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The recent arms race in gaming.

An arms race on par with World war 2 has struck gaming in teh past month with now even Konami throwing it down, plastic instruments.
At the forefront of this is drums:

Our first taste of plastic drums and also teh least complex.
Our first taste of plastic drums and also teh least complex.
Red Octane felt the need to trump Harmonix, silicon drum pads and symbols added.
Red Octane felt the need to trump Harmonix, silicon drum pads and symbols added.
Konami in Rock Revolution just going completely overboard making a drumkit that th average human being wont be able to decipher, or fit anywhere in there house.
Konami in Rock Revolution just going completely overboard making a drumkit that th average human being wont be able to decipher, or fit anywhere in there house.
Now this all came from arcades but what really kicked this off was Guitar hero, that started a chian of events of a brand new guitar and then Harmonix falling out with Red Octane and creating Rockband.Then we end up with a guitar band game and now Konami feeling disgust taht they didnt bring drum mania over sooner.Its getting to saturation point in my oppinion, 3 differant band games, all with seperate peripherals independant of each others for now, we suddenly have an arms race on our hands.

This E3 we got announcements from EA that you can acquire access to create youre own Rock Band peripherals and showcased guitars made from real parts costing $120 and the guitar case shaped like a coffin and with "tasteful" zebra printfurnishing.Or the madcats smoke machine that interacts with the game.

Where going to reach a point where this whole market implodes on itself because people arent going to want to spend so much on plastic instruments which are being iterated on constantly and especially when we have a volatile world enconomy.

This is why i think wii music has the chance to change this whole scene and make the publishers think twice about releasing a coffin shaped guitar case...Just using what is stanadard with the console and what is readily available like Wii music is doingsuddenly makes rythm games more mainstream even if it doesnt sound so great.You could go further and use the camera which all the consoles now have for some kind of air guitar game, imagine just bing able to air guitar and music suddenly become created, it could become a sensation and not break the bank .

Personally i have only invested in Guitar Hero, i intended to with Rock Band but now seeing the new offerings from guitar hero and rock band im going to hold back.Also ive got to eat and the price of food is soaring, i dont wnat to resort to that staple of baked beans.