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GB Weekly Feed #7 (Feb. 13 - Feb. 19, 2011)

*Image by GB user MarkWahlberg 
*Image by GB user MarkWahlberg 

User Blogs and Topics 

Featured User: aurahack  

Join Date# of BlogsForum PostsQuest LevelWiki Points
 Day One: Arrow Pointing Down 50-99: Aspiring Writer 250-999: Plain Poster 20-29: I've Got My Robe And Wizard Hat 25,000-99,999: The Other Mother Brain
Featured for posting some great blogs on a daily basis. It's usually quite difficult to find frequent blogs that are worth a damn. 

Frequent Blogs and Series


User Reviews

Featured User: AwesomeSauceScotteh 

Join Date# of BlogsForum PostsQuest LevelWiki Points
 Year Three: The Best Is Yet To Come 0-14: Indecisive 0-249: Lurker 1-9: Basic Questing 0: What Good Are You?
Featured for bringing three excellent video reviews to the site this week.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 
Dead Space 2 
Test Drive Unlimited 2 

User Guides

No actual guides this week, but there is this: 

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds - TNT Archive Page 8 by X19, Devildoll, B0nd07, ZeekDaGeek 

New From Origina1Penguin

Holy crap, did you guys write enough reviews this week!? I am glad to see more consistently worthwhile reviews being posted though, so keep up the good work. Let's see some more of those video reviews, too. Oh, and Video_Game_King finally finished his Braid review. Be sure to read it and give it a positive rating. I will probably keep the format I used today for reviews (group multiples, list singles). But, as always, I'll brainstorm ways to improve things and take suggestions as well. 
I'm not sure what's up with the emblems not displaying correctly. I did everything the same as always. I'll create an error topic on it tomorrow if I can't get it fixed. You may also have noticed I don't have one for Aspiring Writer yet. Just laziness on my part; I have the design ready, but haven't actually created it yet. I need to finish a few I have lined up actually. To my more faithful readers: Do you think I should distinguish the top-tier emblems from the rest with a different color scheme? For example, Arrow Pointing Down is the "best" emblem for join date. Maybe use red silhouettes for those? 
I have a few plans for this week. I'm definitely going to start working on my special GB project again. I also have a couple of topics I need to update in the forums. Next weekend will be the March Preview Edition which means a new contest and prize. I have not finalized a prize decision, so I will consider prize suggestions between now and the next Weekly Feed post. 
On a more personal side of things, I bought a new mouse and season one of Archer. That's all for this week!