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Dawn of War 3's teaser trailer is the shining example of this for me. It's one of the best trailers ever made in my opinion, and I didn't play the game because it was so universally panned.

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@laughingman: Great list! Couldn't agree more with Arknights, it's single handedly changed my opinion on Mobile games. I've been playing it since January and have played every single day. It's just such a damn good game!

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Finished it today. My first Metroid game really (I have dabbled a little bit in Super Metroid, Samus Returns and Other M). Got to say I think it is absolutely phenomenal! Movement and boss fights just felt so good. I thought difficulty was pretty much spot on for me. I actually really, really enjoyed the EMMI moments - the music was so exhilarating when getting chased - had a few really memorable moments escaping from them.

The only thing I'd say is, definitely don't touch this game if you don't have a Pro controller. I couldn't imagine getting through it with the joy cons.

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@laughingman: just looked up your post and you hit the nail on the head with it!

I'm into Chapter 7 now and just being having so much fun with the events as well. As I said, I keep expecting to get burnt out but after almost 4 months I'm finding it more and more fun to play. I can't wait for some of the upcoming events and I'm blown away by the music and UI design. The variety and quality of music is very impressive.

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Maybe it's because I haven't played a whole lot of mobile games before; a little bit of FE Heroes, Terra Battle, a ton of Hearthstone and a few other things but Arknights has been the first mobile game that has made me want to play it over.... Well anything else at the moment. The gameplay is just so damn fun and the levels are so well designed. It helps that I'm a big fire emblem/Valkyries chronicles/tactical strategy fan and it's hitting that same kind of feeling for me with the squad building, despite being a tower defence hybrid.

I'm about 3 and a half months in now and unlike other mobile games I've played that are flashy at first and then get tired quickly it's just getting more and more fun to play. Any other Arknights fans on GB?

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My heart goes out to people having issues but I can only talk of my experience and 22 hours in and this game has been blowing my mind. I'm finding the city just so incredibly immersive to hang out and drive around in. The stealth/melee/shooting/hacking combat loop has given me some of the most memorable video game fights I've had in forever making side missions more engaging than most central story stuff from most games. Quickhacking makes for a cool way of handling traditional RPG 'Spellcasting'.

So yeah, playing System shock, Thief, Deus Ex and Shadowrun growing up and watching stuff like the Matrix and this game is like a lifelong dream to me.

Cheramigh Leigh is killing it as V as well. She's making V such a likeable protagonist. To say the least I am loving the game. It's exceeded my expectations!

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Hey guys, I picked this up on PC on launch. Really want to play through again on switch for travelling next week but I've heard terrible things about the port that have now been made slightly better with patches.

Just wondering if anyone had played the current version and knew if it's in a decently playable/stable state?

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I'm 100 hours in, finished a normal/classic run and now making my way through a hard/classic. I absolutely adore this game. I would agree the difficulty is probably a sticking point for some people, but also I get the impression that the mechanics must be extremely difficult to balance. I can't really think of any suggestions that would improve it.

I've had plenty of moments where a character I love is on the verge of death and juuuust manages to survive or fight off an enemy that I thought would be the death of them. Its those moments that make the game.

I definitely recommend to people who are playing on normal to not touch the grindable battles as it over levels your characters.

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Loving the positive responses so far! I was thinking the lack of posts on this forum a doomsay to the general GB feeling towards it.

I should have added to my original post, what house is everyone thinking?

I'm having a super tough time deciding, but I think I'm maybe swayed by Black Eagles.... This seems to change 2 hourly though.

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Fire Emblem seems to be one of the most divisive series out there with it's constant 'old crowd versus new crowd' community disagreements, but personally this is my most anticipated game of the year. I just really have fun playing these games and I'm super excited to play this, no matter how it turns out.

How are we feeling about this one guys?