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My love affair with Halo

When Halo CE was released my home console was a Gamecube and I never got to play that game unless I was round at a friends house. When Halo 2 was out me and many of my friends would meet up and play some CTF on Zanzibar all night long. The multiplayer was like nothing I had played before and it was really what got me into gaming. When the next generation of consoles came out I knew I needed to own the platform that would allow me to finish the fight and I was ready when it came out. I spent the weeks running up to the release of Halo 3 playing through the previous games and loving the storyline. Halo 3 was a slight disappointment at the time but I am still playing the multiplayer to this day. After ODST helping to keep me interested in the franchise I am excited on Tuesday to finally play Reach which in my eyes will always be the last proper Halo game. I never consider myself a fanboy but I am really looking forward to getting my hands on the finished product. Thoughts on Halo anyone?