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2011 Games to Pay Attention To

So while thinking about my 2010 GOTY list, I started to question what was really worth getting excited about in the upcoming year. So here's a list of the games I think everyone needs to keep on their radar, even if we don't know a whole lot about them yet. 
Edit: having made this list, I have no idea what Nintendo is going to do next year. Their big games come out in Q1 and there is absolutely nothing good slated for the rest of the year worth playing. It'll take more than Mario Galaxy 3 this time...I hope they have something other than the 3DS up their sleeve.

List items

  • Apparently it's out in Europe, but that means little to nothing since I'm not paying for points on my European account. I just want to see what all the fuss is about and see if it survived the development hell and the advertising limbo it's currently in.

  • Hopefully it'll be better than the first. Personally I thought the first game was about 3 hours too long and not scary in the slightest. It'll take a lot for me to pick it up, but I'm interested in seeing how it does. That multiplayer though, not interesting at all.

  • I cannot believe it's back, but I could not be happier. The greatest trivia game of all time. I just hope they can keep the humor up and plentiful enough. The past games got a little dry a little too quickly.

    And Cookie better be there.

  • MAHVEL BAYBEEEEEEEEE! Although I'm sure I will not be nearly as good in it as I am in other fighting games (I still want a new guilty gear game and no BlazBlue is not the same thing) I'm pretty pumped up about playing this. There are some...questionable additions to the roster (Seriously x23, fuck off you flavor of the month) but it'll be interesting to see how everything pans out.

    And I am VERY worried about how DLC is going to work.

  • Because I don't know what the fuck dis is. I can tell you now though, I like Catherine more than Katherine already.

  • I just hope it doesn't turn out to be the immense box of wankery that the trailers have made it out to be thus far. Stylistic shooting and environmental bonuses could really be the shot in the arm that the FPS genre needs, but if it's going to play like a scifi channel Bruce Campbell movie, then just forget it.

  • I'm actually quite excited for this game, mostly for the emphasis on story it seems to have. But in that regard, it also needs to play it's cards right. If this is going to be nothing more than shock value set piece after shock value set piece with no real meat to the story, it won't be worth playing. The graphics don't look nearly as good as they probably should and there's a lot of other stuff to play around the same time, so it needs to have something that really draws me in. A war on American soil could be a great setting, but they're going to have to play up the characters and make you care for this game to be successful.

  • I once wrote a very long post on a girl gamer blog about how I thought it was absolutely appalling that Brink does not have female character models. Perhaps that says more about me as a person but since this game has been delayed for almost a year, maybe they'll include that. But in either case, I want to see what this game is going to become because right now, it really doesn't seem to be much more than your average FPS. It has a lot of ground to cover and, while I'm not sure it'll be able to do everything it needs to be successful, I'm very eager to see what they'll do to compete with the heavy hitters of 2011.

  • It's valve, it's portal, it's co-op.

    'Nuff said, day one purchase.

  • The only wii game on this list (seriously nintendo, wtf). Basically I want a new RPG that doesn't have the same trappings as the last few traditional JRPGs. From what I've been shown, there's a good chance that this game may actually be able to provide an enjoyable story with decent characters in an interesting world. That's a lot to ask for I know, but so many other games have done it, you'd think someone would be able to deliver this console cycle. Plus it's got Sakaguchi on it and Ometsu is doing music (let's hope he can break away from too many final fantasy trappings, he sure as hell didn't with Lost Odyssey) so, at the very least, it'll be average.

  • That was a lie, there is another wii game on this list. Lost in shadow looks amazing and considering it's been out in europe for MONTHS, I find it shocking that no one even tried to publish the game in America at this point. It's due out in January and I feel like it's gonna get slaughtered amidst the pushed back cacophony of releases in Q1. But in either case, it's been something I've been interested in for a while, I just hope it's long/interesting enough to keep me engrossed. Wii games have a problem with that.

  • VC2 is shaping up to be my game of the year, or at the very least, my portible game of the year. it's looking like VC3 is making combat more interesting while taking out the anime bullshit factor of the story to make a far more well rounded story that's grim and gritty. You know, like a FUCKING WAR and not high school idiocy. I absolutely cannot wait, and am bummed out that I'll have to wait for the localized version. Hopefully Sega decides to get off their ass and release it quickly over here.

  • I'll tell you right now, unless those open source tools that came out for Kinect got into the hands of every developer out there, I will be playing this game with and only with a controller. But it looks absolutely fabulous and when it comes to music games Tetsuya Mizuguchi knows how to do it right every time. Absolutely cannot wait.

  • I've been saying it for months now, but the only thing Eidos Montreal needs to do to make sure that this game is in every home in the world is a single play through of the first level, showing that you can solve the over all objectives in multiple ways, allowing the imagination of the player to be the key factor rather than skill shooting or boring stealth missions. It looks absolutely gorgeous thus far, and while I have no doubt it'll get delayed out of February, all other games coming out in it's wake will seriously need to step aside. Definitely a heavy hitter for 2011.

  • I know next to nothing about this game other than it looks absolutely brilliant. I simply cannot wait to play it and can only hope it is every bit as engaging as it is lovely to look at.

  • As long as it stays true to the formula created in the last game, we should have nothing to worry about when it comes to quality. It'll be interesting to see how a larger area is handled and the co-op may be a great way of introducing dubiously less insane characters into the fray.

  • I absolutely hated the trailer that was shown during the 2010 VGA awards. I can only hope that someone at EA sports wises up and figures out that we don't want a grimdark SSX game, we want SSX3, in HD with an incredibly robust character creator, at least 10 new tracks and the same great music that always made SSX memorable.

    At least that's what I want. And they better give it to me or I will shit all over this game.

  • Dear lord, remember this game? Hopefully this will be the year for it to, you know, actually come out so I can buy it. I'm really hoping that this game is going to turn into 2011's version of Super Meat Boy

  • Now I'll admit, this is a huge guilty pleasure, but I am totally stoked for the fact that they are making another KUF game that is in the same vein of the original title. the KUF series was the only one that seemed to try to take the Dynasty Warriors formula of massive hack and slash and build new strategy elements on top of it to keep it from being a game where you do nothing but pound the x button for 5 hours. I really hope they streamlined some of the commands for your army and I hope the characters are still interesting. Totally hyped up.

  • I think originally this game was released to keep people salivating over The Last Guardian, most due to the fact that, hey, that game is not going to make 2011. But I would love to have 1080p upscaled versions of the classics they made in the past. As long as they don't charge TOO much for them, I do own them both already, I'll be pretty happy

  • Naughty Dog, Uncharted, 'Nuff Said. Day one purchase.