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Three Minutes of Hyperdimension Neptunia

Much against my better judgement, one of the games I decided to pick up in the Steam summer sale was Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1. This poor life choice stemmed from a discussion amongst myself and my fellow moderators and I'm not going to go into the boring details. Long story short, it's all @mb's fault. And @zombiepie's fault.

Despite the "ANIME ANIME ANIME!!!! ANIME!!!!" art style not being my thing, in theory, Hyperdimension Neptunia seems like a cool concept. It focuses on four characters, each representing a console manufacturer - Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sega (yes, Sega) and focuses on the console wars. From what I had heard, it has a very self-aware, tongue-in-cheek sense of humour about the entire thing. So for better or for worse (spoilers: it was for worse) I decided to lay down six quid and give it a go.

After spending about half an hour trying (and failing) to get the game to display in 1080p without weird cloud borders filling up half of the screen (like this) I decided to just play at 720p and get on with the game. This is what I played:

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What the fuck is she wearing?
What the fuck is she wearing?
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Where the hell did her eyes go?
Where the hell did her eyes go?
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AAaaaaand that's it. I'm done with this game. Within three minutes, these anime girls are comparing breast size. I've filled my anime quota for the decade. No more anime for me.

I could refund the game on Steam, but I feel like I need to be punished for making such a stupid purchase in the first place. Plus who knows, I might want to revisit it at some point to at least reach actual gameplay, so I can write another over-the-top hyperbolic blog about how terrible anime is.

Remember folks:

(For the record, I like a lot of anime. Hence my bonta-kun avatar)