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My Favorite Games

These are the games i always come back to. Some are new, some are not, but they all have spots in my heart.

List items

  • Nothing like bad 3D graphics. Even at the time of its release this game was ugly. But I have sunk so many hours into this game. Played Through it many times. This is the first game i install on every computer, just to make sure it works. There is something about being about to customize everything about your party and character progression that makes me spend a ton of time with it. Plus it has magic missile.

  • Loot, great characters, tweak any time skill trees, loot, claptraps, loot and guns. I have played through the main campaign 12 times so far. Have 2 max level characters (61). 3 lvl 50's. This game absolutely resonated with me, i had to buy it twice.

  • This was my first experience on the Xbox 360, as i was a late adopter of the system. Its depth, graphics and rpg elements blew me away. I logged 25 hours in 3 day mid work week.

  • My first real online competitive shooter experience and a great one at that. I loved the custom models/skins (I played as Lobo and The Tick).

  • Great strategy game. I learned so much from simant, such as ants vomit into each others mouths' to feed one another.

  • Gauss Gun FTW.

  • All credibility destroyed here. Next.

  • ZOMG!! I can customize everything about my character and everyone in my party!?! I got excited just typing it out. Plus the graphics are enjoyable and a great story. I know this is going to be a go to game for years to come.

  • This is what all MMO's should be like :)

  • How i miss this game. Yes i know it is still alive, but it isn't the same.

  • A great game with a lot of great mods.

  • 250 hours, on three different play throughs. gotta love this game. Great atmosphere and leveling system.

  • Tons of hours put on this game on pc and 360. Pc is such a customized experience with a strong mod community even today.

  • Still my favorite Mario game.

  • I wasn't sure if I was going to have SOF 1 or 2 on the list. Still not sure about my choice. SOF2 was a great multiplayer game that i played a lot with my clan at the time. It was the reason to update my pc. SOF1 was great because of the damage done to the enemy models when shot.