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Versus Anxiety Post 1 - Introduction and Table of Contents

Hello and welcome to a new mini-series blog of sorts in regards to my recent spell with anxiety. It may be weird for me to write about my experiences with this condition but there’s multiple reasons why I wanted to write up on it and to share some particular content here on my Giant Bomb profile. My number one reason I wanted to write and share my experiences is that I can always refer back to these blogs whenever I feel like I’m starting to close grip on my battle and road to recovery against anxiety. It sounds silly to write about blogs that were more for myself than others, in a weird way I hope the selected following posts may helps a few others who are doing their best in dealing with their conditions.

The other aspect is tying in Giant Bomb and video games and how much of an effect they had against anxiety. I write about my thoughts and impact of reading Dan Ryckert’s Anxiety as an Ally novel on the second post, which details his decade long bout with anxiety. The third and final selective post is reflecting how much has anxiety affected my enjoyment of video games. I enjoyed writing up these pieces and hope that folks find them interesting to read at the very least. Anxiety is a condition that is hell to live with and no current cure to make it go away. Those who are living with it know how debilitating anxiety does to the body mentally and physically. I hope those that haven’t experienced full blown anxiety continue to live out their lives to the fullest and provide the utmost support and empathy to close ones who are suffering with this damn condition.

Below are links to my other posts around anxiety which details my brief personal recent account of experiencing extreme anxiety and panic attacks, my thoughts on a self-help book I read after finishing Anxiety as an Ally, and my personal lessons learned about anxiety and what tools worked and didn’t work on my bout against the condition. Don’t take what I say as the gospel and would advise folks to do their research and seek professional assistance if your condition gets very serious. At least I hope that I can provide a bit of ease in sharing my experiences as much as Dan’s novel did to me.

Thanks for reading and I’ll be back with more interesting video game content on Giant Bomb.

02 - Anxiety as An Ally

03 - Has Anxiety Affected My Enjoyment of Video Games?


Wordpress Entries on My Extended Experiences with Anxiety

Anxiety Attacks!

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts

Lessons Learned

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