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The heat, its unbearable.

So its that time of the year Summer!
Personally i hate summer, if only for its going to make a good british list:

1)No amount of suncream prevents sunburn, the brits have somekind of adverse reaction to the sun that it cannot be stopped by conventional methods...
2)When you go from 20 degree's of weather to 70/80 in a day it really opens up your sweat glands, nothing worse than suddenly pouring with sweat because you walked down the garden
3)Its an absolute nightmare to get to sleep.Seriousley this is the reason i am typing this because ive gone 48 hours with 3 hours sleep, and because its even warmer today round my neck of the woods it doenst look like ill get any more sleep either.
4)I suffer from hayfever and this is when the pollen count go's absoluteley crazy and i need to take 4 tablet's to prevent my immune system shorting out, deteriorating and getting flu.
5)This is when the younger kids are off school.I love colege purely because i can relax and make some time without little jimmy riding around and being a nusiance.
6)Media Entertainment just gives up the ghost, ok i like Monty python reruns as much as anyone else but i would like to see something new and interestingwhile i have a designated holiday.
I hate summer, this is why when i went o my european excursion earlier this year i made a point to go in the winter season when it was a refreshing breeze, the joy's of crisp snow and cool air.Oh just thinking about the autumn and winter season puts a smile on my face.Those days where your inside and you really appreciate the solitude that the 4 walls of your house give and you can sleep for hours on end in youre warm and toasty bed, something not to my fancy in the summer.

So now its another night without sleep, i think im going to play some psychonauts again, its on 1up FM's backlog segment and i's always nice to have a referance to draw from, its also one of my favourite ever games,
