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2013 Everthing

Bought, played, beaten...everything. It's easier this way.

List items

  • Put in a ton of hours during Xmas break. It's still fun, but hard. Kinda stuck at an Investigation Mission. Ok, Investigation Missions are dumb. I mean, they're cool, but dumb. You have to cheat, if only because you can only have one main mission running at a time. Oh, well. Free XP.

  • The Hobbit gave me the urge to play fantasy games. It's not bad, not amazing, though. I kinda dig the voice acting and goofy lines.

  • Switched off between this on Divinity 2 on New Year's Day.

  • Rental. Not for me. It's fun hearing the music and voices and seeing the sights, but holy shit, is it wordy.

  • Rental. Beat. I'm liking it a bit better, but it's just not very good. The shooting is bland. Big Bo is neat, though. Ok, and French Robot is pretty rad, too. It's better than it initially feels, but it's still just kinda clunky. And that jet ski sequence can eat my ass. Almost done, I don't see how people love this. It's just too slight. Individual bits are fun or weird, but the gameplay is just so bog standard. And done. Ehhh.

  • Crysis 3 is out this year! I never played this one, so I'm going to try to rip through it. It's weird how they break it out into missions but still make it open world-ish. It's kinda smart, I think.

  • Feels REAL dated after Uncharted.

  • Bought. First game I bought of the year! Pretty neat, the first Beck level was fantastic.

  • I keep popping in and out. Bought the 2 pieces of DLC during the Steam sale. Got a shittload of mods installed.

  • Indie sale. Heard it was interesting.

  • Indie sale. Heard it was interesting, wanted to try.

  • Indie sale. Came with Back in Action.

  • Only to number 22 or so. Goddamn buzzsaw. 30's!

  • Rental. First game rental of the year! Uhhhh, initial thoughts...kinda junky. Woof, just couldn't get into this. Doesn't look great, feels janky and cheap. At least it's only $30.

  • Again, Crysis 3 i out in Feb. With DX 11 and High Res textures and everything cranked to ultra...damn, this game looks great. It's much more CoD than the previous 2, but godDAMN, does it look good. Got past where I'd gotten stuck back when I rented it when it first came out. Goddamn checkpoints. Fuck helicopters.

  • Quit after the first level. Picked it up in some indie bundle, have NO interest in it. Kinda lemmings-y.

  • I mostly play this on my iPhone, but it runs better and looks nicer on the computer. It's neat, but I'm not very good at it.

  • Every 6-8 months, I come back to this game, play for about 6 hours and then put it down. Its my rainy sunday morning game. Beat a chapter and half about 30 minutes left on one. I might pop it back in tomorrow...or in 6 months...

  • Looks neat as hell. Crazy game.

  • Ok, yeah. This is weird. The nerdy asshole who talks everytime you save your game is pretty great.

  • Let's see if I can get a little further. It's nice and looks cool...but a little wordy.

  • Beat. Another one of those off and on games. Started back up at Chapter 12 this time. I think I've got about a quarter of the game left, so that's cool. Probably beat it this time. I've never really been good at these crazier character action games. This is way better than Ninja Gaiden and DMC, though. Ok, almost done. Man, this game is weird. Ok, done. Man, this game is weird. Stupid multiple endings and multiple end bosses! Anyway, good game. Still not quite my cup o' tea, but well done insanity.

  • Not my kind of game. I never played the original style. But I'm kinda liking it! It's nice enough to run in the background while at work.

  • I don't know why, but I'm letting myself be sucked into this game. I just know the second I lose a kajillion souls, I'm done. But I'm not there yet...Got to Undead Parish, got the Drake Sword, feeling more confident.

  • Bought! Daily deal.

  • Rental. Beat. 2nd game rental of the year! Never been a fan of the DMC series. Dante is such a twat. But, nothing else is out, so...And this is pretty cool. Did two levels, got some more weaps, kinda digging it. I beat it this weekend, thought it was really fucking good. Just had a blast playing this, though. Some AMAZING level design, they really knocked it out of the fucking park. The...third? boss fight was great. I like that there's a good arc for Dante, he's an asshole, but he kinda knows he is and he starts to serious it up as it goes on. Good stuff, won't win awards, but for a video game it does a good job.

