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Now beat a Soulsborne with a three year old and an infant! Everything else is easy.

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Every Game I've Beaten (That I Remember)

So somewhere in the darkness of the late 90s, I decided that the breadth of games that I had gone through merited a list. Perhaps for absurdity's sake, perhaps to try and convince myself to kick the "childish" habit; whatever the case, I now have proof positive that I've done some dumb things in my life, I'm a proud (and old) gamer, and I wish to share that very madness with the Giantbomb community.

List items

  • I beat this stupid horrible game. After trying five different times over decades, it's done. It wasn't even the leveling up that was so bad. It was stupid invisible enemies and bad dungeon design.

  • Dead Space wannabe. Some combination of bad guys just sucked. No real way to kill the leeches and the head-reachy guys. Some bosses were there to take away ammo. Meh, did it.

  • It was pretty good! It was easier than I was led to believe. Definitely more that I didn't uncover, but it didn't make me WANT to uncover the rest. Good though, for sure.

  • Wanted to try one of these in earnest. It was super goofy, a lot simpler than your average horror game, and yet many times frustrating because of the bad controls. How can you have a bow and arrow and not aim?!?!?

  • Pikmin 4 just came out, now's the time to play the 2001 original! It was good, I liked the simple puzzling of it, didn't realize I could "direct" the Pikmin until halfway through. Hated that final boss a bunch, short and sweet. This probably gets streamlined from here.

  • This isn't even the game I beat. I beat TV Animation X: Unmei no Sentaku. Apparently no Giantbomb page for it!!! Anyways, watched that anime twenty years ago and found this PS1 Japanese only fighting game for it. After "learning" the controls in Japanese, it's actually alright!

  • I beat this game in 2023, what a world we live in folks. Had I played this before that girl's campaign in Threads of Fate back in 2002, maybe this'd be on my top ten somewhere. Good charm, good loop, some nice extras. Might even need to try that PS2 sequel no one remembers.

  • So it was kind of the zelda clone that people said it was. For babies a bit, obtuse in some places too, but boy did I just throw my swords/animals at bad guys until they died.

  • Cool little puzzle game, a bit up its own ass, but aren't all of these. The Witness final level flashbacks too.

  • Felt good, final boss sucked with her all-health-red moves. Had to zen my way to killing her. I wish I liked Tekken years ago and got really good at it.

  • I wasn't a car, but I did beat this with a character sorta called Bowel Movement?

  • As much as I hate Raidou, Lei Fang will always be my worst enemy.

  • This game got hard fast. That little Zaku dude was a jerk!

  • Cool concept, more of a boss rush fighting game (like that Mega Man one) than a fighter. Leveling up too!

  • Was this an easier version than the regular? That final boss seemed too easy. Oh well!

  • That Shang Tsung chick wasn't the final boss?!?! That sucked. At least I've gotten better at these.

  • This is some weird Data East Dynasty Warriors 1 knockoff

  • More frustrating target painting. Final boss wasn't as bad. One more to go!

  • Gave this an honest try, and beat it. It was fine, baby's first Zelda in a way. Not as bad as I thought, still meh.

  • Cute, too easy click and point. Right length at least.

  • This really hit the spot for what I was looking for. Felt large, but it ended up being dense and interconnected in a way that made it very satisfying to complete everything. This is the core of what makes Bethesda's games so great! I hope these guys make more like this.

  • Good Obra Dinn-like, only syntax became a bit of an issue.

  • I didn't know this and a couple Azure Striker games even existed. Fine, more Mega Man stuff. This new mechanic didn't do it for me at all.

  • Alright, I figured out you can block and that made this game playable. I liked it! Thought it was too hard when I tried it a few years ago. Now that the sequel came out a little bit ago, I got through it and enjoyed myself.

  • Wouldn't have known about this had it not been for Jan's brief mention before GOTY 2023. And this is a fantastic Mega Man-like. Just when I was playing some others, glad I played it!

  • This game made me think it was a lot longer than it was. And it was meh enough that it took me a decade to come back and chop through it. All done now, got through "that" room, it's done.

  • End of 2023, beat the third one! There's a slight something missing from not getting lost in the maps and not knowing where to go. These games are still great even though I get SO MAD at them.

  • These games are so interesting in their difficulty; you can heal whenever you want with no penalty, and they even save you from death most of the time. It's a stark contrast to alotta modern games. Definitely a nice palate cleanser from Dark Souls.

  • A five hour SOTN? Sure. All girls and maids and an obvious twist? Sure.

  • I didn't know there were new levels in this!! I thought it was just a remake. Boy, the stop-to-walk pause in this killed me a bunch of times, but I liked the boss designs and rolling around with weapons from all three games. Cool!

  • There, first game beaten in 2024, and it's a game from 2019. This was, sadly, just another metroidvania. No better or worse than the others; I guess more normal length. I feel like I barely interacted with the side quests, shard upgrading, all that.

  • Heck yeah, I beat this to start off 2024! Started this at least two years ago, kinda got tired of running around. Picked it back up when I was ready, still love it. Going to take a break, then get going on 4!

  • LOVED this game. Great logic game that I only needed to cheat on the very last one for. More please.

  • And just like that I immediately went to and beat 4. Better than 3 (less blocking). I know 5's the longest, so I'm taking a break here. Excited to get to the more recent stuff though!

  • Beat it with stress but not a TON of difficulty. I did enjoy it, but I don't have nostalgia for every part here. I feel like something's missing that 2 and 3 remakes had. GIVE ME VERONICA CHRONICLES!

  • Definitely a whatever Sonic game. Meh.

  • Beating this 30 years after this came out, that's odd. So it was neat enough; would've probably blown my little mind back in '94. Really this is just to take this large omission off my beaten-games list.

  • This was actually "False Dream", the Exit 8-sorta game. Loved it, guess it needs a Giant Bomb wiki page though.

  • Adorable game. Like "A short hike" but more BOTW in it? Lovely little charming thing.

  • Great! Couldn't tell you what was missing, but it wasn't the phenom that everyone made it sound to be? I played more than 50 hours, final boss was a itty bit disappointing. I'll get to the sequel in a couple of years.

  • I sort of didn't realize this was an easy, FF Dark Souls. This was AMAZING! Such an empty calorie sorta thing that felt great. Final boss was an unfair thing.