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The thought puzzle, Ship of Theseus, asks if an object that has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object.

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monkeyking1969's comments

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This is great - I loved this. Thank you, to whomever brought this together and made this happen. You are apricated for making this happen.

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Edited By monkeyking1969

I have always liked Tim Allen as an actor...not the most spectacular of men; but he can act.

  • Toy Story 1-4
  • Galaxy Quest
  • Big Trouble

That, is a great resume for anyone in Hollywood. He was successful at standup too, and made a name for himself on stage even before TV and movies. If you have no seen Big Trouble, it worth a watch.

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I think the Voice Mail Dump Truck has become my favorite shows on GB.

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I choose this Kenan clap for you, I hope you like it.

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It's difficult to enter into this work of prose because of how the aura of the written gesture brings within the realm of discourse the exploration of montage elements.

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"Serah is secretly a sorceress"

Its a shame that is not a sentence most of us will utter in our lives to anyone. I always find it mildly depressing that most charcter is a story lead FAR MORE interesting lives than I can manage. And, if ista Square games from the 20-aughts, one outfit of their clohthing will contain far more belts, straps, and different colors of cloth than ten years worth of my wardrobe ever will.

I think the is 90% of cosplay that ability to pretend you ARE "secretly a sorceress" and/or "wear too many buckles".

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That girl is on fire...

Baby's on fire

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Its alwasy interesting where people might come accoss games withing games. When you said Nine men's morrisis was in Drown God, I immedialy recalled the first time "I" encontered that game. Its was a sharware diskett of "medieval games". As near as I cna remember there was an archery game, jousting, nine men's Morrisis, and a few cards game I cannot recall ro place.

I played the Nine Men's Morrisis game a good bit, and the archery game while simple was fun for awhile.

What is interesting si so many staragy games often reuse these "pub games" as there puzzles. And these pub games came about because they were played by medieval Europeans. And those medievalEuropeans played them because they were learned from the Middle East by way of the Holy Land.

Maybe I am weird, but I find it interesting to think that some stragegy games have recycled games that has been recucl;ed many times over that have been borrowed/addopted for thousands of years!

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Edited By monkeyking1969

I think the very first Gran Torusmos was about as complicated as I could handle. The game has passed me by, ist is now something I cannever fully finish, as I did the first game.

I understand why GT is now a much more denses game - it is built for the hardcore players who are eSports driving enthusiasts. That is who Kazunori Yamauchi builds these game for, it not for 'normies'. I can admire a game buildt unapplogsitcly for a niche of players. There are few developers or publisher who makes games for niches in the console space.

Yeah, wheel camber and toe-in and how to set that was and is over my head, but I can appariate that level otaku depth. And, I would no change the game a bit to make ist more accessable ot more cool for dude-bros. I love when games are made for me, and I well imagine that people who like Gran Torusmos love that it is made for them.

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Edited By monkeyking1969

I think Elden Rings will have the hardest path to forge being its own thing even if ist does "share DNA with Dark Souls". There are six different set of expection this game carries on it back because of what it is and who made it:

  1. George R.R. Martin
  2. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  3. Bloodborne
  4. Dark Souls (oringal release)
  5. Dark Souls (updated release)
  6. The collective and indiviula fan bases talking incessantly!!!

What gets me is the people who say, 'To know if you will like this game play _________ that From Soft made before.' Uh, no, to know if you will like this game play it. What rotten advice and how dispriting it must be for the people who made it, "Yeah, dude play another game indead of just playing this one to know if you will like....this one."

The pleas to hear a newbies-take and not a vetrans-take, happens with From Soft games a lot. People beg for a a review from a new player, but those get drown out by fans giving their view...yet again. Every single From Soft fan boils into the comments giving their take on every game. It exhasiing, it not helping, and yet it still happens years later.

Uh, let me just squeeze in here....yeah we have been trying to reach you to talk about Bloodborn, Souls games, and Sekiro.
Uh, let me just squeeze in here....yeah we have been trying to reach you to talk about Bloodborn, Souls games, and Sekiro.