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Just hit 17,002 gamerscore. Thank you portal.

Proving that games don't have to be easy to be fun.
Proving that games don't have to be easy to be fun.
I can't believe how much fun playing the advanced maps on Portal over a year later was. I love that feeling you get when you're completely snookered and want to reach out to a strategy guide for help but just push on. Then a few minutes later it comes to you: ohhhhh, i get it, THAT's what I have to do. Then of course you die about 30 times before you get it quite right, but that's all part of the game right?

It reminds me more of classic gaming where it was a shear test of will and determination to get through a level that you kept dying and dying on. Sometime I think that games today are too easy. No wonder they take between 15-20 hours when your shields regenerate and bullets bounce of you like mosquitos.

Why back in my day...