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A drunklen rant 2.0

So hey duders, I'm rather drunk, and I have a few things I want to say. Firstly, I'm not quite as drunk as I was when I did the first one of these, and the typo in the title is 100% intentional this time. And I'm not attaching this to the forum this timebecause the last time did that stickied the thread to the forum and it was super embarrasing. But I have a feww thigs i want to talk about, so here goes. Sorry if its dificult to underasand due to my alcohol

St Patricks Day

Today was fun. Went to the pub. Drank guinness. Too much. but i do that every year. It was fun. I broke a glass. But that sometimes happens when I'm sober too. I'm clumsy. Either way it was a fun day.

Giantbomb/Wiskey Media

I can't begin to express how thrilled I am for all the guys involved in Whiskey. Giant Bomb teaming up with CBSi, on the face of it, seems insane. Had you siad 4 years ago that this would have happened, I'd have called you a looney and called for the men in white coats to come. It would have never happened, and it happening would have been the end of GiantBomb. But it happened, and on reflection, big company taking over is what GB needs. GB is big now. Big enough that they need that they need someone backing them up. CBS is leaving creative control with Jeff & Co, but giving them the financial backing to do what they want to do. That's the way to go, because it gives the guys more money to do the shit they want to, and they still get to decide what shit they want to do.

Also, Will & Norm over at tested are working with the Mythbusters guys. That's crazy. I've mentioned before (as have other people) that the tested crew were like the mythbusters of whiskey, so that's a perfect fit. the redesign was a little jarring, but ultimatley the jamie and adam heavy branding is just that, it's a branding thing. it's to attract new people to the site. Will and norm are still involved and the core of the site. I don't care who has their name on the top of the site. As long as will and norm are still involved in the core curation of the site, it's fine with me.

It sucks that GB and the rest of the WM crew will no longer be in the same office. But ultimately everyone seems to be going to a place where they're best off in the long run, so everything is fine.


For those of you who don't follow football (soccer), today in a match against Tottenham, a Bolton player called Muamba collapsed on the filed with an apparent heat attack. The current reports are that he stopped breathing, was resuscitated and is now in a critical condition. I'm a big football fan. Suff like this is deeply worrying. I hope he pulls through. It's tragic that things like this can happen, and my thougts are with him and his family.


Last time I think i talked in any detail i didn't have a job. now i do. I'm also at work tomorrow morning, so rather than blogging I should be asleep. So I'm dumb. Very dumb.

My avatar

Thanks to for reminding me of this one on twitter: MY AVATAR DOES NOT HAVE TESTICLES FOR A MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneoneone

Other stuff

I'm sure there were other things i wanted to talk about when i started writing this, but i've fogotten. I said at the start I wasn't going to attach this to the forums, but i probably am because im both an idiot and less drunk than i was last time.