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Can website layouts be copyrighted?

I was just surfing around today and as I hit articles that seem interesting enough for me to actually click, I'll click it to open in a new tab and just continue down the page til I hit the end and I'll just go through all the new tabs I have. Well, when I went to an article on I totally thought I had clicked on a GB link. I mean the layout, the buttons and the placement of everything is the same as GB.

I'm not sure if the Gb crew should be flattered, or start calling lawyers over this. I really have no idea if a website's layout can indeed be copyrighted. Or, just maybe, GB had indeed just used a template and I have finally found another website the uses the same template. Who knows? I tried to click around the website to see if maybe some parent company was indeed the link between GB or something that would make sense in having some other website use the same template, based on shared assets or something, but the site seems fairly new.

I don't know, maybe somebody can school me on this topic.