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Wow... I hate Call of Duty: World At War

I finally got my 360s disc drive to start working today so I put in CoD: W@W and although I'm pretty experienced with the games multiplayer (first prestige level 37), I've only completed a little less than half of the single player, and apparently for good reason. Now, by this point, most people know that the multiplayer side of World at War is decent, its fun to play but it copies nearly everything off of the previous game, so there isn't much new content. I've always played the game's multiplayer on and off whenever I had nothing else to play but I was never too interested in the single player but lately I've been wanting to start getting achievements again so I headed straight into single player, from where I had left off previously.

And let me say... this game sucks. I encountered a lot of issues with the hit detection when I was using a scoped rifle and the enemy AI was awful, some of the worst I've seen in recent months. And the fact that sometimes enemies could shoot you from incredible distances away and hit you but at other times be a few feet away and miss many...many times is just unreasonable. After seeing things like this in just the regular difficulty, I can only imagine that veteran will require no skill on outsmarting the AI but instead will be about, camping a spot and learning to throw back grenades with incredible dexterity.

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In the end, I completed one or maybe two missions so I'm a little bit over the half way mark, and then I got side tracked with AIM and decided to stop playing. I think I'll be playing it a considerable amount the next few days because I hope to beat the game in order to write a review about it. But be warned, this game is not good.