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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo Impressions

So I guess yesterday the demo for Star Wars: TFU was released on the xbox live marketplace (and maybe PSN, but I don't know) so I downloaded the demo which was nearly a gig. I booted it up this morning and I simply loved it. Let me say that I'm not some huge star wars fan, I have seen the movies a long time ago and enjoyed them. When I was little, I had Full Throttle and it had a demo of this star wars game in it, and I played the demo every day. More recently I got Lego Starwars: TOT, played through it and liked it, and I also used to have the game based on the 3rd of the new star wars movies.

Vader is in control
Vader is in control
Okay so now about the game. This game is so uber l33t pwnage sauce. First of all, in the opening cut scene, you see the apprentice and DARTH VADER talking, and there is nothing cooler than Vader. The game keeps some of the tention from the movies when your master tells you to kill many innocent people and you feel regret but can only say "As you wish, my master".

When gameplaly starts its very intense. The buttons Y, B, RB, and RT, are used for various force attacks that can be upgrated over time for more power. You use X to swing your saber, A to jump, and left trigger to block. The force powers are obviously the highlight of the game and you can tell. The way the apprentice uses them really gives a feeling that he is a badass tough guy. Running into a room and firing three quick bursts of force in an enemies direction cannot be matched by any game. The sword play is also enjoyable but the saber just comes down to mashing the X button.
Odd way to hold a saber
Odd way to hold a saber

The graphics in the game are very well done. The thing that I find weirdest about the game is how the Apprentice holds the saber. Don't get me wrong, it looks hella cool but I don't see how it would really work in real life. Just imagine trying to hold the saber like that and do all these crazy moves he does.

After the demo, I am really excited about this game, but I don't know if I will be picking it up when it comes out just because I don't see too much replayability. It feels like a game that after one play through you're done with it and don't have too much insentive to get back in there and do it again. For this reason, I think I will wait and see some reviews, and then decide if its a buy or rent.