  • Had this for awhile. Looks nice. Something I picked up in an indie pack somewhere. It's neat looking, but not really amazing or anything. Played about 30 minutes. Probably won't ever play it again.

  • Another game I picked up in some indie pack. Ehhh. Some chill music and cool particles, but no desire to play it again. Beat the first Act and a half.

  • Had this forever, it's always looked too intimidating. Trying to rip through my Steam account in alphabetical order. It's deep and a little dry, but seems neat. Gonna finish up the tutorials and give it a shot.

  • Bought. Sale on PSN. Never really interested me that much, but for less than 4 bucks, I'll play it. Neat game, like the look. Very pleasant experience.

  • Bought. PSN sale. I remember playing an older one. For less than seven bucks, I can play some vidja game golf. Did a little training, fun. Will have to load up a multiplayer game at some point.

  • Rental. 3rd game rental of the year! What a nice and pleasant game. It's very much a My First JRPG. I'm not saying that's bad, but it is a lot of "wowzers!" and "jeepers!" and hand holding and pleasantness. If I had kids, I would love to play this with them, or watch them get into it. Unfortunately, I don't, and it's a little too much of a kid's thing that is well done than a for everyone thing that's well done. I know that's a weird distinction, but that's the vibe I keep getting. The difference between a well-made cartoon very clearly for 8 year olds (you don't feel ignorant or talked down to watching it as an adult, but it's not...nourishing enough) and something like a Pixar or Ghibli movie (just a movie that's good. Maybe aimed a lower demographic than mine, but containing all the qualities that make up a good movie that anyone can enjoy). Again, that's not to say it's bad. I just don't think it's for me, at this stage in my life.

  • Rental. Nothing for a couple of weeks, wanted to give the game a shot again. Liking it a little better, now. Was really cool to see how much my pawn was used in the 8 months or so since it came out. Still not loving it. Seems a little too janky.

  • Just got added to MAC, I guess. It's like an unfunny Portal.

  • Played the first 2 hours 2 years ago. Trying to beat it this year before the sequel. Still looks fucking amazing. About 30 minutes before the section that I stopped at last time. The monster designs are really goofy. Doom3/Dead Space goofy. Ghost train! Yeah, I think I stopped there, last time. I remember that dude's weird face.

  • It's easier to pop this in to play new songs then dig out my RB3 shit.

  • But sometimes, you just have to siiiiiiiing!

  • I feel like they're cheating on some of the puzzles. Not giving you enough information, so it just becomes a guessing game.

  • This stays installed at all times on my work computer. Great for popping on for a break, get my ass destroyed, then back to work.

  • I'm not a lover of this game or series. I think they're solid, but unremarkable, games. I'll be playing Dead Space 3 next week, so I wanted to fuck around a bit in the first one, which I have on Steam.

  • Never got around to beating it. There's a lot of game there.

  • First time I've ever played a Sly Cooper game. I've had the HD collection for awhile. It's old, but it seems neat, so far.

  • Bought. Neat! Feels a little cheap, but pretty cool.

  • Rental. Beat. Didn't love it. Feels like he B or C team did it.

  • Eh, another one of those audio video sequencer kind of thing.

  • Kinda goofy hybrid RTS/Tower Defense. There's an air of...desperation on it. Like how dirty it was to just combine these two popular things in hopes of getting money. Not offensive, but there's better games in both genres.

  • I really dug Digital, but I'm not having as much luck with this. I don't like the anime girls and all the Korean shit. It's just less interesting.

  • Origin on Mac! so I get to play this at work. Shhhhhhh....I don't get why people get obsessed about this game, but it is fun. Although, it didn't let me start as a married couple, which was weird.

  • Beaten. Fucking finally. Goddamn last boss.

  • And then 30 screaming dude ran over a hill and I was like, "Oh, ok. This is a Serious Sam game."

  • Rental. Beat. Fun! Good times, I really liked it.

  • Rental. It's very Crysis 2.1. Looks surprisingly good on 360. Not gonna both with it anymore.

  • Own. Finally got past that bastard of a 4th chapter. The PS4 press conference made me want to play all my old PS3 games.

  • Own. Really thought this was neat when I rented it. Time to beat. Heard it wasn't super long.

  • How does this game still look so great!?!

  • Owned. Beat. Fuck that last boss, fuck it in it's stupid ass.