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My Geometry Wars Problem

 That's my brain exploding after finding out I have to score over 40,000,000 on Pacifism to feed my obsession.
 That's my brain exploding after finding out I have to score over 40,000,000 on Pacifism to feed my obsession.

So I met these great guys down at PAX while at the G4 party. Definitely the highlight of the weekend. 
Of course after we got to know each other and suss out that we weren't all complete assholes we traded Gamertags. I hadn't gotten around to adding anyone since getting back from PAX, but noticed a friend request from one of them who ended up knocking me off one of my Geometry Wars 2 leaderboards. And I just couldn't have that. 
I know I have a problem, because I spent the entire night beating his high score. 19,000,000 in Pacifism. I retired to bed a content man. 
Until the next morning when I added the rest of the guys and quickly dropped to top of only 2 leaderboards. 40,000,000 is now the score to beat and god-damn it I'm goign to do it. 
Who knew a few geometric shapes could instill so much competition in a person?