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  • THIS GAME IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But more importantly it contains loads of quality content. Interesting quests, unique dungeons, beautiful environments jam packed with lore. 130 hours and still haven't seen it all. I can't say that about any other game here.

  • The dominatrix of gaming. Got two worlds into Demon Souls and quit, but for some reason Dark Souls really grabbed me and wouldn't let go. It hurt, but a good kind of hurt...

    Being thrown into a world with no hand holding not knowing what anything did was refreshing, especially when games don't do that any more. Made me feel like a kid again playing Metroid for the first time.

  • MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!!

    Yup they did it, brought MK back to new found glory. Back to 2-D, fun fighting system, loads of awesome modes, amazing story...Wait what?

  • Fun puzzles and a really clever story made me plough through this game in two sittings.

  • Amazing productions values and an interesting sci fi setting makes this game one hell of a bloody jumpy good time.

  • Yeah I know this game came out in 99' son but this online release made me fall in love with the game on a different level. Definitely was my time killing game of the year getting online matches in when I could. Q FOREVER!


  • I played this game over a long stretch stopping each time the game play started getting repetitive. With that in mind what I really loved was the art direction and atmosphere this game put down. Some old school platforming was fun to do but the game lingered on in a few sections. Hope they learn and make another.

  • Best downloadable game I have ever played. Fun game play and upgrade system combined with a beautiful art style and interesting narration mechanic makes this my number 8.

  • It was one hell of a month when I really got into this game. Got pretty savage at it with my rush down strategy but eventually it just got tiring. Sentinel X-factoring and taking out the rest of my team with chip damage also helped to end my fix.

  • Had it's flaws, but even with those I still enjoyed it and wanted to see it to a close. Here's hoping Bioware's next attempt at DA will move it forward instead of sideways and half a step back.