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#1  Edited By thenexus

@LordJezo said:

So the change has made it so free members only get to watch low quality videos on the site?

Everything now being 360p is killing my eyes.

The thing is the default video has always been 360p. The issue has been that for a lot of the videos the transition to youtube has caused them to be go really bad.

I been going through the giantbomb videos as well as a lot of other game videos by other media sites posted on youtube.

There are plenty of videos on youtube at 360p that look fine to semi decent. The odd GB one even looks fine. What ever it is, from the source file to the 360p version it is converting bad. Always the case you need to use a good source so the scaled back stuff comes out ok, but we of course are not Vinny and team so I not sure of the process.

A lot of stuff game wise though starts at 480p, modern screen sizes and the new youtube offering the size options it does the norm for youtube videos will soon be that one size up and a number of gaming video outfits are already doing 480p minimum.

I just think it is a matter of the GB team to nail the way its uploaded to youtube and then comes out at 360p. Trailers should offer all resolutions as there is no bandwidth issues for GB in that regard. It would be nice to have some of the bigger quick looks & games at higher resolutions, mailbags etc can be low.

Just needs a good balance.

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#2  Edited By thenexus

I have not played any Uncharted games so coming into this with fresh eyes.

From the videos I have just watched through reading this post , for me, I can clearly see it is a lot stiffer in uncharted 3. That outside looks is always vital for the company I work for making and designing websites and web applications. Fresh eyes do not have any bias either end.

The interesting thing here for me is that again Naughty Dog show they are an awesome developer - Every uncharted game I have seen looks amazing, If I was to buy a PS3 I would be all of these to play.


That first blog post - Saying it is exactly the same and then seeing a patch to make the same (because its not) is coming out. If the values are the same how can they make a patch? It would have been great to add to this article what exactly did they find out and what they are changing?

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#3  Edited By thenexus

@TheKing said:

Seeing how the actual game worked perfectly fine at launch (unlike the other "big" modern military shooter this holiday) and they gave everyone a free month I fail to see why people are bitching. Oh right, it's Activision.

When you have pre-order figures, you know its going to be big etc to use the excuse of not being ready for the numbers is a poor one. Will always be so.

The other things here other the fact they should have had a good idea about numbers already is the implementation. You got other similar (and better) things already existing. You have Blizzard under your wing who has experts on this stuff you could at least get what needs to be done off them...... A list of things that could have been done and moreover should have been done is too long for this to be going live niggles.

They messed up.

Admitting it we could all move on but the spin these companies put on it sometimes, first blaming every one and everything else, the back tracking and side stepping just annoys everyone. Clearly not ready - delay it. People will groan but far less then launching something and causing the mess you can see today.

Just something you expect not to see, IT messed up, Ok that is bad and they could have avoided it on so many levels but the handling is what then drives the rage further.

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#4  Edited By thenexus

Just one example of the comments all being said on youtube which really not what anyone wants to see :(

@Anthony said:

Before you hit play you can choose between Streaming, Progressive, HTML5, and Youtube. If you pick youtube it's the same 360p that everyone else gets. When you pick the other options you have the option of different video qualities including HD.

Cool thanks, Wonder if you just went all youtube (As it plays in IOS devices anyway for example) and through the API only show / set the resolution on your site depending on your parameters and on youtube those video resolutions not public. Never worked with youtube in that regard so I not know about that. Vimeo paid service has these sorts of controls.

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#5  Edited By thenexus

@Marz said:

They probably transitioned to youtube because they probably got partnered and can now make revenue off of each video.

There are lots of reasons, some I mentioned in my first post and I do not blame them or complaining about any of them. Overall as I keep saying its a bloody good idea. I think just think the execution just needs tweaking.

Other Media sites do it and seem to be able to offer better quality.

Interesting comments about Screened etc, being on youtube you could run into more copyright issues in terms of people reporting and the random consideration that your videos show to much footage as the Media Mogal lawyers are constantly trolling sites like youtube to pull things off. So even when you have permission they just get yanked first asked questions later.

