A major problem I have with the zombie movie genre is the point of explanation. " Theres some sort of infection that drives them crazy and they start killing people". This is all wrong if im wandering to work one day and I see someone eating a dude im gonna yell ITS A FUCKING ZOMBIE!...

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Hot for Hero 0

Guitar Hero has long been a popular franchise here in the UK and after Rock Bands disappointing launch in the UK I wasnt sure if adding the whole band to the equation was necessarily the best idea but it seems to have paid off.The first thing that I looked at with a game costing £150 is the thing that makes up the price which is the periferals. The quality is good. The microphone works perfectly, the guitar is similar to the guitar hero 3 guitar but bigger and the addition of the touch strip is ...

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'Insert Cliffy B Quote Here' 0

Gears of War was always my personal favourite on the xbox 360 it bought a new level of tactics to a tired genre. When word of a sequel surfaced I was interested but had a reaction of "yep, another gears game that will be cool." A year later the game is finally here and it really is everything needed from a sequel.Gears of War 2 picks up a while after the events of Gears with a intro cut scene filling the gaps. The first thing that struck me about the game is how much bigger the scale of the game...

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Hero? 0

When Fable 2 was first announced I had no interest in the game until I began to talk to one of my friends who was a Fable obsessive. Anyway the first game sounded like a lot of fun and as I looked at Fable 2 I decided I was going to take a bit of a gamble and give it a try.Fable 2 starts you out as little boy who just seems to be called little sparrow either way you start out with a few small quests that not only introduce you to the world but also help you shape it in some pretty drastic ways. ...

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Chewing at the Leash 0

Lets get things out of the way. I am a massive Star Wars fan, i mean obsessive. Also I was playing on Sith Lord difficulty and the entire game can be extremely frustrating.You play the game as Darth Vaders secret apprentice Starkiller (as if you didnt know that) and the story takes place between episode 3 and 4. The scary thing is for the first time since the 70s the best bit of this Star Wars franchise is the story. It is tied together with a compeling moral choice between good and bad and enti...

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Its been a while 0

Before the days of owning my 360 I played many RTS games on PC from command and conquer to Star Wars galactic battlegrounds. When I recieved my new laptop I new instantly which game I wanted because no one does an RTS like command and conquer.I went into command and conquer 3 expecting a standard RTS you click on buildings to make dudes then move dudes to attack other dudes. However, I was taken aback when I first started playing, the first thing to strike me was how developed the story is. You ...

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Bourne to be Average 0

When the Bourne Conspiracy was in production i was torn the previews and screenshots looked great but at the end of the day does it count as a doomed to fail film tie in. The game was released and had reasonable reviews and as a fan of the grittier spy film i thought it deserved a try. I entered the game on the hardest difficulty setting assasin for the achievements and found it suprisingly forgiving so this is deffinately a tough game. The game enters you with the first 3 missions leading up th...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Lap of Honor 0

Mario Kart Wii Review Ever since Mario has been around there has been a group of sports which the faithful plumber likes to try his hand at. Some better than others he isn't the best at tennis or golf but he can kick some ass when fighting and drift like Paul Walker. The later of these is now out in the Europe and Japan so we have a little bit of revenge for the Rock Band pricing.Anyway Mario Kart is back and put simply its Mario Kart but on the Wii so expect some motion contols. Mario Kart Wii...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

What Happens in Vegas 0

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360) Review The Rainbow Six franchise has always been a great tactical shooter however, the series really got noticed when Rainbow Six Vegas was released for the Xbox 360 and later the PS3 and PC. This game mixed great tactics with run and gun and a mixture of 3rd and 1st person views. The visuals were sharp and the multiplayer became many peoples next generation counter strike. So now Ubisoft Montreal are back with the inevitable sequel Rainbow Six Vegas 2.The Story line o...

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