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Best of 2010

el_tajij: Best of 2010:

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  • Don't get me wrong, Super Street Fighter IV is amazing, but compared to Blazblue - it pales. Everything about Blazblue - from the tight controls, awesome fighting mechanics, fantastic music and voice acting (that has to be taken with a pinch of salt). A game that really feels like a lot of love has been poured into it.

  • This is a bit of a cheat. I don't actually own a copy (but am getting a PSP and one very soon) - However, have had a little experience with this. The first game is probably my favourite game to come out in the last five years and Valkyria Chronicles 2 follows with just as much strength.

  • I'm a long term Blizzard fan - this would have been my automatic GOTY if Blazblue hadn't won me over! With that said, Starcraft 2 is nothing short of a masterpiece in every way.

  • Shank is a game that gets old very quickly. With that said, the first few hours you spend playing Shank is one of the most memorable gaming experiences in recent times. That super fluid combat struck gold with me.

  • I'm a huge fan of Post-apocalyptic fiction, and Red Dead Redemption showed me how similar the Wild West was to a Post-apocalyptic setting. I think John Marston has to be the most equal-parts realistic and still enjoyable character in a video game yet.

  • Continued proof that everything Tim Schaefer touches is ingenius in it's own way. The way the kids turned into their costumes during battles is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen.

  • I naturally take a long time to finish games. Heavy rain, I finished in the space of two days. Beyond gripping and so incredible how you can get wrapped up in the characters.

  • Though Blazblue is my no.1 - the impact of Super Street cannot be denied. As a certain Jeff Gerstmann said - 'Fighting games are back BECAUSE of Street Fighter IV'.

  • The only game I've ever played in which I actively have to stop myself from playing due to my nerves being shot after about 10 minutes. Genius design.

  • An absolutely insane gallery of madness. That's probably the only way I could describe Bayonetta. A thoroughly enjoyable experience.