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Championship mode, some thoughts

Can't seem to find matches, giving up and going to blog instead.
But from the 5 matches i had in the past hour or so these are the flaws I still see.

You can still see who your opponent is and kick them out if your hosting. You get some super disconnected "tournament" system which may be great if I can fight enough matches to see how it works. (this will be edited once I get to explore this mode some more)

EDIT: So the reason why people can't find a match is because everybody is broken up by where they are in the "tournament" (1st match, 2nd match etc.) So if you're in the 2nd match but everybody else is in their 1st match you won't find a match. Like with any new system everybody starts off at zero right now, when any computer has more matches (data) to analyze everybody will be sorted out to their actual rank. Freakin Justin Wong still starts off with no points before his first battle. Overall I'd say this patch just fixes what should have been there already and doesn't actually add anything new.

On another note, the SF4 Patch did have some tweaks.

Fei Long's Chicken Wing kick has more start up frames now making all his infinites gone.

Zangief's Lariet has had its hitbox changed so that its smaller but doesn't have as much invincible frames.

WTF Capcom, I want to be able to save my own replays to see on my own FN console. Why the fuck is that so hard for you to understand?

The PS3 has the voting system? voting system? Are you on crack Capcom? AND the only videos that gets saved are the people in the top tournament. Sure that may be great if you want to see high level play (and the 360 version so fucking lucked out by being able to see the inputs of each player). But what most of us really want to see is our own matches. Yes they may not be super high level play, so don't make it public then. Seeing videos of our own matches raises our game since we can see our own flaws and fix them without playing it at the same time. But no, instead if anybody wants to really see their own videos they have to either point a camera at the screen like a bootleg movie or make us hook up a capture card. Honestly Capcom, I don't care about uploading the damn replay, I just care to save and see my own replay. At this rate if we are good enough to make it to the finals, then we can theoretically get to see and upload out own replay. Looking at the "manual" for the update, it seems even if you do win a tournament you can only upload your replay; as in the replay is saved on Capcom's servers. Fucking moronic!!!! Capcom, you can save a lot of money by letting us save our own replays on our own consoles. But no, instead we can only upload one video at a time and it only is going to be one video since it always saves over the older one if we upload a new one.

Ok, to end this on a positive note, I will say this. Capcom has made a new system of evaluating how good a player is. The BP system got broken pretty quick when the upper players had no incentive (or every disincentive) to keep playing. The new system will track disconnectors and is double blind. You cannot change the parameters to one round 30 seconds BS, so something was done right. Despite, having the replay function totally botched (I honestly want to see for myself if lag killed me or my own mistiming which would be great if I could save my own replay and see all the inputs as well), and the tournament mode doesn't really feel like a tournament. Hopefully CP and GP points will be a better indicator of how good a player you are instead of the abandoned BP score.

To reiterate:
Good things:

  1. New evaluation system (may be crap, but I have hopes for it for now)
  2. Double Blind selection
  3. Disconnecters are tracked
Things that could have been done so much better that I honestly think Capcom shouldn't have even dropped these key words to get our hopes up.

  1. super disjointed "tournament" system
  2. replay function
  3. Still being able to kick people in lobby (you shouldn't be able to see who you're figthing til the match starts)
  4. Any difference that the PS3 and 360 consoles get. Its like Capcom wants to give the flame war people some jet fuel. Both voting and seeing the inputs of both players should be in both consoles.