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GB Weekly Feed #3 (January 16 - January 22, 2011)

New Releases (January 16 - January 22) 

January 18, Tuesday

Upcoming Releases (January 23 - January 29) 

January 25, Tuesday  

January 26, Wednesday


User Blogs and Topics

Featured User: Video_Game_King 

Join Date# of BlogsForum PostsQuest LevelWiki Points
 Day One: Arrow Pointing Down 100-199: Novelist 10,000-19,999: Key-liminator 30-39: The New Brody 5,000-24,999: Game Genie
Featured for beating 1000 games. 'Nuff said.

User Reviews

Featured User: ranger5000 

Join Date# of BlogsForum PostsQuest LevelWiki Points
 Year One: The Wild West 0-14: Indecisive 0-249: Lurker 10-19: Rising Star 1-999: Knows A Thing Or Two
Featured for having several quality reviews on the site and being mentioned before in the Weekly Feed. 

***The website would not display all of the recent reviews for me, so I will update this section when I can see the rest of them*** 

New From Origina1Penguin

Busy with personal stuff this week, so no gaming at home. However, I did get a couple new mobile games including Zombies, a WP7 game which is apparently based off of a board game. I ran some new 16 gauge speaker wire in my bedroom, but I still need to set up the speakers again. Oh, and I bought my ferrets a new hammock. Ooh! AND I watched the entire first season of The Walking Dead on AMC. That show is really good. I hope the rumor of a Telltale game after it is true.
For Giant Bomb, I made a thread with APB Reloaded information. Concrete details are scarce right now, so there isn't much to it. I will edit in updates as I see them. 
For the Weekly Feed, I have a couple changes. I didn't screw up the dates. I have moved it's release to Sunday and will cover the previous Sunday through Saturday. This is easier for me and it allows me to include any late postings from Saturday that I would have otherwise missed. I've also refined my emblem categories slightly. Starting next week, I'll begin including guides from GB into the Weekly Feed as well. It won't always have something though because I only include items that were released the week I'm covering in the Feed. Sadly, guides aren't posted that often. I'm going to look into listing downloadable game releases as well. 
Remember, next weekend will be the monthly special. As always, comments and constructive criticism is welcome. Improve the Weekly Feed to your liking!