For Comic Vine and Screened you may see that being a common occurrence.

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#6  Edited By thenexus

It seems Everyone agrees using youtube for a variety of reasons is a good thing, The video quality on offer at the moment though seems a concern for all.

Can I ask the paid guys how it works for you when you view a video based on youtube on the site?

Your logged in and you have the youtube video and you have other control options? Or you still get the GB player and higher quality etc? If you do get the youtube player do you have higher quality selected by default?

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#7  Edited By thenexus

First off I am a Web Designer & Developer and a fan of Giantbomb so I know both sides of the coin when it comes to using and building websites.

Youtube videos by GB Actually is a bloody fantastic idea!

- The video player these days is good, it even matches the style of GB!

- The implementation of the video into the site has been spot on

- Youtube video will help with SEO (Search Engine stuff) and traffic

- Comments and links from facebook back to the site

- The player seems to work lots better for me, faster loading, can skip better and the issues with the Amazon servers, pausing etc goes away with this.

- Loads of benfits for Giantbomb

There are a few more good reasons and it was a great decision overall and I hope it saves money for the GB team.

Now my issue:

Money is tight for me and I will buck up the cash for paid, I love the site. When I can I will. Paid stuff - Great, help BC make money! Yep. I live in NZ so the cost is a little higher so I will when I can.

HD video stuff is as a paid member - Yep! fine, np.


When you have a quick look or a video review ( Uncharted 3 and MW3 as examples) and while I have seen fine 320p Videos on youtube I really am having issues with a number of the videos from GB that are through youtube.

Paid of free a video goes up of a quick look for example you want to look at the game. When I was hearing "this game looks amazing" and when your looking at the video it looks like a PSP game, it just sucks. MW3 video looks CRAP, really does, Jeff looks all pixelated and it looks like old videos from the early days at gamespot.

Really is a step backward in my view in that sense, Full HD as paid is fine, but I bet I am not the only one needing to go elsewhere to view videos of games just to get a better quality. The negative of the youtube is you can click to youtube, see related stuff and go watch them in better quality.

That for me will start driving people away from elements of giantbomb, tested and co rather then attracting them or gaining interest into being a Paid Member, It is putting me off and I love the team and site.

I know the reasons as mentioned why go youtube, overall I am all for it but I think GB could re-think a few things here.

- Quicklooks and game reviews: Would be really good if these by default there were just higher quality. 420p maybe?

- Mailbags, misc videos etc - can be 360p NP.

- Game Trailers - If GB is going youtube they may as well link to these preview videos directly to the publishers/developers youtube videos as they put them up these days. Then they dont have to upload and we can view at 1080 etc.

Basically I think things could be mixed up a bit, where it is a bit more important the video comes out well, little bit higher quality etc, Maybe also how it is converted and uploaded to youtube is off and could be improved on?

Seeing comments complaining about them, MW3 already has a few comments about the quality straight the way and I can only see it grow.

Not a huge poster, up for some flames I am sure but I think I am raising some valid conerns here.

If Other media / Game sites can offer 1080p Trailers (Battlefield 3 expansion pack video as an example) and even smaller sites et can upload videos for at least their tailers and those resolutions and all they all free sites, I am sure things can be improved here.

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#9  Edited By thenexus

Lots of us hoping to play it with the rest of us a bit annoyed by know pacific server information. It still amazes me that they will as everyone else does get a lot of complaints to have them, eventually get around to it and have to offer things as as sorry for waiting. See it all the time with these sorts of games. I would have thought companies would learn that there are people living this side of the world too.

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#10  Edited By thenexus

Nice work.

Some people may not be fussed by this but Sony is trying to prevent any legal action against them at all as legally as they can. They know you and me taking legal action separately will get us know where.

What is worse is what this means, Companies basically blackmailing you into wanting to use their services. What else will they try and include in their TOS?

It is like Game boxes telling you that you agree to the terms and conditions by breaking the seal. The Terms though are inside the box!